Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:51 am


B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana
S: birthday cake
L: vegetable soup, homemade sushi
D: vegetable soup, homemade sushi
S: fat free pringles
S: honey roasted peanuts & mixed nuts

E: no exercise

Went to a birthday party for two of my nieces, homemade cake... I finished off the can of pringles. I put the nuts bold also, because I really should not be eating them until I am at my goal weight.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:02 am


B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana
L: potatoes w/ veggies
D: rice and beans (Dr. M right foods black beans)
S: pickle
S: baked tostitos scoops w/salsa
S: late night processed cake CRAP - twice

E: no exercise

Got into the late night wanting to eat mood last night. Just boredom, not hungry. Saw something new in the fridge and just had to try it. I am still sore from picking up my bike, not as sore as I was. I will get back on track with the treadmill and try some push-ups & sit-ups. The pringles and tostidos, I bought and those were choices I planned out. My house always has plenty of CRAP in it and most of the time I do okay around it. I just need to change my thinking about putting that CRAP in my mouth. It did not fix the boredom.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JT of PA » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:28 am

JohnLarson wrote:10/21/13

I just need to change my thinking about putting that CRAP in my mouth. It did not fix the boredom.

x2 ... John, that blunt statement hit hard. Thank You. Junk doesn't fix the boredom, so why do I eat it?

We can work on it together ... and know you're not alone in this battle and journey.

All the best,

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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby redpepper » Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:52 pm

John I don't come here often. But when I do I look up your journal. Really enjoy reading it.

My dh is t2, low carber....can't even get him to try this. I have a hard time staying on this woe. Dh is struggling with his job situation right now.....

I have done the 12 step program in AlAnon because of relatives.

So a lot of what you say hits close to home for me. Thanks for sharing your story. You give me motavation.

Good luck with keeping the CRAP out of your mouth!! Love that

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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:08 am

JT of PA - I am glad you are active on the forums, it reminds me that I am not alone.

redpepper - I can see the attraction to the low-carb thing, but deep down I knew it did not make any sense. Potatoes, rice and corn make sense to me. I am not much tempted by meat and dairy as much as oils and processed CRAP. I am sure one day I will no longer be considered type2. Then I hope to be a walking billboard for this program.

I did not keep track of my food the last few days. I was on plan except for some baked tostitos that I had purchased last week and some non-veggie sushi. I will not be purchasing any more fat free pringles or baked tostitos. I do have some fat free pretzels that I will snack on if I feel a need. I no longer wish to justify my consumption of this stuff.

My food has been oatmeal in the morning, potatoes for lunch, I did go out for sushi one lunch and might go out today. I also just had a banana one lunch, when I forgot to cook my potatoes and grabbed a banana out the door. I have been snacking on pickles. I also had bought a back of whole wheat bagels and ate them with mustard and tomatoes. It was six of them and they are all gone.


B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana
L: WW bagel w/tomato & pickles, potatoes w/bbq sauce
S: banana
D: two boca vegan burgers on WW buns, fat free bush's baked beans, potatoes.
S: baked tostitos and salsa.

E: 15 push-ups (still sore)

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:32 am

I have not been posting, which normally means that I have not been on track.

I could post a bunch of excuses, but bottom line I am in denial about what is food and what is not food. Way too much CRAP in my house and way too easy to snack on this CRAP.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby kkrichar » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:00 am

Sigh, I'm in the same place. ((HUG))

We'll get there.

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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JT of PA » Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:59 pm


Here's to hanging tough and battling the bad.

All the best and know you're not the only one going through this.

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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby FitTrey » Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:38 pm

It can be tough to get back on track. Once you give yourself permission, it becomes easier to give yourself permission again and again.

One thing I do that I find helpful is to think about the people who do not think you can maintain this way of eating and get healthy. You know, the people who are just sure it will never last. The ones who, if they see you again in a few months and you have put weight back on, just can't wait to tell people about it behind your back. The people who will get some kind of enjoyment from seeing you fail.

After I think of these specific people I know, and imagine what they have already said, and what they would say, I usually get fired up and get a stubborn feeling that I would do anything to prove them wrong.
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JT of PA » Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:12 pm

FitTrey wrote:One thing I do that I find helpful is to think about the people who do not think you can maintain this way of eating and get healthy. You know, the people who are just sure it will never last. The ones who, if they see you again in a few months and you have put weight back on, just can't wait to tell people about it behind your back. The people who will get some kind of enjoyment from seeing you fail.

After I think of these specific people I know, and imagine what they have already said, and what they would say, I usually get fired up and get a stubborn feeling that I would do anything to prove them wrong.

FitTrey ... Great post ... your help to John Larson is also helping this John further North. :-)

All the best,
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:32 am

This weekend went good. I have not been on the scale, but I can tell that I have put on weight by the way my clothes fit. I still have not gotten into any type of exercise routine. My food has not been 100%, but it was much better than it has been.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:48 am

Yesterday went well. I did the treadmill twice for 30 minutes both times. I also ate really good. I have noticed that I am eating out of habit or boredom.

There is a new guy at work and he talked about "eating clean" and how he has lost 60 lbs and his wife has been successful also. That has also helped give me new inspiration. I think my biggest inspiration is that my jeans are fitting tight and buying new jeans is not an option. Buying any larger clothes are not an option. I know how not be overweight, I just need to put it into practice. These pounds I have put back on show me how insane I can be. What is crazy is that it has not been meat and dairy. It has been oil and refined flours. Sure I have had some meat, but not nearly as much as I did a year ago. It has been the breads, chips and candy. Nuts also, way too many nuts. Nuts are off the list as is all processed flours.

I woke up early and did the treadmill for 30 minutes and did 15 push-ups and 15 sit-ups. I am off to a good start. I also had a bowl of oatmeal with banana. No honey. I am going to lay off the honey also. I am going to eat like I did a year ago, plus I am going to really evaluate why I am putting something in my mouth. Is it because I am hungry or bored. I am really going to focus on waiting until I am hungry to eat and to stop when full. I find myself eating lots, because I can if that makes any sense.

Pretty simple stuff, eat when hungry, stop when full.

So that is my plan. Not a new plan. I am updating my weight to 221.6 pounds. That is what the scale said this morning. I am also going to start getting on the scale again. I would rather be obsessed with the scale than trying to squeeze into my jeans. Heck, one of these days these jeans should be baggy. I can and will be fit and trim.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JulieS » Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:56 am

Cough...apples or carrots/celery dipped in salsa when bored or hungry between meals...cough. :nod:
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby JohnLarson » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:04 pm

JulieS wrote:Cough...apples or carrots/celery dipped in salsa when bored or hungry between meals...cough. :nod:

I need to figure out if I am hungry or bored. If I am hungry, then I should eat. If I am bored, then I should do something.

Snacking when bored on healthy stuff sounds great, but I am not dealing with whatever my emotional issue is. I need to really look at my relationship with food. It is amazing how 30 minutes on the treadmill solves the boredom problem and I am no longer wanting to eat something.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Re: Trudging the Road of Happy Destiny

Postby babybuddha » Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:53 am

Hi John

Good to find you back and posting updates. I appreciate your honest disclosure and support you in heading to where you would prefer to be.

It takes courage to address one's emotional relationship to food, and I wish you well.

My journey 'back home' has not been a straight path, the twists, turns and reversals all carried me forward nonetheless.

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