Rikki's Losing it!

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:40 am

Good Morning! What a brisk morning it is outside, but not for long... Today's agenda is to get all the tile up with the mastic... But first a trip to Home Depot is in order to get a mini trowel... and before that some kind of breakfast, I think I will have some leftover chili-I really need to bake some more potatoes too but tiling in the kitchen I really don't want to heat it up! Here is my plan for today!

B: leftover chili, brown rice pasta
S: grapes
L: stirfry or veggie soup with brown rice pasta(leftover from this morning)
S: brown rice cake, carrots
D: ?
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Anna Green » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:03 am

Hi. So you are joining in on Boots' challenge? Good deal. I love Boots. She gets me motivated. Your food looks good. I want the enchiladas you threw together. Sometimes that's the best food isn't it?
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:20 pm

Im not sure what the Boots challenge is?
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Anna Green » Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:01 am

Sorry about that, I thought it was you that said you'd like to join sksamboots challenge to me to lose 20 by the end of Jan. I looked back and realized my mistake.
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:35 am

No biggie! I am all into challenges, but since I just started I am hoping to lose 20lbs before Thanksgiving :) I sure hope I can do it! but I won't get discouraged if I can't... The holidays are always a tough time of year. As long as I know I am eating healthy and feeling better thats most important!

Well, Last night I ended up just making potatoes, green beans, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower with nurtitional yeast gravy on the side. YUM...

Today's plan is:
B: leftovers(see above)
S: rice cake
L: stirfry
S: leftover veggies
D: maybe the enchiladas I keep meaning to make! lol

One more wall to go on the tiling and I will finally have it all up!
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:08 am

Good Sunday Morning! What a beautiful morning it is! Sunday is my official WI day and I am down 4.2lbs! whooo! That puts me at 7.8 for my first 14 days McDougalling.... with the exception of alcohol I have been OP the whole time. I feel really good about it and don't see myself going back to eating other fatty stuff.... I have made the "its not food" mental note and am sticking to it! Vacation in another 2 weeks and I hope I can lose at least 5 more lbs by then... More than that would be great too though, but I know the loss typically slows after the first couple weeks, and I am ok with that... I just want to be healthy first and then, trim! :) My plan is to keep doing the plan like I have been, and I have been keeping up with my calories, but not really restricting them, more just keeping a food log. I know myself and can't give up alcohol completely- or I don't want to anyway! so I plan to just have a couple drinks on the weekend. I really enjoy my wine.
Today I will be eating leftovers for breakfast and lunch, unsure about dinner- probably brown rice spaghetti...
hopefully trying to use my new dehydrator today! I need more hours in the day! or less sleeping through it!
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:30 am

I drank coffee this morning and apparently shouldn't have. I am sooo jittery but I guess maybe thats helping with the housework ;0) I don't have much on the agenda other than that... been doing well... have been drinking a couple glasses of wine a night but last night was the last of it so I will not be buying any for a while... and when I do no more than one bottle... I just can't keep the stuff in the house! Lunch is on the stove now, making a brown rice pasta and veggie salad. breakfast was a yukon gold potato with onion, garlic and mushroom along with that coffee... whew- no more of that, at least not that much. I feel so high strung right now! not sure of dinner yet- always depends on what dh is in the mood for too:)

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:32 am

I was doing soooooo well today... and then I drank 6 beers. good grief! What happened to not having it in the house =not drinking it? well, I shouldn't be drinking beer in the first place! normally it doesn't tempt me I am not sure what happened today.

I cleaned alllllll day long. house is nice and sparkling :) my back was hurting, I think the idea of a beer made me think it would feel better, and it does, but in the long run- that won't help... losing weight will.

So, tomorrow's plan is going to Trader Joes in the morning, grocery shopping at publix, heading to walmart for the kitty litter :) and some socks for dh and then the bathrooms are the only thing left to be cleaned in the house... I may work in the garden a bit if its not too hot!

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:57 am

So all that beer prompted me to have a bad eating day yesterday. Ugh. vicious cycle. and I know all about it. I have been on it for years. Yesterday I had vegan sushi from whole foods with brown rice that was absolutely delish... it was just the miso dressing that was probably not OP... I also had this and that from their buffet- stayed vegan but not totally gluten free... then I had made veggie spring rolls last night which I think are fine diet wise(raw not fried) but all the sodium in the boullion I used and the braggs I think are catching up with me today... I will drink lots of water today as the scale was way up- and I am pretty sure its all the sodium. I didn't eat THAT much yesterday! I am also having coffee this morning, with pumpkin spice. Found some pumpkin at walmart yesterday- and didn't buy it because it was 3 bucks a can!!!! on clearance!!! :eek: anywho-
Plan for today is grouting the tile(scary)
Mowing the yard(Ugh, but that gets the workout in!) and working in the garden.
I also need to pull the bedsheets and wash them... allergies were really bugging me and seems that if I was them every few days it helps a lot... all the cat fur where they lay just kills me... Planning my food:
B: leftover rice noodles and veggies, coffee with almond milk
S: -
L: leftovers again
S:rice cake
D: brown rice shells stuffed with white beans, zucchini, spinach and mushrooms OR veggie enchiladas
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:43 am

Rikki wrote:I drank coffee this morning and apparently shouldn't have. I am sooo jittery but I guess maybe thats helping with the housework ;0)
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Heh. I eventually gave up coffee altogether. I think mcDougalling makes our bodies so healthy we don't need the extra ooomph of high caffeine. it was gradual, going down from half a pot a day, to one cup in the morning, none in the afternoon, and soon enough, even one sip set me off REAL bad, jittery, stomachy, and I just stopped drinking it.

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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:10 pm

buns- I am not a "regular" coffee drinker in the first place so that sure doesn't help either! lol... But I agree, this WOE seems to lend itself to not needing those extras and having ill effects when we have them!

Well, I have been starving this week and idk why... Just hanging in there... cleaning up the grout today and hopefully kitchen will be back in order!
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Re: Rikki's Losing it!

Postby Rikki » Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:57 am

Well, I fell of the wagon. Back on today. Gained back all I had lost, but I will try and try again until I get it right!!!

Plan for today:
B: 2 servings potatoes(140), coffee with rice dream(60)
S: brown rice cake(90)
L: brown rice pasta salad with ff italian, tomatoes, cukes
S: white bean ff hummus, carrots
D: Chili
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