10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Wed May 25, 2011 10:08 pm

Today was weird. A few hours after breakfast, I was really hungry. The only snacks available were raw veggies, which did little to assuage the hunger. The hunger faded after I got a little overheated so I ended up eating a rather small lunch before going to the gym where I walked 2.7 miles on the treadmill.

You'd think after that, I'd have been starving. After all, I burned about 390 calories which was probably all I'd eaten so far! But, I wasn't hungry. I did eat a small bowl of potato soup, though, just because I felt like I probably should. Couple hours later, still not hungry.

Finally, around 8 pm, a little hunger surfaced and I decided to eat again but now I feel stuffed. This is very, very strange to me, because I could not have eaten nearly enough calories for today (1200 minimum). Anyway, here's the specifics on what I did eat for Day 3. All portions were rather small.

Breakfast: leftover sweet potatoes + Potatoes O'Brien, topped with homemade salsa of cucumbers, tomato, fire-roasted chile (my namesake), onion, and lime juice

Snacks: carrot, lettuce & arugula

Lunch: leftover Jamaican Potato curry

Dinner: last of leftover Jamaican Potato curry (finally - not much left but lots of liquid so it was "soup"); leftover sauteed sliced radishes

Snack: baked Yukon gold potato topped with mushroom-onion gravy
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby RAS » Thu May 26, 2011 5:10 am

Good Morning Everyone. I will do the rice snap meals.Repetitive is what I need right now. Will drink a lot of water today to keep very hydrated as I have blood work to be drawn in am. I have small deep veins,so they ask me to drink a lot the day before. Also been putting off the blood work for a lllllooonnnggg while.( What I don't know won't hurt me attitude) :roll: Any way now I want to know..so I can work at whats' not right.

B-Large Sweet potatoe
L- Snap
snacks- 2 apples.
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Thu May 26, 2011 5:47 am

Chile wrote:Aw shucks, thanks! :wink: Just keep it real girl...i admire your spirit!!

I've been posting my meals as I eat them on my blog - you know, the one about my "little weight problem."RIGHT... At the end of the day, I copy that from the food log page there and post it here.
Great for us!! thank you!
I am not trying to eat low calorie on this, but I'm not particularly hungry. gotcha..right! Well, this morning I was. Then it seemed to pass, about when I was outside in the heat for a bit and got a little too warm. When I got home, all I wanted was ice water, and I didn't end up eating lunch until 2 pm!that's a long time!

Much of the reason I'm doing this is to deal with cravings and habits. IHEAR THAT!! Ten days, I have to do this.right. it's Doable! Bad cheating is not an option. Getting a frappucino is NOT an option....even though they are going to be having them half price (half price - what a bargain!)the HUGE expense..is to your plan! to your PROGRESS, whch is ~priceless!! over the holiday weekend at the store right across from the gym.you know what they taste like, eh?? so whts the big deal ? ;-)

I will NOT get a half-price (cheap!) frappucino because if I do so, I give more power to that craving the next time. amen to that!! And, I guarantee you, it would stop this weightloss cold.YOU KNOW it. you've got FANS watchin you girl!!! SERIOUSLY. Plus, what am I gonna do? Drink a frap before an hour walk on a treadmill? *snort* ;-) nahhhh...not after THIS win!! Get it afterwards and have my DH know I cheated?You're stronger than THAT!! Nope. Ain't gonna happen, folks. :D theres that spirit i ws talkin bout!! Show's over, move on out.ummmhummm...show em how it's done in the desert grl!![color=#0000FF]LOVE your state! Lived 4 2 yrs in Sedona..allergies forced me out. damn junipers!! arrrgh! Big hugs to you girl...have a GREAT one, and thank you so much again, for all tht you're doing. you hve no idea how many people's lives you're touching without ever knowing it!! :-D [/color]
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Thu May 26, 2011 4:42 pm

How to tell you might be looking forward to the end of 10 days of potatoes: You come home from the grocery store with 4 boxes of Shredded Wheat cereal, 4 cans of Vegetarian Baked Beans, and a bunch of whole-grain pasta. And then an hour later, your case of whole wheat Kabuli pizza crusts arrive from the Dallas Gourmet Bakery. (At least I'm splitting the case with a friend...and the rest live in the freezer for months.)

Funny thing is that I really am enjoying the potatoes. I just found it funny that I came home with a boatload of other starches. :lol:
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Thu May 26, 2011 8:35 pm

Day 4 started with another pound down. This will not be the case tomorrow as dinner featuring Ore-Ida's Steam 'n Mash red potatoes was extremely salty. In the future, I need to mix these with plain potatoes to lower the sodium.

For those of you following this journal, you may be surprised to read that I went to Starbucks today....but it was just to have them refill my to-go cup with ice water. Score!

My energy was low this afternoon so I had a larger dinner than I've been eating and skipped my strength-training today.

Here's the food log.

Breakfast: big plate hashbrowns with a little ketchup

Lunch: baked Yukon gold potato with mushroom-onion gravy; plate of salad with tiny bit of dressing

Dinner: big serving of mashed red potatoes mixed with a some soy milk, nutritional yeast, fresh dill & oregano; grilled carrots with sauteed onion, glazed with frozen concentrated orange juice
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Fri May 27, 2011 3:54 am

Chile wrote:How to tell you might be looking forward to the end of 10 days of potatoes: You come home from the grocery store with 4 boxes of Shredded Wheat cereal, 4 cans of Vegetarian Baked Beans, and a bunch of whole-grain pasta. And then an hour later, your case of whole wheat Kabuli pizza crusts arrive from the Dallas Gourmet Bakery. (At least I'm splitting the case with a friend...and the rest live in the freezer for months.)That's hystrical!! ohhh, those veg. baked beans r killer. I usually drain em, or I'd suck the sweet syrupy juice off every single one :D

Funny thing is that I really am enjoying the potatoes. I just found it funny that I came home with a boatload of other starches. :lol:it is our natural craving, as dr. Mc. says, eh? Just checked out the end of overeating book frm the librry..wow! he hits it on the head. I found tht if i put a bit of bbq sauce on the potato...I want MORE...wayyy more, thn if i'd just eaten it to be satisfied. sheeesh!! TRUTH! hope i find out in it how to deal w/that. i believe you're doing it VERY well though w/ the mary's mini. I'm talking & sharing your stuff w/a mcd. buddy...we're plnning on doing this same thing ala chile's model...very soon!! ;) Have a great day girl!!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby RAS » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Thats really great weight loss Chile.Please keep up the good work.Me I'm ok but am really determined to do this. Md. wants to put me on cholesterol lowering drugs&b/p meds etc.saying I do this for all my diabetic pts.Told him about the McDougall program,he said mmm nice,I'll repeat the blood work in 6 weeks.I'll show him this really works...will knock the socks off him & maybe he will guide other pts.this way.Right :roll: (Wonder how much he gets for ordering all these meds) sorry not so up-beat tonight.Why can't all doctors be like Dr. McDougall? anyway all have a good Memorial Day week-end.
Be back tomorrow. RAS
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Fri May 27, 2011 9:25 pm

RAS, keep up the motivation to prove to your doctor that patients CAN take charge of their own health!

burgh-grl, it's great that you're going to have a friend doing it with you. I think that really helps.

Debbie, mmm, banana sounds good. I'm glad ya'll found a brown rice you like. My DH won't eat it. Oh well. I need to work on having more whole grain or potato meals so that he gets plenty of fiber.

This was a tough day for me. If ya'll didn't see my big whine fest in the Lounge, I discovered last night that I am allergic to all soy now and must cut it out. This is a major blow to my typical cooking and eating, and really threw me for a loop. I spent the morning looking through the entire pantry to pull out everything with soy...and there was quite a bit.

On the plus side, despite having an extremely high-sodium dinner last night plus an allergic reaction and Benadryl, I maintained my weight loss. On an amazing note, I lost 5.5 pounds in the five days leading up to my period, which started today. That's right. No bloating or weight gain, but actual loss! And no crazy cravings for chocolate either. The hot cocoa I had this morning was not dinging my dopamine circuits and I had no trouble dumping the last half down the drain when it did cause a reaction.

Here's my food log for today.

Breakfast: half a cup of soy hot chocolate (just to confirm the soymilk allergy - yep); big plate of hashbrowns with a little ketchup

Snack: carrot juice

Lunch: skipped; not hungry (depressed about the whole soy thing)

Snack: plain baked potato; small bowl of homemade salsa (cucumber, fire-roasted green chile, tomato, onion)

Dinner: large arugula salad with fatfree dressing (apple vinegar, mustard, maple syrup); plain baked potato

Dessert: raspberries & banana
Last edited by Chile on Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Sat May 28, 2011 3:53 am

Debbie. wrote:I realized yesterday, I am not fond of tomato based foods. I can handle them here or there, but not every meal.THANK YOU Debbie..wow, i'm so GLD i'm not the ony one!! I would of just gone hungry then eat another snap meal with tomatoes :duh:ME TOO. and..another WET gloppy mix of things. sometimes..just one single food is best. It turns me so off at times.

So, todays meals:
B- 1 c rice w/1/2 chopped banana and .5 t of vanilla.i LIKE that idea..thnks!
L- 1/2 c rice w/1 c frozen veggie mix from yesterday w/2 T FF Flourless gravy.i'm writing all ths down for when my buddy and I do this-June 4 is our start date....THANK YOU so much!
D1-1/2 c rice w/ 1/2 head romaine, 2 T FF cheeze sauce, salsa.
D2- exactly as D1, but with 1 head of romaine! GOTTA find this recipe! is it Mary's? excellent!

Been loving the jasmine brown rice. Hubby loves it too.I just got a bag, after reading of your discovery! After 5+ years of hating brown rice and us "fighting" of his love of elmers glue tasting white rice, he will eat brown now!!! Although, Im confused. Regular brow :? [color=#0000FF]yep..[/color]n rice ahs 1 gram of fiber as does regular white, but the Jasmine has none?! Am I missing something? After two days of eating rice, with the apperantly low fiber, Im surprised Im not constipated.SOOO gld to hear tht!

Rewatched Mike Teehan's video again this AMtht is so so powerful! and hubby overheard it. He's always had a problem thinking of this way of eating as just a "diet", when he gets to goal he goes back to former bad eating and of course regains. But hey, I guess at least he gets to goal. The comment by Mike about his moms comment about atherosclerosis "running" in the family touched home. We've heard for years from his mom how heart disease "runs" in the family. We just laughed. I guess everything runs in every family, huh?ahhhh, the old ways, yep..so true!

I am looking forward to my rice with gravy/cheeze sauce.finding these things really is important to our feeling the food is complete, eh? I found a decent vegan dressing tht is going to be a staple now. I really need to steam up some fresh veggies however, or they'll go bad.You know the saying-Make SOUP! I also need to snack on peppers/carrots. I also need another fruit. Maybe while Im making the girl's lunch for tomorrow. 7 days left for the school year, where did the time go?
this can be so all consuming right now...we'll get where we need to be though!! thnks again!!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 am

Debbie. wrote:Made my crockpot beans overnight. What a wonderful smell to wake to in the morning. Kind of moody today. Did lots of house work. Lots of laundry done, actually folded AND put away!!! Clean sheets all around, thats a big deal. Emptied, filled, ran and emptied the dishwasher. Again big deal here. I like filling it but not emptying it. So normally it sits for a day or so. :roll: Im lazy like that ;-)

B-breakfast burrito with rice and beans and a whole tomato. (shoot, tortillas arent allowed on MM right??? )right...except CORN ones. I can do the tostada's like tht though..crisp em up in the oven then spread the fillings on top!! I usually cut them in fours first. makes eating them a whole lot easier. I find this to be- GREAT!

L- 1 rice bowl, just like yesterdays.

D- nothing really. I made potato chips in the micro, 1 small one. Again not allowed on my rice based MM. Couple of bites of "hubby's" rice. Since it is the only brown rice he'll eat, I'll let him have it mostly.are you doing mm with rice only? or...are you doing having a different starch every day? i'm unclear about that & how it's supposed to be done...MUSt it be potatoes every day? or...as i interpret it, a single starch, as long as it's the same one...each day.??

Getting up and walking in the AM.GOOD for you!! Taking the older girls to a birthday party then to see my mom and groceries, I only need a couple of things and I havent been in a week and a half!! Thats nice. :nod: ohhh yes...can't wait to get to that.Desparately in need of bananas. We go through about 9 lbs a week, mostly the girls.me too...it's a fav.

My weight is down 2.2 from the 25th. :cool:
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby RAS » Sat May 28, 2011 4:09 am

Hi Chilie,Debbie,Burgh_grl,Sat. May 28.
B-Lge.baked potatoe,tea, 1/2T.ff<salt salsa
L-Lge.baked potatoe,tea,Salad,with Balsamic Vinegar.
S- Birds Eye frozen brown rice veggie mix.
Snacks bananna. and maybe some left over boiled potatoes.

I plan to stay on plan. RAS
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 am

Chile wrote:Hey, if you want to do the mini with a different starch, that's fine by me. As I just told someone this morning who was trying to argue about The China Study with me, I no longer try to convince anyone to change their diet. This works for me and if you are interested, I can direct you to resources you can read and study yourself. But will I try to convert you? Will I argue with you? Will I defend what I believe? Nope. I LOVE this..you're so so so right on!! ;-) I used to but the end result was generally that everyone retired firmly to their own campsyep. i'm finally GETTING it. ... and since I've read more on cognitive dissonance, that's not surprising!

In other words, have fun with your rice!
way to go!
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby burgh_grl » Sat May 28, 2011 4:45 am

Chile wrote:Day 4 started with another pound down. This will not be the case tomorrow as dinner featuring Ore-Ida's Steam 'n Mash red potatoes was extremely salty. In the future, I need to mix these with plain potatoes to lower the sodium.

For those of you following this journal, you may be surprised to read that I went to Starbucks today....but it was just to have them refill my to-go cup with ice water. Score! :D YAYYY....EXcellent girl!! Your log today has me SALIVATING! YUM..i'm taking this all down to share w/my buddy...we start on the 4th of june! :)

My energy was low this afternoon so I had a larger dinner than I've been eating and skipped my strength-training today."mama SAID there'd be days like this!!" ;-)

Here's the food log.

Breakfast: big plate hashbrowns with a little ketchup

Lunch: baked Yukon gold potato with mushroom-onion gravy; plate of salad with tiny bit of dressing

Dinner: big serving of mashed red potatoes mixed with a some soy milk, nutritional yeast, fresh dill & oregano; grilled carrots with sauteed onion, glazed with frozen concentrated orange juice
this sounds so totally DELICIOUS...omg, am I THERE now?? :D
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Sat May 28, 2011 11:47 am

I forgot to note that I let go of the highfat (regular) salad dressing yesterday! It tastes so god but I know it's not good for me. The fact that it contained multiple soy ingredients was the clincher, though, and into the trashbin it went.

I didn't have time to mix up a real salad dressing recipe so I just did a modified version of the 3-2-1. I used about 2 parts homemade apple vinegar to 2 parts mustard to 1 (maybe 1 1/2) parts maple syrup. It was tasty but pretty thin. I may fiddle around with adding some arrowroot to it so that it sticks to the salad leaves better instead of just pooling at the bottom of the plate. I didn't waste that pooled liquid, though. I heated up my baked potato in it to season the potato.
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Re: 10 Day Mary's Mini with Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

Postby Chile » Sat May 28, 2011 10:54 pm

Yeah, Debbie, sad that my choice was dictated by an allergy instead of wisdom, huh? Oh well.

I've had some days where I just haven't been hungry. I'll bet my food's been under 1200 calories every day, but not because I'm trying to do that. I don't want my body to think I'm starving it and shut down the weight loss! But, I'm eating when hungry and somehow that's less than usual.

Hopefully your cough won't linger long!

My food today included more fruit, I think just because there are some tasty fruits coming into season and I enjoy them as a cool treat in summer.

Breakfast: couple bites of cantaloupe; big plate of mixed hashbrowns & Potatoes O'Brien with ketchup

Snack (at lunchtime): small banana

Lunch (several hours later): baked sweet potato; arugula salad with apple vinegar/mustard/maple syrup dressing thickened with a pinch of cornstarch and microwaved for 15 seconds

Snack: a little frozen orange juice concentrate mixed with sparkling water

Dinner: 2 baked potatoes; grilled veggie kabob (cherry tomato, slices of summer squash, mushrooms, slices of bell pepper and red onion

Snack: 1 1/2 cups popcorn
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