Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby keithswife » Wed May 23, 2018 8:17 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:I feel really good. After how yucky my gut was yesterday after my indulgent weekend, it is very nice to have this sort of light calm interior that I'm currently experiencing. Let's remember this, Heidi. Maybe you can hold on to this calm, clear-headed, open feeling energy when rich processed foods call your name.

This is my mantra, too. Over the weekend I snatched one of my son's krispy creme donuts and ate it. Within minutes I felt sick and had bad heart burn. And for what? A donut? Not worth it.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Rosey » Fri May 25, 2018 8:27 am

I so know the feeling bad after I eat something off plan. Why do we do that to ourselves? Trying not to anymore after last one almost made me feel like going to hospital.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri May 25, 2018 8:56 am

keithswife wrote:
bunsofaluminum wrote:I feel really good. After how yucky my gut was yesterday after my indulgent weekend, it is very nice to have this sort of light calm interior that I'm currently experiencing. Let's remember this, Heidi. Maybe you can hold on to this calm, clear-headed, open feeling energy when rich processed foods call your name.

This is my mantra, too. Over the weekend I snatched one of my son's krispy creme donuts and ate it. Within minutes I felt sick and had bad heart burn. And for what? A donut? Not worth it.

Rosey wrote:I so know the feeling bad after I eat something off plan. Why do we do that to ourselves? Trying not to anymore after last one almost made me feel like going to hospital.

HI Keithswife and Rosey

Exactly! The health effects of bad food far outweigh anything "good" about them. It's remembering that week after week, that will get us through. :)

Now, my day off yesterday. I had an appointment with the foot dr, which was an informative visit, which impressed me. He asked good questions, answered all of my questions, and gave me some protocols to follow, to relieve things and bring about some healing, not using a steroid shot or any other invasive anything. How did he put it...

Support: achieved by good solid shoes, which I have but I need new ones. Cross trainers. Mine are hiking shoes and he approved when he saw them. But said it's time for new shoes. He also approved of the custom orthotics that I've had since the late 90's but I haven't been wearing them inside my current shoes because the vibram soles fit themselves to your foot. He said "Virbram soles are great for people without foot problems." But the orthotics provide the support that my feet ACTUALLY need.

Shock absorption: again the shoes, making sure the soles are plenty thick polyurethane (or whatever)

Immobilize: walking can NOT be my exercise. Everyone walks some, but I've got to figure out a way to get my cardio in, and it can't be walking. Even a bicycle, if I'm rotating my ankle, flexing and extending it, that's too much.

Also, wearing my shoes with orthotics all the time, unless I'm in bed or in the shower. Boo! It wasn't much fun sitting around the house last night, comfy and watching TV, and wearing my dang shoes. He also told me not to manipulate my feet. That is, sometimes when my feet ache, I'll get them in my hands and massage, moving the ankle around and stretching it, flexing and extending, etc. I'm not to do that any more. And, to relieve pain and reduce swelling, elevate my foot above the level of my heart for an hour every evening. Ice it, if there's pain. I managed it last night and I must say, it felt a lot better after an hour being up.

Thing is, after my foot dr appointment with all this solid advice, I spent the day with my daughter and my year old grand baby. He just turned a year, and needed 12 month and 18 month sized clothes. So we went thrift shopping! Fun. He is walking now, and that's what he wanted to do. So while his mama found jammie, tops, and jeans for him, I followed him all over the store. He made for the entrance EVERY time. He also loved the toy aisle and stole...er grabbed for later purchase...a Peter Cottontail figurine that sure tasted good, from all appearances. :lol: At any rate, more than an hour of tootling around with that little guy, and then dinner once I got home, and clean up...I was more than glad to have my hour of elevated foot.

What impressed me about this doctor was, he didn't feel it necessary to shoot me up with steroids or over treat. He seems to recognize the ability of things to heal up if you treat them right. He wanted to treat symptoms, sure, but he was more interested in seeing some healing take place. The only hard part about this will be having my shoes on all day long. I am a "barefoot in the kitchen" type all the way. But I'm ready to do whatever it takes for this. Tired of it hurting.

still feeling good. Eating right makes the difference. Oh! one other thing at the Dr. I'm 57 years old, and when he was asking about my medications (the only thing I ever use is ibuprofen)...he said "You're using an ibuprofen therapy for this foot pain?" I'm all...no, I take two to four as needed. He said "this is the only medication you take?" "yep" ... "not bad" :lol: My BP was 124/80 which is a little bit high for me but the MA who took it said "Wish mine was that good" :-D So yeah. Other than obesity, I have zero health problems.

Even my obesity isn't causing other health problems. Now how does THAT sound! and soon to be rid of the obesity. ya, babay!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue May 29, 2018 9:21 am

A good weekend is behind me. That is, there was no lame-o "It's a feast day" mentality, and my eating was very sane. Which was nice. We hung out pretty much for all three days, though I did get out yesterday to spend time with my kids. Daughter, son-in-law, son (who is renting a bedroom from my daughter) and grandbaby. Then home and got tipsy with Wylie and made food while tipsy. LOL Which turned out okay, though I didn't think I would have the mental capacity to organize things correctly, but I did. Pulled jack fruit samwich filling. Yum! I brought it for lunch but might not feel like eating.

And we ordered Chinese in last night, which this morning woke me up with diarrhea ugh. I had some left over, but I'll be tossing it. It was not oily. Just veggies in sauce...Moo goo gai pan...I looked and there was no oil globules. But whatever. It was okay, and I'm tossing the rest.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed May 30, 2018 7:57 am

Sometimes, like right now, I wish it were more convenient to eat this way. Yes, a cold baked potato is filling and quite tasty, and convenient as heck. But wouldn't it be so nice if going to a restaurant didn't mean eating a watery salad with a slice of dry bread on the side because there are ZERO non-animal, no added fat dishes on the menu? Wouldn't it be lovely if I could find a Thai Curried Rice entree in the freezer section at the store? Just take it home, make a slit in the bag, and microwave it for 90 seconds. Now mind you, I am going to make a huge batch of Thai Curried Rice this evening, enough for several meals. And if I wanted to, I could freeze some of it in individual serving sizes for future use. But...if I want to eat dinner tonight, that is compliant to McDougalling, I will have to make it myself. Right now, I don't have anything made and waiting for me in the freezer, and I don't have the option of stopping at the local grocer and grabbing a compliant entree from the freezer section.

And that is all I want to say about that.

A thought I had on my way to work this morning. The sun was in this row of trees on the edge of a cemetery. I thought about the leaves soaking up the sunlight and for a moment I wondered if sunlight and trees were in a symbiotic relationship. I don't think so. The sun shines, and leaves use it in photosynthesis for their own life and growth. The sun doesn't "get" anything out of it (unless there's something at the quantum level or Rupert Sheldrake's idea of morphic fields is in play between the trees and the sun, but we don't have any empirical evidence for such things)...anyway, the sun shines, and it is beneficial to all the earth, and the sun doesn't get anything back. There is no reciprocity. Just beaming light and energy outward all the time, and we receive it and thrive. What could we possibly do back to the sun, to benefit it?

I want to think about this some more. The blessings that all of creation enjoys, without any way of giving back to the "blesser"

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Wed May 30, 2018 10:24 am

Hi Buns,

I feel your frustration with the lack of good food choices!! Why does this diet have to be so challenging - and not challenging because we crave other food, but challenging because if we don't stay on our toes and preplan we will be left with salad and hunger after a visit to a restaurant. It is mind-boggling how much unhealthy food there is out there in America!

bunsofaluminum wrote:A thought I had on my way to work this morning. The sun was in this row of trees on the edge of a cemetery. I thought about the leaves soaking up the sunlight and for a moment I wondered if sunlight and trees were in a symbiotic relationship. I don't think so. The sun shines, and leaves use it in photosynthesis for their own life and growth. The sun doesn't "get" anything out of it (unless there's something at the quantum level or Rupert Sheldrake's idea of morphic fields is in play between the trees and the sun, but we don't have any empirical evidence for such things)...anyway, the sun shines, and it is beneficial to all the earth, and the sun doesn't get anything back. There is no reciprocity. Just beaming light and energy outward all the time, and we receive it and thrive. What could we possibly do back to the sun, to benefit it?

I want to think about this some more. The blessings that all of creation enjoys, without any way of giving back to the "blesser"

I love your observation here and your thought process. It reminds me of the concept of equanimity. As I interpret the concept, it is being empty, no expectations, good or bad. No thought of doing to get. A feeling of calmness. The thought about no reciprocity for the abundant nature of the sun reminds me of it (the sun) just being - not expecting to receive anything in return. Thank you for the comments.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed May 30, 2018 7:29 pm

moonlight wrote:Hi Buns,

I feel your frustration with the lack of good food choices!! Why does this diet have to be so challenging - and not challenging because we crave other food, but challenging because if we don't stay on our toes and preplan we will be left with salad and hunger after a visit to a restaurant. It is mind-boggling how much unhealthy food there is out there in America!

Oh man, ain't it the truth. Entire aisles at the grocery store dedicated to fatty and high sugar non-foods, ad after ad on TV for fast food junk, coupons available for packaged convenience foods rather than produce...ugh.

bunsofaluminum wrote:A thought I had on my way to work this morning. The sun was in this row of trees on the edge of a cemetery. I thought about the leaves soaking up the sunlight and for a moment I wondered if sunlight and trees were in a symbiotic relationship. I don't think so. The sun shines, and leaves use it in photosynthesis for their own life and growth. The sun doesn't "get" anything out of it (unless there's something at the quantum level or Rupert Sheldrake's idea of morphic fields is in play between the trees and the sun, but we don't have any empirical evidence for such things)...anyway, the sun shines, and it is beneficial to all the earth, and the sun doesn't get anything back. There is no reciprocity. Just beaming light and energy outward all the time, and we receive it and thrive. What could we possibly do back to the sun, to benefit it?

I want to think about this some more. The blessings that all of creation enjoys, without any way of giving back to the "blesser"

moonlight wrote:I love your observation here and your thought process. It reminds me of the concept of equanimity. As I interpret the concept, it is being empty, no expectations, good or bad. No thought of doing to get. A feeling of calmness. The thought about no reciprocity for the abundant nature of the sun reminds me of it (the sun) just being - not expecting to receive anything in return. Thank you for the comments.

That's really good, your description of equanimity.....kind of empty, without any expectations. I imagine contemplatives of all faiths have a bit of a handle on this. Allowing oneself to be free of judgment towards ourselves, our thoughts, desires, irritations, or outside distractions. It does seem that kind of outpouring, with no expectation of anything coming back...that seems like a pretty good practice. Seems filled with grace, doesn't it?

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu May 31, 2018 9:28 am

On Being Gung-Ho

This happens to me repeatedly, over and over again. I find something that I love, and start doing it. For a while, sometimes a long while, sometimes a shorter while, I am in what I like to call "hyper-focus mode" where I do ONLY that thing, and want to do it every day, and all day long. Then the bloom fades, I lose interest, and I never go back.

For instance, in the mid 90's I "discovered" Fly Lady, a pretty workable system for cleaning your house and keeping it clean. I went nuts. Followed the suggested schedule, joined the discussion board online, did everything that was slated for every day, kept a "Mates Log" of appointments, phone calls, coupons, comparative shopping data, etc. and had THE cleanest house. I remember getting everything done and standing there going..."there's nothing to clean. What do I do now?" Seriously, I am not making that up. My kitchen drawers were delightful, and I admired the new shelf paper one last time and said Dang it, nothing to do. Because I'd been hyper-focused on cleaning, and was super involved for several months, when the air went out of my sails I floundered.

Though I still consider the Fly Lady technique the best out there for cleaning up, organizing, making things tidy around the house without killing yourself in mega-cleaning marathons, I have never been able to drum up the energy to go for it with that intensity, since that moment when interest drifted off.

It's been exactly the same with eating plans/methods: The McDougall Plan (first time in 1995), The Miller Method, The Idiot Proof Diet, and The McDougall Plan (the second time in 2009 thru about 2014).

When my ex and I got into Amway, I was SO gung-ho I even talked to people about it at wedding receptions and other parties. Then I got my last "no thanks" and simply quit, and never went back. DDP Yoga...I was into it so much that I woke up every day thinking "what workout will I do today?!?! yay!" Curves, too. Every other day until I didn't anymore, and when I enrolled again several years later, I went like five times and never got excited about it again.

The reason I have this on my mind today is that I need to find a work out that is zero impact, that I can do with a bum ankle, a painful knee, and an aching wrist. DDP Yoga would be perfect, with modifications and supports,...and I can NOT get myself motivated to even re-start. I have all the DVD's, I LOVE the workout and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED how energized I was when I was consistent with it, and I know I'd do well with it, modifying it for the various aches and pains. I'm sure the various kinks and weaknesses would work themselves out, because I've seen too many testimonials of just that, for many people. It's just a matter of starting. But I've already been there, done that, with DDP Yoga and it would appear that I "never go back" once I lose my initial hyper focused interest in something.

Is that what is happening with McDougall, phase two? I started it the first time with much interest and energy, and it fizzled out in a little less than a year because my family wanted meat. Second time around, I was divorced and could eat just exactly what I wanted because the kids were old enough (teens) to fix their own food, or eat mine, as they chose. And I was very active on these boards. Anyone here remember that? And I loved it, and lost weight, and didn't stray even at potlucks and parties. Even going out to eat with girlfriends, I chose compliant or didn't eat.

I mean, I'm doing a lot better now than I was a year ago, or even six months ago, but I'm not "into" it. It isn't compelling me. I choose well most of the time, but if something tasty presents itself, I'll indulge "just a taste" of dessert "just a bite" of Wylie's delicious potato salad with oil based dressing...etc.

It's good to have the knowledge, it's more difficult to keep the habit intact. And without hyper-focus mode, I don't know how to get my mind "in the game" again.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby keithswife » Thu May 31, 2018 11:01 am

You and me both, girlfriend. I call them my "manias". For years, I kept diet and exercise books and dvds in a sort of rotation, depending on which way my mania shifted. Vegan, McDougall, low carb, a French diet called Montignac Method (it was a low glycemic diet that was very French and included wine. I miss it), and intuitive eating, where you ate what ever you wanted, but just between a stomach growl and a feeling of fullness. Exercise? Got those too. Ballet, Pilates, weights, Leslie Sansone...in between all this when my brain would lose the mania, I did absolutely nothing. Diddily squat.

I'm not in Mania mode with McDougall right now. In fact, I can get downright resentful at times. But, this time I feel like it's something I HAVE to do, so I keep plodding along. Sure wish I could get excited about it again. :duh:
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:03 am

keithswife wrote:You and me both, girlfriend. I call them my "manias". For years, I kept diet and exercise books and dvds in a sort of rotation, depending on which way my mania shifted. Vegan, McDougall, low carb, a French diet called Montignac Method (it was a low glycemic diet that was very French and included wine. I miss it), and intuitive eating, where you ate what ever you wanted, but just between a stomach growl and a feeling of fullness. Exercise? Got those too. Ballet, Pilates, weights, Leslie Sansone...in between all this when my brain would lose the mania, I did absolutely nothing. Diddily squat.

I'm not in Mania mode with McDougall right now. In fact, I can get downright resentful at times. But, this time I feel like it's something I HAVE to do, so I keep plodding along. Sure wish I could get excited about it again. :duh:

Yes! I know what is good for me, so I do the best I can even with this "meh" attitude about it. As for diddily squat between exercise manias, that is just exactly where I am now. Thankfully, McDougalling has me feeling clear headed and energetic, but the energy hasn't translated to more activity. Possibly because the damaged foot keeps me kinda low. What I want to do, and what is simplest, is good brisk walks outdoors, in this sweet little city park that I enjoy so much...but the pain in my foot prevents me, and in fact the foot dr said I mustn't make walking my main exercise. I need to rest my foot, support it, and be as immobile with it as is feasible, to give it a chance to heal. So my preferred method of being fit is taken from me. But I'm looking into water aerobics, hoping to find something I can fit into my work schedule. Swimming has always been a favorite sport, too...and now that I'm old I don't want to get my hair wet. how lame is that.

Maybe I won't be able to do anything in hyper-focus mode, but I must do SOMETHING.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:20 am

Ha! I found an article listing 10 non-weight-bearing aerobic exercises, including seated shadow boxing, seated overhead claps, water aerobics, and deep water RUNNING. Now how cool is that.

There's a pool at my apartment complex with a deep end up to my neck. You just run, like a runner, only your body is underwater so there's zero impact. No membership fees, no scheduling conflicts...just get home from work, get my swimsuit on, put my hair up (because *I don't want to get my hair wet* best querulous old woman voice) and get in the pool. Very doable. Three times a week for 30 minutes each time? Yep!

Today is payday, and on my way home from work I'll stop and get me a cheap swimsuit in my size. Gonna start doing this. See how it goes.

I like the overhead arm claps, too. Sit in a straight back chair, arms dangling down, and raise them overhead and clap, keeping arms straight. Do it repeatedly for 45 seconds without stopping. I bet that just DOES get your heart rate up. And flutter kicks, which I was already thinking would be very doable right in my front room.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:59 pm

I love the overhead arm claps! I just did a few. Thanks!!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:10 am

bunsofaluminum wrote:Ha! I found an article listing 10 non-weight-bearing aerobic exercises, including seated shadow boxing, seated overhead claps, water aerobics, and deep water RUNNING. Now how cool is that.

There's a pool at my apartment complex with a deep end up to my neck. You just run, like a runner, only your body is underwater so there's zero impact. No membership fees, no scheduling conflicts...just get home from work, get my swimsuit on, put my hair up (because *I don't want to get my hair wet* best querulous old woman voice) and get in the pool. Very doable. Three times a week for 30 minutes each time? Yep!

Today is payday, and on my way home from work I'll stop and get me a cheap swimsuit in my size. Gonna start doing this. See how it goes.

I like the overhead arm claps, too. Sit in a straight back chair, arms dangling down, and raise them overhead and clap, keeping arms straight. Do it repeatedly for 45 seconds without stopping. I bet that just DOES get your heart rate up. And flutter kicks, which I was already thinking would be very doable right in my front room.

Hi Buns! Sounds like a great (and fun) plan for getting in some exercise!! Hope that your foot heals soon.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby WeeSpeck » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:37 am


put my hair up (because *I don't want to get my hair wet* best querulous old woman voice)

I don't know why that made me laugh out loud. I think I just love that you used the word querulous.

That is awesome.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:54 am

WeeSpeck wrote::lol:

put my hair up (because *I don't want to get my hair wet* best querulous old woman voice)

I don't know why that made me laugh out loud. I think I just love that you used the word querulous.

That is awesome.

Hi Nancy,

I giggled at myself when I posted it! LOL But when I did get in the pool with my eight year old granddaughter, I DID get my hair wet, even though I used my best querulous old woman voice to tell her I didn't want to get my hair wet :lol:

Decided on Sunday that I need to start tracking calories, if I want to get some control over my food choices. We have eight people in my family whose bdays fall in May and June, so we had a big family bbq on Sunday and I "feasted." Again. Like almost every weekend, lately. So I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app to my phone and started tracking immediately. Sunday's intake was almost 2,000 calories, many of them empty. But one of the cool things is, when you're done tracking for the day, it gives you an estimated weight "if every day looks like this, your weight in 5 weeks will be ______" :) so, if I keep eating like I did on Sunday, in five weeks I'll gain two lbs, but if I keep eating like I did YESTERDAY, in five weeks, I'll be down 20. Cool, eh? But I'm not pinning my hopes on it. Just using the app to track my calories for a while, since tracking my meals hasn't really helped me make terrific food choices (except in April, I done good)

But seeing the calories in a handful of Cinnamon Bears? :eek: I won't do THAT again soon, lemme tell ya.

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