Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:55 am

I just did the math.

My normal breakfast is oatmeal with berries and a tsp of brown sugar, for 342 calories.

Midway through the morning, at about 10:30, my stomach is empty and I have a tiny meal of 5-10 saltines and a cucumber, sliced up, for 90-150 calories.

that is a total of 430-490 calories for the morning.

Today I had a piece of whole wheat toast w. a scant TBSP of natural peanut butter on it, a dribble of honey, and a banana for 430 calories. It is now 10:30 a.m. and I AM NOT HUNGRY. There will be no need for the little snacky-meal though I did slice half a cucumber and put some of the slices in my water. However, even if I eat cucumber slices, it would bring my morning calories to under 460 calories.

Peanut butter is EXTREMELY calorie dense and I know I'll gain weight if I eat it daily. I've done it, so I KNOW this.* However, this is the first breakfast I've had in ages that didn't leave my stomach empty by mid-morning. My usual is oatmeal, but I've also eaten potatoes for breakfast...pretty much the same. Hungry halfway through the morning. Though I must say not as completely EMPTY as oatmeal leaves me, I still felt I wanted a munch at 10:30. Which brings up a tangent: This 10:30 hunger? It is not appetite. If it was appetite, I'd feel hungry right now, and I don't.

This is definitely something to think about, because I treasure my food sanity and don't want to snack between meals, but I also don't want to feel hungry halfway through the morning.

*I say "I know this" but when I gained weight eating peanut butter and pickles on toast for an after dinner snack, I wasn't measuring, so I may have been eating a LOT more peanut butter.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:30 pm

I was hungry at the same time this morn after eating savory steelcut oats (2/3cup raw) with broc and mushrooms about 7:30 this morn. Oats don't hold me. Not sure if they would if I ate the whole oat groat. I may try throwing some garbanzos or other beans in with them and see if this works. I don't want to take the time to eat mid morn either but I was really hungry and it distracted me. Most of the time I just ignore it but this morn I was eating my lunch at about 11a.

You might want to check out the WFPB youtubers or Fatfreevegan.com for vegan no oil ranch recipes. Whole Foods has some no oil dressings too.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Idgie » Tue Jul 17, 2018 8:30 pm

I'm reading The Starch Solution right now, and there's a line that says it doesn't matter if you eat 3 times a day or 14. I eat when I'm hungry. If I tried to not snack, I would probably give up and say forget it because of the hunger issue.
Idgie, Southern CA
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:56 am

Idgie wrote:I'm reading The Starch Solution right now, and there's a line that says it doesn't matter if you eat 3 times a day or 14. I eat when I'm hungry. If I tried to not snack, I would probably give up and say forget it because of the hunger issue.

This is really good, and I do have my little mini-meal at 10:30, which seems to ameliorate it and I'm not THAT fussy about it. But oatmeal is the only food that doesn't stick, yet I love it and enjoy it for brekkie. I thought it was really interesting that one piece of toast and one TBSP of peanut butter, plus half a banana, kept me satiated until about 30 minutes before lunchtime, compared to a full cup of cooked oatmeal, berries, banana, etc which empties out of my stomach so fast! And I say one cup, because I've tried making more and simply get full and end up tossing some, when I make more than about a cup. The directions are for 1/2 c. of dry oatmeal, but I use a full cup...

Anna Green wrote:I was hungry at the same time this morn after eating savory steelcut oats (2/3cup raw) with broc and mushrooms about 7:30 this morn. Oats don't hold me. Not sure if they would if I ate the whole oat groat. I may try throwing some garbanzos or other beans in with them and see if this works. I don't want to take the time to eat mid morn either but I was really hungry and it distracted me. Most of the time I just ignore it but this morn I was eating my lunch at about 11a.

You might want to check out the WFPB youtubers or Fatfreevegan.com for vegan no oil ranch recipes. Whole Foods has some no oil dressings too.

distracted! yes! My experience yesterday proves that the 10:30 hunger isn't appetite...it's real hunger because I felt satiated at that time w.the peanut butter toast. If it were appetite, it would have grumbled a bit, I do believe.

I may try a savory recipe. I used to love Cheezy Steel Cut Oats w/Spinach and had them every day. Added berries to it. YUM! It's been a while since I ate steel cut oats, they take longer and if they aren't well cooked, my stomach tells me about it ack! It wakes up the ole IBS. :| Hmmm overnight in the crock pot?

well anyway. It made me wonder about the satiation factor of fats. But like I said, no way am I going to eat peanut butter every day. I know better ;-)

Look what I found when I went looking for my old fave savory oats recipe!


The recommendation in here is to eat leafy greens six times a day! :-) right when I've been thinking I wanted to start having a huge green salad every day :nod:

Hmmm, Universe...what you try to tell me?

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Idgie » Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:02 am

I feel like for me, fats do keep me full longer, definitely, so it's not just you.
Idgie, Southern CA
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:22 pm

Idgie wrote:I feel like for me, fats do keep me full longer, definitely, so it's not just you.

Probably the secret is to keep a no-fat whole starch on hand. When I started Mcdougalling, I used to nuke or bake huge poundages of potatoes, and that way I always had something to grab, for eating out of hand. I lost weight nicely, 55 lbs in about seven or eight months. I was in that mentality where my head was 100% in the game and I had nothing off plan. Didn't want to. I was also pre-menopausal, just BARELY beginning to be peri-menopausal. Now I'm in menopause and I know my metabolism is different. All the more reason to tweak it until it starts working for me.



Wow, lunch was SO delicious today! I have a 60 minute lunch break, so, infused with this EAT MORE GREENS energy, I went to the store close by and grabbed lots and lots of greens, plus zucchini because I AM going to try that zucchini dressing that Roundcoconut posted pictures of in the Menus forum...and cucumbers because they're really cheap right now. And I grabbed a vegan sushi roll (Kroger's has trained sushi masters :nod: so SO good) and added it to my soba noodle/field greens/non-fat Asian-ish dressing. MAN was it good! Those noodles are amazing! I plan on having those around. They're made with acorn flour. Yep. Good stuff.

I am nicely full; I got my creamy dressing, ate a pile of greens, noodles, sushi. What more could a girl want :cool: And I feel FANTASTIC! I'm at my boring old desk in my boring old job, doing boring old work...and not falling asleep? My energy is fantastic! I really want to go home and be productive!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:30 am

Oh yeah, oh yeah!

Stepped on the scale this morning, and I've lost three more pounds! Boo-yah!


Yesterday was such an amazing energy day. I went and bought greens during my lunch break, and used them in my dinner, and putting together today's lunch. Spinach FTW! I was busy in the kitchen for a couple of hours, and only stopped because my foot was hurting. Then when I did sit down, I'm supposed to kick back with my foot elevated "above the level of my heart" which means laying all the way back with my foot up on pillows. For 60 minutes. It helps, really it does, but I was just bursting with energy. I had some tangling I wanted to do, some laundry to fold, etc. I was happy when the hour of being still was over :lol:

I feel fantastic today, as well. Even more so with the scale moving! yeeeeee-haw!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Idgie » Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:37 am


(What's tangling?)
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:58 am

Idgie wrote:Yay!!!

(What's tangling?)

Zentangle! It's my hobby, a pleasant way of creating little pieces of art. I love it because it's sort of minimalist. My "art supplies" fit on one small end table in my front room, and I can do it on my lap. The only needs are a pen, 3.5x3.5 tile, pencil, and blending stump. Of course you can expand it...I have a sketchbook where I work on patterns, and several pads of different types of paper for making my own tiles...though you can buy them from the website. Anyway. It's an amazing hobby, relaxing, and you end up with something really cool to look at.


my blog



Zentangle has expanded my creativity, and my artistic skill SO MUCH. There's an online Zentangle community. Facebook is loaded with Zentangle oriented groups, and we swap with each other, or start tiles and send them, and finish each other's tiles. Fun!
The one drawback is, it is entirely sedentary and combined with an illness right about the same time I started it, I got right out of the habit of exercising.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Idgie » Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:00 am

Neat! I was completely unaware of that hobby. Really cool.
Idgie, Southern CA
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jul 20, 2018 9:45 am

Anna Green wrote:I was hungry at the same time this morn after eating savory steelcut oats (2/3cup raw) with broc and mushrooms about 7:30 this morn. Oats don't hold me. Not sure if they would if I ate the whole oat groat. I may try throwing some garbanzos or other beans in with them and see if this works. I don't want to take the time to eat mid morn either but I was really hungry and it distracted me. Most of the time I just ignore it but this morn I was eating my lunch at about 11a.

You might want to check out the WFPB youtubers or Fatfreevegan.com for vegan no oil ranch recipes. Whole Foods has some no oil dressings too.

Yup, I ate a cup of that Cheezy Steel Cut Oats with Spinach yesterday and was hungry even BEFORE my usual time :roll: But I had the same thing for brekkie this morning, because it is SO yummy. Added 2 c. spinach, cooked down. Maybe that'll help.

It is amazing how that three pounds loss has encouraged me! I had been to the dr and weighed, and showed to be up seven lbs and it threw me for a loop big time. My journal reflects that, as I have been doing some worrying/griping. Maybe being in menopause was going to make it impossible to lose weight. Maybe counting my calories and eating whatever, as long as it was under my BMR. Maybe saying phooey on it and eating peanut butter every day and staying fat. :lol: But with that three lb loss, for a total of seven since I started tracking my calories, I feel like I am GOING TO do this. Period.

In fact, I have some things to do up at my mom's place after work, and I plan on stopping on the way for a large russet and a bag of spinach, in case we're there at the dinner hour.

I think I have figured out a creamy salad dressing. It is Asian inspired, using soy sauce, vinegar, peanut powder, honey/brown sugar, a drop or two of sciracha and white beans blended in for creaminess. It's a little strong on the salt/vinegar, but I only put in part of a can of the beans. When I get a chance, I'm going to spin the rest of those beans into it and see how it tastes. Water for consistency. The beans give it a creamy texture, which is MANDATORY for my salads. I can't eat salad with just plain vinegar or even vinaigrette. Must. Be. Creamy. And the Asian "five flavors" of salty, sour, sweet, umame, and hot.

Just moved desks at work, so now I have a window :) it is so pleasant turning and seeing outside, instead of my old view of filing cabinets. It's improving my energy, and I'm using the "stand" feature of my sit/stand desk a lot :D Of course, that could be because they've got a couple of tweaks before it sits properly, so the only way I can type is by standing. Still...thank goodness I have the energy for it. The energy to stand up. Wow.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Idgie » Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:56 am

Woo-hoo! We're doing this.

I'm going to take some time this week and develop us some creamy MWL-compliant salad dressings.
Idgie, Southern CA
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 23, 2018 8:19 am

Idgie wrote:Woo-hoo! We're doing this.

I'm going to take some time this week and develop us some creamy MWL-compliant salad dressings.

wow! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I've got something creamy, but it's a little over salty, as it is based on soy sauce. BUT! I think I have the secret of non-nutty creaminess: white beans. I used Great Northern in my current batch. It's creamy but not white, because the soy sauce makes it dark. It's got the Five Flavors of Asian cuisine: salt, sour, sweet, hot, and umame. I used soy sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, sciracha sauce, and peanut powder. Put all in the blender, then add a full can of Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed, and blend until completely smooth. The beans really made the saltiness so much better, but I want to tweak the ingredients.

Anyway, yummy salad dressing :nod:

Good weekend, with a Saturday spent hanging out with my eight-year-old granddaughter. I picked her up at about 10:30 and we went out for lunch, then over to my daughter's (her aunt Abbie) and visited for a while. When the baby woke up, we piled into the cars and went to the pool at my apartment complex. FUN! The baby was a little bit alarmed at first. He's about a year old and enjoyed splashing and kicking his feet, but going under water was not his favorite thing. Though he did enjoy our demonstrations of blowing bubbles underwater! LOL And my granddaughter had a great time with somersaults, dolphin diving, riding around on my back, hand stand contests.

Then afterwards...*spooky music*...

Where I live is a high rise apartment building with long corridors. The lighting comes from ceiling fixtures with round cloth and plastic shades. Looking down a corridor, you see light after light, after light. And, at the end of my corridor? There is a FLICKERING LIGHT!


super creepy.

so, after swimming, and after a bite to eat at my place, we're walking down the corridor, going to take her home, and freaking each other out about the flickering light. Looking behind us, grabbing each other's arms. As we approached the corner, I start whispering "it's so quiet...Who knows what might be around the bend!" and just as we got to the corner TWO MEN WALKED BY!

I am not kidding, I jumped and screamed! :lol:

They are very nice men, not creepy...well not REALLY creepy...at all, and they laughed along with me and my girl. It was funny. The whole day was funny and silly. We had a great time.

Sunday was a blessing, as Wylie went fishing all day long, leaving me alone in my own apartment for the day. Ahhhhh. So lovely. And I had a movie date at 1:00 with my younger daughter...Princess Mononoke on the big screen! We bought popcorn and I had about four cups, I'd say? But I won't buy movie popcorn again. When you've had popped in a pan, with butter and garlic salt, and nooch, movie popcorn ain't that great.

The popcorn was the only terrible thing all weekend. Other than that, I stuck to compliance extremely well. :nod: even had my salads and my greens every day.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:20 pm

Okay, I've been clicking around and found Jeff's discussion on the congee thread, at the Lounge. First of all, who knew that chestnuts were that high in calorie density? and secondly CONGEEEEEE!

Now I know what I'm making tonight. It'll be a wonderful dinner, and I can pack and bring for lunches for a week, it makes so much. One c. rice + 10 c. water = LOTS OF FOOD! Lots of yummy delicious food! It's gonna be "make congee night" around my house :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby AlwaysAgnes » Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:39 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:Okay, I've been clicking around and found Jeff's discussion on the congee thread, at the Lounge. First of all, who knew that chestnuts were that high in calorie density? and secondly CONGEEEEEE!

Now I know what I'm making tonight. It'll be a wonderful dinner, and I can pack and bring for lunches for a week, it makes so much. One c. rice + 10 c. water = LOTS OF FOOD! Lots of yummy delicious food! It's gonna be "make congee night" around my house :nod:

Congee is good and easy enough to make with many variations. If you do a search, you'll probably find a few threads that contain the topic of congee with recipe links and whatnot. :nod:
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