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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Gypsy » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:04 pm

Christine in Cali wrote:I am an expert French Braider and I was going to advertise on CL with some PIC's to try and attract more customers...sometimes I feel very confident about my abilities as a stylist.
C out

:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Expert French Braider...wish you were in our area...all three of us have always wanted to know how to braid. GD and I both have long hair. That is just so go GF...I know you can do it. :nod:
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:03 pm

Hope you get your truck back quickly Christine. I know I hate being without ours.

Hubby is taking me to redo our honeymoon this weekend so I won't be here this weekend. Should be a lot of fun since this time I'm eating healthy and won't be up sick all night. That really sucked in some ways but also showed me that my hubby was definitely there for me he stayed up all night making sure I was ok. I got a wonderful hubby. Of course I'm always saying so if I say it to much just let me know. SMILE.

I went Gluten free a week ago and I'm feeling much much much better my mucus is like almost completely gone which means my asthma isn't acting up WOOT!!!! first time in a long time that I could say that. Rashes and stuff are clearing up too.

Thank you all so much for support and info. HUGS!!!!!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:07 pm

Hey, Lori and Christine, I am so with you 2 on this on plan, and then off plan!! but so glad we can all support each other on this thread. My number this am was 177.9 and I was amazed, and will see if it is there tomorrow or not. I have been boiling up potatoes a lot to keep on had and eating them up, reheated and spiced up with the no oils of course. I am getting the hang of the no oils at all too. finally. I love french braids too, and hope you do get more customers too.
I too would lvoe to be able to fly to Santa Rosa to attend the 10 day thing, but that is just so much money, I cannot even consider it ! But I think, but this is my health, my very life... Unless I charaged it all, and I do not use charges at all. so......
but hey felt good today, took Maxie to walking park,a nd even she was to hot, she kept going for teh shady spots and the cement under something to relax and cool off. It was a breezy day, so I thgt it was a good idea.
I made up 2 batches of the mean green drink. :mrgreen: Ds went to the Amish Bump and Dent after work, and picked some more veggies, cheap, and more fruit too. This must be the 2d quality of stuff, and we do not mind one bit. He says to tell you all, that one sip of my mean green drink, and he was sold on it, convinced, and loves it. this is 2d week of making it up for the 2 of us. I made up more today when he brought home the veggies, and I used up the last of my kale! I do have some kale growing, but it must be a different variety and is very small. perhaps it just needs to grow more too. Also eat plenty of real food for me, he said he loves the McD cups of soup that he also buys at this BB's for dirt cheap. He even bought some farrow there. Looks like a huge barely to me. will try it someday.
It is just too hot outside today. but as soon as I can I still need to do the wii for some exercise tonight.
You all have a nice evening out there in McD land
Looking for more documentaries to see on Netflix streaming about food and health. Anyone know of some to see? :roll:
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:36 pm

Hi Carollynne.....The one Netflix stream that opened my eyes to this way of eating is the link at the bottom of my signature. Go to Netflix and punch in the title "Change your food, change your life" It's a rather home made movie, and probably you know most of the stuff, but she is fun to watch. And it really did change my life!

It's rather cold and windy here....I am riding the bus to meet the man that buys my veggie burgers, but he wants me to house/pet sit for him at the end of the month, he has the cutest little doggies and he said I could drive his car while he is's that for nice?

I don't have anything to wear anymore...all my pants are too big, which I suppose is a good thing but I look rather sloppy in them. I like going to junk stores and they are in my price range LOL.....I guess I just need to look for pants now. Before the only thing I could find were plus size shirts and shoes :-)

I think the juicing is doing you good, cause you are dropping weight now. I decided not to juice but do some green smoothies and that way I still get my fiber in. Lani the exercise guru suggested it on her I will give it a try as soon as I get some greens. Wish I could try one of your mean greens though....

K gotta go and catch the bus TTFN
Last edited by Christine in Cali on Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:40 pm

Oh hey Rosey have a good time re-inacting your honeymoon :unibrow: but without being sick this time!

Gypsy...I love braiding hair and wish I could teach you....

K gotta really go now I think I am going to miss the bus
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:32 pm

Rosey...Have a great weekend!!! <3 I think your honeymoon will be even better this time around since you will be feeling so much better!! Glad to hear that the gluten free diet is really helping you also...that is wonderful :nod:

Carollynne and Christine...Thank you so much for the encouragements!! I've been on track for over 5 hours now...hehehe!! I'm trying to drink alot of water hoping to flush the bad stuff out of my system as soon as possible!

I also really liked "Change your Food, Change your Life"...thanks for the link Christine!

Wouldn't it just be so cool if we could all go to the 10 day session in Santa Rosa...but I am afraid that it is way out of my budget at the moment...too bad it's so expensive!! I called to ask my insurance if they would pay for it and they said no...really they are so foolish because I think it is around 5,000 dollars which is ever so much cheaper than the bill would be for a heart attack or bypass surgery. Hopefully one day they will see the light! Wise up insurance companies!!!

Hey Christine that is great that you got that doggie sitting job and the guy will let you use his car :) That is wonderful news!! :)

I'm just having a quiet day here and letting my body rest a little, I went on a walk with the bear this morning, who ate a blue pen, so now he has blue spots!!! Just doing some laundry, munching on vegies and reading posts here. I know that tomorrow I will feel so much better!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:14 pm

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!!! Our farmers market was amazing this morning!! Fresh melons and plums... So so good!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:55 pm

Christine, I will have to see the netflix doc you recommend. I have been on the sight, and saw her videos, before they freeze up taht is. Ds wants to see it as well....
I went to a pampered chef party this afternoon, and did pretty good. I could not help but notice how hvy so many of the women were, and counted my self pretty well informed but still ate a pc of the dump cake, but left the meat and, bacon, cheesy stuff alone. but only had one sip of the sangria, I cannot drink, one sip and I was feeling so woozy... stuck to my mean green drink.
I did use my wii again, for 21 min this am. and if you count all the trips out back to my mulch area with veggies pulp, then watering all my plants with left over water in dish pan, and even hanging out some laundry today. I did pretty good.
I don't think I can be trusted around chocolate!! OH, that cake was good, I really want to rush to store and make on up right now, in microwave!! So simple. But I'd only eat the entire thing and get so sick. In fact I had a lot of gas built up from eating that cake anyway. I like the new new, with better digestion and no gas pains too.
I will learn the hard way, that is me!
Had my steel cut oats form lunch, with blueberries, and for lunch, I had a green salad, and not to mention my green drink was loaded with kale, spinach, green apples, an orange, lots of celery, cilantro, ginger, lemon, and it was great!! oh, yes forgot, some honey dew melon too. wow we both loved it.
for dinner I had some leftover potato chunks with some quinoa, and veggies mixed in. It was a bit bland, but I wanted to eat it up, and be done with it. Also had that salad at the Pc party, and some carrots and pickles, and that I shouldn't of had !!
Christine, I think it is so cool beans to get to house sit and dog sit too. Sort of like a vacation!! I will be watching that video on netflix.
Lorijenny, I love to just read posts here too, and in the beginning I used to do that to keep myself from snaking all day long... but it has gotten easy on me. and Yes I feel so much better when I stay compliant.
have a good night to all!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:17 pm

Hey L J and C L....I had a mellow day. Sis woke me up at 7 and came over bout 45 Min's later to hike. We got distracted at a few yard sales and didn't get walking till later in the AM her DH came too and this is the first time that I am in better shape then they are LOL. We walked for about and hour but I didn't break a sweat.

I just did the beginning CD of the Fluidity bar routine and my back and knees DO NOT like, so on Craigslists it's goes from once it came. I would sell it on E-bay but it cost so much to mail out I don't want to lose money from the dealio.

My housemate is gone for 10 days, so I have the place to myself...yeah. Tonight I am going over to my Sisters house to stay with wittle Wee Wee (little Lily) their dog...she's a little fart. But they have HBO and Showtime so I can catch up on my True Blood series. I have to work at the Deli tomorrow so wish me luck. I made a double batch of veggie burgers so that should keep me busy for awhile. Still no truck yet....just going to have to live without it right real job either :( But I am thinner and that makes me feel oh so good.

K night all, be good McDougallers.

wee wee
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:03 pm

Awww... So cute!!! :)
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:40 pm

What a cute little doggie.
I did watch the netflix doc change your food, change your life! and I did love it. In fact I ended up making 2 recipes that she showed right away. The Orange Pudding, and the Backed Nacho, and the 2d one a big hit with all 3 of us.l In fact even Dh loved it. but I had his taco ground beef to add to his, and also gave him some cheddar cheese sprinkles. I baked up a batch of tortillas myself, since I had a huge stack of them in refrig, and they are so easy to bake,and then crush up yourself. Everything else I had, including Eric's own canned salsa from last yr's garden too. it was too simple to believe!! for the added beans I had pintos and Anasazi's already (even had let them sprout and so far so good, I mean no gas eruptions here. Frozen corn, and let it all bake for the 25 min on 350... but really the beans were still too cold from frig, so it took a bit longer. Instead of the cheese, I put some sweet vidalia onions on top. I mean it went like hotcakes! I think I have found a winner for us to share a meal.
I have given up on all restaurants here, too much trouble and money.

I'd rather save the cost to buy more veggies, for my juicer, and for real foods too. that green juicer juice is great, but again a lot of work, it is getting easier and I am getting better at all of it too.
Hey christine, what is your recipe for your veggie burger? I know you have given it to us before, but can I have it again> thanks
Also decided to call youngest son living in Atlanta and tell him thanks for bringing the vegan lifestyle into our home, since he did!! He was tired, and it is so hot in Atlanta that I know he is wishing he had better A/C.

I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:45 pm

Maxie and me!! She was really jittery about sitting up so high, may not try this again!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:01 pm

Hi all! It's a quiet Sunday here! I love the new pics, so fun, thanks Carollynne and Christine!!! Cute doggies!! I took Bear over to the dog park first thing this morning...he rolled in the mud!! Took him home for a hose bath...not sure who got wetter, him or me?? Then watched the World Cup Soccer Game with my son...well, if USA could not win, I'm glad Japan did, and I do hope it's a spirit lifter for them. I will have to watch that netflix video again and try out the nacho recipe sounds good, and would be great to get your blackbean burger recipe Christine!! :) I'm gonna go make some blackbean salad, and maybe some 3 bean chili too. Our first CSA box arrives next Sat. excited about that...and I found a juicer on Craig's List for $40, waiting for an email back about that. close to your goal weight now...congrats!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:12 pm


Here is a pic....I have to do some searching for the recipe, but I found it on here and it's from a restaurant called J. Alexander. I do not add mushrooms only because I don't like them and I don't have sweet soy so I add organic brown sugar. I bake them till they turn a bit in color and are firm to the touch...I don't put them on the bar-b.
All fresh veg and no fat, spicy too

dstewart wrote:
WIthout hesitation I say that the veggie burger sold by J Alexander's restaurants is the SUPREME veggie burger on planet Earth. Better than a hamburger. And it's vegan and has no added fat.

The one strange ingredient is "sweet soy sauce." That is "kecap manis," spelled many ways, an Indonesian sauce. If you live in a big city, maybe you can find it at a gourmet grocer or Whole Foods or something; I don't live in a big city, and had to order it over the web. You can make an approximation with soy sauce, brown sugar, and the tiniest dash of liquid smoke. Also, in the restaurant I think they serve it with a glaze on the burger--it might be kecap manis or something.

J. Alexander’s veggie burger
Yield: 4 servings.

3 cups cooked brown rice
1/2 cup packed oatmeal
1/2 cup black beans
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
1/4 cups diced onions
3 ounces canned beets
1/2 cup julienned carrots
1/4 cup diced celery
1/4 cup diced red bell peppers
1/4 cup button mushrooms cut in 1/4 -inch slices
1 tablespoon garlic
2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon dry, ground chipotle pepper
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon chili powder

1. Drain and wash beans. Drain beets. Place all ingredients in large plastic mixing bowl and mix well.

2. Run ingredients through a meat grinder. Refrigerate mixture for 1 hour.

3. Portion into 8-ounce patties, then press through a burger press with a piece of wax paper underneath and on top of each patty.

4. Place burgers on plastic serving platter and refrigerate overnight. These keeps the burgers from falling apart on the grill. (Patties must never get above 40 F or they will fall apart.)

5. On hot charcoal grill (550 F), grill 3 minutes per side.

The recipe is sourced here: ... coal-grill
Last edited by Christine in Cali on Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:19 pm

They look so yummy!!!
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