Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:44 am

toadfood Thanks for your rant, it really helped.

Well, still 3 pounds up this morning, I'll give it another day to "normalize" before I adjust my weight loss tracker.

*** WARNING commentary about poop incoming***

Other than the weight gain, I was also punished in the bathroom. Now I'm under no delusions that my poop while McDougalling smells like roses or anything, but damn! When all that bad stuff finally came out, I thought I had died or was going to die just from the smell. I was actually gagging while trying to wash my hands after I was done. It was gross and very not funny at the time.

*** Resume normal reading poop alert is over.

I was cleaning the kitchen last night. The wife was exhausted and kept telling me to stop, that she would do it. I just kept telling her I was bored and didn't mind. The truth was I was tired of her stuff being in my way and I needed room for me to cook.

Today is going to be hell, between our recent travelling and the wife's massive cooking project, we have had no time to go Christmas shopping. So guess what we are doing today!? We don't Christmas shop well together, she'll point out a gift for someone, I'll not like it, and suddenly I have no Christmas spirit and I'm Scrooge. Gosh, I sound kinda bitter don't I. Guess I'm still mad about stuff. There's still SO much bad food here. I think she kept 3 or 4 gallons of Chex mix for the house.

I've been thinking about the first of the year, when so many Americans go on diets and stuff. I've just been wishing the wife would try something, even though I think I've proven that the low fat vegan "thing" works. My Mom and Sister have done well on Weight Watchers this year, and I've noticed they are eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, much less processed foods, so that's good even if they are still eating meat. When we plan to have a dinner out with my Mom, Sister and BIL, they'll go online ahead of time and calculate points and already know what they are going to eat before we even get there. This pisses the Wife off, I just don't understand why. I would even be happy if she went back on Atkins. She would probably do paleo, but only if I would do it with her, which isn't going to happen.

Honestly, I'm not sure how much I can "afford" to worry about her. It's been amazing to me, how much damage a one night binge can do. I've had almost constant headaches. My blood sugar has been bad. Even my normal bowl of oatmeal which normally spikes my BS up to 135 or so, this morning made it go slightly over 200. I've had some minor chest pains/twinges. And a general over all crappy feeling. The most amazing thing though, last year at this time, I would have eaten the same way for the whole week. I wouldn't have considered it a binge at all.

10:45 am, i think I need a nap...
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:36 pm

Sorry for the hard time, and the symptoms that haunt the day after. Sodium REALLY gets me - dizziness, heart palpitations, bloating and joint pain. Maybe that is the main thing, the salt and the over consumption? (I don't know what Chex Mix is :oops: )

Anyway, back on the horse, back on the wagon, back on plan - good for you! And I am with Toadfood - not going to add a rant, but I could, yes I could...You are doing great, and it is very understandable that you would be mad and frustrated at your wife for many aspects of her behavior. Your emotions are valid, no point beating yourself up. :)
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby scooterpie » Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:14 am

Hi--nice to "meet" you! I've read quite a bit of your journal. Continue trying to keep true to your path. You've certainly illustrated well how it just isn't easy with the challenge of someone who's not particularly on board. It's good that you can vent.

Since you brought it up--the poop thing. For the nearly eight days I completely ate in a health-supporting way I noticed that mine didn't smell. I thought I'd lost my sense of smell or something:-) Crazy! And crazy what we simply get used to because it's always been that way.

Well, thanks for bringing it up.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Katydid » Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:10 am

What you say about poop is absolutely true. My brother - The Carnivore - moved in with me last year and we share a bathroom. I don't want to say my sh*t doesn't stink, but comparatively speaking, I don't turn the bathroom into an outhouse for half an hour after I go like he does. Another thing I noticed is that my sweat doesn't stink either. I recently switched from a store-bought antiperspirant to a one of those rock salt lump deoderants as a way to lower my aluminum exposure. Made no real difference. Even if I skip a day showering, I just don't smell sour anymore.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:42 am

nicoles Chex mix is a somewhat traditional mixture of Rice Chex, Corn Chex, Wheat Chex (these are all breakfast cereals), peanuts, mixed nuts, pretzels, butter, Worcestershire sauce and season salt. The butter and seasoning are poured into the mixture of cereals and it's mixed up and then briefly baked. Makes for a very salty buttery snack.

scooterpie Thanks for stopping by. I'm sure my journal reads like it's been much harder to stay the course than I feel that it has actually been. This WOE really is the right choice, is very satisfying, and makes you healthier and feel wonderful, with an added bonus of losing weight. I have no doubt if I was single or had a supportive spouse, that this WOE would be much less complicated.

Katydid I had noticed for the past decade or so that heavy meat meals (chili, sloppy joe, hamburger helper) were not pleasant for the next day in the bathroom, I can only imagine how bad it would have been if I had binged on one of those dishes.

The good news, down to within less than a pound of my pre-binge weight. The bad news is yesterday sucked SO much more than I expected.

*** Long Story Warning, Not Eating Related ***

Two and a half years ago #3 son was asked by the wife to help with some spring cleaning. He had a temper tantrum (He was 22) and used the threat he always used as a child, "I'll go live with my Dad." Well he said that and I reached into my pocket pulled out $100 and said, "I'll pay for the gas." Anyways his biological dad is an ass, and he hated life down there. He asked if he could come home and I told him yes.

While he was with his dad, 1000 miles away, his car broke down. His dad has a history of buying cars every two years, and pretty much getting screwed every time. #3 returned with a brand new car. Well over the course of the next couple of years he struggled to make the car payments ($350 for 7 years) and fell behind a few times here or there. I think his dad helped him out a few of those times, he had co-signed of course.

Anyways the car got repo'ed. The car seemed to be the focal point of the repressed anger #3 has towards his father. So honestly I had no interest in helping them catch up the payments, and #3 didn't want the car, re doesn't make that much money and resented how much he was having to spend on the car.

So we went out Thursday night and bought a car from a private owner. The two problems being the car was a 5-speed, and #3 has never driven a stick, and there were no plates on the car. So we took the title and keys, the owner gave us 24 hours to get it off his property. We went to our state's DMV yesterday and they told us we needed a "cleared" title or a letter from the bank saying the car had been payed off (it's a one owner '95 model). The wife hadn't gone in and suggested we stop at a different branch of the DMV, same story there.

So we either travel to the adjoining state and go to their DMV, or we go to a credit union in the state next to the adjoining one. Faxing is not an option, the document they want from the bank has to be notarized. So we go to the DMV, it's closed until Tuesday. We return to the car, decide to take it. I drive it over to a unbusy neighborhood and teach #3 to drive a stick. We send him home.

While the wife and I are shopping at our first location we get a call from the state police, They've stopped #3, they are impounding the car, and the state trooper is holding #3 on the side of the road 40 minutes away, can we come get him. We leave our shopping cart (That we had spent 40 minutes fighting crowds to fill) and leave to go get #3. We get another call telling us the trooper had dropped him off at a gas station. $150 for the towing and $15 a day storage. The trooper told #3 to leave the title in the car, so we have to pay the towing company money to go get the title (there's some kind of access fee) so we can get it tagged, which we have to do before we can get the car out of storage.

So at this point, #3 has to go to work in a few hours (using my car), the wife doesn't have a car (long story), and we've done "zero" Christmas shopping. So we call #2 and ask him if he can come meet us and take us shopping, he agrees of course.

So the weekend after Thanksgiving we had the trip to the funeral, I had expected us to cancel the trip to NYC, but the wife insisted. My mother and #2 were supposed to have gone, but cancelled after the expenses of going to the funeral. We helped #3 to get a beater (old cheap car). So our budget is pretty much in the tank. I had agreed to allow one of the bills to slip for a month in order to finance Christmas this year.

The first place we went was a "stocking stuffer" kind of store. Normally I go to a $1 store and spend about $75 and everybody has fun opening stocking stuffers. I figured with all the added expenses this month, we needed to pull off Christmas for about $600. a very low figure for us. We're checking out at the first store and a business acquaintance gets in line behind us and starts talking to us. The guy finished ringing and the bill is a little over $300, I looked at the wife she said "How could it be so much?" I said, "Because that's how much stuff you put into the basket." She didn't have a response, and honestly if my friend had not been standing there I might have walked out, but I didn't I paid the guy and said to her, "Well you're grounded from stocking stuffer shopping from now on."

Anyways she's rightful pissed off at me, I did embarrass her front of one of our business acquaintances, but she does not seem to understand my anger at her for "accidentally" blowing half our Christmas budget on the "stocking stuffers". I have apologized, she has not. She's still mad. She slept on the couch.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:19 pm

Hope things get better between you guys soon and you and family have a great Christmas. Good for you for returning to healthy eating despite the difficult environment. Sticking to a budget and eating healthily are two things that most people have difficulty with; or else we'd live in a country where most people would be slender oand rich. Obviously that's not the case but it's good to see you taking real steps toward better health (and trying to with your financial health.)
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:16 pm

Caroveggie I think poor diet and bad financial habits both show a lack of knowledge and a desire for immediate gratification. I have noticed that the way my wife and I spend money, bothers me a lot more lately. One of the reasons I've let it get so bad is I really didn't expect to live to regret it. I guess the downside of healthy living is better planning for retirement...lol

Christmas probably couldn't have gone much worse. Last night was pretty nice, it was the wife and myself, all four of our sons, one DIL and #4'sGF. We all sat down to the traditional cream of tomato soup and grilled cheese dinner, #2 son and I had a stir fry of rice-peas-onions- carrots- mushrooms. There was some drinking and much merriment. Was a very nice evening. DIL is eating gluten free and wants to lose about 50 pounds, so she was asking me about my "diet". She seemed to be genuinely curious, and wanted to know if she could try whatever dishes I was preparing for myself for today.

The wife and I had agreed that the NYC trip was our Christmas present to each other. I hate it when I fall for those tricks. At one point she commented that the only think I gave her for Christmas was a shrug. #4 son gave her a pressure cooker, I'm sure she probably thought I had told him I wanted one. Two of my sons gave me a very nice pea coat, it's a little snug, but another 10 pounds it'll be awesome. The wife commented she thought the coat was inappropriate because it made me look like a 20 year old. Anyways my Mom came over and we opened more presents and then the cooking of the Christmas dinner began, I was trying to get my stuff done while the wife was out of the kitchen (I was making a shepherd's pie and a gluten free stir fry), I was also helping the wife. I guess about 30 minutes before dinner a burner opened up and I put the frozen peas and spices on to cook for the stir fry. The wife snapped, I later found out it was the smell (ginger and garlic powder).

She yelled something at me and slammed something down in the sink. I walked away. About 5 minutes later she came into my computer room and told #4 son to get out. Once he left she told me that she was tired of me flaunting my weight loss in front of her, and that she was tired of me trying make her become "one of us" . I told her, "I love you, and I firmly believe this "diet" will fix almost all of your illnesses. Of course I want you to try it, but I don't think I've been pushy at all about it." Apparently she thinks that me continuing to eat this way is being pushy.

So she stormed off and told our sons that she was sorry but she was done and then locked herself in the bedroom. We really do have great sons, they all pitched in with #1 running the show and finished Christmas dinner. They found keys to the bedroom and went in to talk to their Mother, but to no avail. My Mother was upset of course, but tried not to show it. Our sons were upset and frustrated. They really couldn't make any sense of why she was so upset. Except that our relationship was based on food and doing stuff around food, and now that I was a crazy vegan we didn't have any connection anymore.

The oldest son even told me that he would give his support to having her put in a mental hospital, wow, can you still do that? She spent some time on the phone with her sister, #1 son listened in (not my idea). My SIL was trying to calm her down and didn't believe any of the "he's cheating on me stories". My Mom left, my sons helped me get stuff cleaned up from dinner. Finally my wife came out of the bedroom, clearly still pissed off. I went into the bedroom after she was out, with the intent of taking a nap. She stormed in a little while later and told me I had to find a different place to live. She said she didn't have a car or any place to go, and that I had promised her the house (We have a mutual friend that continues to make mortgage payments for his ex-wife, but I've never made any such promise) so I had to get out. I told her I had made no such promise. She said she knew I was a liar and stormed out.

I don't know what to do. I almost packed up and went to #2 son's house, I still might. I think I have to seriously consider that she is insane, and not just normal "menopause crazy". Nobody thinks this is my fault. #1 son did tell me I shouldn't push this diet on her, once I explained how little I had pushed, he was surprised. I'm at a loss.

Now in my wife's defense, her Mother was rushed into emergency surgery on Christmas eve, but reports were that she was already doing better an hour after surgery than she had been before. So that's good, but the wife was still stressed out about it. My Mother altered her Christmas present to my wife and gave her "ticket money" to go visit her Mother. I honestly think that's the best bet atm, just buy her a one-way ticket back home and see if she ever wants to come back....
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:29 am

I really have nothing I can offer but to say I'm sorry. I've read each of your posts since you began. You have dealt with so much, first your health and now this. I have so much I could say, but I shouldnt so I won't. It won't help.

I'm sorry your going through all this. I hope despite all that went on, you found a way to enjoy the time with your mom and sons.

Merry Christmas!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Caroveggie » Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:16 am

Sorry to hear what happened. I hope the hurt feelings mend and the relationship heals quickly.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Melinda » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:04 am

I am also very sorry for your situation - with no good advice to offer. We heard Doug Lisle speak and he said that when we adopt this way of eating, it can say to people that we are 'better' than them, esp. when we explain the reasons why. And people are threatened by the idea of someone being 'better' than them - all tied in with our instincts for survival. One of his expressions suggested to use is "seems like its working for me" but I fear that your wife would take that the wrong way. Anyway, keep on keepin' on as I think Skamboots would say, and all the best. Maybe some counselling for you in private would help somehow to deal with this - I can bet your wife would be very threatened by any suggestion of joint counselling or counselling for her.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby yarnpetter » Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:54 pm

I'm so sorry. I don't really know what else to say except I'm glad you are able to get the support you deserve here and it seems from other family members. I'm sorry your wife is unable to provide that support.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Adrienne » Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:30 pm

I have been following your journal from the beginning and I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I am sure you are well aware of the fact that your issues with your wife go way beyond your new diet. On a positive note, you seem to be doing rather well in terms of your food choices despite the lack of support from your wife and the temptations surrounding you. And your stepsons seem to sympathize with you so however you choose to handle the situation with your wife hopefully they will understand and be supportive.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Broadbean » Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:07 pm

Wow. I have read all your posts and have, until now, kind of felt for your wife: it's hard having a spouse change so radically. BUT, for land's sakes, you had a HEART ATTACK and if my husband had a heart attack I'd be SOOOOOO relieved he was making changes in his diet and losing weight. I mean, it's not like you just randomly adopted this diet to annoy her or anything.

Anyway, I'm rooting for you and sending you all my best wishes for inner strength!!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:34 pm

I am so sorry to hear how your Christmas went! But I am glad at least that you are surrounded by others who are fair and supportive and pleased that you continue to stay on track and take care of yourself.

I have no real advice to offer, but I do have a similar experience that may be relevant, or it may not. The behavior your wife is exhibiting is well outside the realm of functional, and certainly may be her own inner demons rearing up as she is faced with your healthful changes. But, my mother in law started behaving in a similar manner right before her first major stroke - and it turned out she had several smaller strokes before it that the doctors think caused the personality shift.

Has she been experiencing any headaches, dizziness, vision changes, balance issues or any of the other symptoms of a stroke? If she has, it might be a good idea to see about a medical visit.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby fulenn » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:04 pm

What is going on has to do with a lot more than your way of eating. At least I tend to think that. Even so, I'm sorry it is coming out at you like this. You are doing so well at embracing health and making things work. :)

As for the pea coat: congratulations! My 41 y.o. husband has one and he looks totally sexy in it! Of course I am a bit biased. :o

Last edited by fulenn on Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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