MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby Broadbean » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:49 am

You were probably really hungry and bored!

Still, I think eating really well MOST of the time is all I can really expect of myself. It's like exercise: I tell myself I'm going to exercise every day, but of course days come up when I don't. But those non-exercise days are fewer than if I told myself, Well, I'll exercise when I can.

So for me, anyway, strictness is a way of keeping slip-ups to a minimum, not avoiding them absolutely (not. going. to. happen.)

Back on the horse!
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:23 pm

Thanks for the support, Broadbean. Back at it today it seems. I ate my normal breakfast. I was halfway wondering if I'd wake up and think "heck with oatmeal, I'm going to McDonald's!"

Day ended up like this. Not entirely on plan but better than yesterday

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: Chipotle bean/rice/salsa/lettuce bowl
S: 2 bananas
D1: corn, mixed veggies, sweet potato
D2: broccoli, peas/carrots, toasted white bread, dab of peanut butter
Junk: 6 goldfish crackers

Exercise: pushups
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Sat Jan 28, 2012 4:18 pm

Not a great week, I ate the entire loaf of bread in 3 days. It was sooo tasty, seems like I'd be happy eating toasted bread for dinner every single day. And of course, that's exactly what I can't do. Jeff's timely post on calorie density reminded me yet again, flour products aren't my friends. I was also discouraged to learn that Chipotle bean/rice bowls, which I thought were MWL, actually do have oil added to both the rice and the beans.

JeffN wrote:This is why the last 5-10 lbs are always the most difficult.

There is literally, no more wiggle room ;)

I can see this is true. I obviously can't afford the recent additions of flour products and high-fat foods. My weight was up today, at 124.4. I'd been in the 121-122 range since the holidays.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:14 am

Not too bad for a weekend

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: rice, veggie mix
D: rice, veggie mix, sw potato
S: kale "chips", dates
extras: hazelnut liqueur, dab of peanut butter

B: oatmeal, cherries
S: plain bagel, dates
L: rice, veggie mix, fruit & dry oats
D: mashed yukons, blackberries
extras: hazelnut liqueur

Exercise: squats (weighted & jumps), pushups, deadlifts

I made kale chips for the first time. Lesson learned: make sure the leaves are dry before cooking. Mine were wet from being washed and they took forever to get crispy. I was worried they'd stick since I didn't have the recommended parchment paper, but they didn't. It was pretty amazing how much they shrank, so that I ate the entire bunch of kale in one sitting easily. I used Mrs Dash table blend for seasoning, and no oil of course. It was a nice change from air pop.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby Rosey » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:22 am

MMMM Kale it is so yummy. I could eat a whole bunch even without it dried. SMILE. It's my greens in my dishes a lot.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:53 am

You know Rosey I never use it in meals since I'm so in the habit of using frozen collards, and I don't think I've seen frozen kale. Maybe I need to branch out in my greens consumption :)

The healthy food gods may have smiled on me today. The junk food bowl was gone from work. I'm hoping they've decided to quit putting it out.

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: rice, veggie mix, raisin bagel
S: sweet potato, apple
D: mashed potatoes, veggie mix, dark chocolate+peanut butter
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:21 am

The office junk food bowl is still missing. :)

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: Subway veggie delite + avo
S: poppy seed bagel, banana
D: mashed russet, broccoli/corn/greens, 1/2 square dark choc.

Exercise: squats (16#), pushups, dumbbell presses (12#), lunges

I guess me and bread are having a re-union lately.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:37 am

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: Chipotle bowl (bean/rice, salsa, lettuce)
S: 2 english muffins
D: hash browns, corn/broccoli/greens, 1/2 bagel, 1/4 square dark choc

Got groceries tonight, so I'll have a better lunch & snacks at work tomorrow.

I went ahead and bought some bagels for home.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:35 am

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: broccoli, corn, mashed potatoes, bagel
S: medjool date, 1/2 sq dark choc
D: (restaurant) steamed veggie bowl, salad, plum wine, piece hard candy
S2: air pop

No exercise today, I'm still sore from yesterday's. I'm not sure what you call it but I lift my 12 lb dumbbells off the ground and push them overhead, then back to the floor. Plus pushups and lunges.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:56 pm

Had a performance today with my music group, plus of course Super Bowl Sunday. Ate some off-plan stuff at both.

B: oatmeal, cherries
S: dates, choc chip cookie, cup of fruit salad, black bean pizza bites
S2: tostitos with mozzarella and bean dip, gin & tonic
D: hash browns, corn/greens/broccoli/cauliflower

I made the bean dip with a can black beans, half can tomatoes, mexican spice mix.

Exercise: clean/press with 12# lb dumbbells, pushups, squats with 12#, elbow plank, reverse crunches

I'm still hungry! Think I'll make an extra oatmeal/cherries bowl.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:45 am

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: rice, greens/corn/broc/cauliflower, sw potato
S: banana, 2 slices ww toast
D: hash browns, couple medjool dates

I took in some canned pineapple as a snack, opened it at work to find it had gone mouldy. :oops: I'd left it too long in the fridge.

No exercise today. It was a super long work day.

Well there's no more candy in the house. I was breaking the last few squares of Godiva dark chocolate into quarters to stretch it out, but it's gone. This is the first time since Halloween I've let the candy stash go empty. I'm not going to buy any more for a while. I'm out of dates too, but I'll probably get more of those. I don't finish them very fast.

I just settled on the idea that bread is my off-plan indulgence. I really like it better than sweets anyway.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:04 am

I had a doctor's appointment today and she commented my blood pressure was really low (94 over something) and asked if it was always low. It's always been 120/80 in the past. So perhaps this diet has lowered it. I'll have cholesterol numbers soon too. Don't really have a baseline for that, as I've never had high numbers I haven't paid attention.

Had a restaurant meal tonight. It was Mexican, and absolutely no vegetarian options on the menu. I asked for a plate of beans and rice. I didn't manage to resist the fried tortilla chips they put out though.

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: 2 slices bread, rice, veggies, sweet potato
S: bananas
D: beans/rice, fried tortilla chips

I'm kinda bummed that my weight is up lately. Seems like it's not just water or temporary bloat. I was 124.0 at the doctor's office (with clothes) and my pants are feeling tighter in the waist.
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:55 am

I made artisan bread this weekend using the "artisan bread in 5 minutes a day" recipe. It was the first time I've had success with making bread by hand. The only thing that went wrong was it stuck badly to the textured pizza pan I cooked it on, so the bottom crust got damaged. Next time I'll use a cookie sheet. It was really tasty though, and had a good texture.

A friend gifted me some homemade soup, but I couldn't eat much due to how very salty it tasted. I had a couple bowls and gave the rest to the DF. He thought the salt level tasted normal.

My weight was back down to 121.8 last time I checked.

Today's food

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: veggie mix, hash browns, bread
D1: repeat of lunch
D2: rice, sweet potato, veggie mix
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:48 pm

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have no desire for candy today. The heart-shaped box of candy used to be the whole point of the holiday to me. Now I'm thinking, how about some nice raspberries?
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Re: MmmCarb's Good Food Journal

Postby MmmCarbs » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:42 am

Well I got the raspberries but a few Girardelli squares as well. Shared some with the DF so they won't last long.

My weight was 123.8 this morning. It's looking like I really am gaining. The bread is the obvious culprit but I'm just not ready to ban it from my diet again. I'm going to try the tip I've read here about eating the veggies first, and saving the starch for dessert. I think I can also tighten up the weekend extras.

B: oatmeal, cherries
L: veggies, hash browns
S: banana, dab of leftover spaghetti with sauce
D: veggies, pineapple, hash browns
extras: girardelli choc/caramel square
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