Circle of Friends

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby circle city vegan » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:20 pm

Lorijenni: I don't know if you can get library books on the kindle but there are free books and 99 cents books available. My luck though, I want the books that are expensive.

My dh just ordered another kindle after his was dropped and broken. Be careful of a cheap version that they are selling now. It has advertisements on it. I laugh every time I see his "commercial kindle." I know, I'm mean but he breaks everything. Cell phones, kindle, just broke my camera this afternoon.

My new favorite meal:

Brussel sprouts cut in half and boiled just until soft.
Cubed and cooked potatoes
some chopped spinach, cooked
some dijon mustard

Put all veg in a bowl and mix in enough mustard to coat.

I sure hope there is nothing not legal in this dish. I've really been loving it.

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby sksamboots » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:47 pm

Great job on the exercise and the food. Keep on keepin on :cool:
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:03 pm

Oooo circlecity, that does sound yummy, I think I will try it :) Thanks for the advice on the kindle...I know that with one of them you can get library books, I just have to figger out which one :)

Thanks Carollynne!! I am waiting for my feet to come around and you are waiting for your bp to come around...I think it's just a matter of time for both of us :)

Busy day today...ran the weed eater into the AC wires (brilliant!!) I got to go to Home Depot and learn how to fix that. I did fix it, but it sure looks goofy! I actually did not eat alot today...out of everything and tomorrow is payday (yay!!!).

Off to the beach tomorrow with some cousins that are in town, the weather here has been kind of nice!

Hope everyone has a peaceful night's sleep!!! Gnite!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:07 pm

Hi y'all

I had a good day took two hikes, one in AM with my Sis and one PM with myself. The PM was a get er done hike where I booked it up the hill and kind of ran down the steep side, before it got dark. I saw a fox in that canyon the other night too.

I got on the scale this AM and was down to 171.8 I hope I see that number tomorrow, but I just ate some sorbet that seemed high in sodium, so we'll see.

I needed to go to this store that is 45 mins north of where I live in McDougall land of Santa Rosa, and while I was there I wanted to stop at the Community Market which is a little health food store. I found vegan Marshmallows and Wonderslim coco powder...I did not buy either one though. On the corner was a restaurant called Gaia's Garden, well it turned out to be a vegetarian/vegan buffet!! I was in 7Th heaven everything was clearly marked if it was vegan or not and it was all good. I was hungry too, earlier I had stopped at whole foods thinking I could get something on plan (even passing a Wendy's up the street), so I got a baked potato, they didn't have any sauce I could put on it so I picked a bottle of BBQ sauce on sale and a small spoon of steamed came to over $8.00!! The clerk said I did not have to buy it, so I took her up on it and just got the veggies which was about 7 pieces, that still cost $2.00 how disappointing. I am done with Whole PayCheck...I just can't afford it. I couldn't afford the buffet either, but I couldn't pass it was a reward for being just 2 ounces away from 30 LBS lost also you got way more for your buck....anyhoo looks like everyone is doin' good. Have a restful night.

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:07 am

Well, It's official....I am now 30.2 Lbs down today. I can't wait till I am in my 160's and it's just around the corner too.

I LOVE BROWN RICE! I think it was Carollynne's Son who said "Brown rice is like a bottle brush for the intestines" I believe it's true. Eat more Brown rice folks

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.....
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:19 am

WOOT!!! I must be doing something right at home my father in law told me he is going to give me his grocery money instead of him going shopping this time around. He's been mainly eating what I fix and says he's feeling better and he's lost more weight in last 2.5 months then I have. Still says he's not going to give up meat when he's out of the house though. My hubby is eating like me except when he eats out and sometimes even when he eats out. I see progress in getting them eating same as me.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Christine in Cali » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:39 am

Rosey....I think the saying "It takes a Village" applies here. The more people that see your progress the more they are encouraged to help you stick with it and help themselves as well. Good goin'
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:10 am

Christine in Cali wrote:Rosey....I think the saying "It takes a Village" applies here. The more people that see your progress the more they are encouraged to help you stick with it and help themselves as well. Good goin'

So true. Father in law is really helping himself because he's got blood work done and it's much better and his BP is way down too. Husband hasn't really been to doctor because he was pretty healthy to start with.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:06 pm

HI to all!! Hey this thread is really getting wonderful. I just a lot of fun catching up on all the posting I missed yesterday, and this am.
wow to you!!~ Christine, you lost 30 lbs, that is so tremendous, I think it is marvelous!! Good for you girl! You did it.
I am hanging in there at 181, and I know that it is the bread that I love to eat!! I need to just give it up I know...
today I have been good, as usual, I had my steel cut oats with the fruit, then did some gardening again, and like yesterday, it can work up a good sweat on me, than did the wii and then even went to fitness center, did 20 on the bike, and believe it or not, I did 10 min on the elliptical next. that had me huffing and puffing, but yes!! I did it and then went to pool. I did 30 on my own, and then the class started and I only stayed for the first 30 minutes of it. Thursday is just too mild of a day for the water class. Or I am just getting so much more agile, and energetic that I really have moved on. Most of the ladies are older and have many issues, but I still love the water classes there.
Next I went to get a new pr of gym shoes, and found them right away... phew, I hate shopping for shoes, and a new pr of water shoes too.
Picked up more fruit and veggies, and came home. what a day, since my day starts about anywhere from 4 am to 530 am, lately and I get a whole lot done in the am when it is cooler!
I have been moving my plants around again, and that is a good workout. Today is much too hot to do anything else outside now. I am staying in...... yesterday was so nice, I took the dog for a long walk and she loved it...
Lori, yes, I believe you are so right, my feet are looking better, and yours will too. Likewise my BP is bound to drop, but this am, it was high again, and I took that pill. I really need to learn to relax so I am doing some yoga too, and practice breathing calmly... There are certain prayers that I love to keep in my head so that I can relax and turn it all over to the one who heals. There are still on going hurts with family dynamics that resulted from actions of others before my mom passed on, and only God will handle it all for me.
Hi to Rosey, congrats on getting you men to eat better. My DH... need to do it his way! But he does eat some of what I cook for Eric and myself. Mostly soups and the rice......
Anyway, after unloading everything, and putting is away, I heated up my collard green/kale, and some veggies soup, and I added some of my made up quinoa to it, and it was so good. I love brown rice too, but need to vary it now and then with other things. Beside my lovely tiny red potatoes too. I snack on them and that may be way I don't lose dramatically... but at least I am on the plan, right?
along the line of the comment, It takes a Village, My brother is very much interested, and I send him a few links to lecture Starch Solution, and the Pleasure Trap on You tube!! We will see, he lives in CA too, and wants to lose wt! Get healthy etc. I never thought Id be a vegan either, but here I am, a convert for life...
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:17 pm

Dear Circle City, Hey I love your name here, your recipe sounds great... I love mustards on potatoes, or veggies now. Will have to try that one.
I have started to put 1/4 ed up small potatoes in an oven bag with some individual taco spices and no added liquids, for only 30 min, at 350 adn they come out great. Ds loves anythings with hot spices, the hotter the better too. Jeez, Now that he is working, I have the house to myself and can really cook up a storm if I want to.
I usually have brown jasmine rice ready and small reds, and some kind of veggie prepared too. then I have to remember DH and what can I fix him that he will appreciate too? Tonight it is sloppy joes and I know that will go over big. I could make up lentils for the vegan variety in fact I will do that now!!
You all have a great day and evening out there ok, and keep on the McDougall path and I will be doing the same too. I want to see my self in the 170's next week, enuff of the lower and lowest 180s already!!

One thing I am really enjoying, is that I am getting thinner, and some of my friends that I have known for many yrs are getting heavier insteady!! well...... And that shows too. I mean it, this path rocks!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:13 pm

Yesterday I spent some time with my parents and it was disheartening to see the outcome of that years of the SAD diet has had, I just feel more determined than ever that we are on the right path here and I want to make Julyy best month yet!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby circle city vegan » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:33 am

Thanks what a great post.

I've been walking the dogs the last few mornings. The walk is about two and a half miles, so that's good. The weather is just beautiful here. In another few weeks it will be too hot and everyone will start complaining. I'm excited to see about how I'll do with the heat given the way I eat. I've read here that we don't get as hot because we use less energy to digest our food. Yeah!

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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby Rosey » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:15 pm

I took a short bike ride yesterday was fun. Then this morning our nephew and I walked down to the garden and we did some weeding. My back complained some but not like it used too. Plan on walking down and doing more weeding once my father in law is back here so he can watch our nephew well I do it.
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby LoriJenny » Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:09 pm

Hi...I hope you are right about being able to better endure the heat Circlecity!! That would be great, especially because it is supposed to be about 105 this weekend!

Here is a question that maybe you gardeners can tell me...when I get carrots at the Farmer's Market they have beautiful stems...can you use those stems for anything???

Christine.... Congrats on the BIG 3 -0 So happy for you!!!!
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Re: Circle of Friends

Postby carollynne » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:19 pm

HI to all, I had a great day!! I was up early again, and outside working in the coolest part of the day.... then walked the dog and then went to fitness class, then I took 2 little twin grandsons of my dearest friend to McDonalds where they both had a happy meal, and I had a salad, and an iced tea!! they had a blast playing in the playground tubes and slides and they we also played on this computer screen, games, and even easy chess!! It was a joyous occasion for us all. I will hopefully do it again too. Not that I think the happy meal is the best nutrition, but that is what they eat. One did opt for the apple dipping instead of the french fires, and both had a McFlurry too. they are so skinny now, and played and climbed so long and hard, the calories melted off of them.
I cam home and picked some of my lettuce on the back porch and had a nice big salad, and them cooked up some veggies and mushroom, with red and orange peppers and added some dijon mustard, after they were soft a bit with a few spices, like basil, garlic, and paprika too. Plus some corn on the cob, plain. Super meal for me. Dh had another one of the sloppy joes and seems happy. Can't fix the world, but will stay McD for myself...
have a good night, and God Bless
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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