I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby JuicerJohn » Mon May 06, 2013 7:29 pm

When I have had such a trial and failed , whether partially or miserably, I find it important to remind myself that every day is a new beginning, a fresh start, and a new chance to do things the best way possible. Yesterday is just a memory, a lesson to be learned from.

I can certainly sympathize with your setback, but it is really just a bump in the road. You feel it when you run over it, but it's certainly nothing that's going to rip the undercarriage from the car.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby SecondHalf » Mon May 06, 2013 8:03 pm

amandamechele wrote:Thank you everyone for your support today! I wish I had read it earlier.

We had a family party yesterday, and it was lovely! Friends, family, playing children...and a lot of SAD food. I did great, stuck to the plan and was very proud of myself.

Today that was not the case. I did fine until about 1/2 an hour ago. I had finally put my kids to bed. One child had been home sick all day. My husband is away for the week. And there were party leftovers in the house. It was a perfect storm for me and I was still debating even as I put the following things into my mouth, chewed them and swallowed them: :oops:

5 - 2 bite brownies
5 - mini sausage roll bites
The skin of a piece of Kentucky Fried Chicken
2 bites of a cupcake...
....then I came to my senses and threw all the party leftovers out into the compost. (after a lot of bites... :-P )

I am writing this for all to see. I cannot cover it up. I cannot pretend it didn't happen. I cannot "restart" tomorrow.
Secondhalf - I will take your advise and not consider this a total failure, but a short and quick set back.
Petchke , Birdy, MSNomad and everyone else - thank you for sharing your trials and successes. They are encouraging.

Tomorrow is still Day 14 and still weigh in day...sigh...

Good night all!

Tomorrow is a new day! And you can perhaps channel your current disappointment in your lapse into how you'll react to a similar situation in the future. And the bright side is that you did come to your senses after not eating that much of it. A lot of people would have just thought, "Well, I've eaten this much, I might as well finish it now", but that's not what you did. (((hugs)))

Most people have a hard time, especially near the beginning, when there is off-plan, tempting food in the house. I know I couldn't have been within a mile of party food in the first couple of weeks.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby LeeNZ » Tue May 07, 2013 4:33 am

Good for you writing your journal. I just wanted to add my encouragement. I enjoyed Secondhalf's post about "perfectionist" thinking and agree!

I can relate to a lot of what you have said. I've known about Dr McDougall since the 80's. I wish I had also been one of those people who read, understood and just DID what I knew to be the right thing to do. Unfortunately I have had lots of years of on and off...isn't it amazing how those years add up?

Today I am much better but nowhere near perfect yet! :wink: My health is more of a concern to me as I get older though and I am finding that a motivation.

I also enjoyed some of Dr Gould's (Shrink Yourself) reasoning on the subject of emotional hunger which seemed to help me get back on track. Finding other things to "comfort" myself rather than turning to food (which is a false comforter anyway because ultimately the kinds of food I seek in those situations harm rather than comfort in the longer term.)

I really wish you well. We are all a work in progress.

Oh...just one more thing that I have found helped me loads this time around. I was one to weigh myself and look for progress on the scales. This time...I just let it go. I just took each day as a new day, stuck to McD as well as I possibly could and figured that the weight would take care of itself, and let the days and weeks and months pass. (First time I have EVER done this! My motivation this time around was more health related than weight.) In years past the scales could alter my mood and my level of commitment so I wanted to try something new. Gradually my clothes felt looser. Finally when I did weigh myself I got a lovely surprise :)

I wish you every success!!
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Tue May 07, 2013 10:07 am

LeeNZ, JuicerJohn and SecondHalf - Thank you for your kind words of support.

Day 14:

B: 1 decaff coffee, 1/2 tsp cocoa, 1 stevia tab, 1 banana
L: Homemade GF Veggie Pita

Today I weighed in. I limit the weigh ins to once a week (LeeNZ - limiting it is a step for me or I would weigh myself everyday).

I am down 4 pounds for the week... and I am very happy with that. Total weight loss is 7 pounds.

Recipes of the Day:

Homemade GF Veggie Pita
Homemade GF Veggie Pita by amandamechele, on Flickr

GF Pita w/Flax (from a local bakery)
Salad Greens
Chopped Tomatoes, cucumbers, cilantro
Chopped and water sauted: mushrooms, red onion and green pepper
Homemade garlic hummus
Sweet Chili Sauce (no oils - but it does have added sugar)
The Pita filling... by amandamechele, on Flickr

Garlic Hummus:
1 can of chickpeas with about 1/2-3/4 of the liquid
2 tbsp lime juice
4 cloves of raw garlic
Salt to taste
Tahini (optional)
(Tahini - I drain all the oil out of the jar before I use it - just a tip to lower the amount of oil)
Blend until smooth and refridgerate. Use within 5 days.
Garlic Hummus by amandamechele, on Flickr
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby SecondHalf » Tue May 07, 2013 10:53 am

Woo-hoo - four pounds! That's great. Congratulations!

And thanks for the food pics!
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby LeeNZ » Tue May 07, 2013 10:15 pm

Yayyyy...well done for you!!!! Haha...weekly weigh in is sensible. I used to do it daily too. I think .. whatever works for you is the right thing to do. (I can't even check my weight at the moment as I need new batteries for my scales LOL! Need to keep tabs on it though so will do that soon.)

I am REALLY enjoying the photos of your food too - very inspiring. My colleagues were laughing at my lunch today...they saw a bowl of cooked peas/corn on my desk :) I often sit and eat a potato. They affectionately laugh but also congratulate me on losing the weight but if I were to bring in prettier looking lunches it might inspire them to try the same ;) I have got a couple of them adding quinoa into their diets.

Your efforts and your journal is inspiring and encouraging for others...me included! :)
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 08, 2013 4:28 pm

Day 15:

B: Vegetable Barley Soup, 2 decaf coffees, 1 tsp cocoa, 2 Stevia tabs
S: 2 bananas
L: 2 pears, 1 medium salad with FF dressing
D: 3/4 pounds Yukon baby potatoes topped with homemade hummus, 1/2 pound strawberries

Recipe of theDay:

Vegetable Barley Soup:
Vegetable Barley Soup by amandamechele, on Flickr

1 box of vegetable soup broth
1/3 cup of pot barley
Chopped Carrots, snap peas
Frozen Broccoli
Any old vegetable you need to use
1/2 tsp of Vegeta Food Seasoning (be sparing it is very high in sodium)

Vegeta Food Seasoning by amandamechele, on Flickr

Bring the broth to a boil, add barley and carrots and let simmer for an hour or so. Add everything else and simmer until soft.

I am half way through reading Doug Lisle's The Pleasure Trap. It is indeed a great book, as many of you have said. Magic foods that are like drugs to the brain and body, I believe it! As a former smoker I have been treating my attempts to follow this eating plan in the same way I tackled quitting smoking. I just continue to know that this way is healthier (not smoking or eating a starch based diet) and every time I fall down, I get back up again. I quit smoking for good about 7 years ago after about 5 years of failed attempts (that is the simplified explanation). It has taken this long to no longer crave it. I recognize my change of eating habits will be a long and uphill battle but they are attainable.

My next book will be Maximum Weight Loss. (I have already read the Starch Solution).
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 08, 2013 4:30 pm

Thanks Secondhalf and LeeNZ.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Thu May 09, 2013 3:29 pm

Day 16:

B: 2 bananas, 2 decaf coffees, 1 tsp cocoa, 2 stevia tabs
L: 1/2 pound baby Yukon gold's with ketchup mixed with cayenne pepper
S: 750 ml sparkling water
D: Saigon bok choy and veggie stir fry and brown rice
S: Watermelon

Recipe of the Day:

Saigon Bok Choy Stir :
4 Saigon style bok choy chopped in quarters
1 pound bean sprouts
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
2 carrots cut into matchsticks
Snap peas
Can of baby corn (not seen here, but really delicious)
4 mushrooms, sliced
Sauce: tamari, 3 drops sesame oil (or 1/2 tsp tahini), 1/8 tsp lemon juice, 2 (more) cloves crushed garlic). Salt to taste.
Veggie broth.
Saute onions and carrots in 2 tsbsp broth until onions are translucent. Add garlic and mushrooms and sauce. Saute 2 more minutes. Add the rest of ingredients, give them a stir and them put the lid on your wok/pot/sauté pan. Steam until boy choy leaves wilt.
Saigon bok choy stir fry by amandamechele, on Flickr

Boy do I miss having oatmeal for breakfast. I simply cannot find any GF oats yet. I have checked 3 stores (even my local health food store) with no luck. Tomorrow my mission will be to find some or else I am just going to try my luck with the regular oats and hope for no joint pain.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Mon May 13, 2013 8:03 am

Day 20 and the others I have missed:

I have been eating on plan and continue to wait for a time when this begins to feel less like a diet and more like a permanent way of eating.
We had 2 Mother's Day celebrations to attend this weekend and an additional party. There was off plan food around at all times.
I came prepared for all the Saturday events and grazed all day on fruit and raw veggies in between my (home prepared) meals.
Sunday I didn't have time to prepare so we stopped at a grocery store and bought precut fruit and some veggies that I made into a lunch and dinner dish to get me through the day.

Here's what I made on Sunday:
Purple Yams and Broccoli by amandamechele, on Flickr
Ingredients: Purple Yams, Broccoli, Spring Onions, Sambal Oelek (Chili Sauce), Salt to taste, 3 drops Sesame oil (which I will skip in the future as I couldn't even taste it).

Though I am happy that I successfully navigated these events, I am still in a negative place about this, I am disheartened to say. I resented watching everyone eat all the unhealthy food that still looks very delicious to me. My family never pressures me to eat what they are eating or feels intimidated by my following plan. My husband's mother, on the other hand, still tries to get me to taste all of her food and special treats and candies from her travels. Luckily my husband and his sister always jump in to stop her, because my protests fall on deaf ears. But I still feel cheated or deprived.
I recognize the folly of these thoughts, but I am still having them.
I am quite young to have failing health and this is why I must continue on this path but I wish I could embrace it with a happy heart.

I weighed myself early this week, so this week I am down 4.5 pounds. That's very good.

I am considering doing a short water only fast (like discussed in the Pleasure Trap) in order to try and rid myself of my morning-only stiff joints. I'm not sure yet, it is a big step.

Well, that is all for now, dear journal.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Wed May 15, 2013 9:10 pm

Day 23:

B: 1 cup cooked Oatmeal, 1 tsp flaxmeal
L:Vegan Chili and mashed potatoes and cauliflower
D: 2.5 bananas, 1/3 pound strawberries
S: 1 sweet potato, sparkling water

Day 21 and 22 were not successful. I thought I would try a water fast which led to over-hungry bingeing later on.

So, this journal has again helped with getting me back on track. Today all the old cravings are back, but I still got through it. And tomorrow will be easier.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Mon May 20, 2013 9:21 pm

I just finished reading a thread called Fear of Cancer, in the Lounge forum. It has really affected me. So many of the people here (and/or their family members) are facing some very scary diagnoses. And they are continuing to have such strong spirits, and staying positive and still trying to comfort others. I am in awe of all of them (you).
I am still wiping away the tears after reading their posts (I was going to use the word stories, but these are real people's lives and the word stories feels like I am trivializing their words).

I have been quite negative about having to change the way I am eating. This past week has been an on and off again disaster. But after reading that thread, I realize I am in need of a little perspective.

I don't know how to be or sound inspirational or motivational. I haven't had much success with motivating myself - I would have no idea how to try and help others. I guess I will just continue to work on me and in time I can hope to lead by example.

I will not be weighing myself this week.

Outside my window tonight is a curious sight - their is a lightening storm and fireworks going off (as today is Victoria Day in Canada).
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Tue May 21, 2013 8:34 pm

Today's meals:

B: 1.5 Cup cooked oatmeal, 1 banana, 1 tsp flaxmeal, 2 decaf
coffees and 2 stevia tabs
S: 2 cups sweet cherries
L: 1 purple yam (small to medium sized), 1/2 banana
D: 2 baked potatoes and ketchup, from Wendy's Restaurant
S: 2 apples

Hmmmm. I'm going to need to add some greens back into the mix.
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Sat May 25, 2013 7:19 am

Hi Lynn - thank you for your kind words. I did find GF Oatmeal, by Bob's Redmill. :)
I agree with you and loving starches, feeling better when eating them, and constantly coming back whenever I stray. Do you stray often? I stray for long periods, and that is what I am trying to minimize.

Well, I have been on and off for more than a week, and it doesn't feel right to continue counting the days anymore.

Unless I were to call this Day 1...but maybe I should be trying to get away from that thinking.

Today I had breakfast on the run. These were really good.
20130525_084921 by amandamechele, on Flickr
I hope they are represented truly, because the back of the package indicates no other added ingredients.
20130525_084934 by amandamechele, on Flickr
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Re: I've lost count of how many times I have restarted....

Postby amandamechele » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:00 pm

I hope you are still plugging away Lynn! And I wish you all the best.

As for me, I am stuck in my on again off again mode and am determined to break back into a good week or two (and hopefully more).

I just read an article I really identified with called Peace with Food from the Engine 2 website.

"I like to eat. I still like to eat. That has not changed. For a while I fought a lot with myself. I was angry about what was being “taken away”. It seemed like at every corner, there was something else I couldn’t have. In the first part of my journey, despite that my new eating habits saved my life, I found myself angry, a lot. I couldn’t go out to our favorite places to eat, I couldn’t go on vacation and eat anywhere I wanted, I couldn’t have big parties where I made very decadent Italian food and desserts with plenty of wine. For me, it was as though some part of my identity was being taken from me."

So, as I keep telling myself, I will keep coming back until I am comfortable leaving the foods I think that I love and miss behind me.
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