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Postby sksamboots » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:04 pm

I'm happy to hear about your pants :lol:
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Postby Anna Green » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:34 pm

Well, better not do a happy dance in those loose pants! I'll do it for you. :)
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Postby Birdy » Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:21 am

Ha, ha baggy pants dance. I do look like an idiot pulling them up constantly. Built like a stove pipe.

About an hour ago, I finished reading Eating Animals by Jonathan Foer. What a book. I felt nauseous at times reading it, even though I already knew quite a bit about factory farming and slaughterhouses. But Foer has a knack for bringing things down to a level you can really relate to, or that's how I experienced his book. It's curious because I've been hoping for something that would push me over the edge as a committed vegetarian and I think this book has done it.

I've had so much more energy lately, rather than being so tired all the time. The closer I stick with a low fat vegan diet, the better I feel. I hear you saying, "Duh."

Not much other news. Hoping to report at least a teeny weeny weight loss sometime soon.
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Postby Birdy » Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:24 pm

Hello everyone. Just reporting in. I'm making some progress. My weight is slowly dropping, I wearing a size smaller in clothes, and I'm just not as hungry anymore on most days. I think eating vegan foods satisfies a person more in terms of nutrients or something - maybe fiber too. Anyway, I'm also noticing that eating mostly plant foods helps a lot with the constant sinus congestion and that also helps me sleep better. So all in all, I'm happy with the gradual changes I'm making. I know that big radical changes work best for many people, but for me slower is better. Right now I'm drinking a hot cup of green genmai tea and am enjoying this first really cold day of the season.

Has anyone seen the video of Rocco on Dr. Oz's show - the cowboy who went vegan for a month? Wow did it make a difference for him. I wonder if there'll be anymore followup with Rocco.
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Postby Birdy » Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:21 pm

Hi again everyone. I have some good news to report. I've lost 3 more pounds in the past few weeks from eating mostly vegan. There are still days when I mess up and eat non vegan foods, but for the most part I'm settling in. I've also noticed that eating this way, I'm just not very hungry, so I'm eating less generally. Today I bought a size 10 pair of pants. I haven't fit into a size 10 for almost 15 years. I wore a size 16 for a long time after my third child was born in 1996. Gradually I came down to a 14 and then even more gradually to a 12. This way of eating is satisfying to me on another level and that is that I'm finally feeling in sync with my own beliefs about animals since I am not eating them.

Tonight, I'm making a lentil stew with celery, tomatoes and carrots to serve over brown rice. Good warm food for a cold, rainy November night. What are you doing for Thanksgiving dinner? I'm trying to make plans that don't include turkey, but expect some flak from my family about that. Any ideas?
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Postby Anna Green » Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:27 pm

Yeaaaaaaaaaah Birdaaaay! I am so happy for you. I bet you feel awesome. I have missed you. Whatcha up to?
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Postby Birdy » Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:45 pm

Hi Anna, thanks for your kind post! What's up? Well, I've been painting a room most of this week with help from my husband who first repaired some holes in the wall that were made by carpenters last spring (long story). This is a weird little room with lots of strange nooks and crannies that was painted a dark color requiring lots of primer in order to paint it white with one wall turquoise for accent. Already (and we're not finished with the painting) the room looks so much larger and lighter.

Things have been stressful with my oldest daughter (age 19) who's had relationship problems and some health issues. Sometimes I almost think mothering is more needed by teenagers and young adults than by younger children. I guess the problems are more intense as a child gets older with real world consequences.

Getting enough sleep has been a challenge and avoiding eating to boost energy. I've tried to do one thing each day to take care of myself, such as going for a walk or a swim, and trying to make good food choices. I think eating the vegan diet helps me a lot to stay centered and calm(er).

So whatcha up to yourself Anna? I need to read your journal and others. Just don't have much time for the computer recently, but next time I visit this site, I'll check in on your journal. Happy Thanksgiving!
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Postby sksamboots » Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:16 pm

Congrats on the new pants! The room sounds like a lot of work, but like it will be worth it. I agree about young adults still needing some parenting. Life is hard. Your daughter is blessed to have you :)
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Postby Birdy » Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:08 pm

Hi sksamboots, thank you for checking in. The new pants are very comfortable. They have some stretch in the fabric and I think that makes the size difference! At any rate, I have lost about 10 pounds and am feeling better all the time.

I'm feeling down today, partly because of the holiday tomorrow, but also because I never hear from my mother anymore (she's mentally ill) and yesterday I found out that one of my daughters has been biopsied for cervical cancer. Also, there are problems with some employees at work. Just feeling sad.

I'm hoping you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I plan on eating vegetarian, but not necessarily McDougall tomorrow...gotta enjoy the feast. Hugs to all.
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Postby hazelrah » Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:33 pm

Birdy wrote:

I'm feeling down today, partly because of the holiday tomorrow, but also because I never hear from my mother anymore (she's mentally ill) and yesterday I found out that one of my daughters has been biopsied for cervical cancer. Also, there are problems with some employees at work. Just feeling sad.

I'm hoping you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I plan on eating vegetarian, but not necessarily McDougall tomorrow...gotta enjoy the feast. Hugs to all.

Great time to take advantage of that Pool Charter membership of yours.

Sorry to hear that you are out of touch with your mom. I can't offer much empathy, but you have my sympathy. I seem to miss my dad more as the years go by, so I can imagine how hard it must be to see the conversations diminish.

We're vegetarian for the weekend as well, but I'm afraid that we, too will be outside of the plan. The local healthfoods store , New Leaf, is selling a "Field Roast en Croute," which, as near as I can tell means wrapped in paper thin grease sheets. But this is a feast and I refuse to feel guilty about it. I'm strictly on plan before and after it. And, don't we need a break after a year like this one?

Have a great holiday!

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Postby Letha.. » Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:21 pm

Congratulations on the weight loss Birdy. Sorry to hear you have the holiday blues. It brings up issues for so many of us. I’m sending you some good cheer.

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Postby Birdy » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:34 am

Thank you hazelrah and Letha for stopping by. Letha the graphics are fun to look at. hazelrah, I agree that we all need a break after the year gone by - even reading that makes me take a breath of relief.

I've eaten veg the whole Thanksgiving holiday and enjoyed everything but ate too much sweet stuff. Yesterday we took my youngest daughter and a friend of hers to the mall, so I didn't get much else done. Last night I took an aspirin for an achy leg and got the worst stomach ache which is still bothering me this morning. Looked on the bottle and found that the aspirin expired almost 3 years ago. Ugh. Feels like I took a little poison. Blechk!
I threw that bottle out and probably won't take aspirin again ever.

Today, Sunday, is a nice quiet r&r day. I plan to putt around outside.
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Postby Anna Green » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:01 pm

Birdy, Hi. Did you get your r&r on Sunday? Are you still doing the one thing a day to take care of yourself? I so hope all is well with your daughter.

We are having a rainy gray day and I am enjoying it at home. Feeling better as the day goes on.
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Postby Birdy » Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:08 pm

Hi Anna, thanks for your post. No, I didn't get that r&r because my stomach has continued to bother me a lot, even waking me up in the middle of the night for the past 3 nights. So I went to my doctor today who said I have a stomach ulcer. I'm speechless that I have an ulcer. It's not something I ever considered having to deal with. But I'm glad to know what it is and what to do to make it better (avoiding certain foods and drinks, and eating smaller more frequent meals). She prescribed some medication which should start to help in a couple of days. Meanwhile, I haven't had coffee in any form for several days and don't plan to go back to it. Drinking four cups a day on average probably contributed to the problem.

Anyway, on a happier note, my daughter is doing a lot better, thanks for asking. She's living at home again and has signed up for college fulltime next quarter (she's been taking only one class this quarter after being out of school for several years). We still haven't heard about the biopsy. I have my fingers crossed.

Your cozy day at home sounds so good. Enjoy.
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Postby sksamboots » Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:08 pm

Hope you start to feel better :)
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