Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:45 am

January 8, 2017

Interesting to see how the journal activity picked up after the holidays.

I am on Day 5 of the E2 challenge and my weight is holding, but I am finding that I am grabbing a bowl of cereal, a large bowl of cereal to snack on before bedtime. And my weight is holding now. I lost a bit of the extra, but I am thinking that since the cereal is more processed, I need to cut that out if I want to see success.

Hubby is following the program a bit more than I thought the would because he had to go out of town. He said he wasn't compliant totally BUT he did not eat as much as he normally would have. It is a start. He has a doctor appointment at the end which includes a fasting blood work. It'd be nice to see him drop a few pounds on this challenge. Today on the menu I am going to make a big batch of brothy soup. So on the menu will be soup and salad, plus beans and potatoes.

The other day I attempted to make home made tater tots, but as I was cooking the potatoes, I got sidetracked with another activity and the potatoes overcooked and they ended up like shaped mashed potatoes. I topped some lentils mixed with onion, celery, red pepper, mixed vegetables and a bit of gravy made with chickpea flour. (my attempt and tater tot casserole).

Another dish I made was: onion, bell pepper, garlic, mushrooms, black beans, potatoes and spinach. That was yummy except the seasoning I choose had too much of a hot pepper in it.

The other day, my parents talked me into a day trip to a casino and I managed to stay compliant with the buffet. Lettuce, peas, onion, fruit, and a baked potato. I ate two dinner rolls to help me feel more satisfied so I wouldn't be tempted to grab a bag of chips or candy bar.

My exercise was a 4.1 miler on the treadmill. I am going to start my training for the 10K, but am switching my program. The nike coach on my app had too many running days and not enough cross training and i was beginning to feel the stress on my legs. I think at my age, it is best to switch up the activities and train smart not harder. I'll be using the Jeff Galloway method: run 3 days a week with cross training/rest on 3 and 1 day complete rest. I used this method in the past and had good luck with it.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby GlennR » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:08 pm

Morris wrote:...

I am on Day 5 of the E2 challenge and my weight is holding, but I am finding that I am grabbing a bowl of cereal, a large bowl of cereal to snack on before bedtime. And my weight is holding now. I lost a bit of the extra, but I am thinking that since the cereal is more processed, I need to cut that out if I want to see success.

I've been having trouble with after dinner desires too. I'm going to try drinking water first to see if that does anything to reduce my desire to pull out the cereal once more. If it doesn't I'll eat some raw carrots and wait. If that doesn't stop my desire I'll call it a true need to eat. :)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:47 am

January 13,2017

I made it through the E2 7Day Rescue with minimal off plan. That is good for me, but now I am noticing that without that challenge going on I am looking at those shelves of chips and cookies and candy again. What is up with that? The good news is that my slip up was potato and corn chips (yes, both of them) gave me an upset stomach so I will use that as my motivator next time I am looking at those pretty yellow and orange bags at the checkout.

Hubby had his annual physical and his doctor told him that if it were not for the fact that he had good genetics he would be diabetic by now. I told him his luck is running out because both his parents became diabetic. So, what does he do? Off to the cookie and chip aisle. I swear, he is worse than me when it comes to the call of chips and cookies. I am so frustrated. We both know better yet we keep eating that crap.

When the E2 challenge was over, I asked him what the wanted to eat. His reply was vegetables and meat. I told him that I won't do the meat part, but will be happy to do the vegetable part. (We did the Paleo diet years ago and we both lost a lot of weight) I also told him that he gets no sympathy from me if he gets kidney stones again.

Whenever I tell hubby that I want to go whole food and start making more whole grain dishes, he tells me that carbs make him gain weight. So, whole grains will cause him to gain weight, but the chips and cookies don't? I am so confused. :?

Yesterday, I cleaned out the fridge from the leftovers I made from the E2 challenge. I over planned what we would eat because I did not take into account the days we would not be home to eat. (My throw away goes to my compost, so I don't feel too bad about not eating it) I gave some to my daughter and she said the kids ate (not sure if she was telling the truth or not)

I started over with a batch of "Creamy" Wild Rice Soup ~ best soup I made for a while. (onion, celery, carrot, broth, wild rice, potatoes, (more broth). Blended some of the soup to make it thicker and then added a bit of cashew cream.Seasoned with thyme and pepper.

I also made some Apple Crisp Muffins. These were from Happy Herbivore but they were too sweet. I did not look at the source and thought it was a Fork Over Knives recipe. After the fact, I realized why it had so much sugar in it. But that is a keeper recipe because the texture is good for a no oil muffin (I ground my wheat berries for these). See how I justify making and eating these?

For exercise, I have switched to a Jeff Galloway program with only 3 days running and am finding it harder to do the cross training. I better get that bike cleaned off and pull out my Nordic Track skier. I bought me some arm rest thingies to put on my pull up bar so I can do some leg raises, found out that this is not as comfy as the equipment at the gym for that exercise. oh, have I mentioned that I can barely do 1 pull up now?
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:42 pm

Jan 16, 2017

I see it has only been 3 days since my last post, it feels like it has been weeks. This must be a reflection on my mood, which may be the result of some baaaaaad eating. Somehow my granddaughter suggested Reisens (chocolate covered caramels) while shopping, in the cart they went along with some chips to keep them company. Then we had our holiday celebration, I made spaghetti using some bison and for dessert I made a chocolate brownie pudding cake. What was I thinking??? (I was attempting to accommodate every one else's eating habits)

Then my daughter invites me over for lunch. She made an awesome black bean sweet potato chili, but she served chips with it. My weakness, I had no willpower. I think my thought was I screwed up so I might as well go all out because I'll start over tomorrow. Stupid reasoning, I know. But I thought it, did it and it is now over.

Started again today. What I ate was:

water with lemon
My version of RIp's Big Bowl (mixture of cereals, flakseed, nuts and raisins) topped with blueberries and raspberries and rice milk
1 piece multi grain bread with peanut butter
Roasted potatoes and cabbage with cilantro-cashrew cream (a fork over knives recipe in their bookzine that came out) --YUM when it was all put together. Hubby said this one is a keeper for sure.
Canned peas.

Still fighting cravings for junk, gave in had some soft licorice and chocolate chips.

I tried making hot cocoa from Dr. Greger, but my memory may not have served me correctly because it was not really good: hot water with dates and cocoa powder blended in the Vitamix. My first thought was I should have thrown in some coconut or cashews. Then it may have been more like a traditional hot cocoa.

My exercise today was a 4 miler on the treadmill with ifit St Augustine Florida map -- nice and sunny there HA! (I am in central Minnesota) I did a 4 minute run:1 minute walk ratio and I finished just under 44 minutes. I wanted to wimp out on the runs but stuck with it even though I slowed it down a bit on a couple run sections. I am noticing that I am able to run faster on the treadmill for longer period of time than in the past.

I found a virtual race page on another sight that I recorded some of my times from a few years ago. I slowed down a bit, but not too much even though I had a couple slow seasons. At least now i have some times to try to beat.

First race is end of April, a 10k. I really want to keep up with my granddaughter. (secretly I want to pass her up) :D
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:42 am

January 20, 2017

January thaw! Beautiful weather. But today turned out to be a gloomy day-

UPDATE: Despite not following the E2 7Day Rescue 100%, and hubby saying he wanted to go back to eating meat and vegetables, (which I did not to, I continued making whole food plant based meals ( E2 7Day Rescue and McDougall WOE) hubby said he is finally starting to lose weight and had to move his belt buckle in a notch. He has asked me to continue with this challenge way of cooking.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:24 pm

January 21, 2017

well, I can check off one thing of my bucket list of things to do: I created a map in ifit for a run in Key Largo. I created a 6.2 miler at the end. I must admit it was a boooooring run except at the end. *-*

A few things about today's run:
1. It was supposed to be a cross-training or rest day.
2. I picked the wrong ratio of run/walk. I choose 6 min run and 30 sec walk. I lasted only the first half and had to change it to 4:1.
3. After 5 miles, I am huffing and puffing and gasping for air and the song on my ipod starts singing in my ear, "We are born to die." ~~~~ definitely NOT the song I wanted to hear at that point of my run.

however, I do feel great after this run. My postrun meal was the Veggie Tikki Masala and fruit (grapes and orange segments)

My preworkout was nothing to me desired though: buttered (earth balance) Dollar buns x 4 and some walnuts. Bad choices I know. i think I am going through a mild case of seasonal sad disorder. I cannot wait for the longer days of summer.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:23 am

January 26,2017

Well, I see it has been almost a week since I last posted. I think I am getting tired of these short days and am noticing that I am really enjoying those few extra minutes of daylight. I am trying to keep positive thoughts. It has been dreary these past few days.

I have been enjoying the January thaw and have been going for walks, long walks. I wish I could have gone for some running but the roads are too icy and I don't want to risk falling.

I weighed myself this morning and saw that I was up slightly since my last recorded weigh-in. but not too much. I also noted that my lean mass number was up a bit. So, I guess I can say "I am gaining muscle" and that is why my weight is not coming down --HA! the lies we tell ourselves.

My weight is coming down because I am not eating as much junk. Too be honest, I am getting tired of being a slave to that yellow bag at the checkouts (Lays potato chips), especially since they really do not even taste that good. They are just oily slices of potato.

On the Engine 2 Rescue Challenge one of the coaches said that when you eat enough but still feel hungry it is because of the lack of fat. I am beginning to see that now, I always connected it with me needing something sweet. But then the desserts are often loaded with sugar and fat together. They are a married pair.

Last night, for supper I made a huge salad: romaine, onion, bell pepper, tomato, cauliflower. And since I was headed to town and knew temptation would slap me in the face, I added some hemp seed to the mix. Even after I ate it, I still felt hunger, so I spread some peanut butter on some corn tortillas. That seemed to satisfy me.

I had thoughts of stopping and grabbing a bag of chips or a candy bar on the way home. But overcame those thoughts and I survived a day without eating junk food. Day 1 complete.

For that E2 7 day rescue, I tried cooking in bulk for the week, but overestimated how much to make and ended up tossing quite a bit of food. I am finding it is best if I cook meals two days in a row and then eat the leftovers. It seem to be a cook for 2 days and then take 2 days off. Seem to be less waste that way.

Did I mention that my daughter lost over 6 pounds attempting to eat the E2 way? I am so happy for her, I hope she will keep it up.

I made a batch of tomato soup the other day and loaded it with veggies and potatoes: onion, celery, carrots, bell pepper, mushrooms, potatoes, veggie broth. Blended it all and then added some diced potatoes to serve.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:58 am

January 30, 2017

I am not doing well in posting in my journal nor in weighing myself. Although my meals on compliant (but I am using a bit more nuts than I ought to for weight-loss), I am still struggling with the snacking. However, I am getting a wee bit better at not buying candy or chips whenever I go to the store. I had a relapse and bought 2 small bags of Reisins (chocolate covered caramels) I bought two because I knew hubby would have some and I had to make sure I got my "share". Let's a leftover behavior from my childhood (I'd eat a whole bag of candy so I wouldn't have to share or I'd eat it before my little sister "stole" it from me.) It is so hard to get this out of my brain.

What I have been eating:

My version of Rip's Big Bowl for breakfasts with berries and banana.

I batched cooked some black beans and quinoa, so some of my meals are based on those ingredients:
A veggie stir-fry with added beans; added spinach to this
Black beans and quinoa wrapped in corn tortillas (I was too lazy to make anything more)
Salad: Romaine, spinach, onion, bell pepper, tomato, cauliflower, hemp seed
Veggies in a Curried Cashew Cream Peanut sauce: bag of stir-fry mix, added onion, cauliflower and spinach (lots of spinach) ~~OMG! was that good. I was a piggie on that and ate most of it.

For my exercise I am following the easy 5k improve your time app from Jeff Galloway. I am running on the treadmill using the ifit app which connects with google maps and I am picking routes that are showing a warm environment to help me forget that it is winter here. I love that app because it helps keep the boredom of running in place away and I don't have to stare at the wall in front of me.

I also took my 7 year old grandson for a walk yesterday since we still had "warm" days, for January in Minnesota. We walked and explored in the woods for 90 minutes. We were discussing plans to build a "fort" in the woods, he wants one of bricks to protect us from the bears. Smart kid. :nod:

Training in progress for the 10k at the end of April. (Just reminding myself here to eat to fuel my body).
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Feb 10, 2017 6:49 am

February 10,2017

I have not updated my journal for a while, it is the same old, same old. My meals are compliant, but the snacking is horrendous. I am finding that I am eating when I am not hungry. Why? My excuse has been because I might get hungry later. I am not sure that is a legitimate reason to eat when not hungry, nor is it logical because even after snacking, I 'll stick get hungry later. It is not like eating something just for the sake of eating will keep me from ever getting hungry again. DUH!

Hubby bought honey nut cheerios and I am overeating these little o's. It seems like I do not get full and just keep eating and eating and eating. That is why I do not like to buy those types of cereals. Now, I can make a batch of Rip's Big Bowl and be satisfied with just one bowl. What a difference.

What I have been eating besides the honey nut Cheerios:
My version of Rip's Big Bowl with blueberries and rice milk
Curried Cauliflower Scalloped Potatoes (recipe from Vegan Richa)
mashed potatoes with bean mushroom gravy, also curry spiced
Stirfry vegetables
fruits: blueberries, clementine, banana, apple
and the bad: caramel popcorn and mounds bar

I need to make better choices for my snacking and then i'll be good to go...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:05 am

February 21, 2017

Wow! I had not realized it was so long since my last post. I have been busy, I had to watch my grandchildren while my daughter and son-in-law were away. The grandson was ill and now I am coughing. I hope I am not catching what he had because he was miserable.

Other than the cinnamon rolls I made, then my granddaughter wanted to learn how to make them, (2 batches) I have been eating mostly compliant, even my snacking is getting better. (with the exception of a Salted Nut Roll)

I have been eating Rip's Big Bowl cereal mix for breakfasts (with lots of fruits and even throw in some greens)
oats with fruit
Penne Pasta dish made with onion, celery, carrots, fire-roasted tomatoes and power greens
Salads - Romaine, Power Greens, onion, tomato, bell peppers

I seem to be lacking on the bean intake.

Weather has been unseasonably warm 50°, but wet. Still I managed to get out for some walks. The roads are gravel, so in this weather that means icey, slushy, and muddy. I went on the trails in the woods, thinking I'd enjoy the solitude before the bears come out of hibernation. I walked further into the woods than I usually do and really enjoyed the quiet. That is until I hear something and get nervous, then I pick up the pace and get moving a bit quicker just because I am nervous. I have the idea that the critters can smell my fear so I want to get back on the road in case I have to call for someone to come and get me quick. I had a bear come running toward me one time. Fortunately, a neighbor just happened to start up his four-wheeler and it turned to go the other way.

We have had nuisance bears in our yard, my mom laughs at me because I want to shoot it, with my camera. She thinks that is so funny that when a bear comes in the yard, I run to get my camera then head right back out side. But walking in the woods, I high-tail it home.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:43 am

February 26,2017

Just a quick post to say that the flu bug has struck. My grandchildren were sick with it and I watched them. I thought I made it through, but no such luck. I ended up bedridden with a fever, headache, aches and pains, and no appetite for 2 1/2 days and a cough that seems to be hanging on. But, I feel fortunate because I was not hit as hard as some of those around me. Hubby is now sick with it. He ended up going to the doctor because he felt so bad.

My brother ended up in the ICU for 2 days, but his was something different, he had a lung infection of some sort. It has been a while since I was sick and I think my eating fairly well, most of the time has helped me not get the worst of the symptoms. But, then germs and virus have no mercy. I am hoping this will give me a bit of motivation to step up being compliant more til I get get it closer to that 100%.

My recovery meal was a Vegan Richa's recipe: Easy Chickpea Curry, the ingredients included onion, bell pepper (her ingredient was green chili,but I did not have), garlic, ginger. tumeric, and other spices and tomates. In was quick and easy.

Not much else to post. Just taking time to recover
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:47 am

February 26, 2017

Rough morning, spending most of it coughing, coughing and coughing. Just cannot seem to get it to let loose. So frustrating. At least I do not have a fever and my energy level is up.

I do not think I'll do any running though. I am thinking about going to a State Park and walk the trails, the one that has a creek in it. Just to get some fresh air and hopefully get some before spring photos.

For breakfast:
oatmeal, triple berries, pineapple, apple and flax seed. Taste so good and sweet.

For later on, I am going to make Vegan Richa's Easy Chickpea curry again, mainly because it had lots of garlic and ginger in it. A bit of turmeric also. And a big batch of vegetable soup for hubby. He got hit harder with this bug than I did. I think I got sick because as I was watching my grandson and as he better, I became lax in washing my hands. Let THAT be a lesson for me.

I am looking forward to getting back to health. This was a wake up call for me. I need to be motivated to cut out the junk in my diet. Besides, now when I do eat it, it does not even taste good. So, why eat it? That is the $100,000 question and I hope I have the correct answer when the moment arises again.

Well, I hope all of you that read my journal are in good health.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:06 pm

February 28, 2017

Well, I weighed myself again, a couple days after feeling better. Down another pound. Almost back down to my first goal weight again. I have been paying attention to what I am eating and making sure to eat beans. Beans seem to give me that satisfied feeling longer. Those beans also helped me resist temptation when I was out the other day.

After being sick and seeing how sick others are seems to be giving me a bit more motivation to get compliant. I am getting up there in years and I don't want to get to the point where I cannot do things for myself. No one in my family would help me out, I'd be solo if the worse case scenario happened. Makes me sad to think of it.

I ran outside yesterday, the weather was sunny, temperature was 40° and the roads were not full of ice and/or mud. I only had time to do a 2-miler. I did 2.36 miles in 24:47 according to my fitbit that was a 10:23 pace. Not too bad since I was just running to see how I'd do. I actually ran the whole distance with the exception of the one hill that gives me a mental breakdown each and every time I try to run up it. So, I power walked up it so I'd have stamina at the top.

Not sure if it was wise of me to run outside yesterday, because I am coughing, coughing and coughing some more today.

For my eating:
Vegetable Stirfry: onion, pepper, mushrooms, cauliflower, greenbeans served with rice and chickpea curry
Peanut butter bread x2
Tuna sandwich with cucumber and lots of lettuce x 2 (I was super hungry and wanted something quick, bad I know but it is an occasional)

Easy Chickpea Curry leftovers, mixed vegetables
I am on a mocha coffee kick right-down and seem to be drinking quite a bit of chocolate flavored coffee. I think because it's snowing again and this drink is making me feel cozy.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:49 pm

March 13, 2017

UGH! I have been off plan and need to get back on track.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:57 pm

March 21, 2017

Wow! just looked at my last blog date and did not realize so much time has passed since my last blog. Where does the time go? Here it is a couple weeks since my last post.

Things were not going well for me. After I was sick, I did not pay attention to what I was eating. I think most of it was due to frustration. When I was down, my hubby did nothing for me, not even bring me a cup of tea. Then as I got to feeling better and was moving about, then he gets hit with the bug and expected me to wait on him for every little thing. WAJ!!!!

I found myself eating junk food and more junk food. However, I will admit those two bags of chocolate covered grapes from Costco were absolutely delicious. I had a moment of gloating when hubby said he wanted some and started for my hiding place. HA! HA! i ate them all.

I even went back to eating fast food! What gives with that? i do not even like fast food.

Today was day 1 of an attempt to get back on track.

Oatmeal bowl--spinach, oatmeal, triple berries, pineapple, flaxseed made with water

Lentil and Mushroom Shepherd's Pie (recipe on

Belvita cookie packs x 2
Potato Chips

Salad--romaine, spinach, tomato, onion, red bell pepper
jasmine rice and beans

1/4 cup chocolate covered grapes

have some tweaking to do. but moving in the right direction. I am also working an drinking more water. Migraines are returning.

No exercise today. I think I am bogged down from all the fat I was eating.
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