Cara's journal

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Better today

Postby cecac » Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:23 am

Well, I am getting better after that bad swing.

I don't think I'll be exercising much anytime soon, but that is why I appreciate this diet. I can still lose weight, though slowly.

I am going to try to take a "stroll" 2-3 times per week starting next Monday, but I cannot break out into a big sweat. It works my endocrine system too much and then I get symptoms: Depression, weakness, more mental fog, sensitivity to light and sound. If it gets real bad and I go too low on salt, then the blood pressure plummets and I have NO energy.

I am trying to get used to the idea that I likely will be taking thyroid (and maybe adrenal) meds. I really am hoping I can get away with just thyroid med.

Everyone around here is getting real hungry. :? I get worried, for I've read too much about needing protein and healthy fats. When the big 16 yo teen comes in telling me he's hungry alot and tired to boot, then I get worried. Hubby and I did tell him last night to just eat more. He is impatient and doesn't want to eat more than 3 times per day.

I think it takes some getting used to that when you go on a starch based diet you fill up, yes, but then you get hungry faster. Grazing seems to be what we have to do in this house.

We are going to bake some meat for the children tonight. We still allow them meat about 2-3 times per week and we haven't let go of the raw cow milk for the little children. I am hoping to transfer to almond milk/frozen fruit smoothies gradually and let that last dairy item go. Although, my children do eat dairy like cheese when we entertain and also on Sunday at lunch.

I did lose some weight the past two days, and dh is doing the same. :)

Postby Melinda » Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:33 am

Cara, when I started following this way of eating, I felt very tired for about 10 days, then it went away. I believe other members have experienced the same thing. I believe it is a form of detoxing, while your body adjusts to the new diet, and then it feels so much better!
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Postby sksamboots » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:03 am

Yup, When I did the program last time I was so tired and cranky and had headaches...This time around I have incorporated a lot more veggies and I'm fine....Maybe , start cutting up loads of veggies carrots, cucumbers, celerty etc and maybe make up some home-made dip or buy some oil free dip at the store..That way they can have it to munch on all the time......Have a good day :)
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Thank you

Postby cecac » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:30 am

for the encouragement ladies....the only thing is this is endocrine system issues, so I don't know that it is detox. :?

Dh and I were discussing whether maybe I should try Dr. McDougall's 12 day program, where he could do the blood tests/saliva tests etc, to monitor my endocrine system while I go on this diet. I did have blood work done this week for the first time ever, so we will see what comes back.

It scares me when I have an endocrine system crash like this, and honestly, I am unsure whether the diet magnified it or not. :?

But thank you for the encouragement. I said I was doing better today, but I am not really; although, I was able to get some work done that I couldn't do slow but sure I guess, is the way it will go.

I will have a baked yam with steamed broccli and leftover bean and veggie salad from last night. That will be nice and filling.

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:37 am

Cara, I think what Melinda said about not feeling well for the first 10 days is pretty usual when starting on this program/lifestyle. I remember there being an adjustment for us too. My husband in particular was tired and hungry, he didn't take enough food with him to work in the beginning. Maybe that is what you're experiencing. Either way, I'm sure the adrenal problems are making it worse. Getting the thyroid taken care of will help loads, you may not need to take adrenal medicine at all. The best thing for adrenals is rest, a little salt which you get from food and using sea salt, and more rest, lots of good food, more rest..... but you know all that! :) I would hold off on the exercise for a little while yet, it is really hard on your adrenals to exercise when they are already struggling.

Now, for the kids. Have fruit ready to roll, washed and in a bowl, cut up if necessary. Tortillas and beans, bread, baked potatoes. Corn chips that you make or they make, if they like bean dip or salsa with them that is good and filling. A bowl of oatmeal or brown rice with raisins and milk sub. is good too.
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Thank you Mrs. D...

Postby cecac » Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:09 pm

I do hope that maybe some medicine will be helpful. I think my biggest concern is that there is no issue at all and it's in my head. :(

Yes, we are having an adjustment with the kids......I was thinking about posting on Jeff Novick's area because now I am finding out that my 16 yo ds is having the same symptom of dizziness when he gets up and just feeling completely wiped out some. That is Not Normal for him. :?

He thinks, of course, that it's lack of protein. Goodness, with that blaring all over the place I don't blame him, but it doesn't help! I will try to keep more tortillas (we always have homemade bread and peanut butter) with mashed beans on hand, things like that. And there is alot of fruit around here, but I guess we limited to two pieces per day. I think for the kids we will lift that limit. We've had alot of rice too, but I think they are just having to get used to going in the kitchen and getting things like a bowl of rice with beans on top....that is weird to them I guess. They are eating either way, it is just different.

I am not going to exercise, but I do like to at least sit outside in the sun. Guess that'll be it for a while.

The hardest part for me is that we started home school three weeks ago. I was not able to "do school" last year much at all. Others had to pitch in. I was really hoping that that would not be the case this school year.....but here I am struggling with these same issues. I feel like a dummy for not having had bloodwork done before now, and dh and I both feel like failures sometimes because we cannot seem to get me feeling really well........

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:16 pm

I didn't realize you home schooled! Maybe I did read it but forgot. Anyway, so do we. I spent a lot of time not doing much too, but they survived and in some ways it was good. You have more going on than I do with just two, but the older one helps the younger one here and I'm sure that you have that going on too!

I think it's a good idea to not limit fruit for the kids. I really don't limit it for me either. It has been what got me over the hump, so to speak, with cravings for junk. If I wanted something sweet, I had fruit. It helped that peaches were just coming in! I love peaches. My boys eat lots of fruit, and bread. They also are starting to cook for themselves which helps me with feeding them but they are still not cleaning up very well. They are, after all, boys. 8)
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Postby cecac » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:23 am

Hey there fellow homeschooler! :)

Thank you, Mrs. D for all of your encouragement and also for some others of you, I appreciate it.

With regret I must say that I am signing off this board. The thing is, I cannot ask the questions I need to ask here because they would be considered rude I am afraid.

My ds 16 has lost 2 pounds, and he wasn't even 100 percent compliant. He is becoming fatigued, too, and has dizziness as I do. I do not feel I can talk about these issues here. Also, I have noticed a couple of other members have been corrected and it is for all the public forum to see.

I would also like to have a discussion about this diet and endocrine system issues. I don't think I can do that either. :?

That, imho, is not good and it will lead to people like me having to be too careful and not being able to ask honest questions (one thread is now labeled nt. It is about vitamin D deficiency and so I am gathering that since Dr. McDougall has already addressed this issue they don't want any discussion concerning that. I think that particular member may be considered difficult? I don't know and yes, I am reading between the lines.)

It is hard for people like me. I keep going with something like this in spite of my doubts. The problem with that is I've been there many times before in a vegan diet lifestyle. So, I tend to get afraid.....and I could use some encouragement in the form of information about the whys of some things and I am too afraid to ask here because (and as I have said before) I do not wish to be seen as rude or disrespectful.

So, while I agree with this diet plan mostly, I also have to work within the confines of the health issues of this family.

I do appreciate the graciousness of Dr. McDougall to put all of his information up on the main website for my perusal, and I will make full use of it.

Otherwise, I will do what I have done for many years......pray to my Lord and continue to do the best I can for my family. My Lord has been gracious to us, for we are healthy in spite of my blunders in diet.

Thank you.

Postby Mrs. Doodlepunk » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:53 am

Cara, I hope you come back soon.

Now go rest and eat some peaches...... :)
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I too wish you would reconsider.

Postby f1jim » Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:41 pm

I am a bit confused by the post by Cara about leaving. I never quite got a handle on the exact reason for leaving.

There is no reason any question concerning food, nutrition, exercise, or anything related can't be asked. It's especially important when someone is struggling. There was an allusion to not being able to ask a question on vitamin D. That question is welcome, not only that it's probably important. It can be asked of the members, and for a more professional response Jeff Novick is always available to ask. Failing a less than satisfactory response, anyone may feel free to ask Dr. McDougall directly by PM or his email address [email protected]. No rudeness will be tolerated in a response to a question like this either in a thread or in a PM. That goes for ALL of us. If you feel a question borders on some ethical or protocol boundry feel free to PM me and I'll let you know in advance.

For the rest of the membership, just a note the author has closed her account and no one on staff removed it or suggested she do that. In fact, staff looks forward very much to her return and her future participation.
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Postby Daffodil » Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:22 pm

Well I hope she comes back! We were just getting to know her. I think she felt that if it wasn't McD friendly that she couldn't ask the questions.
It would be nice to keep them here instead of them going off somewhere else and they may not get the info they really need to get healthy and perhaps save their lives!
I think it would be good to have a forum section just for the questions newbies want and need to know. And for anyone else that has been here awhile but still have questions and concerns. For anyone wanting an answer or help, just go to that section of the board. And have only Star McDougallers answer or something. Just a thought.
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Postby cecac » Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:10 pm

Thank you f1jim & daffodil, I appreciate your concern.

I have decided to come back because I am struggling and really want to try to stay with this diet. Particularly my husband is doing very well, and my kids are adjusting nicely, although we have not cut meat out. We generally eat it 2 times per week. That is one thing Dr. McDougall did say, that if you are going to choose dairy or meat, go for meat instead. We just aren't quite comfortable going completely off meat, at least not yet.

But suprisingly, we are doing fine otherwise other than we sure do eat alot of peanut butter around here. That is another area to work on, but truly it is going very well.

But not for me, and so I think I am going to try to ask some questions to Jeff Novick. I will appreciate pm if I don't go about it correctly. :-)
Last edited by cecac on Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Talyae » Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:16 pm

Welcome back. :)

Here's to getting answers to any and all questions you may have to ask so that your struggling is a thing of the past!

Postby cecac » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:02 pm

Talyae wrote:Welcome back. :)

Here's to getting answers to any and all questions you may have to ask so that your struggling is a thing of the past!

Thank you!!
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Welcome back Cara.

Postby f1jim » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:05 pm

Glad you decided to stick with this band of merry men. (and women)
Ironically, we have had a couple of people make their return to the forum lately, and I attribute it to the phase of the moon, or something.
Please don't hesitate to ask or comment on anything you think might be informative to you and yours. It's all about good health and getting your family to a better place. We hurt, we share, we learn. No matter where you are in that learning curve it's all about growth and progress. Learning and progress many times come with a little pain. There probably are many people here that are in your same situation, either just ahead or just behind you. The one thing we do know about you is you haven't given up!!!
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