My Daily "Weighing in"

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:16 am

Today's goal is to get back to the MWL 10 points. I have mixed beans soaking and will make bean soup from the Vegan Under Pressure cookbook. This is one of my favorites ! I will also cook some potatoes and chop up cauliflower (broccoli is already done).

Yesterday I made hummus but followed a recipe that had me add 1/4 cup of tahini . That's a lot ! I was feeling evil :angry: when making it (in attitude and within myself). I will dump it today and make the kind with no tahini. I must do it in the morning. I am weaker in the afternoon.

The plan is to get my walk in (it is nice and cool outside), shower, do what I said in the above paragraph and drink lots of water and herbal tea.

Plan: Breakfast will be oats/buckwheat mix, flax seed and blueberries
Lunch: large salad with balsamic vinegar , bean soup
Dinner: small salad, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, potatoes, ......and something else ??? maybe another potato or sweet potato
after dinner will be strawberries. We are going to get some from a farm near by.

So excited to get Michigan strawberries today !!

Turning it around today! Feeling much better !
Now I must be consistent and persistent !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:06 pm

Wow! No posts since Saturday? I thought I had only missed one day !

Exercise today: Walked 2 miles.

After my Tuesday grocery shopping, I ate breakfast and then went out for a walk. It was getting hot out but was nice and breezy. My legs felt heavy and walking was not as easy as yesterday. I persisted for 2 miles and then said: "I am done".

After having to dump the food I had prepared because of a three day power outage, I felt lost in the land of "Now what do I eat?'. Difficult times for me as I tend to just make a couple of things and use the microwave to heat it up. Today I am making a veg soup to have before dinners, cooking potatoes in my instant pot, made fat free hummus, and plan to make mashed potatoes as well. The plain cooked potatoes are for emergencies.....I eat them with my hummus and maybe mustard. I also plan to make those lentil sloppy joes from a recipe by Heather McDougall. That was very good and I put them on everything !

Still not eating the way I want to. I think once all my food is prepped it will get better.

Don't think I will have a loss this week for the MWL board. I am struggling.

My Granddaughter comes over tomorrow ! She will keep me busy!

Hope you are all doing well. I need to read over a few posts from other people and maybe listen to a Dr Lisle talk.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:16 pm

I picked up my granddaughter today and brought her to my house. Didn't have time for a walk because of this . My tracker says almost 3,000 steps today so far. That is much less than normal but no matter, it was a good day !

Having her with my husband and I was so much fun and a distraction from our usual day. My eating was so much better too ! She is vegan so no problem having her here at lunch time. She mostly likes oatmeal, rice, pasta and potatoes. She fills her plate with veggies and fruit to eat before lunch. We made nicecream for dessert per her request.

Today: Oatmeal with blueberries, large salad, my hummus, bean soup, mashed potatoes, corn, veggie soup with beans and whole wheat pasta and an apple. Oh, and a bowl of "nicecream" made with frozen bananas, blueberries and strawberries. Yum!

Still struggling but today was a good day !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:04 pm

Exercise today: Walked 3 miles (YAY). It was MUCH easier today. Don't know why it seemed hard a couple of days ago. Someday would like to walk an extra mile later in the day to make it 4 miles.... I have to work on that one in my brain

Breakfast today: Oatmeal , of course and fresh strawberries (local, SO good !) also a tablespoon of ground flax seed. I have oat groats soaking to cook tomorrow. I keep forgetting to soak them and finally remembered.
Lunch: a large salad with balsamic vinegar as dressing and also about 3 plops of my hummus. I also had a large potato chopped up with multi bean soup on top. That was satisfying !
Dinner: Not sure yet. probably asparagus, chopped raw cauliflower, purple cabbage and broccoli with a dressing on top, and then mashed potatoes with corn.

right now I have Heather McDougall's lentil sloppy Joe's all made and ready to put in the fridge. I will have that for several days. The recipe says 4 servings but it makes maybe 6 servings for me. I really like it ! I put it on everything. I remember several years ago I did NOT like it and never finished it. Tastes DO change. I use to not like salads too and now have one every day !

Well, my kitchen floor is probably dry now. I talked myself into mopping it (LONG overdue). Now on to other things .

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jun 26, 2020 3:16 pm

It has been over a week since I have visited here. All is well with me. I have stopped listening to pod casts while walking and stopped visiting other food plan sites. Jeff N has said something like when you check out other's ways of eating you just make a habit of doing that and you do yourself no good. (this is VERY loosely what he said )

This has worked well for me. I am just eating according to Starch Solution and lost over 3 pounds this past week. I am sure it was a good amount of water weight but I weigh less than two weeks ago so some of it was fat loss too so I am happy !

Mostly just eating oats and fruit for breakfast, my large salad with my hummus and balsamic vinegar at lunch then adding potatoes, rice, beans, lentils in interesting combinations. I have a couple of sauces I add for interest. Dinner is usually steamed veggies with the same foods as lunch. I recently have been having a salad with cauliflower, broccoli or purple cabbage in combinations with dressing. I have had that at dinner time. Trying to stay healthy by adding more of those veggies. It is basically MWL but with a little added to it. I am not in the MWL group this month but I will read what others are saying there. It is such a good group with lots of good ideas and thoughts.

A couple of weeks ago I made up some marinated and baked tofu . It was so good ! Trouble is I ate it in 3 days ! I cannot do that again ! I use tofu for sauces and just use little bits of it for flavor so it lasts a long time.

Today cooking some beans to last for 4 or 5 days. Nothing else going on.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:34 am

I still am walking and listening to the birds and watching the bunnies. Not listening to podcasts etc. If I REALLY want to listen to a certain one then I can listen once I am home. I seem to need the quiet during my walk. It feels like meditation !

My husband and I went to mass this morning and afterwards I put on my walking shoes and took a mile and a half walk before the heat gets turned on too high. Suppose to get up to 90 or more degrees today. That is pretty hot for Michigan !

Breakfast was a multi grain cereal with blueberries. I love oatmeal but once in a while I have to change it up. Tasted good ! I forgot I had fresh strawberries in the fridge.....should have used those. Maybe will put in my afternoon salad.

Lunch will be my daily large salad with mixed greens from our garden, cucumbers, peppers, bok choy, purple cabbage and tomatoes. I put balsamic vinegar and my hummus on it. I love my daily salad !! Of course, I will still be hungry after that so a combination of potatoes and the beans I cooked will probably be next.

Dinner will be chopped purple cabbage, chopped broccoli, onion with balsamic over it. I have a couple more servings of cauliflower bisque left so that will be good as well. After that some more beans with cooked wheat berries topped with basil and some spices. Pineapple for dessert.

Sounds good to me !

I have been reading up on sprouting. I am excited to try it but (knowing me), I cannot just jump in. I have to read all about it before getting the seeds and supplies. Does anyone out there sprout seeds? What are your favorites ???

thanks !
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby moonlight » Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:09 pm

Yes, I sprout seeds. I think they are a powerhouse for nutrition! I like alfalfa, mung, mustard, radish, and broccoli sprouts. I usually sprout each kind separately because they sprout at different rates. Have fun. It's easy!
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:25 pm

Thank you Moonlight ! I am excited to get started ! I want to sprout all of those plus sunflower seeds (which need a flat tray, I think). My daughter is interested as well. Will see how it goes.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby AnnetteW » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:30 am

I enjoy sprouting too, though I tried the broccoli sprouts recently and thought they were nasty. I do love sunflower seed sprouts. I will sprout mung beans and then cook them into a dal. Home sprouted mung beans will never look like the ones you buy, btw.
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Mon Jun 29, 2020 4:34 pm

Oh, that is good to know Annette . I am still reading and gaining knowledge on sprouting. Almost ready to get the seeds ! Just for fun, I am sprouting an avocado pit for the grand kids to see. They are very interested !

Today is a good day ! Lots of fun with three of the grand kids. It was very hot outside so just a short hike with them and then into the house to make camps in the living room. We also popped popcorn for a snack and then outside again to play tag (them, NOT me !)
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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:28 pm

I ate a lot of junk the last two days !! Now I don't feel too well..... Lesson learned :oops:

Continuing to change around who's plan I follow is my problem. I know it is true. I have been a WW member for YEARS and have gotten to goal twice and this last time have gotten half way there. I really believe in the MWL program but feel torn. Thinking about quitting WW and just doing MWL but past times I gain a bunch when I quit WW so I need to make a decision. The new WW program can be followed and still be MWL. But counting points for the foods that are not zero points and listening to people talk about "healthy fats"..... that is wearing on me. I think for the rest of July I will follow MWL and not look at the WW app or read any of their postings. That will help me make my decision. :roll:

Now, I need to decide about weighing myself. How often ? :? I have taken my measurements but weighing myself....hmmmmm. Once a week, once a month, every day????? What are your thoughts ?? In the end it is up to me, I know. Decisions, decisions.....

This is what has been going through my head lately. I need to commit ! I need to look after my health and do it steadily and for life. I just had a birthday and was thinking about the year 2000. I remember that year like it was yesterday. 20 years for now I will be 88 ! That number frightened me when I thought about it. My mom died when she was 88. Twenty years from now does not seem like to far away (suddenly). I don't want to waste those years. I want to enjoy them. I want to be healthy and really live those years and even more years than that !

I know that planning and thinking about things doesn't mean anything unless I DO something.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jul 17, 2020 9:18 am

I have not looked at the WW app and did not attend the WW ZOOM meeting today. I DID weigh myself and I weigh 201.1 pounds today. YIKES! Being over 200 is sending off alarms ! I weighed over that for many years and was so happy to be under 200 a couple of years ago. I cannot keep this up !

I plan to weigh myself daily for now and then move into a weekly weigh in once I get things under control. Really , I DO know what to do .

We go on vacation in a little over a week. Makes me a little nervous. I am trying to look at it as an experiment and making it a fun project to eat as close to MWL as possible. It helps that we will not be going to restaraunts very much. They are busy anyway and with only 50 % capacity it will be next to impossible to get a table anyway. I am taking my instant pot for security. Warned my husband about it. He knows I love it !

So for today, the plan it to have oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, large salad with my hummus and balsamic vinegar for lunch with potatoes. Dinner with be veggies and rice. I have to cook up some more potatoes and rice and prep the kale and Swiss chard I bought this week . I also have broccoli and cauliflower to chop up and clean. Beans is the only missing thing so if I don't have canned then I will soak and cook some up. All this prepping together with laundry is enough to keep me busy today !

Hope you all are doing well. I ordered my sprouting seeds and am so excited to get started sprouting ! My avocado pit that I started sprouting about 3 weeks ago is finally showing a little sprout !! It is just a fun thing I am doing. I will plant it in our garden when I leave for vacation. Don't know what to do after that. This is not the area of the country for avocados.

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:29 pm

The evening has arrived and this is the first day in a long time that I have followed through with the MWL plan. I feel good and enjoyed the food I ate.

I did a lot of prepping today and now have brown rice, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, steamed purple cabbage (had that with a little blackberry balsamic on it for delicious ! ) , also chopped up broccoli, cauliflower, pepper, cucumber, swiss chard and kale. I am all set for today but still need beans and some sort of soup. That will be this weekend's chore !

Success starts with a well prepped kitchen !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby squealcat » Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:24 pm

Still clawing my way back to MWL. It doesn't help that we leave for vacation on Saturday. We really need to get away though. I am bringing my instant pot this time as we will probably not eat out as much or ever. I am thinking that I will join the MWL group again for August. I miss the encouraging words.

That is all I have to say for now. Keeping it simple, short and sweet for now !

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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

Postby jan_npr » Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:42 am

Hi squealcat,

I woke up today thinking that the MWL way may be more of a life commitment. When I stick to it the weight comes off, when I try to be more starch solution it creeps back. I really love the food though. Best wishes on your holiday, and hope to see you on the MWL forum in August. I'm enjoying it there.

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