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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby sksamboots » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:51 pm

Hope you ladies had a good day :nod:
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:19 pm

Your welcome. Have fun resizing the pictures I do.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:36 pm

Hi Everyone....I am not doing so good today. I ate some things that were not McD compliant and not only that they certainly weren't vegan! This is the first time I blatantly went off. I am so worried that this is the beginning of the end of my healthy ways. I haven't been able to hike for two days now and my truck is not drivable so I have to take a bus...which is really no big deal, but I can't do my shopping for my little old man, cause I need a vehicle to get out there.....My sister keeps telling me to just get back on track....I need to cause everything I have worked so hard for is going to go down the drain. She said things will seem worse if I gain the weight back. Food does not make things better!! arghhh Something has to happen that is positive or I am going to loose it. Lots of fear raging around in my head and it's hard to see the know what I mean?
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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:42 pm

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Gypsy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:38 am

Christine in Cali wrote: Something has to happen that is positive or I am going to loose it. Lots of fear raging around in my head and it's hard to see the know what I mean?

Yes, Sweetie, I know exactly what you mean....things were going along so well, and then bam @#$% it hit...a stranger used my credit card, my computer got infected, the basement filled with water. I asked, "when can I throw the ball to someone else and get out of the game :?: " My ninety year old father sent back, "Don't throw it to me, I'm out of the game"...and listed all his woes. My daughter doesn't want the ball...her car was hit. and so it goes. I try to remember when things are good, "This too shall pass" and when everything is in the toilet, "this too shall pass". That's just life, Sweetie. It's part of the journey. If everything was always great, we'd be angels. But we're not. and I'm not ready to be an angel. This is where we grow and learn and make the world a better place. Peace, love and joy to you...and lots of hugs ((((((hugs))))) :nod:

ps Fear...The President says the checks may not go out next check makes the house payment for the 3 of us...of course, I don't believe it will happen next month......???? :-(
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:51 am

Hey you all, I sure do understand, but just get back on track, make a U- turn, forgive yourself and go on!! this is life, for sure.
You have lost so much wt, it would be a real shame to let it slip away.
have3 you tried the juicing, I love it, but then in the am, I make a new juice, with all kinds of veggies, some in garden, others bought( I know, I know) and then I am not hungry for my oatmeal. which I have ready in frig!!
then get on wii, and the thing does not work as well, it gives me mistakes when I am not doing a thing wrong... but it is activity at any rate right?
so God will forgive you, why not forgive yourself too, in advance, of it all!!
Hey I put in some of my own cabbage in the juicer today! wow, and it tastes good. I make up enuff, and put some in frig, Ds loves this juice, and so I want to make it for him too, and he is taking it to work, and says it is the best energizing drink he has ever had!! and he loved his energy drinks ( found them dirt cheap always)f
But today I need to walk dog in park, it is that nice and cool outside!
so keep off the non-vegan path, good advice for me too. I like to add butter every now and then, and that is 100% fat from calories! jeez, and that is no good for me.
Nice to see you all on this thread too. Let's keep on, and hope for future will turn into all good thing!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:58 am

Good Morning!!

Christine...yes I do know what you mean!! I know for me, when things go wrong (and that seems to happen quite often in my life the past few years) the first thing I want to do is comfort myself, and even still for me the first thing I will want is a cheeseburger or fries or something...sometimes I can now use the vegan chili or cut vegies...but when things go wrong often its the SAD food that still calls to me, I'm trusting from Carollynne's example that this will go away. :nod:

Well, I hope that something goes right and good for you today!! You have done great on this plan and I don't think that you are going to lose your grip on it...think of it this you went off the plan completely for a moment - you can prove to yourself that even will get back on track!! :nod:

Sending you hugs (((((((Christine))))))) Please let us know how your day goes today!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:02 am

I love the support on this thread!! wow to all of you!! Hugs to us all! :D :) :-) :-D :lol: :unibrow: :roll: :-o :eek: :) :-D :D :lol: :cool: 8) :unibrow: :evil: :\ :mrgreen:
With all of these good vibes floating around Christine you will be ok!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:25 am

BIG HUGE HUGS Christine. Things will get better. Find things that destress you to do instead of food. I found I love bicycling so if I start feeling stressed I go for a long bike ride. If I can't do that swimming also destresses me. A walk will destress me too but I have a bad hip so I have to watch the walking some.

Another thing that helps me is having stuff already made in frig so that I have healthy choices to grab.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:23 pm

hi to all , Rosie, yes I agree, I always have a ton of healthy choices already in frig, etc etc, and yes, any phy activity is so good, to release the stress. I tend to grab the leash and outside with the pooch and then pull a few weeds, etc. the outside fresh air is so good just to breath!
I went to a water class at the Municipal Pool, and some of the ladies from the fitness center were there, and we had a good time, and then I stayed to be in water for an extra hour too. I went back to my car to get my noodle too, it just helps to get all the pressure off my back and now I feel great! I met up with some friendly ppl at the walking park with am, with Maxie, another couple with their white dog, a shiatsu and an grandmother with 5 grandchildren who loved Maxie, and then tonight a lady visiting next door was admiring my flower gardens, and she called out to me. Now I am just not used to that sort of thing in my neighborhood at all... people tend to guard their privacy with a ten foot pole, and armor of tungsten steel, So today was so special, and I am feeling so blessed by these simple things today.
Tomorrow will be a good day to, I can feel it in my heart, it is singing to me tonight.
Last edited by carollynne on Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:41 pm

That's great Carollynne!!! Always nice when neighbors are friendly. Ours are getting more so the more I get outside and smile or wave to them.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:49 am

Rosey, yes it is, it is just that my neighborhood which is rural sort of, and ppl tend to not trust if you have not lived here in the County for generations, but that is ok too.
Hey today has been a great day, My little brother, who lives way over in Cali, called me on his way to work, and we talked for 1.5 hrs, he entire way to the base down in San Diego.
WEll made my green drink up for Eric last night, and then myself this am, it was a good one, I am out of lemons so now i am using up the limes. Had one potato for BF plus some oatmeal with blueberries, (frozen this time) then cooked all my reds on hand, and some of our new beans, the Anasazi ones bought on line!! I soaked them, plus let them sprout all night,then cooked them up, and I tried a few already, mild nice taste, and guess what no gas yet!! I am so familiar with the gas producing food items in my life, I could write a book. for example I made up a macaroni salad, with a ton of cut up veggies, and some rice vinegar, and several types of mustard, but no fats at all!! so proud of that, It was good, but the macaronis gave me gas, I am sure of it, the pasta, it is a good white variety, smart taste, with added fiber,calcium, and D...... since it was for DH, he hates the whole wheat ones, so he and Eric will have to finish it up I guess. I just went back to the kitchen, and scarfed up another red potato! well it is lunch now. I am really really trying to stay compliant again....
I was snacking last last night, after my poo time, and I was famished, had some popcorn, and 2 tiny Hershey bars, very bad!! and then in the am, I thgt just get on the scale, and see the damages, and it has said a new number to me!! 177.8 now that is a shock, it must be all the exercising since I had stepped up the wii so much.
I will try to change my ticker, last times I could not get it to do anything, or I could
Good day to you all out there,

Rosey how nice if your neighbors do respond to you!! that always makes my day here. On the one side of us, they really do ignore us and I would have to scream my lungs out to get them to respond, but that is ok, they need privacy perhaps more then we do too.
Christine, and Lori Jenny, hope you both are doing great out there.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:33 am

Ege, Gypsy, Carollynne, Lori, Rosey...Thank you so much for your support! I knew this was the place to come and vent and you all would understand. You all are truly a Circle of Friends.

I still don't have my vehicle and the guy that was supposed to work on it yesterday never even came and got the keys. I took a bus again and you know I think even when I get my truck back and running I am going to take the bus places more often. I just need to allow more time and set up boundaries around me, because it seems I have a sign on my forehead that says BUG ME, cause I always get weirdos harassing me...shrug don't know what that's about.

So yesterday I was very good about my food and since I have to walk every where, I lost a LBS... that makes me feel good.

Still no job and I had to tell my LOM that I couldn't shop for him this week....his regular girls can handle it and I know they just keep me on cause I have been with Conrad for awhile and he trusts me. But, the Salon is picking up. I am an expert French Braider and I was going to advertise on CL with some PIC's to try and attract more customers...sometimes I feel very confident about my abilities as a stylist. I have been cleaning up and rearranging the Salon to make it more Stylish for a future renter. I need an accent wall of some bold color that looks classy and flattering.

So just wanted to check in a tell you all I was OK. I am back on track and maybe I just needed a reality check....MWL does work fast if you stick with it. K off to have some potatoes.

C out
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:45 pm

Good morning! good to hear from you, and so glad you are back on track and doing well, I hope the guy gets to your truck and is able to get it back to you quickly!!

There is a new farmers market that we went to yesterday but it was a bust...they barely had any produce, it was mostly t-shirts and purses and jewelry and kettle corn...remember the old "where's the beef?" commercials?? This was like "Where's the produce???" We came home with absolutely nothing!!

I did find out that now there is a local CSA called "abundant harvest" that we can use if we want to. I think I'm gonna try it out, keeping in mind that they are looking for co-ordinaters and I would LOVE to do that!! It pays only a small percentage...but hey, it would probably be enough to pay for my vegies??? Maybe?? Anyway, I'm gonna test it out and see how it goes.

It's been interesting reading about everyone's disconnected we reallly are from each other!! My back fence is falling down and I had to practically shoot off flares to get my neighbor to respond to me when she was only about 15 feet away!! Me..practically jumping up and down and yelling "excuse'am...hello...over here behind the fence!!" I had to stick my hand through the broken part of the fence and wave at her before she finally came over. Fortunately the neighbors on either side of me are wonderful and they say hi all the time...especially the ones to the west because our kids are all friends.

Confession Time....I cannot believe just how addicted I am to SAD food. Really, I have had a hard hard time really adhering to this new diet and so with all the exceptions I have made the weight loss just has not continued. Fortunately, I have maintained...but I must adhere to this WOE. I have extremely high cholesterol...I think the dr. called it hypercholesteremia...and high triglycerides body just does not handle these substances well. I have this unwanted history of trauma and loss and I think I tend to want to use SAD food as my comfort. But it's just not working for my insides. I am really going to make this effort today to say all this and go forward with a renewed commitment, I really am in danger with my fat levels in my blood of having a stroke or heart attack even though I'm not really super overweight and I am's like my body dumps all the cholesterol right into the blood and keeps it in!! Yuck! I so believe in this WOE like I've said before but time and time again I have failed and returned to eating the crap. All I can do is try again right??? I hope you're not sick of hearing these things from me...I know I will win this battle!! Thanks for listening my friends, and as of right now, this moment, I'm renewing my commitment and pressing on...
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:01 pm

Oh Lori I so relate. All we can do is keep trying, when we fall off get back on.....too bad we can't go to the 10 day live in to just get a handle of it all and be around people learning the same things. There is strength in numbers. You, I, We can do it, if only 90% of the time. It has to pay off at some point, right?
"Nature won't be denied"
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