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Postby kkrichar » Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:51 pm

Absolutely, JT! Besides, we only have to make amends for the things we do not the things we think. Whew! If I had to apologize for every resentful or jealous thought I had I'd do nothing else. I'm pretty sure I was resentful daily for most of the 90s and early 2000s.

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Postby Anna Green » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:53 pm

kk, you are something, girl! Loving what I'm reading here. Go kk, go kk, go kk!
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Postby LoriLynn » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:29 pm

Kudos to you for making the commitment to attend the ASW in Sept. I will probably have to wait until about 8 weeks before to commit. With two young children at home, I have to plan things out carefully, but I would really like to go. Yesterday, my husband and I attended "A Healthy Taste of Ventura" with Chef AJ, Dr. Matt Lederman, and Dr. Michael Greger. It was fun and informative and it really revs up your motivation to pursue your health goals.

They also served some yummy foods and gave out the recipes. I was especially impressed with the muesli.
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Postby JT of PA » Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:00 am

Thanks for the introduction to the Big Book. Read it through last night and this morning ... So much good information, insight, help and hope.

Small repayment ... Fresh sliced tomatoes covered with fresh, cracked pepper and white, balsamic vinegar. Good Stuff. :-)

Was telling a loved one about you and that they should read your journal. They called me regarding your being a runner and they use to also. I told them I would run with them when I lose some more weight and don't destroy my knee that's messed up. We decided on when I get into the 220's were going to run a 5k together. I have never run more than a mile. :lol:

Your helping folk ... Thank You.
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Postby kkrichar » Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:41 am

This cold, rainy, gloomy weather is harshing my mellow. My brain is going back to old places it should not go. I let in a few food items that are on my do not eat list: peanut butter, avocado roll, cold cereal. I haven't gone on any benders but the obsessive thoughts and cravings are increasing. It's difficult getting in and out of the grocery store again. I think I need to go back to the early days of not worrying about weight loss or increasing green and yellow veggies. I need to ride this out with comfort food. Potatoes! I bought a bag of fingerling potatoes and made a batch of SNAP. I usually put the SNAP over brown rice but I really like it with the fingerlings. I also baked some sweet potatoes.

When I got to work this morning this email was sitting in my inbox,

"It’s such a dreary day that I brought in goodies from The Cottage.

I’ve listed the kinds to better entice you.
6 Rolls:
4 Cinnamon Rolls
2 Pecan Rolls

6 Muffins:
4 Chocolate Chip Cappuccino
2 Blueberry

Help yourself! "

They are sitting right outside MY DOOR!!!! EVIL!!!

I have not eaten any of them but I'm feeling a tiny resentment. Sigh. I need to just ride this out. No exceptions. Just keep plugging away according to plan. It may seem like forever but the weather will improve soon and I'll be happy I didn't let it derail me.

Every since I hurt my knee a couple weeks ago my enthusiasm for running has diminished. All it takes is a few days off and some cold rainy days and I all I want to do is crawl into bed when I get home from work. I know that is contributing to my overall malaise. Tonight I plan to just force myself to do a short treadmill run just to get back into the routine. JUST DO IT!

I have a 10K race the weekend after next. I might have to do the 5K instead. I just don't feel very prepared. Whatev. Blah blah blah.

See how down I am???? I need to turn that frown THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!!! Like the guy hanging on the cross in the Life of Brian said, "Always look on the bright side of life!"

I feel better already. Thanks peeps!

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby Anna Green » Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:20 pm

kk, I got out of a really intense meeting today and all I wanted was crap to eat. I just drove past all the pushers, went to my house and stuffed on mango and bl eyed pea and veg soup over hash browns. It was a lot of food for not a lot of calories (not that i'm counting 8) ) I'm so glad i resisted the impulse as I'm sure you are too. I pictured the crap food morphing into plaque and settling in my arteries- like in one of those transformer movies. I then checked email while eating and got a "delightful" report on the abuse of animals from PETA. It was sad and disgusting. Glad I wasn't munching on fried carcass of some kind.

And so we go on. Good luck on the race. And way to go on passing up the plaque!
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Postby kkrichar » Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:57 am

I was thinking today about how to stop a slide. So often, once the struggle begins, it progresses slowly or sometimes quickly but it always ends the same. One minute I'm making an exception that I think will help me stay on plan and the next I'm elbow deep in a plate of meatloaf. I've never stopped it midway....before now.

I'm not going back to the way things were. This emotional slide I'm on is going to stop and it's stopping today. So, how do I do it? I was reminded of a hot yoga class I used to take. I love hot yoga. I wish I could afford to go back. Anyway, something the instructor used to say is if you start to lose your balance sometimes it's best to just get out of the pose completely and start over. Trying to reestablish stability in the middle of the pose can make things worse. If you keep struggling to regain control rather than simply starting over you can end up ass over tea kettle on the floor. I think one reason for this may be because you've done something during the transitions that isn't right and you can't make it right with obstinance.

Here's an example of a pose I constantly had to let go and start over. You start with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Next, you lift one knee until your upper leg is parallel to the ground and your knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. Next, you bend over wrapping your hands around your lifted foot. Finally, you straighten your lifted leg so your whole leg is now waist-high and parallel to the floor with your hands still wrapped around your foot and your head is close to your knee. At each stage you need to achieve solid balance before moving to the next one. There are some days when you should just stay in an earlier pose. Sometimes your flexibility isn't ready for the next pose. Sometimes your balance isn't as good. Sometimes you have difficulty acclimating to the heat. None of this is a problem and it won't limit the benefits you get from the workout. The problem comes when you try to rush the process or move beyond where you should be that day.

Regardless of how you got off-balance, you can't solve the problem by staying in a pose you shouldn't be in. You've done something to get off balance and that needs to be resolved before you can move forward. You'll save yourself a lot time, pain and frustration by stepping back to a point where you can regain stability. It also makes it easier to identify where you went wrong.

So, where did I go wrong? How did I lose my balance? I'm not sure. I think life introduces agitators and then my reactions to those things can make it worse. Things like the weather, stress at work, running injuries, loss and so on can trigger old coping mechanisms. There are other things, like transitioning too quickly to the next stage, that set me up for old ways of thinking. For example, I was getting pretty down about how slowly I was losing weight. It seemed like everyone else was losing quickly with little effort. The only people losing as slowly as me were people who were admittedly not following the plan closely and not exercising. My brain takes that information and twists it into this self-pitying sense of persecution and unfairness. This negative emotion triggers old behaviors. Sometimes it'll trigger the whole, "why bother??" response and sometimes it triggers the impulse to make further restrictions on the food plan I'm not ready to make. I try to consume low cal veggies I don't like or too many of them so I don't feel satisfied. This leaves me vulnerable.

What can I do now? When I was eating lots of starches and losing slowly I didn't crave anything off plan and I always looked forward to my meals and I never ended a meal feeling unsatisfied. I can't change the weather. I can't make spring come sooner. Losing .2 pounds a week is better than gaining weight. It's better than living with the obsessive thoughts. It's better than all the pain that comes from SAD eating.

I think I'll stop weighing in on the MWL forums. I should also put away my scale. My successes should be measured by doing the right thing not by the outcome. I also need to try harder to get on the forums everyday. Another thing I had been doing but stopped doing recently was writing down everything I ate in my own paper journal. I haven't been getting to AA meetings. I haven't been socializing much. I haven't been running. All these things combined lead to isolation, loss of serenity, and over-emphasis on the self. Coming here, sharing my struggle, participating in this community helps others and that helps me. And we all know how much I think of me.

Another awesome thing about showing up here, keeping a journal, and being honest about where you are is it gives other forum members an opportunity to reach out when they see you struggling. I got a PM from a forum member the other day and it really touched my heart. I'm so grateful for the people here.

OK, time for my oatmeal, blueberries and banana! I've got pinto beans in the crockpot and SNAP and fingerlings in the fridge. The sun is supposed to shine long enough for me to do some yard work. I also plan to do a short run to get back into the old groove. I think I'll also check out some journals today and reconnect with my people.

I hope you're all having a good weekend.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby Anna Green » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:33 pm

This really made some sense to me. It reminded me that I need to do whatever it takes to stay on plan even if I have periods of no or little weight loss. I always get frustrated and want to hurry it up so I can easily get away from eating enough starches. That's a recipe for a slide. Today, for instance, after a couple of days of hiking/camping, I was very hungry. I wrestled a bit with myself about eating more starch and when my thoughts turned to pizza I got off my butt, went to the kitchen and prepared a nice bowl of split pea soup over quinoa pasta. Temptation left. I'm satisfied. I've eaten for health.

Thanks kk.
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Postby JT of PA » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:45 am

You are going to make it through this time.

I've read all your posts and came to a conclusive truth when it comes to kkrichar ...
"that girl's going to make it" !!!

I have faith in you.

All the best,
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Postby kb4eating » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:41 am

Personally k. it's difficult for me to relate to people who's health journey is all "sunshine and roses" and your rigorous honesty is refreshing. For what it's worth...I believe in you.

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Postby kkrichar » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:54 pm

You guys are so awesome. Sniff.

This is the thing I love the most about coming here. Life is so much easier when I'm not struggling but it's not realistic to think I'll never struggle. I have been doing much better the past couple days and things feel pretty easy again. This morning I was thinking it's probably, in part, due to the wonderful weather forecast. I hate that my emotional well-being is so sensitive to external factors. Why is my mental health dependent on the weather? Living in the MidWest you really need to find a way to extricate your wellness from the weather or you will be all over the place all the time.

Now that I'm writing this I realize it's not really bad weather, per se. It's more like the disjuncture between my expectations and reality. I expected the weather to be warm and sunny and it has not been nice at all. It has snowed! Well, clearly the weather let me down and when people, places and things don't do what I want I throw a fit. I need to find to accept things as they are and find a way to thrive in any conditions.

I'm on my way. Lesson learned. On a positive note, I got the email today announcing the speakers at the September Advanced Study Weekend. Dr. McDougall!! Woot! Jeff Novick! Boo-ya! Doug Lisle!!!! Go Kelly! Go Kelly! It's your birthday! My enthusiasm just kicked back into high gear!!!!!

I gotta purty muhself up for the big boys!!!! CALIFORNIA HERE I COME!!!!!

I hope everyone is doing great. And, if you're not doing great I hope you find a post somewhere on these boards that helps you a little bit.

Later peeps!

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby JohnLarson » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:27 pm

I am glad you have a journal and glad you titled it as you did. I do believe that sharing our thoughts with others and helping others helps ourselves and learning that in AA certainly helps.

My Current Journal

My First Journal

The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Postby JT of PA » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:30 pm

All-Star lineup of speakers !!!

Very happy for you ... you deserve that lineup. :-D

I've had the opportunity to watch lectures from all 3 within the DVD series my wife picked up from VegSource. You are going to have such a great time at the September Advanced Study Weekend.

Regarding the weather .. same here. I'm definitely purchasing a sunlight this Fall. Until I can move to a island somewhere I'll have to learn how to "extricate my wellness from the weather ". :-)

All the best,
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Postby kkrichar » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:35 pm

Hmmm, I posted this morning and now it's gone. Did I forget to hit submit? Sigh...

OK, um, I'm feeling much better. My head is back in a good space. Today I parked about a mile from my office and walked to work and will walk back after work. No run tonight but I have to clean my house and do some yard work to get ready for a guest this weekend.

A friend is visiting and we are running a 10K Sunday morning. It won't be a PR for me but I'm still looking forward to the event. It's supposed to be sunny and 75 degrees on Sunday! 80 degrees on Monday!!! Finally!!!

Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and banana
Snack: McD Cup Masala Lentil Pilaf
Lunch: corn tortillas with red beans and rice and homemade pico
Snack: little box of raisins (someone brought a bunch to the office). 1 little box has 130 calories! I won't be eating any more of those.
Dinner: planning a Jeff's burger, maybe some corn, maybe some banana ice cream. We'll see.

Going heavy on the starches right now. Feels comfy.

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Postby kkrichar » Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:22 am

Hey Peeps,

This morning I was looking up my weight at my last run (5 weeks ago). I pretty much weigh exactly the same. I had a moment of self-pity where I thought I had "lost" or "wasted" 5 weeks of my life....again! Then I tried to think of examples where you can be in the same place but have made progress. One image that came to mind was of an obstacle course. There are some obstacle course races I'd like to try sometime so I kind of relate to the image. Anyhoo, normally when I think of weight loss I think of it like a measurable, straight-line course. There's point A and there's point B and there's 50 pounds in-between. If you're not losing weight you're just standing in the middle of the road wasting time.

Imagine a race where you first run a mile and then you have to climb over a giant wall. It takes a lot of effort and time to get over the wall. Sometimes you have to ask other people for help. You made need to borrow some tools to make it happen and when you get to the other side you're not really any farther, distance-wise, than you were before you climbed over it. However, you have progressed toward the finish. You can't finish the race until you've climbed the wall. So, in this sense, progress isn't necessarily measured in forward movement. Progress is measured by completeing obstacles. Run 1 mile - check. Climb wall - check. Army crawl under barbed wire - bring it on!

I like that analogy but it still assumes we know where we're going and how many obstacles we'll face. Realistically, however, I don't think my life (weightloss included) is a pre-measurable, pre-mapped course. Thinking of my race in this way I imagine a combination of physical and intellectual challenges that I must complete. I don't know how long it'll take or how many challenges I'll have to face. I just know I have to complete the challenges as they come and then I'll have what I need for the next challenge. This is kind of like a race/treasure hunt. First you run a mile. Then you come to a station with a puzzle. You have to complete the puzzle to get the clue or the tool for the next stage. The time it takes to complete the puzzle is not lost or wasted time. It's necessary to get the information first before moving forward or you may have to come back later. And then you really have lost time. The time it takes to sit and think and solve the puzzle is all part of the game. It's expected. It's required for success.

I need to do some thinking these past few weeks. I was feeling so strong and confident that I didn't think I needed anything more to finish this journey. However, life threw me some unexpected challenges and I learned it didn't have all the tools I needed to complete them. So, I had to think about what I still needed and I got a clue about how to get what I need. Now I'm moving forward, with my clue, looking for the next challenge. I have confidence that between me and all of you I'll have/get/find what I need to get through all the challenges I face.

That makes if feel more fun. This isn't a painful trial I'm unwittingly being dragged through. This is treasure hunt I signed up for! I heard about it. I read about it. I listened to other people talk about their experience and I wanted to do it too! Just like the half-marathons I've run, there will be pain. There will be times when I wonder why I decided to sign up for this. When I see other people sitting on the sidelines with their beers and brats I may think, for a brief moment, they look like they're having a better time than me. But, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING beats the feeling of crossing the finish line and getting that finisher's medal around my neck. It's even more amazing when you do the whole thing with a friend.

We all signed up for this! Let's help each other get through it. Then, we can sit around in the finishers area and talk about what a blast it all was. When we catch our breath, we'll walk back to the race, and cheer on the ones still coming in!

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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