Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby lmggallagher » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:49 am

Hi NIcole:

Right off the bat YOU MUST TELL US WHERE TO GET THOSE "PAPER TOWELS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never heard of anything like those????

I am so sad to hear your Dad is just getting better to try again - I so hope this is completely resolved soon! Poor man!

The party food sounded wonderful, yum.

It's so cool that you are your DH are just one day apart and have "YOUR BIRTHDAY" birthdays :)

BTW I figured out the thing that got me was not bok choy - which I did over eat some but the real villain....

...was Teecchino coffee of like 8 ingredients 6 were complete FODMAPS avoid at all costs foods - such as dates, chicory, figs.

I never even thought a fruit would be in a "coffee flavored" drink???

I am to excited to see what you do with portraits. Your heron was so stellar I am just jazzed to even think what you do with people :)

Got to go company should be here soon - M-
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:48 pm

Oy Geez Michelle - Teechino!! Who knew? Ouch! Never liked the stuff too much, too sweet. I can see why now, looking at the ingredients, it would trigger tummy ouchies.

I am not sure where the person got our un-paper towels, but I found some for sale here and here that are very similar. I bet if one could sew, it would be sooo easy to make...
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby lmggallagher » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:06 pm

Good grief Nicole - we both disappeared together! come say howdy over here so I know how you are doing. I am fine, busy and trying to stay on track with the food. got a bit away but am back now on top of the FODMAPS thing again. Hope all is good with you and yours - particularly the Dad of yours!

Take care - Michelle
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:47 am

Hiya Michelle! I might be back a bit more soon. I miss it here!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby lmggallagher » Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:36 pm

Hey Nicole:

Thanks so much for the howdy :) :)
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby Lesliec1 » Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:43 pm

Hope you're busy doing art and other relaxing things. just come back and write when you feel compelled. Hope your Dad is doing well and your dh still likes his super amazing fun cool job.

Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby fulenn » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:18 pm

I looked at the paper towels and love them! Just too expensive for me. I think you are right and they could be made easily if you already have a serger, I don't. Oh well.

I love teeccino, but I don't have any reactions to it. Peppermint tea is much better, though. :)

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:51 pm

Hi Michelle, Leslie and Fulenn!

I have been busy, mostly working. Doing pretty well, health-wise, but there is no denying for me that some of my issues are hormonally related -the minute I am in the post-ovulation part of my cycle, I get very, down and have increased joint pain and stiffness. Less that before, but still there. Only so much one can do, I guess.

Tomorrow is a vortex much. My Dad goes in for yet another heart surgery, DH's Mom has surgery for her knee scheduled, and I have a one-day job painting a picture of a wedding. And yesterday PMS started.

So I guess I just came here to vent! :lol:

Feh, Meh, Meh, Feh. I am tired and cranky and I don't like all this stress! :\

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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby jamietwo » Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:08 pm

Hugs (((((Nicole))))). Thinking good thoughts for your dad and his surgery as well as your MIL. Also sending lots of positive thoughts your way during this stressful time! :nod:
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:21 am

Thanks Jamietwo!

My Dad and MIL are OK, wedding painting is done. So that is good.

Bummer part is that through all the stress i am left with some significant joint pain. Not sure if it is just the stress or stress+PMS but there it is. It is less than it has been, but still un-fun.

However, my day yesterday after I heard that my Dad was OK was fun! I did my first wedding painting, where I paint a wedding ceremony or reception as it happens! It was a test, to see if I could do it, as a new possible income source for us. I can do it! And it is super fun! Plus, weddings are pretty to be at :-D
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby lmggallagher » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:56 am

Hey Nicole:

Vent away we supply the sympathy, empathy and hugs - you name it we got it for you. Shucks though we can't do the magic wand thing and wave away the pain. I am so working on it.

Your Dad's surgery - is this the one to finally get the clot or whatever - is that done for good or is it just that he is OK and still facing that one. I sure hope it's all behind him NOW!

What a cool thing to paint a happening in real time! I am stunned that you can pull this off - that's phenomenal. Best part is it's fun for you. Hope it works out as a income thing because it's such a cool idea and you are so good!

((((Huggs)))) and wishes for the pain to just evaporate!
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:34 pm

Hi Michelle!

Aw, shucks, thanks for the empathy, my friend! A magic wand would be lovely; not to be, so I will imagine it instead! :lol:

My Dad's surgery has not yet done away with the clot. next attempt in 3 weeks or so. It does feel like it is going on forever, doesn't it? I'd love it to be resolved, and with best possible outcomes of course, but there is naught I can do but accept and be as positive as I can.

The painting thing was SO FUN!!! I think I can do it, but I will need to build up my stamina over time. I am not surpried that I am exhausted and in some pain today. Yesterday, I had to:

1) Shower and dry my hair

2) Iron my clothes for the wedding

3) Run to 2 stores to get last minute supplies I had forgotten

4)drive to the wedding (1 hour)

5)set up my station (which involved carrying my heavy french easel, a folding table, several bags, a folding chair and all my supplies from my apartment to the car, from the car to the place I would paint, and then back to the car to leave)

6) Paint quickly - WHILE STANDING- and with great focus for about 3-4 hours, while also interacting with the people who would come by to watch or ask questions

7) Pack up my station, clean my brushes

8 ) Drive home (2 hours because of friday night traffic)

This all after a bad night's sleep because of Dad-induced anxiety insomnia, and then the pins and needles of waiting to hear how it went all morning - I did not find out until 20 minutes before I had to leave.

Anyway, needless to say perhaps, but that was a bigger day than is normal for me at all :lol: And fatigue is a trigger, as is stress - even good stress like excitement - and PMS.

So I'll take your (((HUGS))) and send some right back your way!!!


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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby jamietwo » Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:48 pm

Oh my gosh, Nicole. You had a HUGE day! That would have worn me out "before", when I thought I was "normal"! :shock: I am totally amazed that you can do real-time painting! What a gift! And what a great idea to market it too! :) I hope it is easier next time when you've had more sleep and less stress! Maybe you can request (as part of your terms) someone to help you unload and load your car for you at the wedding! Every little bit helps, right? :D

Sending positive thoughts for you and your dad...
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby nicoles » Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:59 am

Thanks for the positive thoughts, Jamietwo! I like the idea of getting help to carry my stuff!

Instead of bringing everything back upstairs, when I unpacked the car this morning, I just put it all in the garage for easy loading and unloading, and I think I'll get a rolling cart to move things too. Then, if I can get someone to help, it will be even easier on them and me! :-D

I am feeling much better today. Yesterday I almost totally rested, and today my knees are much, much better, and I have energy. I am still going to take it very easy, as I know myself and I do need to, but it is nice to have confirmation that exhaustion and stress are merely temporary triggers, which can resolve quite easily if I take proper care of myself. I guess that is kind of like being a grown-up and going to bed on time even if I don't want to :lol:

In the meantime, enjoying my sweet potatoes, bluenerries, pomegranates, kale and blck rice (the only kind of rice I can eat - brown rice is a no-go, but black rice is fine. Of course, it would be 3X as expensive :roll: :lol: Such a hothouse flower, am I)
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Re: Psoriatic Arthritis Journal - 2.5 year Update Page 63

Postby Lesliec1 » Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:22 pm

I really want to see some wedding paintings! What a cool idea. How did you ever think of that?

Could you make it easier on yourself if you use colored pencils/chalk/something? It wouldn't be as special maybe but you are so good at drawing too. I'd be terrified someone would dip their sleeve in my paints and get pissed. But then I'm not very careful.

Your poor dad. I hope he is OK with all the surgeries.


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