Optimal Health Journey

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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:57 am

what's the saying? "one step forward, two steps back"?

One step forward with walking this morning. My dog and I enjoyed, even with the challenges. I think I put on 4 pounds or something during "healing", at least according to the doctors scale. I like to measure on the less full intestines, however.

It's hard to heal when your mind was cracked wide open while I was "tortured" in the hospital for four days and nights.

I've walked, its almost 8 and I need to start on the food at some point. I gave the rest of the great red popcorn to the bird. He misses his buddy. He thinks I've done something or he was mad at me and bit me for the first time ever broke skin. Too much testosterone in this confounded place.

Temperatures have turned balmy. I sprayed the plants that come from the rain forest. I hope that doesn't hurt them. I dunno when the searing heat of August will return. I have a few small tomatoes and two larger ones turning green in a brown paper bag. I didn't pick the beans...too much to crouch down and pick. I want to go see my friends garden and get a couple eggplants, lol .

I burnt my corn and beans and the cucumbers have been feeding so many bugs but I dunno what sort of army of bugs will benefit.

The sweet potatoes were favorites of large black ants. My youngest helped bury the large foods that I haven't chopped. BUT, he didn't turn the "quick" composter before he was picked-up by his father. Not much heat for that so maybe its ok for it to just rot in a pile not turned. I know so little about how things work in nature.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:46 am

I haven't tracked any plans so its no surprise I'm at a loss for yesterdays' food choices and I dunno what to do today. I'm trying to create something.

I have white eggplant, small pepper, onion, tomatoes and zucchini. I have a jar of grilled veggies. And I have not yet grilled any veggies over the gas grill.

Does anyone have any tips for marinade or grilling of the listed veggies????
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:12 am

Summers bounty brings so many fresh fruits and great vegetables. The weather can be wonderful too. Last night I laid on the hammock as the sun went down and I fell asleep. The temperatures were cooling.

I'm struggling trying to get enough sleep since my sleep pattern is so severely disturbed. Last night it seems I only got up (and not for cooking or cleaning in the cool night)once or twice.

I've been walking twice a day with the old dog. He's been seen running the yard like he's a little pup occasionally. Last night we had cool weather (60's)and for a few days it seems 80's will be the norm.

The only person I know that can cook things in a McDougall manner and cook them better than me had me over for dinner the night before last. We can be assured a food coma with her cooking. She cut up the cabbage (and I nibbled on it), white eggplant from the garden, fresh corn off the cob (more nibbles), few other veggies and fresh herbs with brown rice and it was like heaven. A meal I didn't prepare and the fresh deliciously sweet veggies was such a treat!!!

I'm feeling light and somewhat rested this morning. My weight is down in the 140's though I am up and down according to how much food I graze on. Sometimes I forget to graze and I just stuff my face, engorge, when I finally get to it.

Yes fruit is so easy to eat; I must have had 4 or more pieces yesterday. I have a salad made and I've been trying to munch fresh veggies as much as possible. I want to make an asian stir fry for lunch and I'll put together something my youngest will enjoy. I made a tweaked pasta fagioli and I think I put too many tiny shells as pasta. The tiny shells are interesting and would do well in moc cheese dish. I'll buy some more from the dutch market for that.

I'll look through MWL to see if there's something he'll enjoy. I made a great plantain in some juice for topping the breakfast oatmeal yesterday.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:46 am

B: bowl of fresh rice and beans (ready for burritos)

I made a three bean salad with asparagus this morning. I have a fridge full of prepared food for the weekend so I won't have to cook so much. Tomorrow it's going to rain so maybe I'll make some banana or zucchini bread if we're stuck inside.

We've had a southern california-like perfect weather for a few days. What a summer treat, along with the fresh fruit I've been loving.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:10 am

I have been enjoying the summer. It's been upper 80's which is just fantastic. Fresh corn, melons and squash. I love it.

I ate out once and I am paying for it. I tried to get something ok, but I didn't try enough. I feel like the family sort of turned against the diet choices so I'll take next week to buckle down and turn back to simplicity and exercise. The good thing is that when the family falls back on the quick crap SAD choices I am able to stand my ground and not get tempted, often. I did have plenty of choices around so I was munching on mango and three-bean salad and potatoes while those around me were looking at me, with their fat on, wondering how the person who's always eating looked slimmer than they did. :lol:

When I'd picked-up my son from his vacation in the Keys he'd gained over 10 pounds. He was OK with my plant-strong choices until his brother started bringing him home crap food as well as meat. That set the stage for this last wave of going against my food choices. His fathers choices were learned from his father and well it's not in any way healthy. I'll still struggle with my son trying to instill some sort of healthy guidance into his life.

I am not enjoying feeling the shoulder pain again, that I have felt from transgressing in the past. I want to open MWL and make a few salad choices so I can organize for the week. Continuing in the downward weight-loss will mean making specific healthy choices and I know I can plan for it. Getting it done will be a wonderful thing.

End of summer changes are bringing me to renew my determination and though I wasn't at my ideal weight for summer I will say that I no longer looked like the majority of women my age. I looked thinner than most even though I have about 30 pounds to lose.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:21 pm

So I posted something yesterday but didn't push the submit.

I made the worlds greatest salad today. Corn, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine, arugula and spinach with mango/rice/vinegar/garlic/ginger dressing.

B: Potatoes O'Brien
L: salad, lasagna
D: Potatoes, watermelon, lasagna
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:20 pm

B: Watermelon, three bean salad
L: lasagna, watermelon
D: rice and steamed spinach

Why do I notice everyone seems to be struggling. I've had a migraine for a few nights and days and I feel so out of it. I feel bloated and not back on track yet. My daughter is feeling weird too. She's had two seizures and is grouchy. Tough couple days.

Now here comes the rain and Irene.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:39 am

Thanks Debbie. It's hot, humid, wet, wet, wet. The wind is just starting. We are feeling a little better but my energy is low. Daughter is calm and quiet today and that's a plus.

I made Limas and noodles last night in the pressure cooker. I added spinach and bok choy. I just loved the dish.
Lima and Noodles by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

I'm making peasants pie with mushroom gravy for dinner.

I need to put my salad together too. I am needing to make salads more if I want to lose weight and it's the last thing I get too and often I skip it.

This has been the best year for figs I've seen! Fresh off the tree:
Figs from the tree 2011 by jewelsadk1, on Flickr
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:47 pm

I made two great dishes yesterday (well actually three since one was for my son who loves mock cheese and noodles). I made bean thread salad where I used the julienne peeler on carrots and zucchini and finely chopped radishes and green onions and made rice vinegar dressing. And I made a super fantastic green Asian stir-fry for dinner.

Tomorrow it will be curried potatoes and greens and a great big salad. I may buy some fennel in the morning to grate into the salad. And I have a mango that will be ripe tomorrow for the dressing (I'll use some to cut into the salad too).

I have to make a recipe plan for the next two weeks if I want to take the 100% compliant McDougall challenge. It's not like I'm not close to 100% now but I'll have to plan to make sure I stay on track to be certain. But I do need "no excuses" for the exercise. And if I'm going to do the Seagull Century I need to get the daily physical work anyhow. I need the exercise ANYHOW anyhow. :lol:
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:05 pm

SALADS created today:

Colorful coleslaw Image
Colorfull Coleslaw by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Many-bean salad Image
Many-bean salad by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Large green/grated fennel/carrot/radish/mango salad with miso/mango/lime/cilantro dressing Image
Mango/fennel green salad by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

And for some reason I missed the que for the pressure cooker and over-cooked my potatoes for the curried potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi dish. Image
Curried potatoes, cauliflower, turmeric and cabbage by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

I'm getting keyed-up for salad and the 30 day no-stray challenge.

I'm starting today even.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby Chile » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:18 pm

Yummy looking salads. Figs, too. Last week I had to walk by a great big super-ripe fig on someone's tree four times. It was very hard to keep from plucking it and sticking it in my mouth. Bad Chile! hee hee

Do you eat your figs plain or do anything with them? I made some tasty fig jam a couple of years ago. Before that, I made a really awesome figs in date syrup recipe but I can't find it again. Oh well. It'll be a few years until our little tree produces more than we can nibble on.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:19 pm

Cool ideas chile. I've yet to enjoy many figs between the weather that affects them and then all the critters that eat them too. This year I kept an eye on them because they looked so nice.

I've just eaten them fresh and a few have been so delightfully sweet just like that.

Salads are going to be my favorite thing this month. I'll focus on salads and when I crave more then I'll do a great potato/starch dish to keep me happy. Salads are in! Its still summer.

Tomorrow I'm going to grate fresh beets and make some cool salad with that. Then I'm going to try that burger dish and some bean spreads for my youngest son. And most importantly I'll enjoy those salads and some watermelon :nod:
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby Marla » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:55 pm

Hi StarchBeet,

Focusing on salads is an ingenious plan that I will probably copy :wink: Your salads look so good! I have been eating a lot more salad than I used to. I've always been more of a cooked veggie fan until recently.

Figs, yum. On the trail where I run there is a fig tree. The figs are still green, but I am watching them like a hawk. A western sharp-eyed fig hawk :lol: Unfortunately I am sure that others are watching them too.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:39 am

Breakfast: Mashed potatoes, cabbage, turmeric and kohlrabi
Lunch: SALADS!
Lunch August 31 by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

I grated beets and carrots and that happens to be delicious alone!

Marla, thanks...I'm FINALLY focusing on salads. I am slow :lol:

I'm glad you're a watcher-hawk and good luck with that. The deer just ate my tomatoes that fell over after Irene! I'm glad I got a bowl full of figs before they were all gone.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:32 pm

I'm getting brave...I posted one "before and after" pick...but the "after" still has a way to go.


Its startling, for me anyhow
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