Circle of Friends

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:21 am

Congrats to all of that C in C!! wonderful to have your trk back. I know I was lost when my brakes werre iffy, and had no wheels did they got done.
Still making my my green juice in the am, for myself, then the oatmeal, and then again at afternoon for Ds. He says he is so feeling great, and needs no other energizing kind of drink at all!! He has lost 7 lbs BTW. I am going to put a pix of myself with my oldest son on the boards one day, but i will ask him first.

So jealous of the low numbers. My wii said I was the same today, and only 26.66 BMI too. I was all compliant yesterday, and today will be again. I did my walk with dog at 815 am, due to heat going up to 100's again. Watered all my new plants, etc etc. Laundry, etc, and now am off to a Oriental restaurant, Akai, that makes the best kimbob!! the seaweed rools, and I am going with a new Korean friend, I met at this walking park, and she and I am a lot in common, it is nice to have a new friend. she is 52 and looks about 32!! She says I don't look my age at all.... hah! But since she speaks Korean, perhaps she can talk to the waitress (she told me all her friends work there) and ask about the preparing food. with no oil, just the sauces or plain, steamed, and I love it!! I really liked this place with my 2 sons who are vegan, so perhaps today will be super!!
I declare I will never set foot in any restaurant again, and here I go but with an interrupter, so... wish me luck....
all is sunny and well here. let's keep the good vibes going and losing wt a big factor in our well being I know.
oh, C in C... I am glad you got that job!! good drivers are a must on the road with us!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:56 am

Good Luck Carollynne!! :) Hope the lunch is full of friendship and healthy food!!

I started the day off with a trip to the dog park with Bear, I did some walking around the park while he played.

I made a beautiful cucumber and tomato salad yesterday with a balsamic vinegar and lime dressing...yum! I also have more blackbean salad, and some homemade tomato sauce on whole wheat pasta all ready to go, as well as a beautiful greens salad, and still more cherries and cucumbers...just a quiet peaceful day ahead. I have a new book to read...all is good.

For some reason...this time my biopsy is like speed this due to my new eating lifestyle?? I think the greens have alot of healing power in them...but awoke this morning to find it healing beautifully and hardly painful at all :)

Happy Thursday everyone!! I've been browsing through the recipes at I made the cucumber tomato salad, I did have to change the dressing to make it McDougall friendly, but alot of fresh produce recipes. :)
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:23 pm

Dear all, well I must say today did not turn out like I expected at all, food wise. the Oriental food place which is a Japanese place really was too oily food, and my tummy has really told me that all day too. then I even went to a water class at the public pool tonight, and then like a real fool went to Mcd with 3 ladies who are so nice and friendly! well, jeez, I was going to have only the frozen strawberry lemonade, and they all had ice cream sundae, the 99 cent ones, but the darn machine did not work, then I ordered a snack wrap, since it looked so healthy on the pix,but instead it had mayo in it. I really was not happy, and should have just brought it home... but I ate it. then came home walked dog again, and had a pc of DS's homemade pizza, no meat, but some kind of cheese, not I am really sorry I even lived to see the dawn of this day at all. My digestion is really off. I will learn I know, I just cannot do even a simple off plan cheat at all! At least I did resist the sundaes, right?
Plus had my steel cup oatmeal and plenty of greens, and 2 cups of my green juice too. And my potates galore too today. the tiny reds are my standard fare, and I get them at a farm stand on my road.
But had a nice couple of outings today, which is always nice too.
tomorrow I plan to be completely compliant, no matter what happens... I have paid the price all day now about ..... Never again, will I give in and suffer like this!!
Keeping cool anyway! here is me in the halter swim top....

I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:00 pm

Hi Carollynne......We all have those days. The moral of the story is.....? In the future try and talk your friends into not going to McD or just don't go. Willpower loves to fly the coop when you need it most. At least you didn't have the Sundae right? Tomorrows a new day. I like the halter swim top...cute

Lori, that salad sounds good. How did you make the dressing? Glad your healing fast. Have you heard anything from the Dr on the biopsy?

I had a very good day...ate very well and did not stray, I also went on a killer hike again, but my bunions are screaming at me. My sister and I had lunch today at a restaurant called Cafe Gratitude which is vegan. They do use a lot of nuts and some oil in their recipes, I just try and stay away from their incredible Key lime pie made with avocado and nuts and other stuff, so good. I have tried that once and only a few bites, very rich. Anyway they have a dish there called the gratitude bowl with brown rice, black beans, and shredded raw kale on the bottom with this sauce that I am sure has oil in it called Garlic-tahini, although not oily in texture...oh my I could eat that everyday.

K gotta go to bed now...
Last edited by Christine in Cali on Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:52 am

Ok thanks C in C I am doing much better, today, and back on track!! I def. do not to go thru that again.... I made up some pot. soup this am, and also some veggie burger recipe I found in the lounge I believe. I started out making the Vegan gal's chick pea salad, out of my frozen chick peas,then switched it to the burger recipe, and they are great. Popped them in the refrig and went for a killer walk in this heat with dog. She and I could not take it very long, and I was using an umbrella too. Back inside and will be compliant for ever now... no repeats of yesterday consequences ...
Lori love that cuke salad too
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:04 am

Carollynne, I found at Walmart (I think) this mister thingy that you can put ice and water in, pump it up to pressurize it and turn on the mister to wet you face and body has a strap and a little clippy. I love this thing and take it camping and hiking. It saved me and my Mom many a could hook it to the umbrella so it would rain under it :D
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:59 am

Good morning! Home from the dog park, I had some nice cherries and rice cakes for breakfast, now finishing up the cuke salad. Christine the dressing is so is 1/2 fresh squeezed lime juice, and 1/2 balsamic vinegar mixed together...I think it's delicious!!

I have alot of produce to eat dil is going to make the eggplant with tomato sauce for dinner, and I've still got more cucmbers and green beans. I'm gonna see if I can find a good way to prepare the green beans. Tomorrow is produce day...the farmers market and the my first CSA box...I'm so excited!

Carollynne...glad your day is going better today!!

I woke up pretty determined to have a compliant day :) I love this quote by John Wooden...Make each day a masterpiece I think it does me good to think of it one day at a time.

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:18 am is so funny sometimes...just as I made a big commitment to myself to be 100% compliant today I got a call from a friend who wants to have lunch out today. I really want to go, and have not been able to see her recently...but I have yet to go to a restaurant and be proactive enough to talk to the waitress and find out how food is prepared and stay compliant. So...this is my challenge make going out to lunch a masterpiece...eating right and enjoying this wonderful friendship. I already called the restaurant and told them of my dietary needs and they said they can definately come up with a salad that would work for me, and they have a cranberry vinegrette dressing that is oil free :) Okay...must do this!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Gypsy » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:20 pm

LoriJenny is so funny sometimes...just as I made a big commitment to myself to be 100% compliant today I got a call from a friend who wants to have lunch out today. I really want to go, and have not been able to see her recently...but I have yet to go to a restaurant and be proactive enough to talk to the waitress and find out how food is prepared and stay compliant. So...this is my challenge make going out to lunch a masterpiece...eating right and enjoying this wonderful friendship. I already called the restaurant and told them of my dietary needs and they said they can definately come up with a salad that would work for me, and they have a cranberry vinegrette dressing that is oil free :) Okay...must do this!!

Good job :nod: I know you can do this :nod: I must tell you all that I want to find were I can get a CSA box also...surely they must be available in Indiana :?:
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:45 pm

What is a CSA box?
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:44 pm

I did it!! :) I asked again when I got to the restaurant about vegan options and they were more than happy to help me. I had a roasted vegie pizza with no cheese...which was reallly good, and compliant except for the flour. A big step in the right direction for me though so I'm pleased with myself, enjoyed spending time with my friend and left the restaurant not feeling all bloated and terrible.

CSA = Community Supported Agriculture. The one I use you can see at I think the idea is that a group of farmers get together to sell produce directly to the public, in this case they are all organic it saves the consumer money and gives the consumer a much fresher, right off the farm product, and it supports local agriculture. I think there are different forms but you sign up for either a big box or a small box weekly, you pick it up (some send them to you) can't choose what's in the box, so it's a surprise...but you can add on specific items. There is another one called in california, that one has many options for what you get in your box, it is also organic, and even offers events like farm tours :) That one serves your area Christine!! For indiana, I guess I would just google it and see what comes up, gypsy...or maybe call a local health food store or restaurant.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:10 pm

Good evening to all out there. I have been out of the "net" for a few days I think, or taking a bread for a day or 2 of all my usual typing. I just caught up with the posts. That CSa sounds so lovely, But I live in an area of rural PA that has so many farm stands and all the plain ppl who need their money truly as we all do. but I still can find a few bargains around here, like the little stand the closest on my road... the man is retired Gs and so he likes to sell it cheap and just perhaps get rid of it faster. so I can get a lot of my reds there and cheaper than the plain ppl stands for sure.
All is well, just too hot here for all of us. There is a huge heat wave all around the east cost, and we got it here too. I do not know how anyone can be outside in intense heat with humidity too... But I get out sdie to do some cutting down of dead stuff or water some still alive plants in the earlier am, or about sundown. today it was not as hot in the wee am hrs.
Ds and I have watched 3 lectures this weekend on the computer, the vegan gal on, then 2 from Dr William Harris. wow. that is my goal to make it all my life and be so vital and active and jump out of planes too!! He looks so good for his age, or any age too. then I watched some of Dr Santini's about the med field and getting off your meds. He is very much like Dr Mcd I think. Dr harris says he does not agree Dr Mcd about seeds and nuts, but admires him, and remembers him as a resident at the clinic where he works in the 70s?? Kaiser Permanente, anyway, very very informative. and I got a few new recipes and all in all my eyes about burnt out from the computer glare.
I do realize that I am so blessed to have a son here who is trying so hard to get healthy and we have each other to try out the new recipes on. We all ( even DH) had my anasazi sprouted beans on whole wheat burritos, and then today he wanted his special chicken breasts and Ds and I had the veggies spread I concocted. Plus I made up another killer pot of pot. soup. I put some of it in freezer too.
So we all had a good wkend here, and Dh is seemingly getting very used to me as a vegan. Altho I did have a few animal products and regretted it later on. Such as the MCD's wrap that was truly awful, then the Pizza Hut pizza he brought home on Friday night, I had to have some of that, and picked off the meats, but not the cheese. paid for that one too. I need to keep off of all diary! worse stuff on the planet for me!
It just amazes me that I can go off to the Amish bump and Dent (BB's), and have a ton of great fresh veggies, and fruits and what does DH want to eat? jeez, he almost never eats any fruit at all. But we all make our own choices don't we? and then we have to live with it too.
Lori Jenny, good for you to call in advance and stick to it too. Nice time for you!!
So tomorrow starts another good week for me, and I will stay compliant, and not more McD's pizza that is so greasy my hands were glistening, and no more nuts either. I got some at BB's and of course had to sample it too. I have 2 boxes of food stuffs to mail out to my youngest son! He was telling me that it is sort of hard for him to be vegan in the city and not have a lot of money and so on.l so mom has to step up to bat and send him some of my BB's finds, like Dr McD cup of soups, other vegan stuff in a cup, some whole wheat pasta, and veggie stuff. He is my baby, so what can I tell ya?? He eats very simply, but also likes the Oriental buffets that are cheap there. Love his lentils, and brown rice. I am praying that he finds a job there, and soon. Before his UC runs out, because then he will have to head home I guess, and he does not want to do that!!
Night to all out there, I need to rest my eyes now!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:21 pm

HUGS!!! Hope today was great for all of you. My day was pretty good other then my hip hurting a lot today. we went for to long of a walk and my hip told me about it.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:46 pm

Hello! I got up early and got alot done today...yard work, dog park, housework, gym...then just relaxed at home and watched the Little House brings me to tears! I was just so so happy when Almanzo was able to stand up again and rebuild that house...hehehe...yay!!! sorry to hear that your hip is hurting! Is it getting any better as you keep on this program?

Carollynne...You are such a wonderful mom :) It sounds like you have lots of opportunity to get fresh produce...even in your own backyard!! We are so blessed here in the USA aren't abundance of beautiful produce it seems wherever we live!

I loved my CSA the best plums I have ever had! Plus peaches, nectarines, squash, lettuce, potatoes, green beans, onions, tomatoes,!! I have plenty of good food to eat this week that is for sure. I have some homemade tomato sauce all made up and ready to put on whole wheat pasta...also fruit all cut up into fruit salads, and green salad made up too. So, I'm prepared for a successful week.

I still have about 6 weeks left of my summer vacation. It was nice to sit down tonight and read all the latest posts.... here's high fives all around ^^^^^

Oh...I just remembered what I read and I had to come back and edit this...Carollynne...are you saying you want to jump out of an airplane???? :) You know what I want to do...sounds simple maybe, but I want to ride a about everyone?? What is something you really want to do but you haven't done because you weigh more than you should or you just have not been healthy enough to do??? are sooo brave!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:09 pm

Hi All....I wrote earlier when I was working at the Deli and then pressed the wrong button and poof up it went to the cyber cloud.

I had a good day too...made a new veggie burger recipe which I did not care for, kinda blah. I doctored it up a bit and it ended up tasting purdy good....had corn in it.

I was so good today at the Deli, I did not eat anything off plan!! and I hope to see a drop tomorrow Morning. I don't know what to do about the belly though cause my legs and butt are getting smaller and the belly is still there...I am afraid that if I started doing sit ups it will still stay big yet get hard...Know what I mean? I wish there was some aerobics for the core. Can't put it off any longer I must get on the floor.

So tomorrow is the first day at the Dental lab on my own....Hope it's not too hot tomorrow cause the car I have to drive doesn't have a working AC. Although the weather here has been quite nice actually.

I went for a power hike tonight with my sister and I called her just to inform her of where I was going for safety reasons, about a quarter to 8 and she said she wanted to go with I waited. We didn't get on the trail till 8:15 and it was almost dark when we got to the top of the ridge, then down from there. We ran down the hill. When there is a canopy of trees it's real dark in there. Scary!! I never do that alone. I got up that hill so fast I was amazed...I'm getting in shape.

I like the veggie box idea...I am going to look into it around here and see if it is something I can do on my own. Lori do you think it is too much food for one person? My house-mate has planted onions tomatoes and some herbs, which I can partake in.

K night all glad everyone's doing well
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