Circle of Friends

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:35 pm

LoriJenny wrote:They look so yummy!!!

They are....I eat them plain, on a Salad, ketchup and mustard...quick grab of food while running out of the house

See recipe above

Yes Lori, I am so close to my first goal....but working at the deli is going to be the end of me. I have NO willpower while I am here...I hope WF calls me soon for a job. Oh and I like your new Ticker too.... your PIC, doggie is cute and you look great.....younger looking then you stated.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:54 pm

Thanks for the recipe! it does look so good. I will have to try them. what does the packed oatmeal mean? cooked right? then packed into the measuring cup?
Hey I am 58 and soon to be 59 too. Getting older, and wiser as the saying goes... I was born on my mom's birthday, so we always had that day in common.... it is next month. But I am feeling younger as a vegan lately. I can always tell if I have eaten too much sugar or whatever... digestion goes way off the track...
wish I could be an extreme coupon-er, but there are just no coupons for what I buy !! But that would be so cok, to have over a $100 in my walmart cart and only pay a penny !! woo-hoo!
Too hot today, but got outside to walk dog, and do some watering, also did the wii for 11 min this am. That puts me over 19 hrs now.
I am waiting to see the piggy bank change at 20 hrs, like it did at 10 hrs. My life is just so exciting these days...
have a good night...
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:42 pm

Carollynne...I really never knew what packed oatmeal meant, but I use uncooked rolled oats by red mill....they soak up the wet stuff. I run them through my food processor but not too smooth and I hand form them cause they can be a bit sticky.

I went for two small walks with my sisters dog today. Then after we got back i put her on a tether and kicked a soccer ball her way...she went crazy running around with that ball, unfortunately they live in the country and lots of picker and stickers and they all got tangled up in her long coat. She snapped at me several times will I was trying to get them out. My sister just forked out $750.00 cause Lily had a fox tail stuck on the inside of her throat....that's why I was trying to get all the pickers off, cause she was trying to chew them off herself....couldn't get them all cause she was telling me she was going to bite me if I continued. I eventually got the scissors and snipped a few. She has had foxtails even stuck in the corner of her eye and in her little hoo ha...poor thing

K time for bed now

C out
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:33 am

Poor little thing. so glad you did that for her then.
thanks for your speedy reply then. I am soaking some anasazi beans now to put in the burgers.
The Nacho back went over so well, that my DH made himself up a container of it himself for work today, with salt and pepper galore, and then took the salad with chicken I made up for his instead. wow!

My only good news today is that I did an hour on the wii this am, and got it to turn silver for 20 hrs total now. I did the island cycling 2 times, and the hula 4 x and the basic and adv steps enuff to get to the 6o min! now I am feeling good, next I am off to the Po for DS and his auctions and then the store, I am out of kale, and my garden variety is not many leaves edible yet... I got a few out of my 5 plants this am for the green drink juicer.
How is everyone else's juicing coming along?
It is going to be hot all week, with again, no raIN, WE ARE IN A RECORD OF NO RAIN HERE IN JULY... sorry about the caps.
OH, mi golly, I have found an older photo of myself and I really do look a lot thinner in the face especially now. I will have to scan it in, and then post it here, so you all can see how far I have lost esp in the face. I looked horrid back then, and did not even know it either!! oh yes, fat and happy I was then. Altho it will be embarrassing to see , it will show how far I have come too.
k, out there!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:07 am

CL Good luck on the burgers...I will have to try the Nacho Bake, glad your honey likes it too. I thought the chickpea "tuna" Salad stuff looked good. Wasn't she cute when she took a bite and giggled.

When I said I ran them through the food processor I meant I run the whole lot of burger stuff not just the oats, till it is kinda meaty, not too smooth. Also I don't always measure.

I have not made up any juices yet, and I have some beautiful Kale too, I have to use it before it goes bad.

Does your DS sell on Amazon and E-bay? What does he sell? I sometimes get coffee from Starbucks that is still fresh or coming up on the "best used by" date, at a low low price from a woman who is a manager at Starbucks....I then turn around and sell it on's a hot commodity :nod:

Lori...Did you hear back from the juicer peeps? I didn't get the one I had found. Hope it works out for you.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:53 pm

In my Journal I posted link to pictures I took this weekend there are a lot of them. Also posted most of what we did there. Had a blast this weekend and stayed on plan though I know eating the seaweed gave me to much salt because I'm bloated.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:57 pm

oh, nuts to the bloating situation, that is a real bummer! Rosey, you are an inspiration to us all !
I cannot get my ticker to re do itself anymore, then I just went ahead and made up a new one, and now it does not show my wt at all, I have had it with teh tickers altogether now. will give it a rest.
Christine, the orange pudding gets very very stiff and fast, no matter how much liquid is added and I think it is the brown rice, it is so sticky. But I did finish it up today with another baked sweet pot, and it makes up like sweet potato pie filling, and just a lot stiffer, but I did eat one bowl myself, now the rest is in frig, and hope it gets eaten up, I hate to waste any food really I do!! I was just never fond of sweet potatoes myself. they are ok, but like on thanksgiving Day, or some holiday only. I like the reds or gold myself a lot more.
Dying to see the newest and last Harry Potter movies, but will have to wait til it is on netflix or at least some deal for cheap. I just can't see spending that much on a movie, and cannot sit still so long either!

All is well here, and for once I am sticking to low fat vegan all day. no cheating for me today !! I did enuff of that on the weekend I think.
have a good evening, I will be trying out the new burger recipes, but not today, after all, I am super pooped due to the heat I think. and going out side with laundry or with doggie too
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:11 pm

Alright here goes ,here I was in 2002, Jan and here is where I was then, so heavy esp in the face and middle area. Just wanted you all to see how far I have come, and still have more to lose and HBP issues!!

I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:10 pm

Hi Carollynne....I didn't care for that orange pudding either, too stiff and blah, so I never made it again and it just went in the fridge and eventually in the trash....

You look so much healthier now! Keep it up. good for you not nibbling on any cheater food. I found a few pics like doesn't even look like me. I can't believe I let myself go like that.

I made up some potato soup inspired by Gypsie. It was really good and filling and my sister loved it so much she is making it for her family tonight. I love the fact that I can have several bowls and still lose weight. Lately because of my cheats I get to a certain weight point and I tend to stay there for awhile...if I was diligent about MWL I would have been down already. Food is hard to deal with when it's your only vice

This one was Dec 2009...I will never ever ever look like this again, I am the one in red of course
Last edited by Christine in Cali on Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Gypsy » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:39 pm

C in C, so glad you liked the soup...I love that I can eat it all day and not be hungry. This is the best I've felt in many years. :nod:
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby giddyupgin » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:45 pm

Count me I had a Spa Day...and awwww day for me. 11 days now and 7lbs down....My husband also joined me a week ago the day after he lost his best friend to a Heart Attack. I am amazed at all the food that has oil in it! I love to cook but my husband wanted some bread and cereal to tie him over when I was at work. I now make sure I am cooking leftovers and leaving lot's of good choices for him in the fridge.
My spa day was at a local Korean spa....women's has an abundance of Korean women who do the scrubbing and the moisturizing if you want more than a soak. I ate at the restaurant..steamed brown rice with all the little side dishes..ymm
Have a great ride as we ride through life...
from giddy up gin <^__~~ Wooo....hooo...
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:48 pm

Yes Gypsie... the soups definitly a keeper. I feel we have stumbled upon a pot of gold, the fountain of youth, the holy grail with this way of eating... LOL
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:11 am

Ahh, yes!! it is truly the Holy Grail, love that that a phrase from the vegan gal. I thought her doc was great, so up beat, but honestly she showed so many plates of food at restaurants that she could not have eaten it all at one sitting. could she?
Anyway, I dropped 2.9 lbs over the night, iaw the wii, and now I am sitting at 172.9 but my electronic scale says 179.0 again. so I need to comply with MWL guidelines if I ever want to sty in the 170s for real...
already did 35 min on wii, I am doing mostly the aerobics, and the island cycling gives me the chance to do sustained walking in place for a long time, the step adv is good too, but it is only 5 min and so.... but then the wii wand does not really turn like it is supposed and some goals posts I just don't ever run into... know what I mean? then I press that B button for a million times and right up to the console and finally I can quit and save my wii min on it. hate to not have the min. so that wii is keeping me going I guess. tonight is the Municipal pool class.
so hot here, and I am running the sprinkler on garden which I hate to do too, but do not want it all to die off this summer!
Altho I am tempted to let it all die too.
update, just did the wii some more tonight, am got it up to 1 hr and 2 min.... quitting now!
House is quiet, and I can watch NCIS in peace I think. I only did up one batch of green juice, as DS is really loving it. I have some each day too, , but he claims it is essential for his work day, to keep him going. Hey, so much better than a lot of drinks out there, is all I am thinking, I told him, no problem I will keep making it up for him, til the juicer no longer works... we do have plenty of veggies, and he will buy them so no problem. It is way better than a ton of caffeinated drinks and energy fake stuff. He has said that so many of the ppl where he works are drinking the Mt Dew and colas and he is feeling rightly better off. He has a boatload of the McdD cup of soups too, that were so cheap at this Amish storm, like 15 cents each!! wow, and he says that is a good meal for me at lunch, or my brown rice and beans too.
oh, BTw, to C in C, my veggie burgers weer great Ds say, so thanks for the recipe. I have some in freezer too now.

have a good night to all!! we are really hoping for rain here. too dry too long here!
Last edited by carollynne on Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:45 am

Wow 2.9 lbs? Congrats....I'm jealous :-D Doesn't it feel oh so good to see that scale go down?

I haven't been able to go walking like I was because I have to walk so far to just get to the trail LOL....but I will today. I have been eating extra things like bread and cracker jacks and junk like that, so I am NOT losing weight. I know what I need to do and since I am not walking as much MWL is the way to go for the time today is day 1.

If you watch the very end of the Jill Ovnik video she shows the kids helping her eat all those dishes, I think she was just trying to show that you can eat a lot and still be healthy.

LoriJenny...How are you doing? Remember this is the place you can come and talk about things without being judged, good or bad. Any news on the juicer? Keep posting...We are here for you.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:01 pm

thanks for the encouragement here C in C!! you are really so close to goal! wow, do not blow it Id say!!
so cool to be that slim!!@# :cool: slimmy slimmy coco puffs!!

just a little humor with a ditto that my kids used to sing!! like a sing-song routine.
Hey I just made up your best ever veggie burger. No kidding, but I had to pre- do the beans yesterday, so they could sprout, and then I even cooked up a beet today, and used 1/2 of one of the bunch... then cooked up the brown rice and then since I have a inexp. processer, a B & D I only processed the veggies, and added the beans to it. the rest I did by hand. It came out fine.
I tried some of the Anasazi beans, sprouted and with the brown rice, with some kale, and veggies heated up with water and braggs. it was good, and really no gas. then I added some of this sweet and spicy Annie Chun sauce, and phew, it is hot for me!
Hope DS does like these burgers, it made up 9 of them perhaps since I used a half of a beet, then added some more beans, it was more volume to work with in the bowl. Anyway, we can freeze them it they go over well. Every other recipe was just too beany for me, too pasty, and then with the brown rice is nice looking for sure.
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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