Hamster's Treadmill

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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:00 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday was pretty much a normal day

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening – walk – 4 kms
- bicycle – 15 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute apple juice
Snack – Chocolate mud cake
Lunch – Baked sweet potatoes, potatoes & pumpkin
Dinner – Vegetable curry & brown rice
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter
Evening – glass of red wine.

The mud cake was probably not a good choice but we were having a morning tea for a guy at work who is off the China to compete in a triathalon there.

Yesterday morning was raining so I rode the mountain bike. The mountain bike is a good safe ride but it feels kind of dead. This morning was dry and will probably be a lovely day so I rode my single speed bike. Despite having only one gear I think that it’s faster than the mountain bike and is a lot more fun :-D . On my first outing on it the handlebars were too low and the saddle too far forward but I’ve adjusted those and it is much more comfortable. The saddle still has to come up a little but soon I’ll have it just right :-D .
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:42 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday was pretty much a normal day

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening – walk – 4 kms
- 15 kms bicycle

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute apple juice
Lunch – Baked sweet potatoes, potatoes & pumpkin
Dinner – Vegetable curry, sweet potato & brown rice
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter
Evening – glass of red wine.

I rode the single-speed yesterday. It’s a really fun bike to ride; faster and more alive than the mountain bike. The only problem is that going up hills is a real chore, but then again it certainly gives the heart and legs something to do.

I think that spring has arrive as this morning I was swooped by my first magpie. When they’re nesting the males get enormously territorial and will attack virtually anything that comes anywhere near their nest.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:43 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday was pretty much another normal day

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening – walk – 4 kms
- bicycle – 15 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute apple juice
Lunch – Baked sweet potatoes, potatoes & pumpkin
Dinner – Vegetable curry, sweet potato & brown rice
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter
Evening – glass of red wine.

I rode the single-speed again which makes it 3 days this week so far. It’s faster than the mountain bike but harder work and today I’m starting to feel kind of run-down. I’ll make the decision tomorrow morning but I would like to finish the week on the single-speed. The really good thing is that firstly it’s much more fun to ride and secondly it gives a far better work-out.

My weight is slightly down and my belt is in a notch so feeling ok about that.

The mornings are now much lighter and I’ve stopped using my lights for the morning ride but still an absolute necessity for the evening ride.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:08 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday was pretty much another normal day. Absolutely no wind and Moreton Bay was like glass.

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening - bicycle – 15 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute apple juice
Lunch – Baked sweet potatoes, potatoes & pumpkin
Snack – Dried fruit
Dinner – Vegetable curry, sweet potato & brown rice
Snack – liquorice all-sorts
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter

I rode the single-speed again which makes it 4 days this week and 5 days of riding. It wasn’t that many months ago when to ride everyday was a goal of mine but with perseverance I’ve achieved it. To be honest, today I have a case of “Friday legs” but a good sleep-in followed by an easy day that will be put right.

I don’t normally time my ride but this morning I did. When I first started the 15 kms was taking me around 45 minutes but this morning the ride only took me 35 minutes. I’m feeling pretty happy with that.

I’ve got to remember to weigh myself sometime soon. I don’t think that I’ve lost much but clothes are feeling looser. A pair of jeans that were becoming tight are now comfortable.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:14 pm

Gentle Reader,

It’s been over a week since I made my last journal entry. Not a lot has happened since then. The diet has been ok, except for yesterday when I fell off the wagon big-time. However, that is not something to get all upset over. It’s happened before and will happen again, just as long as it’s not too often.

Last week I completed 271 kms either on the bike or walking. I don’t think that it’s a personal record but I have ridden every day for eight days in a row which could be a personal record. Yesterday I did a 50 km ride with the Ipswich Cycle Club, a rather nice fairly fast ride with a few good hills to keep things interesting. It's good to see that my old Peugeot bike can keep up with the modern ones. I’m feeling somewhat tired today but not significantly so and still did my usual 15 kms to the railway station.

I have decided to commence swimming as a regular activity. At this point I should point out that whilst Hamster can swim he’s not a swimmer. The bike riding and walking are good for the lower-body but do very little for the upper-body. Hence my interest in beginning a regular swimming programme.

My plan is to start small and then to increase in small increments. Initially only 4 laps at a weekly session but then increase it by 1 lap a month until I hit a limit (either physical or time). One limit is that I don’t want the swimming to interfere with my regular rides so my swims will never be to the point of exhaustion.

I’ll let you know how things go, but my first session won’t be until next weekend.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:16 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday was pretty much another normal day. It was absolutely beautiful morning with the air nice and crisp but not actually cold. The magpies are about and attacking anything that comes near their nest. I had one swoop me 5 times before it lost interest and have received several sharp pecks on my helmet.

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening - bicycle – 15 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute grape juice
Lunch – Baked potatoes & salsa
Dinner – Vegetable curry & brown rice
Snack – liquorice all-sorts
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter
Glass red wine

I was pleased with my ride with the Ipswich club last Sunday but I have to admit it took more out of me than I realized. I’m still feeling a might tired and the legs are a tad stiff, oh well it’s a sign that the muscle is growing and becoming stronger and that’s a good thing.

I’m feeling rather excited about starting a regular swimming program. I won’t be able to do it all that often but it will still be a nice bit of cross-training.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:42 pm

Gentle Reader,

Morning – bicycle – 15 kms
Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening - bicycle – 15 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute grape juice
Snack – Ryvita biscuits & salsa
Lunch – Salad
Dinner – Vegetable curry & brown rice
Snack – liquorice all-sorts
Snack – rice cakes & peanut butter
Glass red wine

Yesterday was pretty much another normal day. It was absolutely beautiful morning with the air nice and crisp but not actually cold. The ride home was into a stiff head wind of 39 kph with gusts of up to 50 kph. Then this morning the wind had turned around 180 degrees and was blowing at 28 kph with gusts of up to 39 kph. I suppose that it’s really just an enhanced training opportunity but currently I not feeling up to the extra effort.

I was only attacked once by a magpie this morning; perhaps they are beginning to learn that I’m not a threat to their nests.

Since my ride with the Ipswich Club I’ve been feeling tired and a little stiff. It’s probably just a mild dose of over-training. I’ll drop the evening walks and see how things go. If it doesn’t improve then a rest day will put things right.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:35 pm

Gentle Reader,

I won’t bother you with a long entry today which will be little more than a repeat of yesterday’s entry.

The good thing is that I’m feeling far less tired, :) dropping the evening walk was a good idea but soon I’ll be back doing it again.

The wind has finally died away and this mornings bike ride was far more enjoyable and also a lot faster :-D .
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:17 pm

Gentle Reader

I was listening to a health related pod-cast this morning. The average person spends around 3 hours per day watching television. If we were to substitute just one of those hours for a gentle walk then over a year we’d walk around 1,100 miles, burn over 115,000 calories and loose almost 33 pounds.

Watching television is certainly unhealthy.

Yesterday was a normal day for me. I rode the usual 30 kms and walked my usual 5 kms during my lunch break. The diet was again pretty normal except that I had a vegetable & bean chilli instead of a curry.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:07 pm

Gentle Reader,

Yesterday I took the bike I riding in the Brisbane to Gold Coast 100 kms to the bike shop to have it checked over and a minor adjustment made to the front derailleur. Hence the amount of cycling is down on my usual distance.

Lunch – walk – 5 kms
Evening - bicycle – 13 kms

Breakfast – Muesli & dilute apple juice
Lunch – Salad
Dinner – Vegetable chilli & brown rice
Glass red wine

My swimming program has started. The four laps I did last weekend was fairly easy and from this point I can commence building. I’m not able to get to the pool often enough to really build my distances but if I can build up over the next year to around 20 laps I’ll be really pleased.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:56 pm

Gentle Reader,

Not a whole lot to report. My swimming program is progressing. I did 6 laps last Saturday and then 6 on Sunday. My plan is to increase slowly and steadily. Swimming will never be my main source of activity mainly because I can only get to the pool on weekends.

The daily commute on the bike is now just part of my normal routine and it feels really strange to actually drive. This weekend coming I’ll be doing the Brisbane to Gold Coast 100 km bike ride. I won’t be riding on Thursday or Friday to ensure that my legs are nice and rested but I might ride on the Wednesday.

I’ve got a few things to do so will now close
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Re: Hamster's Treadmill

Postby Hamster » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:07 pm

Gentle Reader,

It’s been many weeks now since I made my last journal entry. No real excuse except laziness combined with other stuff to get done.

I completed the Brisbane to Gold Coast 100 km bike ride. I left Brisbane at 06:30 AM and arrived at the finish at 10:35. Four hours and 5 minutes is a good average time and seeing that I’m old, fat, bald and grumpy and as I was riding a 26 year old bike it’s ok.

My swimming is progressing slowly, I’m up to doing 24 laps, but as I said in an earlier post Hamster is not a swimmer.

My regular bicycle commute is progressing. I’m in the process of slowly trying to extend it. I’ve been doing 30 kms per day and the plan is to increase that to 70 kms per day. It will take time to build up to that but it should be possible.

The diet comes and goes. I can honestly claim to be vegetarian but becoming vegan is still a problem. The BIG problem is dairy and that is proving difficult to eliminate. All I can do is to continue to try, fail and then try again.
Maximum weight 128.5 kg
Minimum weight 83.0 kg
Weight after falling off the wagon 95.9 kg
Current weight 92.8 kg (and falling)

When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. ~H.G. Wells
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Posts: 215
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Location: Redcliffe, Queensland, Australia


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