30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby lfwfv » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:22 pm

Love the Lorax wrote:I am such a coward... I don't know if I can bring my self to watch it, even though I should. I'm the one who couldn't stand to watch Shindler's List because I'm so sensitive. Reading about these things gets to me in a big way.

I am the same way Love the Lorax! I had to turn away when i watched the only gory scene right at the end of Fast food nation. I really don't know if I could watch the blood and gore.

Thank you for sharing this post Debbie.

My own journey to veganism began solely as a journey towards better health (after learning I was a celiac, cooking only whole foods, reading the China Study, and then learning I had many food sensitivities on top of the gluten). My husband joined me on my path to low fat, whole foods veganism because he was thoroughly convinced by the China Study---his family has a major history of heart disease and cancer and we both wanted to do everything possible to avoid those diseases (I was 27, he was 30 when we began this journey).

After all the reading and DVD watching I've done since then, I am becoming much more of an ethical vegan as well. It's not something I would yet comfortably share with others because everyone we know believes meat and dairy are very healthy foods--my husband's family spent decades running dairy farms! but I am not ok with factory farming, I am not ok with the meat we buy in stores, or the eggs and milk our society blindly indulges in.

I am also a christian and this also affects my view of meat/dairy. I don't believe it's a sin to eat meat and dairy. The men in my family hunt. They kill one moose each year and share all the meat between the whole family. If I am going to ever eat a piece of meat again, it will be something I know has been killed humanely and that has lived a respectful life in nature. (That said, I don't enjoy meat--I used to eat it only because I 'had to'. I was thrilled when I read the China Study and learned it was not only necessary, but actually detrimental to my health to eat it. Yeah!!) It is the torture, neglect, indifference, and greed of the meat and dairy industry and the North American culture that I have a problem with. Such excess, waste, and lack of concern for humanity and ethics.

Thank you for sharing,
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:43 am

LOL... Debbie, you do give me a good laugh at times! I totally understand about the spider thing. I've always had an aversion to them - I like snakes as long as they aren't poisonous, but not spiders. AT ALL. We live in NV, and of course there are black widows here. Any time I see a spider I think black widow. After all, I'm not going to flip the thing over to find the hourglass to make sure, and even that is only the females (FWIW, I have red/green colorblindness and have a devil of a time seeing those hourglass signs anyhow! My hubby once killed one and pointed out the hourglass and I could barely make it out when the spider was totally still.) Needless to say, I have little tolerance for spiders in the house.

((Hugs)) to survive the climbing child. Amazing how much they will climb, isn't it? This too shall pass, all to quickly once you are looking back. Hope the sick one is doing better.

I'm moving along on our challenge of 7 pounds in 7 weeks (or more, might be nice...). I think I'll just start putting down the same weight loss for our challenge as the regular MWL... I will get too confused trying to remember - ok, this week is X pounds for the challenge but only Y for the regular counting. They are close enough that is just isn't worth a headache over a few ounces. Too much else going on in life, KWIM? Of course you do, three young children says it all. Maybe someday you'll be able to post on your blog again.

I've been thinking of you, hope things go well now that you are off the pills.
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby janluvs2heel » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:16 pm

I have Black Widows, too. I thought the males have the red on their backs. Those are usually the ones I see, although I have seen some females. One time I was outside, I picked up a board & there was a female with her egg sack. I had on my sneakers & stepped on it. As long as I have shoes on, that cover my whole foot, I dont like to but I wil step on them. In the house, if I see them, I will use my Dyson. It sucks them up, so far havent had one big enough to get stuck. That would be a problem. Spray is always a last resort for me, but if I was having a problem like Debbie, yes, I would definitely spray. You need to get a pair of sneakers & never wear them outside, so you can keep them on in the house & keep them on your feet so you can squish when necessary.
Debbie, you tell that hubby of yours it is the man's responsibility to protect his family. Just because he isn't afraid, that is not an excuse.

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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby janluvs2heel » Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:33 am

So glad to see how well you are doing. And I see that weight is down again today. That is great!!!


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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Love the Lorax » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:54 pm

Glad things are going well! Let's shoo away a whole bunch of lard birds during our 7 week challenge! bye bye....

Can I grump for a minute, one mom to another, I need a shoulder to pout on ... my daughter just had a meeting with the "real world" and while she needed it in a big way, it is frustrating and hard as a parent to watch it take place. Sigh.... in summary, she has always been great at math. Aced the standardized tests, did work at home 1-2 grades levels above her age, easily. BUT, she had really developed an attitude during math work (we homeschooled), and would argue with me that her math was right when there was something wrong, etc. Well, to go to public school this fall she had to take a math placement test since she had never been in the school system before. She was 100% sure that she aced it and would qualify for the advanced accelerated class. Guess what, she didnt, and not just by one point. The look on her face was indescribable when she found out. No one to argue with since I didn't give it, just the harsh reality that while she flew through test on testing day and thought she was all that and more, she wasn't. Now, she is only in the accelerated class, and will have to prove herself in class and MAYBE get moved up if the teacher thinks she deserves it, which will mean getting solid A's and A+'s. Yeah, no pressure there... KWIM?

Now moving the spotlight back to you since this is your journal and not mine....
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Love the Lorax » Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:47 pm

Well, I didn't quite say those words, but I did let it be known that she had brought it on herself... :unibrow:

debbie wrote:I could imagine for me, I would have such a hard time refraining from saying NEENER NEENER NEENER :-P :lol: :lol:

Thanks Mom and you for stopping by and cheering me on.
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Loveskale » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:42 pm

Debbie, congratulations on finishing your thirty day challenge!!!
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby ncyg46 » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:48 pm

I am still trying to figure out who is your mom????
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby sksamboots » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:47 pm

Love Love Love it!!! Your amazing deb and I knew you would do this. Congrats on your 30 day challenge and of course I will still be following you :nod:
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:31 pm


Congrats on sticking to your challange. It seems like you really do well when it comes to challenges.

Also, your weight seems to be improving. I remember seeing you DW stuck at 176 for a while. Now, you're at 174. That's great!

I was all over the place today, but reading your posts has motivated me to try to get back on track. Tomorrow has to be better!

Thanks for sharing your world with us.
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Eppy » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:15 am

Hi Debbie,

Reading about your challenge gave me the idea to start one of my own. I'm on day #4. You made an interesting comment about being in mourning over not having dairy again. I SO know what you mean, except I am in mourning about not being able to eat chocolate. While
living in Europe, I tried every type of chocolate in every country I was in. I can't imagine going to Germany or Switzerland again and not having chocolate or cheese!!!! Interestingly enough, I lots 100 pounds the first time while living there...so I guess it's possible. How odd we would mourn food, but we do.

In any case, congrats of finishing your challenge!
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby proverbs31woman » Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:58 pm


I like the way you keep up with your numbers. Although I'm still struggling with getting back on track, I enjoy knowing that you are hanging in there. You inspire me in so many ways.

Losing 4.5 in such a short time is incredible. I wouldn't worry about the weight. It seems as if you are losing fat and mainting/gaining muscle, which leads to smaller measurements like the ones you've reported.
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby Katydid » Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:21 am

Re: vegan chocolate. At the VegMichigan camping trip I took last weekend they had vegan smores! Vegan mashmallows from Whole Foods, vegan chocolate from Trader Joe's and gluten-free Graham crackers. Who knew? I will admit to eating two smores. :o Worth every calorie - but only as a once a year thing :D .
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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby janluvs2heel » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:10 am

I remember having s'mores at a Girl Scout function. I was maybe in the 5th or 6th grade. They were so good. But I never had them again. Dont think I would do good with vegan chocolate either, just better to keep it out of my life. At least for now. Right now, chocolate, if I think about it, I can't remember how it tastes. Funny, something that I loved so much, less than 6 wks into this & I can't remember what it tastes like.

Funny but sad, about the man almost running his wife over with the cart.

Debbie, I pm'd you.

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Re: 30 day commitment to get over my hump day (14 days)

Postby proverbs31woman » Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:57 pm

You are doing great! How much have you lost sinc eyou've 86ed the BC pills?

My weight is still the same, but then again, I haven't been following the plan. I'm sure that once I get back on the plan, the weight will come off.
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