Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:49 am

August 21, 2020

Weight - did not weigh myself - hubby broke the scale when he stepped on it wrong and a piece on the bottom snapped off

Visited the Maximum weight loss forum and noticed this:

Establishing a healthy way of life from page 127 of the MWL book.
Step 1. Be Goal-Oriented
Step 2. Acknowledge Your Willingness to Pay the Price
Step 3. Educate Yourself, Become an Expert
Step 4. Visualize Yourself as Healthy
Step 5. Make a Commitment: It’s Magic
Step 6. Ensure That Your Environment Supports Your Goals
Step 7. Alter Your Coping Mechanisms
Step 8. Join A Support Group
Step 9. Reward Yourself
Step 10. Keep It Simple

This is so similar to the Beck Diet Solution, just saying the same thing but uses other words. The thing I like about the BDS is that it gives a daily to-do list for each day. And speaking of the BDS, I lasted a week in my establish a new habit. So, it seems like I need to work on and focus on Steps 2 and 5. It is only that I went away for a few days and forgot to bring my notebooks with me. Plus, I am not making a serious commitment and make too many excuses for not doing what I need to do.

For example last night when hubby and I were shopping, I was tempting to buy a particular bag of candy, fortunately it was out of stock. So, I was going to go without. Hubby goes searching the aisles looking for it and comes with and alternative. He asks me if I want it, I say no and he throws it in the cart anyway. Sometimes, his lack of support is so frustrating. And if I say anything, it will just make it worse because he will do it more and more. I have learned my lesson in the past, with him it is just best for me to say nothing and keep him guessing if it bothers me or not -- less tension and stress for me this way, Hence my journal for venting.

Yesterday, I defrosted the freezer and lo and behold, I found some of the black-eyed peas I made I while back. I packaged them in individual servings along with some rice. If I recall, I used Susan Voisins's (fatfreevegan) recipe and I must say that it is definitely a freezer friendly dish. I added some green peas to it.

Today I plan to mow a couple sections of the yard if I can get to it before the rain starts.

Meal plan;
potatoes (boiled)

salad - lettuce spinach beets onion carrot

more potatoes (mashed)
gravy - need to find a suitable recipe (maybe a bean one)
stir-fry vegetables
black beans
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Aug 23, 2020 8:21 am

August 23, 2020

weight - 142.2 -- I am encouraged to see that number coming down but I have to remind myself that the scale only tells part of the story.

Yesterday, was a bust for anything and everything. Hubby tried a new medicine to help him sleep and something went wrong or whatever was brewing within him manifest itself at that moment. We had to make a trip to urgent care . It was about a 5 hour visit, plus the drive time to and from. So, it was an all day trip for me. Because of the current restriction, I choose not to go inside with him. Mainly because he had a face - to -face visit with his new doctor 2 days earlier and then this happened. I was not really interested in entering the clinic, especially urgent care.

After about half an hour, he called and told me they were keeping him for a while and I might want to leave. I called my sister and she said that I could stay there. I stayed for about 45 minutes, then decided to go shopping for a sewing machine for my mom. FYI - our supply chain is affected, there was only a really small one available (we went to about 4 stores) Not even the fabric store had any of the better ones in stock. I looked for one for her about 2 months ago and there was none then.

Finally, got the call hubby was ready to go home. All the really bad stuff that they were thinking it could be all had negative in the testings. But the diagnosis really makes me think about how diet is so important, especially eating things with fiber.

It was late by the time we returned home. I loaded up a backpack with some of the items I will be carrying on the backpacking trip I'll be taking in about 3 weeks and went for a walk in the woods on the ATV trails. I walked about 2 miles out and back and it took me about 1 hour. I have no idea of the fitness level of the other 3 ladies and I am hoping I do not slow them down. I will gradually add weight to the pack so it will be close to what I will be carrying on the trip. It should be fun.

Because of the situation, my eating yesterday was totally off plan. The best I did was the bean burritos fresco style (no dairy and bits of tomato and onion added instead). The positive, I did no snacking between the meals I did eat.

Following my plan this month is a bust. I had my little tracker all printed to shade in my accomplishments. My OCD in me says I have to start on the first of the month. So, come Sept 1, I will do a do-over and this takes me back to steps 2 and 5 - be willing to pay the price and make a commitment -- I am lacking in both of these and it is frustrating because I know better.

I have done it before and I can do it again.

Well, I have lots to do today, (yesterday's chores as well as today's, plus get in some training miles with the backpack) OH JOY!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:10 am

August 24, 2020

Weight - did not weigh this morning

I am slowly getting my eating back on track - Yesterday, I was super tired all day long (could be from the day before (drive and waiting for doctor appt). That always makes me tired. I tried taking a couple of naps, but was unable to fall asleep. At least I had some rest time. I decided to eat a salad and carrots. That seemed to revive me a bit and I got the energy to go out and mow a section of the yard.

I decided to do the hill and only when I got to the bottom and tree line did the grouse come out to chase me away. I think this one was the male (Mike). I chose to just ignore it and continue with my mowing. he seemed to realize I was not a threat and left me alone. I am glad for that because the grouse seem to go for my back and I am always afraid it will attack me. In the past, I always turned around so I could keep an eye on him/her. But, I am finding if I ignore them, they leave me alone although they may follow me along the tree line. Perhaps we are getting used to each other.

While mowing, D2 called and wanted to do a cookout and game night. Once again, my plans changed and I did not get as much work done as I wanted to. But, family time is important.

They cooked up a lot of meat - UGH! I ate: cucumber, tomato, corn, baked beans, a few potato chips.

This morning I started my day with:
coffee ( I am thinking about gradually cutting back)
mashed potato
baked beans


Off to a good start ~
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:07 am

August 27, 2020

Weight - 144.2 I can tell that unless I get real focused, and I mean focused, this is where I am parking for a while. 145 is where I plateaued for a year in the past.

I am getting focused with my food - yesterday, I started my day with:
mashed potatoes

lunch: 2 tomato sandwiches (non compliant because of the mayo and white bread)

Snack - coconut butter cookies - too many, but I am going to give myself credit for being able to stop before the bag was empty.

mashed potatoes

On the positive, other than the cookies, I ate only when hungry. My last meal was after my hike and so it was late. But, I focused on my hunger cues and tried to eat only when hungry.

I am training for the Superior HIking Trail trip and carried about 3/4 of the weight of what my pack will be. I need to get used to carrying the weight. Just found out that the total trip will be just under 12 miles (3 days and 2 nights). I think that is doable for a first time thru-hike. I am so excited for this trip - I bought a new sleeping bag, sleeping liner, tent, backpack.

I was going to walk the trails close to home, but I got nervous when I saw 2 guys stopped by the pavilion parking lot. I never saw them before and my intuition told me to turn around. So, I called hubby and told him where i was and loudly, said "Oh, I forgot something. I need to go back." He met me in his car around the corner. 2 legged creatures scare me more than the four legged ones. Especially on the ATV trails because in the pavilion in the woods (in the middle of the trails where the two trails meet) there is always empty beer cans and liquor bottles. So, I went to the state park instead. While driving through, I think I saw a fisher or some animal of that sort. But the best part was, it was dusk and I was along the river so I got to enjoy nature's show and I enjoyed a beautiful sunset over the river.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:35 am

August 28, 2020

Weight - did not weigh myself this morning, but the other day, I weighed myself before bedtime and it was 142.6 ~ I said, "I'll take that.'

I am behind in the exercise app - I am learning it is too easy to say, "I'll do it later." NEWSFLASH: later never comes. I am working on catching up - Good news is that I I was able to tighten my belt a bit tighter this morning.

Yesterday, we started to head up north, but hubby's back went into spasms so we turned around. Good thing too because I have a dentist appointment this morning. UGH! I was telling every one for two weeks I had this appointment and then completely forgot about it because I was trying to help hubby out.

That is my problem, I put others needs ahead of my own and then I get frustrated. Mostly because the more I give the more others take.

We ate out at an Asian place - I had the hibachi vegetables and requested no oil - I couldn't really tell if they honored my request, I am thinking they did because the sauce seemed watered down.

For dinner, I had one of my dehydrated camping meals - curries vegetables.

I hope today goes well; it is a gloomy day - raining, but we need the rain so it's good
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:33 am

August 29, 2020
weight - 142.2

Totally blew it yesterday. For some dumb reason I made some chocolate chip cookies - the bad way. Fortunately, hubby wanted them for himself and when my back was turned, he packaged them and hid them somewhere. I will NOT go searching for them.

I made pancakes for breakfast yesterday. For the liquid I blend up some of that zucchini. It made a green batter :-P But I think it is a good way to use up some of that zucchini.

I had a mayo sandwich for lunch

Yeah, I think yesterday is a do-over. Hopefully, I will be more focused today. I had a dentist appointment, then when I came home, hubby had to go to town - lots of in the car time. I felt like my day was wasted and totally acted like it and did nothing. Until right before dusk, I decided to get off my butt and mow a section of the yard. I waited too late and the dew had settled and the grass is too long (notice present tense). The mower kept clogging, so I called it quits.

Today, GD1 is coming to spend some time with us. When I think about it, I am behind in a lot of my chores, but mostly because I chose the grandkids over chores and to me, that is more important.

I have to weed whack my trail - the brush is coming back - the grouses (is that the proper plural?) - grouse, Millie on one side and Mike on the other. Plus some ground bees decided to make a hive smack dab in the middle of my trail.

Well, time for me to get moving -
trigrain oats with riced cauliflower and blueberries, beet

lentilogna sandwich
salad, romaine, spinach, beet, celery

mashed potatoes
stirfry vegetable mix

Let's see if I can stick with this menu plan today! On your mark, set, GO! and she is off....
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:39 am

update: just added my weight in the weight ticker and saw that I am close to same weight as I was about 6 weeks ago - encouraging1
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Aug 30, 2020 8:17 am

August 30, 2020

Weight - forgot to check today

Exercise - got behind in my 30 day fit app but got caught up yesterday, today is the last day and I managed to do each day''s exercise, even if it was not on the correct day. I am giving myself credit for doing so.

10 days countdown for my Superior HIking Trail (SHT) trip. I am so excited. I packed my pack with all but a few items and it came to just under 30 pounds and I hit the trails by my place and did a 4 mile hike. I chose to go around the trail where I had to go uphill -- OMG there is one section that has an never ending hill. I stopped to rest 2 times, and talked myself into going s l o w. When I hit the 3 mile mark I was like, I can do this and went another mile. I still have some tweaking to do and need to waterproof my tent. When I set it up a couple days ago, it rained and the outer layer had a lot of moisture on the inside of it -- since the inner is mesh -- that could be potentially dangerous on the trail if the temperatures drop toward freezing.

I posted on facebook my accomplishment and that I was training for my trip and said. "I can do this." My younger brother posted back, "I am glad you can because I couldn't." He is twelve years younger than I am and that makes me sad - he is overweight and suffers from COPD - Am I seeing some motivation for me to get with the plan?? I better!

I almost followed my meal plan yesterday - did not have the salad and swapped broccoli for the stir fry vegetables.
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Postby Morris » Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:57 am

August 31, 2020

weight 142.2 - holding since last weigh-in but not yet where I am comfortable. The other day, I was going to work out in the yard and so I grabbed an old pair of jeans. So discouraged when my fat jeans fit me; albeit a bit baggy but I did not need a belt to hold them up.

I got a call from the nursing home and my dad was out of Valerian root. Couldn't find a bottle anywhere in one town. Found some in another and so I bought more than I needed just to make sure he'd have some. He needs it to help control his shaking. I wasted two hours going from store to store. I wish the nurses would give me a longer time to get the supplies he needs. She always calls when he is almost out. I am frustrated!

And I have to deal with hubby's know-it-all attitude on a daily basis. Here is an example: we have 3 boxes for mail and the ad paper. The board that they are on rotted and the ad box fell off. Hubby went to store and bought some wood to repair and I was and am still puzzled as to how he was intending to fix it. Way overkill with whatever he was planning to do. I got tired of waiting for him to do whatever he was planning to do and took a small slat and put it over the screw holes and screwed the fallen box up. He noticed it fixed about a week later and asked me if I fixed it. I said,"Yes." His reply, "That was a smart idea, how did you think of it?" - Not for sure of his exact meaning, but I think you all can guess how I took it.

Then he hired someone to help put in a post for a pole that he wants set up. I go and look to see how it is coming along and ask if it was going to be braced against the house. Hubby says no but the guy said he agreed with me and thought it should be braced -- oh my oh my! the look of hubby's face and no, it won't be braced because it was my idea. It will get braced when he determines that he thought of it and he can convince himself that it was his idea in the first place.

Venting over! My bear bag for food storage is scheduled to arrive today. I bought a new cooking stove, but not sure if it is what I want to take with me. It states a faster boiling time for water than what I currently have and that may be my deciding factor as to which one I will take because then I can get by with less fuel.

10 days to my trip. I think I have everything I need. I even check the state part to see if a hike in site was available- I may do a test run and all by my lonesome. I am hoping to get one by the water - one thing on my bucket list is to camp by a lake or pond.

Today, I plan to eat:
mashed potatoes

lentilogna sandwich

stirfry vegetables
pinto beans
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:57 am

Sept 5, 2020

Weight - 143.2 up a bit, but within that up and down stuck range

Mentally, I am getting focus on what I should be eating. Emotionally, I am struggling and doing my best not to turn to food.
Mentally vs. Emotionally --> are these the same? I am thinking they are different because my thoughts tell me different than my emotions. This is something I am going to ponder on these next few days.

Countdown begins for my hiking trip. I am a wimp in the cold and have been testing my gear in the yard (sleeping in my tent). It ought to be about 10 degrees cooler on the trip and I'll be further north and near Lake Superior. Not sure if I want to carry the heavier, bulkier sleeping bag or just layer up with the smaller items. What to do?

I have to make this quick today. My meals have been consisting of mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, spinach, broccoli, beets. I am thinking it will be pretty much the same today.

2 of the grandchildren are here with us and there is plans for a "game night" with D2 and her SO.

I have so much to do - one of the things is to master how to tie my Ursack (bear bag) to a tree. Load up my pack, choose my food etc. In addition, I need to weed the garden, mow the yard and weed whack my trail in the woods. Speaking of the trail, there is another grouse out there that does not like humans in his territory. This one is a bit more aggressive. For these being shy birds, I sure am seeing a lot of them.

Have a great day!
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:32 am

Sept, 8, 2020

weight - 141.6 Finally seeing some downward movement - one notch tighter on the belt

I made a batch of Lentil Pie -- it is a vegan version of what we call "Hamburger Pie" which is basically a version of Shepherd's Pie. I first made the original recipe when I was 8 years old and in Campfire Girls (alternative to Girl Scouts). It has been a family favorite since. I converted it to Lentils and the taste is "comfort food" for me. (Lentils, tomato sauce, green beans topped with mashed potatoes)

Went to Taco Bell, I had my standby order of Bean burrito fresco style and added extra tomato and onion and some lettuce. hold the sauce.

Tomorrow is my hiking trip - OMG! once I added my clothes and food to the pack I thought this is NOT going to be fun. The weather is cool now and I am not sure what to pack for clothes -- need to be warm yet lightweight. I am trying not to pack too much extra, but my mind keeps going "What if..." But then I say, "It is only for 2 nights and the pack will get lighter as I eat my food."

At this time, I am focusing on the 'when" to eat rather than the "what to eat and what not to eat". What I mean is that I am paying attention to my hunger cues and how I feel after I eat. Am I really hungry or do I want to eat just for the sake of eating something -- anything. I am really trying to get that "Hunger is not an emergency." engraved into my mind so that I do not think I have to eat something when I first begin to feel hungry. I often think that with our children and grandchildren, we tell them to wait until supper time instead of snacking before the meal. Ought to be the same for us adults.

I think I am starting to get to the point where instead of thinking about food, I am starting to focus more on how my body feels. Eating whole foods instead of refined overly-processed stuff causes me to feel more like my body is actually utilizing what I ate instead of trying to figure out what to do with it; trying to get the clutter out.

Well, going to cut this short today because I have to figure out how to pack that backpack so I can carry it -- good thing it is only an 11.8 mile route over 3 days and 2 nights.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby squealcat » Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:38 pm

You will have to let us know how your hike went. Are you in Michigan? (you mentioned Lake Superior). Are you with other people?
Just curious.....

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Sep 10, 2020 6:54 am

You're going to have so much fun on that backpacking trip! Make sure and journal it here, so we can all read about it!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Sep 12, 2020 8:14 am

Sept 12, 2020

Weight - 143.4 (on different scale) up from before my trip but my waist is more defined and I am sure I am dehydrated because I did not drink enough during my trip -- somehow drinking water directly from a stream and lake was a mind-trip for me.

My trip went well and this morning I am walking almost normal -- I need to stretch out my hips a bit.

We hiked the section of the Superior Hiking Trail southbound form the George H. Crosby Manitou State Park and came out by Finland. 11.6 miles. There were reports of bear activity up there, but fortunately it was south of where we ended. We only saw some grouse and an eagle, squirrels and chipmunks.

There trail was rough, meaning we had to step over rocks, roots, some mud etc. And it was up and down, up and down, not very flat and we averaged 1 mile per hour. I thought it was too hazardous for hiking alone -- too much potential for tripping and falling. No cell phone service was available on most of the trail. Some one brought the Garmin inreach and found out there was no service for that either.

The first night was too cold - we were told it was colder than what was predicted on our weather apps. One of the ladies got too cold and saw my headlight on) I was up putting on more layers because I was also too cold. We got up, gathered some wood and sat around the fire for a couple of hours. She doubled up with me in my tent and we layered our sleeping bags to stay warm. At least we prevented getting hypothermia. Our second night camping went better and it was a bit warmer.

The daytime weather was perfect for hiking. And we stayed at a beautiful lake side campsite. So now, I am able to check that off my bucket list. That campsite was what I envisioned it would be. And, the best thing about that site is that it was only 2.3 miles from the parking lot and the trail was the best for walking on.

Food -- I brought my dehydrated meals I made -- packed way too much. I found it interesting that despite the hiking I wasn't really all that hungry. But, when we had our meals, I made sure I ate enough calorie wise. Meals: Tikka Masala with vegetables and rice, black beans with quinoa and salsa, oatmeal with strawberries and nuts, mashed potatoes. Snacks were granola bars and chocolate covered blueberries, Hi-Chews candies.

I had been wanting to hike the SHT for some time and was told that the section we did was the easier part. So, I checked this one off of my bucket list and have no interest in doing it again. To be honest, even though we walked slow, I did not see much of the scenery because I was too focus on the ground and where to put my feet so I would not trip and fall. Carried about 35 pounds on my back.

Final thoughts -- I'd would definitely do a hike in backpack camping trip again but hike in, set up camp and stay there a bit so that I could actually enjoy the woods and hike the trails without the weight on my back. It was a good learning experience and definitely takes a lot of planning. I have a much better idea of what to pack and what not to pack.

Now time to get to some routine and get all the things done I need to do back home.

I plan to eat my leftover meals from the hiking trip because I totally smooched them in my backpack.

well, time to get back to my daily life here at home....
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:21 am

Oh, I forgot to mention the highlight of the trip was on that last section of the trail we met a trail maintenance volunteer and I was able to personally say "Thank You" -- he said just hearing that was his pay. Wouldn't have had the experience without the volunteers.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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