Optimal Health Journey

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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:11 pm

Lazy day, with rain. I was up about 4 am and couldn't get back to sleep, after going to bed at 9 pm. I was sleepy many different times during the day. We had rain all night, all day, and expect it again tonight. The lack of sleep leading up to the ride, the long ride and not enough sleep after still finds me sleepy. I suspect some of the tired feeling is from fried corn fritters on Sunday. I hadn't eaten that much fat since I was eating SAD. I imagine this is how I felt most of the time living that way...tired and clogged. Maybe I am just trying to heal.

I made Peppered Pasta tonight. I added some zucchini, shitake mushrooms, kale and garlic. It was delicious. I ate a lot of apples today, being tired. I didn't make the endless salad bowl. I have some sort of aversion to this salad making. Either that or I get one dish made and don't want to make another.

B: bowl of veggie risotto, apple
S: apple
L: veggie risotto
S: apple
D: Peppered Pasta

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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:01 pm

B: plantain and apple oatmeal with cherries on top
L: Peppered Pasta
S: apple
D: Peppered pasta

I want to make this:
(I found it on a link to letha's old pages)

This recipe was recommended by AaranaKinsley on the McDougall Board. She makes it with sweet potatoes and she got the recipe from Susan Voisin’s blog. I modified the recipe a bit, leaving out the nutritional yeast, reducing the seasonings, & chopping the kale since I don’t have a food processor. I like these and would make them again.

Colcannon Puffs

1 ½ pounds potatoes, peeled & quartered
6 ounces kale, stem removed and finely chopped
1 Tablespoons dehydrated Onions
¼ cup cold rice milk
2 Tablespoons corn starch
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon thyme

Place potatoes, kale, & dehydrated onions in medium pot. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Drain. Mix cold rice milk and corn starch until smooth. Mash potatoes & kale with rice milk & cornstarch mixture, salt, pepper, garlic powder, & thyme. Preheat oven to 425 F. Cover cookie sheet with parchment paper. Drop mixture onto sheet in rounded tablespoons. Bake for 20 minutes. Carefully turn over and bake another 20 minutes until lightly browned. Makes about 30

Colcannon Puffs and Butternut Squash by jewelsadk1, on Flickr
Last edited by StarchBeet on Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:01 am

Friday I had potatoes and kale for breakfast; then I went out to get some things for a vegan dump cake for my daughter. I bought some gummy candy and ate too many when I came home. I was busy making the cake and didn't get to food quickly enough. I am also eating too much candy, period.
We had early dinner, Asian stir fry with tons of veggies and rice. Then we had pumpkin spice dump cake with cherries. I ate two servings of that too. I was out of ginger. :eek:

Saturday I made a nice potato breakfast with orange peppers, mushrooms, leek, and garlic
I have to make those Colcannon puffs after I bring up the large pot of potatoes to cook. I was looking an an Israeli couscous dish too.
I've still have not gotten to fixing the different salad options. :crybaby:
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:33 am

Sunday was basic; butternut squash, salad, fruit, oatmeal
Monday: Oatmeal left-overs and isreali cous cous dish I created, red Kuri squash.
Tuesday: cooking kinda day for they youngest. I made a pot of black beans and a slow cooker of roman beans. I made a rice and a GREAT salad too.

arugula, watercress, grated beets, carrots, red cabbage, corn, cucumber, strawberries and mango with mango/cilantro/lemon/vinegar/miso dressing by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Isreali Cous Cous, white beans, roasted red peppers, red onions and cilantro by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Red Kuri squash by jewelsadk1, on Flickr
Very sweet squash
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:34 am

A few words sum up my feelings. Nuts, too many nuts.

My hormones seem to be a on a three week cycle. I need to get Mary and Johns book on menopause. I craved nuts, felt nuts and ate nuts. I ate about 4 handfuls. That's not an ounce. I plan on making banana oat muffins!! YEAH!!!

I found out why we use "lb" as an abbreviation by looking it up on the intertubes. I was at the Country Boy store, and this foreign woman keeps asking the cashier how much per 'L B'. She had enough presence of mind to finally say that she couldn't understand what word she was pronouncing. The woman pointed at the sign with "per pound - lb- cost". Then I realized I had no idea why we used the abbreviation "lb" for pound. Now I think I sort of know. We are not Spain though we took the Doctrine of Discovery from them.

Well back to feeling nuts. I feel fat and that makes me nutty. I don't need anymore nuts either way!! I saw Dr Oz yesterday and he made me feel nutty too, when he says "you people with belly fat need to eat fat" WTF??? Sorry pal, but I don't need to wear anymore fat so don't tell me its ok to eat it. I STILL need to lose about 20 pounds at the very least and I've lost the steam. I will celebrate my birthday by trying a therapeutic fast. I don't understand how to take care of myself so I doubt I'll be doing the best thing but I'll read and try it.

Anyway I'll try to watch Dr. Oz, for some strange reason, when Julieanna Heaver is on it. My father wanted to name me Julianna but my mother was against it. The registrar decided to name me herself and on my birth cert she put Julia. My mother had to write in and change it. When I went to get a copy of my Birth Cert they had "computerized" the system and the stupid lady put my name as Julia on it, so they had to redo it. And then there are people who call me Julia. Oh well. I like the name Julieana.

Ok, its going to be crazy on Sat, with chance of snow. I hope we can make a crazy Halloween Party. I wish I could make an adult party. I wish I could visit the people at Occupy sites, too. I was going to request the presence of my father and ask him to comment on some old pictures I have and the stories behind them. I need to ask tomorrow. It's last minute but who knows.

I made some cool dinner. I couldn't find my steamer pot for the rice maker :crybaby: and you don't even begin to know how frustrating that is. Things disappear around here and no ones has a clue as to where things might be. So instead of steaming the beet greens and watercress I just threw them on top of the brown rice at the end, as well as some chopped ginger. I like that. I will freeze some pumpkin and make some frozen pumpkin sorbet, too. I just need some more apple cider to make hot mulled cider. I made the black bean dip and ate too many "mini pitas" (I'm afraid fat is slipping in from every angle).

brown rice with greens (beet greens and watercress, and red kuri squash by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

I also ate a great big salad yesterday. So those nut problems are being sorted out but I still feel the affects.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:12 pm

I'm still at this weight but it will come down now that I have an injury. I've been stressed-out and feeling depressed. I am sure the predisone makes you feel crazy by itself.

I am at the end of Colin Campbells book and wow I am impressed by that mans life and experiences. We are truly the worlds hogwashed citizens and maybe that's why I am so straightforward to call things like I see them to others, who then quickly take offense for what ever reasons....as Campbell says "people like to hear good news about their bad habits". But being supportive goes first, no doubt. Yet if someone pointed out things to me then I would be more apt to think about them. Why some take offense is anyone's guess. I admit that while I knew I shouldn't drink dairy and had friends who didn't that while they would question the amount of dairy I was letting my kids drink I just wasn't ready to give it up. I had to get sick first. Oh why do I want to learn the hard way?

Ready for thanks?
Winter squash by jewelsadk1, on Flickr
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:24 pm

I think I can attribute some healing with my back disc bulging to the anti-inflammatory properties of eating McDougall lifestyle. It was a lot of fear but I'm happy to come out this side and feeling some progress. I imagined the worst and in reality things are improving.

Thanks for the miracles of eating well, thanks for the great people who provide information, ideas and guidance to continue to find the best way to allow the human body to be healthy.

I heard a PBS show on back pain discuss the chemical process of inflammation that can come about when pain begins when a disc bulges. In the past this took a heavy toll on my health. Things are far different since I've adopted eating "no refined oils or fats", focusing on whole foods lifestyle.

Peace and seasons greeting to the mcdougall discussion board.
Last edited by StarchBeet on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:21 pm

Red kuri and kambochi squash was on sale so I made some upma with finely chopped kuri pumpkin and creamed corn. This is probably hilarious to most Indians, but I don't know any better and I loved it.

I'm making vegan treats tomorrow for a holiday party. I need to look on the site and see what great recipes everyone shares. I love getting fantastic ideas from everyone.
Last edited by StarchBeet on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:18 pm

Thanksgiving Holiday was way too complicated and I found the added stress threw out my back.

Christmas Holiday menu was simple. I learned more about making good gravy. I experimented again with pie crust (Thanksgiving pie crust was so much better)and I felt happy about easy but delicious menu. I had sweet potato/granny smith apple casserole, stuffed pumpkin with a few combined stuffing recipes (including sour dour bread, 7 grain as well as some nuts and mushrooms and wow it was good), garlic mashed yukon gold potatoes with golden gravy, a greens with vegies mexican style recipe, and some pigeon peas and rice with coconut milk. I may be forgetting something. Pumpkin pie and pumpkin/choc bars were made the next day.

Today I put together an interesting dish with Isreali cous cous, steamed kale, red pepper, broccoli, mushrooms and carrots drizzled with garlic/honey/raspberry balsamic dressing.

Tomorrow will be greens day. I have been focusing on making more greens. I love getting away from protein mania.

Since I am doing on plan eating quite naturally I think its time to learn how to add daily exercise. I sure talk about wanting to do that and need to make plans and follow through on them. My back will never get strong if I cannot commit to working it every day.

Cheers to McDougall health!
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby scooterpie » Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:00 pm

At a glance, looks like you're making excellent progress--good going! I look forward to reading your journal.

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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:28 pm

hope you enjoy scooterpie :)
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:02 pm

I am acting like my ex husband in that I can't plan lately. I try but I let his personality traits (habits that I put up with for too long) slip right in and I find myself doing something else. So yesterday I wanted to make the green salad. I went to large chain store for the rice vinegar I like (I should have tried making a cashew based creamy style dressing) and found this stupidly expensive rice vinegar (got it home and it tasted horrible). I didn't even read the ingredients. Well I'm taking it back, but I did buy a few somewhat green mangoes for my favorite dressing. And so I started making three bean salad since I realized I had green beans I needed to cook because I didn't make green beans for xmas dinner. I decided to go return the vinegar and get some gas. After getting gas, I saw and stopped at a small asian shop, around the corner from gas station. I went into the asian shop and found LARGE bottles of my favorite rice vinegar for close to 4 dollars. I'm happy about that. Long story is getting longer, sorry, but I came home and finished the three bean salad and the green salad still didn't get fixed.

So today I cut up the mango and wanted to get the greens and vegetables chopped and shredded into container and fix the dressing. Instead, I find myself fixing the last eggplant and making ratatouille. The green salad still isn't done.

On a good note, besides that delicious looking ratatouille, in the pot cooking, I took the dog and myself for a nice walk this morning.

For breakfast I caramelized ripe plantains and deglazed the pan with some sweet marsala red wine, then added them to cooking oatmeal. When it was done I tossed in frozen wild blueberries. What a delicious was to start the day.

I love to enjoy the colors, flavors and health from eating good food.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:47 pm

I started the day with a plate of skillet browned hash browns and I added large handfuls of mixed greens the last minute. I folded it over and used some condiments for breakfast at 6:30 am. I didn't get enough sleep last night and I woke up at 5:30 so I've worked myself into a migraine day.

For lunch I put handfuls of greens on the plate and topped it with three bean salad. I had another plate in the day.

For dinner I did potatoes again.

I excused myself from walking today. I sure wish I'd felt better. I know this is just an excuse. I would feel better walking even with my migraine. It did snow today, not another excuse but I get cool with migraines. I would have warmed up with a big jacket and through walking. I'm going to sleep early tonight so I don't make excuses tomorrow.

I'm getting hot flashes too. This is really uncomfortable because I've lowered the heat thermostat in the house by 7 degrees lower than I've ever been comfortable with before. I sleep in the coolest room, so my thermostat will go up and down repeatedly through the night. It varies from 64 to 80. Then add hot flashes and migraines. Oh my I need some rest.
Good night.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:11 pm

Oatmeal with plantain, cinnamon and vanilla bean. (oh I forgot wild blueberries)

Bowl of pad thai noodle soup with some spinach thrown in. Small bowl of rice and beans with spinach.

For dinner I plan to stir fry some chinese vegetables.

I'm re-reading MWL. I am trying to get food proportions clear in my head so when people react with the usual plea to eating fat or protein I'll try to put the proportions into perspective. So did you realize we need 800 times more carbohydrate than we do fat and 35 time more carbohydrate for energy than we need protein for growth? That turns out to be about 20 grams of protein, 700 grams of carbohydrate and 3 grams of fat our bodies need daily.

I had a runny nose last night and today I'm tired. My daughter's getting something too since she's had two days of seizures. On the great side her bowels are finally becoming normal "ish". This has been a problem through most of her life so I hope that eating low fat vegan helps her more as time passes. I feel better that she's improving.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:05 pm

I put together the chili but I always tweak according to what ingredients I have around. So I added a potato and sweet potato finely chopped. I added another bean or two, some kale and a dash of carob powder (I found that adds a real depth to chili flavor).
Black bean hominy chili by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Here are a few of the other meals I've been enjoying:

Sweet potato noodles and asian stir fry by jewelsadk1, on Flickr

Poha with potatoes by jewelsadk1, on Flickr
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