Hamster's Treadmill

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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:22 pm

Last edited by Ege Bamyasi on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ege Bamyasi
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:53 pm

Gentle Reader,

Really not a lot to report, the weight gain that I reported earlier following the harder than expected ride to Nudgee Beach is largely gone so it was only fluid.

I’ve done some quick sums on the amount of junk food I had been consuming. Without any real hardship I can reduce my calorie intake by just under 1,000 per day. Granted with the junk calories I was slowly gaining weight but without them I should slowly loose. Then with improvements to the rest of the diet a good rate of weight loss should be possible.

I had some of my curry last night with brown rice. It could have used a bit more curry, but I’ll still count it as a success. Also next time have to remember not to boil the vegetables to a mush. Tonight it will be some of the chilli with more brown rice. I’ll say one thing about brown rice it leaves you feeling full for a long time.

The workout that I get off the single-speed bike (Jack) is impressive. My legs have just about recovered but it’s a far harder bike to ride than the mountain bike (Bruce). Once I get some lights onto Jack I’ll start riding him to the station, Bruce still will be the bike for wet weather riding though. The reason for choosing a heavy bike for my commute is that it makes my road bike feel really light.

I had a suspected skin cancer cut out a couple of weeks ago and that is healing nicely.

Not really much else to say. So gentle reader, until next time.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby simoncat » Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:50 pm

Hi, Hamster. I enjoy reading your posts. You and my father would have gotten along famously. We lived in the south (U.S.) and when I was young, he would ride his bicycles all over the place. He would take long bike trips through the back roads and knew almost every small store-keeper within a 50 mile radius. In those times, before WallMart, there were a lot of little stores out in the country that were owned by wonderful characters. He would often take our family (by car) to meet the different people he got to know. He also would commute to work, just as you do, although at that time, it was rare to see someone do so. Sometimes, he would even lead bicycle groups on rides and often did "Centuries" (100 miles). He had quite a few bicycles, but the only one I can remember was called a "Bob Jackson".

Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago. I wish he had known about this diet. He had Type 2 Diabetes and I believe he was a Celiac as well. He really didn't eat that much junk food, but he had a weight problem despite his riding. He also always told me that when he ate wheat, his weight would increase significantly, which I think corresponds with Celiac Disease.

Anyway, keep up the good work. Is your wife jealous of Charlotte? My mother would often say, "Better a new bicycle than a new woman!" and we'd all laugh. ;-)

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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:14 pm

Gentle Reader,

I have again very little to report, life proceeds at its normal pace.

My weight is down slightly to 94.1 kg so in the past two weeks I’ve lost 1.8 kg. Really apart from getting rid of the junk I’ve done very little else therefore, my intake of non-nutritious calories must have been considerable.

I had some of my chilli last night and while not a great chilli, actually it’s a very poor chilli but it was eatable and certainly filled me up. The filling power of brown rice is considerable.

I’m putting lights onto my single-speed bike (Jack) and will be riding it to the station next week that is if the weather remains kind. I had thought that the mountain bike gave a good workout but the single speed is way better.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:10 pm

Hi Simon

Sorry to hear about your father, he sounds like a wonderful man and somebody I would have enjoyed meeting.

Type 2 Diabetes is a terrible disease to have. The sad reality is that many are not diagnosed in time to prevent the really awful complications. I was fortunate in getting a diagnosis early enough. Then followed taking Diabex in ever increasing dosage, doctors generally take the easy option and reach for their prescription pad. It was only when I got my diet sorted and settled on an exercise program that the dosage was gradually reduced until my doctor decided that there was no point in continuing with it.

It is difficult to go from being a couch potato to being active. It has taken me around 3 years of fairly consistent effort, walking at first and now cycling. I bought my road bike 13 kms from where I live. I didn’t at the time have the car set-up to carry a bike so off I go peddling along the bike path. After about 5 kms I had to stop and rest (actually gasping for air would be a better description), then after another 4 kms again I had to stop and more gasping. Riding the 13 kms was a major effort.

Following on from that were more weekend rides of increasing distance combined. After around a year I reached a point where I could ride the 13 kms without stopping and then turn around and ride back. Then I started commuting to the station by bike rather than by car. It is this daily 30 kms return that has really turned me around.

If I sometimes sound rather fanatical about exercise and cycling the reason is that without it I probably would have had a stroke or a heart attack by now.

You are right about the impact of Wal-Mart type retailers. When we moved to Redcliffe (only 11 years ago) there were 5 small hardware stores. Then a BIG hardware retailer moved in and gradually 4 of the 5 closed-down.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:50 pm

Gentle Reader,

I have a mixed bag of things to share with you today.

Yesterday when I turned off the bridge into a longish stretch of straight road I spied this dude on a hybrid several hundred meters ahead of me. This is a situation that cannot be allowed to continue. Much hard peddling and shifting of gears follows and I lift Bruce (mountain bike) up almost to light speed (actually 26 kph). It’s the Tour de France and I’m Cadell Evans running down a breakaway. I’m gaining and gaining then I draw along side and pass – Victory is mine! :D

Readers of these scribblings will remember that I have recently completed rebuilding a single speed bike (Jack). Well feeling rather pleased with myself I posted a picture on a bike forum I sometimes inhabit. A couple of positive comments, except that one guy pointed out that I had the seat clamp on back to front. It’s a simple fix but much embarrassment :oops: .

At work there are change rooms and showers in the basement. They have spent mega $$$s putting several entire banks of hot-water units ever since doing that the showers have been intermittent hot and cold. Brisbane might have a sub-tropical climate but a cold shower in the middle of winter is a character building experience :shock: .

Still working on the diet, for lunch I’ve substituted cheese on ryvita biscuits for salsa on ryvita biscuits. Not a huge change but it will get rid of a few hundred calories. The chilli and curry are hitting the spot in the evenings so are a success story that I’ll be repeating :-) .
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:48 pm

Gentle Reader,

The showers in the basement of the building where I work are continuing to deliver nothing but icy cold water. A cold shower in the middle of winter is certainly a character building experience and after my 15 km morning ride I already have plenty of character. Oh well another email (along with dozens of others) has been sent advising of my displeasure.

On my lunch time walk with a guy from work I made the comment that since lifting my activity level I have never suffered from insomnia. Well, of course the very next night I lay awake unable to sleep. The next day I was kind of in zombie-mode. On the train home, I’m feeling awful. What do I do stay on the train and get off at the next stop and take the connecting bus home and then drive back to collect Bruce from his locker, or do I get off at my normal stop and ride home?

The bus trip followed by a return by car would have taken longer than riding so I rode. The ride home went surprisingly well. After dinner it was virtually straight to bed. I had a good night’s sleep and am feeling much better and of course following a cold shower I’m wide awake.

I’m going to make myself another big vegetable curry, but this time less boiling and more curry. Yum.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:17 pm

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Ege Bamyasi
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Sat Jul 30, 2011 4:52 pm

Gentle Reader,

It's Sunday morning here and I have a BIG pot of vegetable curry sitting on the stove getting cold enough to bag and freeze. The main ingredients were 1/2 a bunch of celery, 1 kg of frozen mixed vegetables, 1 1/2 kgs of potatoes, 3/4 kg of onions, some chick peas, some lentils and 2 jars of curry paste.

I've been adding coconut cream to my curries as it give them a lovely texture. However, coconut cream contains lots of saturated fats so I'm starting to wonder whether it's a wise thing to be eating. I'll have to do some research on that one.

I added less water to this batch and greatly reduced the cooking time. With a little luck this won't end-up as a tasty mush. A tasty mush is ok but it would be nice to actually see what it's made out.

Once I have the curry bagged-up I'll be attempting to make another chilli. Similar ingredients to the curry except without the potatoes and I'll be adding tomatoes, kidney beans and chili.

Yesterday I cooked up a heap of brown rice so for the week or so I'll be having vegetable curry and rice or vegetable chili and rice.

Yesterday Hamster did around 80 kms on Jack (single-speed bike), probably pushed things a little too hard, calves are a little sore and I feel generally tired. With only one gear the only way to go fast is by peddling faster and the only way to climb a hill is by peddling harder. Jack's a nice bike but he doesn't do the rider any favours. I'm going to take things easy today and let the muscles recover.

I'm going to start riding Jack to the station on dry days as I feel that his ability to build rider fitness is better than even the mountain bike.

I had better go and bag-up the curry and start on the chili.


Oh almost forgot, my weight is down to 93.2 kg (206 pounds) so in the past three weeks I've dropped by 2.7 kg (6 pounds).
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:08 pm

Gentle Reader,

It’s a cool morning here, but it’s slowly starting to warm-up. The mornings are also getting lighter, by the time I get to the station it’s full daylight. The birds are out so it won’t be long before nest building starts. This morning’s ride to the station was uneventful except that I didn’t wear my beanie, as a consequence my head was cold.

Great news – the showers in the basement at work were lovely and hot this morning. See, complaining and being a nuisance does work.

The curry and chilli are now bagged-up and in the freezer. I didn’t keep any record of what everything cost but I’m pretty certain that it was a lot cheaper than ‘normal’ food. I have some of my first batch of curry defrosting for tonight, it’s tasty but has the consistency of baby food.

I have no idea why but dried red kidney beans here are almost impossible to buy. There are plenty of the canned ones available but I’d rather buy the dried ones. Strange!

Yesterday was a very quiet day, I was feeling tired after riding the single-speed plus a rest day is good as it allows time for the muscles to be repaired. The problem is that if I’m not busy I tend to eat, not particularly bad but the diet did take a turn for the worst. Oh well no biggie – it’s the start of a new week and it’s not what you eat on occasions that’s important but what you eat all the time.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:52 pm

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Ege Bamyasi
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:42 am

I can only imagine that a single speed bike would be a real challenge against a stiff wind or over undulating terrain.

Absolutely right - going along at a constant speed is ok, but climbing is a serious challenge, plus on the way down you don't have the high gears to change up into to get the maximum benefit from gravity. Consequently the next hill is a challenge.

By the way, when you mention this "station," what exactly do you mean? Is it a train station, gas station, or what? I'm just curious.

It's a train station. I have a bike locker (big lockable metal box) there so the bike is safe. I live about 35 kms from work and whilst in theory this is just within cycling distance the roads aren't bicycle friendly. Hamster doesn't have a death wish.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:41 pm

Gentle reader,

I rode the single-speed to the station this morning. All good except one of the two headlights I have on it broke when I was trying to replace the batteries. Oh well they were free when I bought two bike computers so I probably can’t complain too much. I am going to have to rethink the lights though.

On the subject of complaints the showers at work are continuing to deliver icy cold water :shock: . A cold water shower first thing in a winter morning certainly is invigorating. They have spent mega-dollars installing high-tech reverse cycle water heaters to replace the old-fashioned type that was there before. The only problem is that the old ones worked just fine and the high-tech new hot water system is brilliant at delivering cold water.

The single-speed will make a brilliant commuter, mainly because it does the rider zero favours and should be really good at building fitness. The only way of going faster is by peddling faster and the only way to climb a hill is by peddling harder.

The diet is going along ok. The curry and rice in the evenings certainly hits the spot :-D . I’m still working my way through the first over-cooked batch. I’m going to buy myself a larger pot so I can make up some huge batches; it’s probably easier making big batches and freezing it rather than cooking lots and lots of little batches.

My weight has been stable the last couple of days. My belt has come in one notch :) which has to be good but several more to go.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:32 pm

Gentle Reader

Do you ever have days when a whole heap of minor stuff goes wrong? For me yesterday was one of those days.

I had put a set of headlights that I had got as a gift on my single-speed bike so off I go to the station on it. It’s a lovely bike to ride; the mountain bike is strong, heavy and reliable but has a dead feel about it. Anyway, one of the headlights starts to become very dim and finally goes out entirely. Only a flat battery, so I pull it off and take it into work to replace the battery, on opening the light I break a plastic tab which means it can’t be closed. One light goes in the garbage.

Then when I arrive at work the showers yet again are cold. On my way home some bogan (hoon) decides to throw a water-bomb at me. No major problem as I’m just a little damp which dries quickly.

As the remaining headlight is really inadequate I miss a turn off the cycle path and I decide to ride across a patch of grass to get back to the road. At that point a guy sometimes parks a truck and I get caught in one of the wheel-ruts and over I go. Only a minor fall and no injuries or damage except that my second light is totally wrecked. At this point I’m only a few hundred meters from home and on a very quiet street so completing the ride is not a problem.

On a single day I destroy 2 headlights, have a cold shower (in winter), get water bombed and have a fall. Some days a person should just stay in bed.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:17 pm

Last edited by Ege Bamyasi on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ege Bamyasi
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