Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby WeeSpeck » Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:03 am

Yay! A wedding! Sweet!!!!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby Suey51 » Fri Aug 03, 2018 7:40 am

Buns, I got some grit in my eye as I read your post! Many, many congratulations - I am so happy for you :D

PS The current Mr P and me have both had more than our fair share of failed (AKA training-for-the-real-thing) relationships! We had Finally as our 'walking back down the aisle after getting hitched' music! :lol: :lol: Not sure what the guests thought, but it made us laugh and still does!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Rosey » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:22 am

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:42 am

Thanks everyone, for the well wishes. Suey, this does feel genuine, because we built it up, old school...a few dates before holding hands, and a few more before the first kiss, etc. And we didn't start out bonkers about each other, but we sure are now :) Plus we know each other very well after four years together so yeah...it's good!

I'll have to keep my head together, and choose well for food. In fact, I'm going up to my mom's right after work today, and I already bought a sweet potato, some salad greens, and a can of black beans. That'll be dinner. :nod: because she's sure to want to cook something or order something delivered. We've got a camping trip in a couple of weeks...I'll bring stuff for me, and to share. Who doesn't like baked beans with their grilled brats or whatever. ;-)

Still grateful for the ongoing energy and stamina, even with the aching foot.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby SilverDollar123 » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:23 pm

Boy did I miss a lot going away for about a week!! congratulations you both deserve it..Love to you all RAS
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:35 am

Thanks RAS! I'm pretty excited. The next thing is to get this ring sized up for Wylie, and find a simple band for me. SOON.

The bathroom addition is coming along readily, albeit with plenty of frustration. My mom tends to micro-manage, and Wylie doesn't like to be told what to do. PLUS, my mom knows next to nothing about the logistics of this kind of project, while Wylie has done many things like this. There are also several other fellas, handi-man types that my mom knows and they're working hard and doing good work, but DANG if they aren't all confused because my mom, who really doesn't know one LICK about this stuff, is giving instructions to them, and Wylie is telling them something different (which is actually doable and workable)...well, they've been back and forth so much and it's driving Wylie nuts and hopefully the relationship between my mom and Wylie will survive.

Meanwhile, my weekend was pretty typical...mostly right on, with one very rich meal. :roll: Gotta stop doing that. Now back to 100% compliance.

The Weekend

Program outlined in the MWL book, page 60.

1. Eliminate All Animal Foods
heavy cream in the gravy on Sunday :oops:
2. Eliminate All Oils
3. Eliminate All High Fat Plant Foods: Nuts, Nut Butters, Seeds, Seed Butters, Avocados, Coconut, & Olives.
4. Eliminate All Flour Products
homemade vegan no-fat banana bread ;-)
5. Eat Whole Grains and Potatoes
6. Eat Legumes
7. Make Green & Yellow Vegetables One-Half to One-Third of your meal
8. Eat Uncooked Foods
9. Restrict Fresh Fruit to No More Than Two Servings a Day, and Avoid Dried Fruit, Fruit Puree, and Fruit Juice
10. Use Simple Sugar Sparingly
otter pops ;-)
Get some exercise every day
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:45 am

Suey51 wrote:Buns, I got some grit in my eye as I read your post! Many, many congratulations - I am so happy for you :D

PS The current Mr P and me have both had more than our fair share of failed (AKA training-for-the-real-thing) relationships! We had Finally as our 'walking back down the aisle after getting hitched' music! :lol: :lol: Not sure what the guests thought, but it made us laugh and still does!

LOL that's hoot! I want my bridesmaids to wear tall turquoise feather headdresses! :lol: Oooh, or maybe yellow frilled muffs! :unibrow:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:19 am

Mmmm, I had a LT samwich last night, using tomatoes fresh out of the garden, and iceberg lettuce on whole wheat toast. Some good mustard and VIOLA! yumminess galore!

so I entered that baby into MyFitnessPal and found that iceberg lettuce is 82% protein...??? My Fitness Pal needs a check up :lol:

but anyways, I'm using it to track calories, not macros. I think even calorie counts aren't all that accurate, even when calories are listed on the label. But myfitnesspal got me thinking about my foods much more, and once I started using it, I started losing weight. I've always been drawn to eating plans that don't demand a lot of finagling and counting. If it involves behavior modification (such as mindful eating or chewing each bite thoroughly, or eating slowly and stopping when full) or food modification (proper combining, eating only fruit before noon, eliminating animal protein and fat ;-) ) then I'm much more likely to hop on the bandwagon, more than getting out a calorie calculator or count points. And no WAY am I EVER going to get hooked into any plan that requires I purchase their foods. :\

But I've been doing the "no animal protein" part of McDougalling for almost 10 years and it's old hat now. I needed the little nudge into details that tracking my calories gave me. It's really caused me to line myself up to the MWL more than plain old following the MWL was doing.

Life is going on apace. This weekend we are going to find a jeweler who can resize the ring. Wylie will wear his grandfather's wedding band, and we'll find something matching for me to wear. But the big thing is moving. That's happening in September, but we are busy now, getting the basement ready. I'm starting to get amped up for that one! I have a week off this month and will use it for packing up things in my current apartment. It's going to be good to cull stuff. I have moved so many damn times, and I get rid of stuff every time...then live in a place and accrue stuff. blargh.

Time to sit down with a piece of paper and pencil and write my to do list. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:11 pm

Hi Buns,
Congratulations on your engagement! My husband and I bought a house together and lived in it for 7 years before we got married. I had been married before so I wanted to be as sure as I could with this one! Wylie sounds like a great guy. To me the great ones are the kind that really talk and get you, without a lot of fuss. Moving out of the city and having a yard sounds lovely. I thought you walked and took the bus to work. Will that have to change? I'm envious of people who can get around walking and taking the bus. The closest bus stop is 5 miles from my house, but I do love living in the countryside.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:18 am

moonlight wrote:Hi Buns,
Congratulations on your engagement! My husband and I bought a house together and lived in it for 7 years before we got married. I had been married before so I wanted to be as sure as I could with this one! Wylie sounds like a great guy. To me the great ones are the kind that really talk and get you, without a lot of fuss. Moving out of the city and having a yard sounds lovely. I thought you walked and took the bus to work. Will that have to change? I'm envious of people who can get around walking and taking the bus. The closest bus stop is 5 miles from my house, but I do love living in the countryside.

thanks, Moonlight. We've been together for four years, and living together for about 2.5 in this tiny apartment where we're both going bat shiz crazy. The main thing we're aiming for by moving in with my mom is to cut our housing budget in half. Once we get settled in, we'll sock away let's say $1,000 a month between us, and also work on our credit (lemme tell you, 50+ years of life piles on more than just emotional baggage :lol:) ... and I know he wants to buy a house, but he also loves my mom's place so that's a possibility if she doesn't live forever, which we all kinda think she's going to do. ;-) she's got all the hallmarks of the long-lived: an optimist with lots of friends and a good network of community support, sharp mind that she maintains with her Sudoku and crosswords, prone to be active (e.g. can't sit still, always up and doing, not slugging around on the couch). I mean, she is 79 years old and takes one (1) medication...a small dose of something for moderately high BP.

Well anyway, we're forging through this remodel trying to maintain our sanity, and looking forward to being settled in there. August and September are going to be big on the heavy lifting...normally when you move, you pack your stuff and move in. But we're going to a place where the bathroom needs building, and about 55 years worth of stuff needs to be relocated OUT of the space we are moving INTO. Double the work! woot!

As for taking public transportation, I haven't had to do that at all this year. Wylie's old broken down Saturn got a new body :lol: and he's letting me drive the Subaru. But it would still be doable from the new place. I'd either drive to the Trax station and take my old route, or walk up to the corner and take a bus, with one transfer. We won't be in the countryside (I wish! Oh, I LOVED my house out in the country...the starry nights, the stillness of every day, the creek running by the edge of the yard...) but rather in the suburbs of Salt Lake. Much nicer than the inner city setting we've been in. And I'm very grateful to have a car, since my foot/feet are bothering me a LOT these days. :( I used to walk for at least 90 minutes a day, simply to burn off the energy...two miles to work, two miles home, and then a lovely evening stroll after work. Park as far away from the store entrance as possible, to add steps...pfft, now I hunt for something near the entrance. *sigh* Hoping that getting this weight off will remedy that. I know it will. And the weight IS coming off :-)

Well I've rambled along haven't I? That's all for now.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:40 am

Sound like a great new adventure! Isn’t it great to be losing weight? I feel so much better. The last couple of weeks I’ve relaxed my drive to follow the MWL plan. I’m holding steady but not extra weight loss. I’m going to visit family for 3 days. When I am back home I plan to get back in hyper-focused boot camp mode and start losing weight again. I really miss flour products. I think I’ll be fine with the regular McD diet plan, once I get the extra pounds off. How many calories do you aim for each day? I’ve used My Fitness Pal before. I might try to track calories, too. I’m 5’7”. I was thinking somewhere between 1200 - 1500 a day. Just curious what it’s taking for you to lose weight.
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:12 am

moonlight wrote:Sound like a great new adventure! Isn’t it great to be losing weight? I feel so much better. The last couple of weeks I’ve relaxed my drive to follow the MWL plan. I’m holding steady but not extra weight loss. I’m going to visit family for 3 days. When I am back home I plan to get back in hyper-focused boot camp mode and start losing weight again. I really miss flour products. I think I’ll be fine with the regular McD diet plan, once I get the extra pounds off. How many calories do you aim for each day? I’ve used My Fitness Pal before. I might try to track calories, too. I’m 5’7”. I was thinking somewhere between 1200 - 1500 a day. Just curious what it’s taking for you to lose weight.

I'm 5'7" too, and my average intake is between 1,100 and 1,500 a day. Usually closer to the 1500, but now and then I aim for a much lower intake, closer to the 1100. They say that gives a jolt to the metabolism, makes your body say "woops, need to take some energy out of storage" But Myfitnesspal is recommending 1,690 a day, for a goal of losing 1 lb a week. That seems like a LOT. I have gone over one time; can't remember what happened that day, but generally my highest intake is in the high 1500 range. My main thing is, do I have energy, and am I satiated? If I'm not hungry, and I feel good, I figure my calories are in a good place.

The main thing for me with counting cals has been the surprise at finding out that "little treat" of (say, cinnamon bears, or an adult beverage) has a LOT of calories. You can pile on 500 calories in a quick hurry.

I hear you about wanting the flour products. I still haven't eliminated those altogether, because I have a little snack every morning with saltines and cucumber slices. And e.g. this morning I had a piece of toast with some sliced garden tomatoes on it, for brekkie. But flour products are nothing, because the added fats are my biggest bugaboo. It's been a triumph ditching the fat, believe me. I'm with you: relaxing the MWL for a few days isn't a big deal. Regular McDougalling is SO healthy, even if the scale stops going down for a little bit.

Where did I read it once, on these forums. A lot of people live on MWL day to day. When they feel "feasty" they go to regular McDougalling, and when they do a Mary's Mini, it's like a diet: temporary downward adjustment, meant only for a 10 day period, to have several low calorie days. My problem with the Mary's Mini, the times I've done it, I haven't lost an ounce. :lol: What can I say, my body don't like giving up the poundage.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:18 am

Thanks, Buns. I think the slow losing of weight just means we have very efficient metabolisms. That will come in handy if we ever have to live through a famine. :lol:
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:35 am

moonlight wrote:Thanks, Buns. I think the slow losing of weight just means we have very efficient metabolisms. That will come in handy if we ever have to live through a famine. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've long proclaimed that, in a zombie apocalypse I'd be the first to go, because I can't run, but a famine? Pfft, I got that.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby VegSeekingFit » Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:07 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:But I've been doing the "no animal protein" part of McDougalling for almost 10 years and it's old hat now. I needed the little nudge into details that tracking my calories gave me. It's really caused me to line myself up to the MWL more than plain old following the MWL was doing.

Life is going on apace. This weekend we are going to find a jeweler who can resize the ring. Wylie will wear his grandfather's wedding band, and we'll find something matching for me to wear. But the big thing is moving. That's happening in September, but we are busy now, getting the basement ready. I'm starting to get amped up for that one! I have a week off this month and will use it for packing up things in my current apartment. It's going to be good to cull stuff. I have moved so many damn times, and I get rid of stuff every time...then live in a place and accrue stuff. blargh.

Time to sit down with a piece of paper and pencil and write my to do list. :nod:

Hey Buns! :-D

Awesome that you have been successful for that long and that you have confidence in it!! Also, great plan for going forward...

Sounds like you will be super busy planning a wedding and moving. But, both exciting things!!!

I'm trying to cull stuff now myself. Funny how it can accrue so fast!!

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

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