~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Sept 9th

Postby kitty_kat » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:11 pm

Thanks for all the advice you guys, means a lot! There's so much learning and it's so lovely have such nice people guiding me along :D

I think I need to prepare more meals a head of time so I don't get caught so often hungry with nothing fast to make.

B: 2 muffins, 1 corn tortilla with hummus and cucumber
S: 1 soy pudding cup(got too hungry and was home quickly before errands started again)
L: 2 corn tortillas with hummus and cucumber
S: 1 corn tortilla with a sauce I made for my yam fries, and 2 fig bars (my fries took so long and I was starving)
D: yam fries with homemade Thia spiced sauce, 2 fig bars
S: 1 more chocolate pudding cup :(
S: 2 more muffins and a cob of corn

I feel like I am doing terrible. I think I need to tackle re-organizing my kitchen. I am avoiding cooking and it's leading to not eating great meals.

Ok update: I have been cleaning and re-organizing my kitchen. Honestly I have been living in this place for 9 months and didn't organize when I unpacked, now I am finding new ways for my kitchen to work better :) This though will be a 2 day job which will have to be finished tomorrow.
Right now I am taking a break, enjoying some amazing tea, and trying to remember not to be too hard on myself. This involves a lot of learning. I may have found a job which would mean I will be returning to working again at the end of the month. So I need to find better ways to organize my food and it's ok to make mistakes now when I have the time :) If I can organize my kitchen, try some more recipes and come up with a base line things will be great.
Last edited by kitty_kat on Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby Chile » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:16 pm

We moved into our current home last year in April. I immediately discovered the kitchen had very inadequate cabinet space (and then we removed an overhead cabinet for a taller fridge, too!) It took me a couple of tries to get the kitchen organized to work, and it included moving in a big shelf unit, a rolling island, and a much smaller island to create more storage space. But, finally it works.

Hoping you get yours all set up the way yours will work for you. It makes a world of difference.
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby kitty_kat » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:10 pm

B: banana oatmeal
S: 1 muffin
L: 4 corn tortillas with homemade "re-fried" beans and lettuce
S: my last pudding cup
D: mashed potatoes with mixed veggies :)
S: 2 corn tortillas with re-fried beans and homemade thai spiced sauce, 2 muffins
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby kitty_kat » Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:18 pm

Ya, it's nice when you really find a way to make the kitchen for you. I am still procrastinating working on mine a little but for a good reason. This is the first weekend my husband and I have had to ourselves since the wedding. We decided to play a game together and be geeky, hehe. It's been very nice :)

B: banana oatmeal with 1 tsp brown sugar
S: 1 muffin
L: 3 corn tortillas with re-fried beans and a spicy Thai soy yogurt sauce I made (using up the last of the soy yogurt)
s: 2 muffins
D: 2 corn tortillas with re-fried beans and a spicy Thai soy yogurt sauce, 1 potatoes with bbq sauce on it, and.... 1.5 L of Coke :(

I feel so terrible about the coke... like I have totally failed. I was having fun playing games on the computer with my DH and didn't even realize how much I went through. Man I really suck at this. It was very hard when he was eating snack I wanted. I know Coke doesn't have fat but I am sure it's very much not allowed ever...

Tonight I also almost broke down and ordered a cheese-less veggies pizza. I got so frustrated at not being able to eat good tasting food like everyone else. I think that time of the month is coming because it was everything I could do not to have some pizza. I may just be being emotional but sometimes, especially today, I feel like I'm not good enough to be here writing a journal. Sorry if I am letting people down.
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby kitty_kat » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:14 pm

Well I haven't been around and have not been eating healthy. Making a change has it's bumps in the road. Mine honestly happened after getting married. I really have spent the last couple weeks freaked out trying to discover what this all means for me, and how to still be me.

What I mean is I started feeling like after I got married I stopped being a person to some people(not my husband, he has been great). This led me into getting kind of freaked out about life.

Anyways I can't say that I am fully back as today has not been McDougall friendly but I realized that eating this way is going to help me live a long and healthy future of whatever I chose.

I hope to be back really soon and ready to take this all on again :)

Thank you everyone for the support.
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby Chile » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:30 am

When you get married you do become part of something bigger than yourself - a couple. However, you are still yourself as well and if you ignore that, you will end up unhappy and unable to contribute as much to the couple. Been there, done that. Your sweetie married you as an individual; remember to keep in touch with yourself!

Changing to this way of eating in this world filled with unhealthy foods is not easy, especially if they are easily available. Keep reminding yourself to choose the foods that support your health. I have, at times, put a list of what I can eat on the fridge as a reminder. When I developed my soy allergy, I was afraid I'd forget what foods in the fridge I could no longer eat, so I took a big Sharpie and wrote, "Soy - (hubby's name) only!" all over the labels of things I couldn't eat. You could do that with the soda - write "Bad for kitty_kats!" on it as a reminder.

You can do this. Just need to keep it topmost in your mind until it becomes habit. And NOT beat yourself up when you slip. You are human, after all, and we all make mistakes. Dust yourself off and learn from them.
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby kitty_kat » Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:54 pm

Thanks Chili!

I am starting to feel much better. I have an interview for a job tomorrow which I think I may get. This will help so much, sitting at home all day bored, that is a recipe for wanting to eat junk food and a trigger for myself. I really felt like I just was doing nothing and not contributing and it was taking a while to find some work, my stress has gone way down now.

I do know starting a new job will come with its own stress but at least I will be out of the house :D. I am also hoping this will help me find a routine. Oh one other good thing, I can walk to work. I mean it's about 30 minutes, and at the end of 8 hours in retail on my feet it will be 30 mins walking back up a mountainside but I am hoping this will be good for me. I mean common, in other countries there is no taking the bus, and I want to get myself into good enough condition to hardly ever take transit. It'll save me $90 a month!

Anyways I will let you know how my interview goes tomorrow, and then after that no matter what, I am gonna focus on getting back on the healthy eating track :)

Thanks for the support even when I fall down, you are right, I am only human. Besides I hope someday if someone reads my journal after I become a Star McDougaller :wink: (a girl can dream a healthy goal!), that seeing someone fall down and eventually get back up may be helpful. I know it sure has been for me, reading a few posts I have read from amazing people here!
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby Chile » Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:47 am

kitty_kat wrote: Thanks for the support even when I fall down, you are right, I am only human. Besides I hope someday if someone reads my journal after I become a Star McDougaller :wink: (a girl can dream a healthy goal!), that seeing someone fall down and eventually get back up may be helpful. I know it sure has been for me, reading a few posts I have read from amazing people here!

I have fallen down way worse than you over the years but I keep getting back up. This time, I'm really committed to seeing this through to reaching my goal weight and sticking with it after that. 'Course I said that the other times I've really committed as well, but ... I'm getting older and kind of feeling like if I don't carry through this time, who knows what will happen. We need to make success ruts in our lives rather than failure ruts!

I hear you on getting in shape to avoid transportation expenses. Besides the desire to get in shape to be in shape, saving money on car expenses is a major reason I'm riding my bike a lot now. By the time the days cool off (soon, I hope!) I want to be in good enough shape to bike to the nearest small Post Office (until it gets shut down - LOL) as well as the nearest grocery store. The store is only a 6 1/2 mile round trip but it's uphill all the way home, when I'd have full bags, so I've got to keep working on that one.

Good luck on the job interview!
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Re: ~Kitty Kat with a journal~

Postby kitty_kat » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:14 pm

Well I got the job. It is seasonal until January, but that's alright, it's a start. :)

Anyways I am feeling ready to get back on track. Tonight my husband and I made veggie stew, and 2 loaves of bread. So I will be taking that with me to work tomorrow.

I realized I would like to try to make some of my family recipes McD friendly. Tonight my veggies stew was going to be borsht, but I didn't have the right ingredients :lol: Next time maybe.
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