Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:55 am

December 5, 2020
weight - did not weigh this morning - priorities -- the puppy needed to get outside! First time she made it through the night! --Just like a toddler and momma's proud moment.

I made some lentils yesterday - did not know that 2 cups dry would make so much. We had a meal of sloppy joes with leftovers. Shepherd's pie (my version) and there is still a lot more left. I think I will make a batch of lentil soup.

Puppy calling, need to go
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:29 am

Dec 7, 2020
weight - no weigh in this morning - mornings are becoming a mad dash to get the shoes and coats on to get Osa outside. All I am thinking while outside is, "I need to make my coffee -- hurry up and go will you?"

Osa is going to be a huge dog! German Shepherd/Labrador mix - papa was Labrador and I was told he was 75 pounds, mama was 60+. I might need to carry a 3 person tent when camping - haha. I am hoping she will work for what I want her for, so far taking her for walks is a pain -- she constantly stops and lays down in the snow and looks like "I dare ya to make me move." With Covid restrictions, I don't know if I can find a class to train her. I might have to get together with D2 and their dog for sessions so their can be some doggie socialization.

I made a batch of curried lentils and potatoes with lots of extra veggies added in. I used 2 cups of lentils for that, 2 cups for the "Shepherd's" (Lentil) Pie and 2 cups for the Sloppy Lentils And I still have some leftover -- I only cooked about 2 cups dry --- I did not realize the yield was so high when cooked, but then I added a lot of veggies (onion, carrots and bell pepper) to the mix when cooking them.

Today, I will make some more sloppy lentils - the first batch I added too much mustard or did not sauté
the onion long enough because it had a bite to it. I will try it again and see if I can get the mix right this time.

Update on family members: all seem to be doing okay for now. GD2 and GS2 only were sick for about 1 day, but they are still quarantined from going to school. We will take GS2 for a few days to make sure he is caught up with his school work. But then, hubby and I are assuming the assignments are not being completed because when we asked how he was doing we got a "I dunno know."

Went grocery shopping yesterday and bought me some apples, oranges, bananas, spinach and coleslaw -- I am seeing salads in my meal plan these next couple of days.

What I plan to eat today:
leftover curry mix over rice, with spinach/apple salad
mandarin orange

Sloppy lentils over sweet potato

Exercise - hope to get on the treadmill for an hour -- Let's see if I can follow this plan today...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:48 pm

Dec 10, 2020
weight 143.1 -- up a bit but down from yesterday. I picked up some take out at a Chinese restaurant 0 Broccoli with garlic sauce and white rice -- I was bloated from that, (sodium and oil)

The puppy is ruining my morning routine -- now instead of enjoying my quiet time with my coffee, it is quick get up, get my shoes and coat on and get that dog outside for potty. So, we have a senior dog, puppy, and kitten -- all want momma's attention -- I am stressin', but I think of how much fun Osa and I will have going camping and hiking. Today, the senior dog (Trixie), Osa and I took a walk around the trail made. No grouse visit with the dogs. HA! Maybe that will be how I can keep that bird away.

This morning, I couldn't do my computer time because the dogs were demanding attention - they are so jealous and cannot stand the other one getting more attention -- So instead of giving them some lovin' I have to keep them separate. It is more stress than relaxation. But, as soon as I get up from my desk and go into the main part of the house both are content to just lay in their spots. I am thinking I may have to move my computer to that area of the house.

To occupy my time then, I made a batch of yellow/green split pea soup with barley, russet potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrot, celery and onion -- I used the spice mix from Chef AJ's split pea soup - I was stingy with the barley, but I think I can add more next time I make it. The recipe is a keeper.

Exercise -- I have not been on the treadmill, but have been going for walks on the trails in the woods - (without the puppy - she spends more time laying down in the snow than she does walking) So I have been getting 3 miles in on those walks. I call it my woods therapy.

The other day while in a craft store I saw a plaque that read: "I go into the forest to lose my mind and find my soul." I am debating on whether to buy it or not. I just like the saying.

I'll be eating leftover soup for dinner
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:20 am

December 12, 2020
Weight 142.2 -- a bit down from the other day. I am really trying to focus on eating according to plan, but am still failing. Preparation is key - my going off plan is often due to not having something ready to eat and/or hubby wants to eat out. This shutting down the dining in in the restaurants is a big help in me saying, "No, I don't want to order from a restaurant, I'd rather wait until I get home." And he is agreeing.

We are watching GS2 for this week, because D2 tested postitive, he has to be home schooled and he is falling behind in his school work. Grandpa will work with him and will hopefully get him caught up. It is a shame that D2 and her SO cannot make sure GS2 gets his school work done on time. SMH

Today I started my day with a mad dash to get my shoes and coat on the get Osa (the puppy) outside. This is totally ruining my morning routine. But she is a sweet, albeit huge, puppy. I wish she was not such a scaredy cat outdoors though. She hears and unfamiliar sounds and runs to the house. I need to be careful when she does that because I think I have discovered the cause of some lower back pain.

I went to the Dollar Tree yesterday while in town waiting for hubby to be done with his dental appointment. I found some no oil add corn tortilla and some no oil added sundried tomatoes.

malt-o-meal with banana, blueberry, and a mandarin orange

I am planning to make some more lentils for taco and a lasagna. Forks Over Knives has a good no-cheese sauce using red bell pepper and onion. I discovered it in their Mexican Style Rice and Beans. I plan to use that for the sauce.

Lentil Taco - with chopped lettuce (and/or coleslaw) -- When I was in Costa Rica I had a taco with cabbage and a french dressing drizzled on it. I am thinking of making something like that.

Not sure if I will get to the lasagna today or not - I need to get a red bell pepper, but I will at least make the lentils to have them ready.

Exercise is not much these past few days - hubby has had appointments and that takes so much of my day I just do not have the energy to fit it in. When we come home the puppy has trashed the house so no resting when we get home, have to clean and get her outside. I need to get a crate to put her in when we are gone. Her and the senior dog are not yet friends. The kitten loves to tease the puppy and those two really get into it. I am afraid that Osa may not realize her strength when she gets bigger. So, we need to train her now with the necessary precautions. But, for the most part, every one is getting along fine - it is just when puppy wants to play.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:25 am

Dec 13, 2020
Weigh - no weigh-in this morning, got too busy with the dogs and ended up having my coffee before I thought to weigh in

Yesterday's meals were not quite as planned. I made a batch of lentils but they did not get done in time for lunch, so we had the leftover sloppy lentils instead.

For Dinner, I made some burritos with a sauce -- the sauce had too much chili powder and a bit too much heat.

I cooked up 2 cups of lentils with onion, carrot, celery and green pepper added -- it made a total of 8 cups. So that gives me 4 (2-cup) measurements for meals these next few days.

I am going to try sloppy joes again. I cannot find the yummy recipe I followed when I made them some time ago, so I will try again.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby deweyswakms » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:57 am

Morris wrote:Dec 13, 2020 I made a batch of lentils

You are a busy person! I hear you on the GS not keeping up with school. At least mine does his work; I just am tethered to him for the day which is tiring.

I love lentils. Have made a good 'spaghetti bolognese' sauce using them. I found I needed a can of tomato paste to add to them (after I also add a jar of marinara sauce) to give it a rich tomato flavor.

Good luck with the puppy.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 14, 2020 7:52 am

Have made a good 'spaghetti bolognese' sauce using them. I found I needed a can of tomato paste to add to them (after I also add a jar of marinara sauce) to give it a rich tomato flavor.
-- That is one thing I want to make using some of those lentils.

Yesterday, I made a Shepards Pie type dish and this:

Kung Pao Lentils by Vegan Richa -- I admit that I used the sesame oil -- that is what made it oh so good -- does any one know of a way to duplicate that flavor oil free?

Today's meals will be leftovers -- I have lots of lentil dishes in the fridge.

Exercise -- I need to get some cardio in soon! My body is missing it. Taking the dog out for short spurts of trying to keep up with the puppy just does not seem to be enough. I cannot take the puppy for walks yet because I have not trained her and she will be walking and then just lay down and look at me like -- I dare you to make me move. It will come in time.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:27 am

Dec 19, 2020
Weight - did not weigh this morning -- mornings are busy busy busy with the puppy. She, Osa, is going to be a good dog, or at least I hope. She is determined that I am hers, which makes it difficult when our senior dog wants attention. But, hopefully it will work in my favor when I take her hiking with me. Fingers crossed.

I am back to trying to figure out budget meals with pricing - I am in the process of making a price book. I want to do a $10.00 week challenge, but hubby is not interested in doing it with me. It would be okay except that if I make extra for a future meal for me, he'd eat it. So, I may do it but do it with $20.00 a week for the both of us. That way, I'd have enough for my meals and he won't even know he is participating in my challenge. Anyways, that is my plan to do someday -- but will that someday come?

Speaking of budget meal check out this you tuber:
She does some Dollar Tree menu challenges -- extreme budget and she is whole food plant based and has videos for MWL -- it was these videos that is giving me the idea to rice out my meals just to have an idea of what it costs to eat.

We went grocery shopping yesterday and while we were at Walmart, I was being nosey and was looking in other people's carts. I found it interesting to note that most people were only purchasing food -- with it being so close to Christmas, it surprised me that there were not a lot of other items in their carts. Just an observation that I made.

Today I plan to eat:
cabbage salad mix with beet and apple -- eating plain

curry with potatoes and mixed vegetables

vegetable soup - tomato based with rice
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:01 am

Dec 22, 2020
weight - I weighed and got a reality check - up a bit. But then, I have been stress eating and stealing hubby's stash of biscotti.

My mornings have now become stressful with the puppy - I need to get her outside right away (translate before my coffee time). Then when I come in, both the puppy and senior dog fight for my attention. Hubby taught the senior dog that it was okay to get aggressive (remember, she was attacked a few years ago). But now it is getting out of hand, the puppy has decided that I belong to her and I am not allowed to pet the senior dog. Puppy has a strong predatory instinct. I'd say our poor kitten, but she thrives on the cat and dog chase. Yeah, I miss my quiet mornings.

Puppy, Osa, is going to be a good dog if we keep bad tendencies in check. But she is a scaredy-cat and runs to the house when she hears an unfamiliar sound. I am thinking that come spring, I'll be spending a lot of time in the yard camping. -- Now, we have coyotes running through the woods close by. We had some fresh snow and I was able to see the tracks. So, if they keep this pattern of travel, it should be interesting.

I went through the pantry to see what we got in there and found a #10 can of plum tomatoes. Yesterday, I made a batch of Creamless Creamy Tomato Soup. Ooooh, so good. I found a you tube video where someone was doing a variation of America's Test Kitchen recipe and pulled our their book Vegan for Everybody and took ideas from each and came up with my own recipe.I used yellow potatoes for the creaminess. I am still tweaking it -- I used half that can so I can make it again.

I added rice when serving, it was very filling but it was not a stay with you meal. I got hungry within a couple hours. I think when I make it again, I will add some red lentils to it. That should make it a bit heartier.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:39 am

Dec 28, 2020
weight -- did not weigh, but I think I am gaining. Snacking is a big problem for me right now. This puppy we got is taking so much energy. She is a bully and demands a lot of attention and does not like it when I give my attention to our senior dog.

Our kitten is recovery from being spayed and we have to keep her in a separate room until her stitches heal. I feel like our house has turned into a zoo. Right now, I am having calm between the two dogs, so I will make this quick.

GD1 hosted Christmas dinner at her apartment - she just moved in and we are so proud of her and all she is accomplishing. It went well, hubby and I were a bit anxious because she also invited her mom and stepdad -- you know, the infamous SIL -- this is the first time we had to see him since they moved. Fortunately, for our granddaughter's sake, we all behaved ourselves. I totally ignored him and he followed suit. So, GD1's first hosting of a holiday dinner was a success.

She served tacos - her favorite food. I brought some taco seasoned lentils for me. I took home the leftovers and made some lentil enchiladas with those corn tortillas I found at the Dollar Tree -- imagine at the Dollar Tree I found no added oil corn tortilla - 24 in the package for $1.00. I made a sauce out of a can of diced tomatoes with green chilis -- S.P.I.C.Y. - for our wimpy taste buds. I topped it with some onion, tomato, black olive, lettuce and a bit of guacamole. It was served with some peas and brown rice. And a big glass of water. Note to self: never buy those Rotel tomatoes again!

I am going to price out the cost of that meal -- I am in the process of creating an extreme budget menu and trying to see how creative I can get and stay with in budget. I have been watching a lot of extreme budget videos and some of them are pretty creative and come up with some decent meals. I want to do this for my sister.

Did I mention I made some Creamless Creamy Tomato Soup last week? We added rice to it and hubby kept saying that it had the texture of the Tikka Masala that he ordered from the indian Restaurant. So, I am going to tweak that recipe and change up the spices and see if I can turn it into a Tikka Masala sauce. The "creamy" texture comes from potatoes.

My grocery haul form me this week included some lettuce, coleslaw and spinach -- I need to add more veggies to my meals, I need to get my snacking under control. Hubby bought me a Christmas present this year -- the one year I did not buy him anything -- and he bought me chocolates. Fortunately, he bought milk chocolate and they are still in the little gift box -- I am not a fan of milk chocolate so it is easy for me to ignore. He also bought me some dark chocolate orange peel -- my favorite from the candy store. But, I am waiting for a time when I can truly enjoy and not stress eat -- they, too, are still in the package. That darn puppy is stressing me out with her bulliness - is that even a word?

Right now, we put the puppy in the crate because the kitten wanted out of the room - she has been in a separate room now for 4 days. The kitten and the puppy like to tease each other and they wrestle with each other. Kitten has to heal. It is going to be a long 2 weeks.

Today I plan to eat:
leftover enchiladas

Sweet potato topped with black beans
salad - lettuce, spinach, and apple

mashed potatoes - just to have ready
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Dec 29, 2020 8:53 am

The lentil enchiladas sounds good. A creative way to fix lentils!

sounds like a pretty good time with family, and I'm proud of you and your ugly SIL for being civil. :nod:

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:42 am


January 1, 2021
Weight - 142.6 -- I do not know if this is up or down from the last time I stepped on the scale. But I do know it is higher than I want it to be. But then, consequences of not paying attention to what I am eating and/or not caring what I ate.

However, I watched a video on how to prepare yourself for the next wave of the Covid - two things I took away from the lecture was 1. eat healthy (i.e. real food) and exercise. So, it is a new start -- once again. Hopefully, I will stick with it as I have in the past.

NO EXCUSES! I am starting to feel stupid for some of the excuses I make up for eating junk. But, I am feeling smarter for recognizing what foods I ought to be eating.

I went to Aldi's the other day and found some rice on clearance - 5 pounds for 0.62 cents --- .12 cents a pound -- So, it looks like I will be eating rice and some sort of legumes. I made a batch of black beans and yellow split pea dal. This is going hand in hand with the extreme budget cooking meal plan I am attempting to do. My thought is white rice is better than bread. Rice is a good filler. I will be getting the fiber from the beans and vegetables I eat along with it.

I am going to do an extreme budget meal plan for my sister -- and so she will get a bag of that rice and that will stretch out their meals to fill their bellies.

Exercise this week is going to be to follow a routine from Muscle Watching that focuses on stretching and opening the hips. I will see how that goes.

Time to start my day - Osa - the puppy (she is huge already at 4 months ) is needing to go outside.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:09 am

Jan 3, 2020
weight - did not weigh -- Osa needing to get outside immediately is messing with my morning routine. She is going to be a good dog. Right now with a huge puppy and a smaller (but overweight) senior dog and a kitten, it gets hectic. This weekend GD2 is visiting and he has been running around the house so the puppy will chase her. I was away and hubby let him him do it. Not exactly the indoor behavior I want for a German Shepherd Labrador mix. The puppy seems smart and willing to please so hopefully she will learn quickly. Probably quicker than the grandson.

I did the grocery haul for my sister yesterday -- FAIL! I went way over budget. But she was happy with the recipes I shared and the food I bought her. She had a lot of the pricier items and I still went over budget with what we did buy. I think I could do this extreme budget meal plan if it was just me -- because I would be content eating mostly rice and beans. Speaking of rice and beans...

This yellow split pea dal is good. I am going to make another batch today and it is going to be a double -- This is a cheap meal too, especially since I bought a 5 pound bag of rice for 0.62 cents. I am going to make extra yellow split peas and make a split pea soup with onion, carrot, celery and potatoes added in. I am not sure what type of spices I will use for the soup -

Those meals are for my plan ahead eating for the next couple of days.

Oh, the one meal I made with my sister was a 3 bean soup -- I brought along my Instant Pot and we prepped it before we went grocery shopping. Sister was quite happy with it. In my freezer I have extra black and pinto beans and lentils. So, I should be able to make something quick,
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:55 am

Jan 7, 2020
weight 142.6 -- I weighed myself on the scale that is connected to my phone and in the app I saw that I am at the same weight as of Dec 14, 2020 == so with the bit I gained, I am happy to see that at least I am holding.

When I logged onto the ticker thingie at the bottom, I was a bit discouraged to see I was so close to my starting weight from when I started this journal. But, that weight is reflecting a 1/2 of my total weight loss. So, I have to be positive and remind myself that I did it before and I can do it again.

I have a goal of about a 15 pound weight loss, but I also want to maintain or gain muscle so that number on the scale is not set in stone. First short term goal is 140 pounds, and to maintain a fitness program. I have been so lazy lately and non-motivated. Having this puppy is helping me get out but not enough.

That puppy is stressing me out -- she is a bully to the senior dog and kitten and it always picking on them. And she is so jealous if I pet one of the other two. And she is getting so big -- Germain Shepherd Labrador mix -- But she is a good puppy and willing to please when she wants to do so. :lol:

With the two dogs, kitten and hubby I really need to find a routine that will work for me -- meaning one that I can stick with. Too often, when I am sitting here at my desk, I formulate a plan, but as soon as I walk into another room that plan goes out the window. But, the fact that I know I need to make a plan is a start, I just need to commit to it. I am going to remember how I felt about 12 pounds ago and keep that in memory.

That 5 pound bag of rice that I purchased for 0.62 cents is about half gone now - I made a couple of batches of black beans and rice. One was the Squashy Black Beans:
I found some cubed butternut squash in the freezer and make the recipe - Since the squash was frozen it sort of disappeared into the dish as a sauce, but it was still good.

I still have to make that Indian Yellow Split Pea Dal -- That was soooo good!

Well, I am off to get a batch of Yellow Split Peas cooked so I can make that dal recipe. I will add some broccoli and a salad for the meal. Breakfast will be tri-grain flakes and blueberries.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:26 am

Jan 9 2021 - (had to edit to change the year :-) )
weight - 142.6 holding

Exercise yesterday - a challenge I am in suggested a winter picnic - So, I packed my backpack and headed for the trails in the woods. I hiked 6.65 miles and found a spot where they had logged this past summer. It was pretty because the trees were lined with snow.

Yesterday, I ate some leftover Indian Yellow Split Pea Dal -- so good, but those yellow split peas really thickened up. But the flavors are there even after the cooking day.

I took the puppy for an off-leash walk on the trails I made and she stayed by me most of the time; at least there was no running off leash.

Today, my meal plan will be leftovers - but since my weight seems to be stuck, I need to add more low calorie vegetables. I will be adding in cole slaw with pineapple and spinach added. Maybe some broccoli
Nancy (aka Morris)

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