Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Susan5 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:12 pm

It's good to hear your husband is doing good. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to see him eating in a way that is continuing to cause him damage. I'm sorry.

Thank you for sharing that video; it was very inspiring. I feel like it needs its own thread so others don't miss it. I'm heading into menopause, and it was very encouraging to see how aging can be positive, instead of negative. Pretty much every woman I know going through menopause/in menopause, are dealing with the typical weight gain and health decline. The impression is that it's inevitable. I refuse to believe that, and have been determined to avoid that becoming my reality, so this video was great to see. Thank you!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Susan5 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:21 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:Okay, I got on FB and found an awesome post by a woman in her late 60's...I'm always searching for success stories by women in or post-menopause, because the myth is that once you hit that phase of life, it's nearly impossible to lose weight.

Well, Pamela from FB is a testament to the exact opposite. What she writes is absolutely inspiring and a little bit mind-blowing. She talks about trying to eat only when hungry, but hunger for her was "more like the onset of an illness or an emotional breakdown" so she and her (French) husband set firm meal times of 7 am, 12 noon, and 5 pm. Unbreakable meal schedule (The French are this way, she mentions and I have also read that elsewhere. They eat on time, and they DO NOT snack. Ever.)

Thank you for sharing these finds! Does this lady have her own website? I would love to read her story.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Suey51 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:20 am

So sorry to hear about Wylie's heart attack but very relieved that he made it through. What a difficult few weeks for the two of you. Sending you both a big hug xx
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:05 am

Susan5 wrote:It's good to hear your husband is doing good. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to see him eating in a way that is continuing to cause him damage. I'm sorry.

Thank you for sharing that video; it was very inspiring. I feel like it needs its own thread so others don't miss it. I'm heading into menopause, and it was very encouraging to see how aging can be positive, instead of negative. Pretty much every woman I know going through menopause/in menopause, are dealing with the typical weight gain and health decline. The impression is that it's inevitable. I refuse to believe that, and have been determined to avoid that becoming my reality, so this video was great to see. Thank you!

I agree with you about weight loss in menopause. I always look for women's stories who have successfully gotten fit/lost weight after age 60 or so. However, since she doesn't follow McDougall, I hesitate to give her the spotlight, you know? I mean, she's a hot mama, for sure. She trimmed down remarkably and looks fantastic but her foods are right off plan for us, so...

As for us Starchers in menopause, yeah losing weight takes forever but the benefit of no symptoms...and I'm talking once in a blue moon I'll feel a tad warm, you know? No night sweats, no bitching out. Oh, the occasional weepiness but that's mostly just me. Nothing significant to report. I've been menopausal for over two years, still sense my cycle, but yeah. I love having a steady, stable flow of light, calm energy. If I lose weight, yay!

However yes, I am REALLY TIRED of the scale not dropping. Trying to figure out what to do about it. :|

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Ejeff » Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:24 am

In order to get the scale to move perhaps eating more potatoes both sweet and white, instead of rice. Also making sure to eat a 50/50 plate of veggies and starch usually works very well.

Hoping you can see some changes soon. Glad your pains are less, that’s a big win.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:39 pm

Suey51 wrote:So sorry to hear about Wylie's heart attack but very relieved that he made it through. What a difficult few weeks for the two of you. Sending you both a big hug xx

Thanks Suey51...yeah, it's been a bit wobbly. He's being extra careful about his sodium intake, I will give him that. But he heard the word "moderation"

ha! but we found out that cheese is very high in sodium. Maybe that will make him back off of that commodity, eh? ehem Maybe NOT "cheese in moderation" after all.

but seriously, the word moderation smh Meanwhile, he's already lost almost 20 lbs, just from cutting out that one serving of sour cream per week...or whatever. :roll: Not fair. And my scale stays stuck. *shrug*

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:21 am

Ejeff wrote:In order to get the scale to move perhaps eating more potatoes both sweet and white, instead of rice. Also making sure to eat a 50/50 plate of veggies and starch usually works very well.

Hoping you can see some changes soon. Glad your pains are less, that’s a big win.


Hm you’re right. Potatoes are less calorie dense. Thankfully I’ve been measuring my rice, because it’s also very easy to overeat rice. And I have gotten away from the 50/50 plate. Hm good advice. Thanks Erin :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:55 am

Well, winter has hit. Lately in Utah, seems the first real winter storm comes around mid-February. That's how it is this year, and last year was the same. First big snowstorm last year was Feb 11 and this year was Feb 13. And we've been getting snow every day this week. Yesterday we shoveled at about the 2" mark and this morning woke up to at least 4" on the ground. Lovely! Winter at long last. And now we'll watch it extend into at least April, I'm sure. But I'm glad because we are a drought state and it's nice to have some snow pack of "the greatest snow on earth" and our Ski resorts will live!

Food is meh. I'm not interested in "my" food but Wylie made a very decent lentil soup yesterday. Yes, yes he did. No animal nothing. However, he did saute the vegetables in oil :\ and I did have a serving. Lemme tell you, there's 1 tsp of salt in a huge pot of the stuff. Like 10 or 12 cups of food and DANG it was salty. I would have rather had it without the salt in the cooking, so I could adjust the salt content for my own palate. But otherwise it had a good flavor. There was a natural spice from the lentils, a little bit of heat from black pepper, and loads of veggies. Celery, carrots, and onions GALORE. No lie. The recipe calls for 8 stalks of celery, 3 large onions, 6 carrots.

There are other meatless recipes in the same book. I'm hoping he follows some of them :nod:

Thinking about that 50/50 guideline, and remembering good ole PinkRose from this forum. His secret was to eat his vegetables first, and his starch was "dessert" ... and his favorite meal was steamed cabbage and roasted sweet potatoes. He kept it simple, 50% of his plate was veggies, and he ate his greens first. Seems easy enough.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:51 am

Heh, the snowfall the other day was more like 11" :eek: and Wylie got to use his snowblower at long last! I must say, all the white everywhere is prettier than the brown and gray we'd been subject to. But I haven't gotten out and walked in it.

Thinking about how to firmly plant my mind "in the game" and quit piddling around with this. I tried a 10 day thing...not a mini, but just strict MWL without any processed anything. It lasted ... less than 10 days, let's just put it that way. I think I made it 7. The scale didn't budge, something happened that I started eating emotionally, and that's all she wrote.

I was *this close* to signing up for Noom. Thankfully, my turning down the "offer" of a meal tracking "add on" (to the tune of $49 on top of my "free 7 day trial") means that my membership didn't go through. Not that I don't think it's important to keep an eye on your eating trends. I'm jotting down my menus in a hard copy journal every morning. However, I fail to see the value, and I HATE the hassle, of writing down every ingredient of every recipe, in order for their software to calculate the calories. I did that on MyFitnessPal and believe me, it's a pain. I wanted the support and psychology that Noom seems to offer, but phooey on entering all those ingredients. Nope. I trust that eating in the low calorie density end of the spectrum will be sufficient. I don't need to know how many kCal in a leaf of freaking spinach, you know? Do they even know, really?

Anyway, I ended up not signing up. I used my work email to contact their support team and guess what. Next day, junk mail in my work inbox. :angry: :angry: :angry: Buh byeeeee, Noom. Go away.

However, I do still have the problem of not being all in with the McDougall Plan. I still don't know what it will take to immerse fully again, and be gung-ho, no holds barred, no excuses, no cheats or treats. I know that eating a 50/50 plate will help. But my dinner last night was rice and lentil soup. OMG it was so good! But not a single green among them. I think the only veg I ate yesterday was the little bit of stir fry blend I put over some noodles.

What if I just COMMIT and DO IT. How would that be, HEIDI? :\ :| :\ Seriously.
Can't I just put it to the test FOR REALS? I'm 60, menopausal, and my metabolism has slowed down. Heh, even my hair is growing slower than it used to. I've seen success stories of grannies who go to the gym and get fit, Star McDougallers who started this W.O.E. after age 60 and got healthy and trim, random gals in their late middle ages who just follow this plan, enjoy all the health gains, AND LOSE THE FREAKING WEIGHT. It happens. But I can't even do 10 days in a row ffs.

And I'm watching Wylie, whose heart attack turned him around food-wise. He has made a decision to eat low sodium, low (not non-) fat, and in three weeks he has shed 20 pounds. Because he decided he's going to use 1 measured tsp of salt in the whole pot of soup, rather than just dump his Lawry's in it by the fistful, or sautee his onions in 1 TBSP rather than 1/2c of olive oil, you know? He's leaving the sour cream off his GD potato and BAM down two jeans sizes. And he's still eating FREAKING MEAT every day! Including turkey bacon twice a week! Which...they gave him turkey bacon for breakfast his first morning in ICU. After a massive coronary that could've killed him. What the HELL is wrong with people?

Okay. Rant over.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 19, 2021 11:24 am

Okay. I think I know what I need to do.

I'm going to get in on the March MWL weigh in forum. I've read through the orientation materials and feel like I can jump in. I don't think I will enter this late in the month, but I'll get my pantry ready for front loading soups and pack my fridge with green vegs for my 50/50 plates. I have GOT to get it together, and no more screwing around.

Seriously, let's prove that this way does work for menopausal women with metabolisms in the tank :D :lol: :|

I'll be careful and stick on plan for the remainder of February. Here's hoping that the accountability of pitching my tent w. the MWL group will motivate me.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:34 am

So, I am going to join the MWL forum for March, and to fend off the inevitable "diet mentality" where I go berserk in the days preceding (better have two milkshakes and some fried chicken, because starting on Monday, I'm on a diet) I am getting my kitchen ready for MWL. I need to have a clear broth veggie soup already made, and I'll need to keep a supply of fresh raw veg on hand, for front loading.

And my entrees themselves, I am going to keep simple as can be. A starch and steamed or sauteed veggies. I'm remembering a video presented by the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii, where a man spoke about preparing a meal for himself and a guest. It amounted to zucchini fingers and onion, sauteed and served over rice. And the point of his lecture was, we can eat simple. Every meal does not have to be a venture into gourmet cuisine.

Having said that, I also want to prepare a large batch of gravy, and something not-cheese saucy to have on hand. Simple is wonderful, but I know myself and I'll want something creamy and luscious to spoon over my starches after some time has passed. I am aiming for a month of Unprocessed (aka no sauces, which are blended or flour based) but my last try at 10 days ended on day 7 and threw me into several days of almost SAD eating. The *plan* is to go for a month 100% non-processed. The "reality" could well be me after a week or so saying "I want something rich and creamy!" and I'd rather have some low fat gravy to put on my rice and veg, than say screw it and go to Panda Express, you know?

Okay, so here's the plan. Today I'll buy the ingredients for cabbage soup. Tomorrow I'm going to make a huge batch of the stuff, and freeze most of it in smaller sections, where I can get some out later on. Front load soup.

I'm not a salad gal, unless it's drenched in Ranch, so instead of salad, I'll have some easy prep fresh veg like celery and cucumber available. Won't buy that stuff just yet, since Mar 1 isn't until next Monday. Front load salad/veg stix.

I already have rice and potatoes stocked. I'm not going to do anything experimental with the starches. I know how to prepare both rice and potatoes. Polenta? Not so much. I do have lots of spinach in the freezer, and some stir fry veg as well. So I'll be able to 50/50 my plate.

On Saturday I am commandeering the kitchen to make those sauces I mentioned. I can also freeze those in smaller portions, for when my feeble brain thinks it needs something addictive. A good fake cheese sauce will go a long way to satisfying THAT particular foible, eh?

And today, I'm sticking to the program. There is some EXTREMELY good chocolate that I bought myself for Christmas, only a few squares left, and I'll finish that off over this next week so it's gone from my environment on Mar 1. There's some granola bars that I'll need to toss or give away. There's Starburst and Skittles as well. They can go. The one thing I'm hesitating on is the chocolate covered espresso beans. I have a bit of a supply in the cupboard and I'm not tossing them. I think what I'll do is seal them up and stuff them in the back of a bottom drawer. Make them a huge hassle to access. :nod:

Need to think about that. They sort of get me through my stultifying, boring, depressing side gig. Keep my spirits up. Boost my morale while I sit for five hours captioning telephone conversations. Anyway, they're high quality and I have a lot of them. Not tossing them. Not going to eat them, though. Not in March anyway. I already tend to limit myself to my PT shifts on Fri, Sat, and Sun. Maybe putting them aside for a month will show me that I don't ACTUALLY need them.

Okay. Getting myself psyched up for this! It's gonna be good!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Feb 26, 2021 8:21 am

Holy cow the stupid scale! FFS.

On Monday it showed 233. Tues and Weds, it went to 231 and then 230. I've been really careful and thought "well looky there" and I even got off the scale and back on again because the gauge might be sticking. Nope. It was down a few lbs. Then I stepped on the scale on Thurs. It was 235 and this morning, 237. Both times, I did the same "hop off, hop on" to make sure the gauge wasn't sticking. Nope.

I'm eating on plan overall. I mean, I had some raw almonds yesterday. Wylie grilled salmon and I had a little bit of that one meal. Finished up with the super high quality chocolate over two days. But that's no more than the choco espresso beans I had been eating before, when the scale DIDN'T bounce all over the freaking place. Anyway, that's why weighing daily is good. If I went an entire week, eating carefully and "being good" and stepped on the scale Friday morning and found it the same number, or UP...heh, discouraging much? :roll:

But my knees are bothering me big time right now. So maybe I've got some kind of inflammation going on.

Made a massive pot of cabbage soup and it is YUMMY. It'll be a good "front load" soup for MWL. I put some in the fridge for right away, but most of it I loaded into storage and froze it. It'll come out as I need it in the month of March. I do want to front load soup, but salads aren't my thing so I'll have raw veg stix if I feel like it. I probably won't though. A bowl of soup, and then my 50/50 plate. :nod: I guess we'll see what happens. Getting ready like I've been doing has got my brain in the game. That's SUPER important.

However, I also brush my teeth every day and my mind isn't in THAT game, right? It's a habit. Hopefully joining the MWL challenge will be motivating.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:28 am

Okay, it's March 1. I am going to join the MWL group this month. I've got cabbage soup made, for front loading, but I think I'll also make other soups. I really like the not-chicken soup recipe, and can leave the garbanzo beans out of that for a low calorie density starter.

The plan for today is to eat cabbage soup, as much of it as I want, for meals. If I get hungry between meals, I'll have either cabbage soup or a potato.

Looking over the guidelines for MWL, I found something that I really like. It has to do with eating when hungry. Something about "we don't worry if it is hunger or appetite. If we feel hungry, we eat something on plan" which I remember from back in the day. When I first started here 10 years ago, I remember feeling hungry frequently. It was so weird, because I was eating a lot at every meal, and feeling hungry again 30 minutes later, and the advice here on the forums was "if you're hungry, eat a potato" so I did. And eventually my system made the adjustment so now I eat reasonable meals and sometimes get hungry between, and sometimes I don't. I still don't like to snack a lot, because the discipline of eating three meals a day without snacks REALLY helps my relationship with food.

In the past week, I've been dealing with plunging BP, racing heart rate, foggy brain, and sleepiness. Of course I "know" this is from too high a dosage of BP med, so the past two doses I've had half a pill...and all those symptoms disappeared. Except I do still hear/feel my pulse in my ears, but that's a tinnitus thing, not necessarily a blood pressure thing. I also am going to call the prescribing doctor today and make sure I'm okay to halve my Losartan dosage. There is probably an element of hormonal cycles at work, too. Racing heart is a menopause symptom, and I've been doing a bit of hot-flashing as well. Ugh.

Today, I go for a walk. Period. It got cold, and I stopped doing it, and it's still cold but I don't care. My lower back needs it. Sitting is the new smoking, and I'm doing the equivalent of three packs a day :lol:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:35 pm

Snap Soup

1- 28 oz Can No Salt Added Tomatoes
1- 16 oz Bag Frozen Mixed Veggies (any type)
1- 4 oz Frozen Green Leafy Vegetables (collard, turnip, mustard, etc)
1- Around 200-250 Calories of a Cooked Starch (Brown rice, Yam, Potato, WW Pasta, etc)
1- Seasoning (to your preference)

200- 250 Calories Of Starch options
~ 1.25 to 1.5 Medium Potatoes
~ 1.25 to 1.5 Cups (Cooked) Whole Wheat Penne Pasta
~ 1 to 1.25 Cups (Cooked) Brown Rice

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:12 pm

Hi Buns,

I saw that you joined the monthly MWL group! Yay, you! I'm back there, too. I love the emphasis on behaviors and referring back to the daily template. It works. :D :D
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