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Postby JT of PA » Tue May 14, 2013 11:41 am

Thank You for my "virtual/imaginary" 30-day chip!

My wife called me that day and told me to check out my journal because there was a present waiting for me. :-D

The Serenity Prayer is becoming part of my daily, mental re-alignment. I appreciate you opening the door to all that great information and encouragement.

We are praying for your work, your runs, your September shindig and D) all the above. Your busy. :-)

All the best from me and the wife ... and please know, your words carry weight and mean something to many folk here on the site.

All the best,
JT of PA
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Postby kkrichar » Fri May 24, 2013 9:29 am

I've been away from my journal too long. I'm getting ready to fly to San Diego to help move my mom back to Iowa. We will drive across country with the car loaded up. We plan to stop at the Grand Canyon. Not sure what else is right on the way that we can see. I'd like to do more sight-seeing but I don't know how to research stuff right off the Interstate. We plan to drive about 8 hours per day and take 5 days for the drive. One day we'll be in Colorado Springs visiting my brother and his family. My mom will meet her great grandson for the first time. I hope to find a picture book or something from the Grand Canyon to give him as a gift. Something fun/pretty and educational.

So, my food has been great and I feel lots of energy and whatnot but I'm nervous about the drive. The biggest bad crap trigger for me is traveling. Something in my mind just flips and I think I have to have nasty garbage from the airport, fast food drive throughs, gas station fare. It's ugly and tragic. My plan for the trip (in addition to snacks in the car) is to schedule meal breaks around Whole Foods. Hopefully, I can find Whole Foods stores that have the oil free deli-type stuff. What is that called? I always want to say "eat to live" but I know that's not right. I've heard that not all stores carry that line and that not all stores who carry it leave the oil out of everything. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyhoo, I'd love some suggestions for traveling. Does anyone have a favorite Whole Foods to recommend along I40? I know there are some chain restaurants that people have had luck with. PF Changs? or Chiles? or something like that.

All advice welcome!!

Also, I loaded up my mp3 player with all the presentations from the Food Revolution Summit. I plan to listen to them everytime I get the chance. It helps me stay motivated when I'm constantly reminded of all the reasons I do this. I also just got my copy of Rip Esselstyn's, "My Beef with Meat," and Dr. Campbell's, "Whole." I'm definetly bringing one of those with me. I need to fit everything I'm bringing into one carry-on so I can't bring my usual array of magazines, novels, and other entertainment. Gotta be very efficient with my choices. Maybe I'll just wear one t-shirt and one pair of shorts everyday so I can bring more McDougall-type books!

OK, gotta get back to work. I've been crushed at work trying to finish all my projects before I head out. One more to go!!! I might actually pull this off!!

I'll try to check in during my cross-country trip but no guarantees. Will definitely check email for posts from y'all.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
CW: 162 lbs BMI=26.5
GW: 135 lbs BMI=22.3
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Postby proverbs31woman » Fri May 24, 2013 12:05 pm

kkrichar wrote:
So, my food has been great and I feel lots of energy and whatnot but I'm nervous about the drive. The biggest bad crap trigger for me is traveling. Something in my mind just flips and I think I have to have nasty garbage from the airport, fast food drive throughs, gas station fare. It's ugly and tragic. My plan for the trip (in addition to snacks in the car) is to schedule meal breaks around Whole Foods. Hopefully, I can find Whole Foods stores that have the oil free deli-type stuff. What is that called? I always want to say "eat to live" but I know that's not right. I've heard that not all stores carry that line and that not all stores who carry it leave the oil out of everything. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyhoo, I'd love some suggestions for traveling. Does anyone have a favorite Whole Foods to recommend along I40? I know there are some chain restaurants that people have had luck with. PF Changs? or Chiles? or something like that.

I've been away from the boards for a while, but I'm glad to see that you are still hanging in there. Travelling and eating healthy is difficult for me as well, but I think you have a good plan so far. I especially like the part about listening to the podcasts; that should help. PF Changs had the Buddha's Feast, which is on plan, and you should check to see if they have a Flat Top Grill.

I like to bring a few McDougall Right Foods cups with me when I travel. You can also warm them up in a gas station microwave. That along with baby carrots and fruit can help you stay on track.

Here is the link to the discussion about the approved restaurants:

I hope you enjoy your trip!
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Postby kkrichar » Fri May 24, 2013 12:07 pm

Awesome! Thanks Proverbs! I knew I had seen a discussion about that somewhere.

I think the Whole Foods thing I was trying to remember is, "Health Starts Here."

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
CW: 162 lbs BMI=26.5
GW: 135 lbs BMI=22.3
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Postby eri » Fri May 24, 2013 1:10 pm

^^Yep, that's it. Enjoy the trip!
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Postby JT of PA » Sat May 25, 2013 10:58 am

You sound very well prepared ... great job !!!

Me and the Mrs. are praying for your trip ... hope all goes well and when it's finished you have a lifetime memory that is very special.

All the best,
JT of PA
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Postby Anna Green » Wed May 29, 2013 5:45 pm

Not sure if you are on your trip. If you are I hope all is well. I wanted to tell you to look for state park signs. I love the parks. Usually beautiful and well kept. I've been swimming in lakes w/ views of the mountains, etc. Walking trails to get the car cramps out.

Hope you are enjoying.
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Postby kkrichar » Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:50 am

I'm back! It was a nice trip but I'm very happy to be home again. Long, long drive.

Exciting news, I have a friend who just bought the Starch Solution. She is trying this WOE for 7 days!! So, we are sharing recipes this week and it has been such a joy having someone nearby following the plan. I hope she stays with it.

I haven't run since before i left for San Diego. I must run today. It's National Running Day so what better day to get back out there? I feel like I could sleep for a week. I've been up for less than an hour and am ready for a nap. I go back to work tomorrow. Sniff.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
CW: 162 lbs BMI=26.5
GW: 135 lbs BMI=22.3
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:28 am

Glad you are back and you had a nice trip.
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Postby RAS » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:06 pm

Glad you are back.Let us know how you ate on the road.(good or bad)It is hard when traveling. RAS
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Postby eri » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:30 pm

So how was it?! Did you have a good time?
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Postby kkrichar » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:38 am

OK, full disclosure, my food was bad on the trip. I started out with such good intentions. The day I arrived in San Diego I went to Whole Foods and bought stuff for the road and to eat at my mom's until we left (3 days). After one day, we realized how difficult it was to cook and pack and ship things. I have to admit I have a pretty short fuse with my mom. I realize it is fear based. Whenever I feel helpless, either unable to help myself (lost and the GPS won't work) or unable to help my mom (too far away or financially) and my mom can't help either I just lose it. Her helplessness just shines a spotlight on mine and I get scared something will happen to her. Rather than experience the fear I lash out in anger.

I think a big issue here is fear that my mind will deteriorate like hers seems to have. She can't remember anything. She couldn't focus on the simplest tasks. I had to watch her constantly to get her back on task. She was supposed to have sold/shipped/discarded anything that wasn't coming with us in the car prior to my arrival. I knew that wouldn't happen and added 2 days on the front end of my trip to help with last minute things that didn't get done. Well, she wasn't even close and we spent every minute I was in San Diego boxing, shipping and cleaning. Not a big deal but she just couldn't focus. I literally had to pick up every item in her house and ask if she was keeping it or donating it. Every single item like she was a 5 year old child.

Then, on the road, she was completely unhelpful in terms of navigating, packing the car up at night and in the morning. She couldn't find anything the entire time. She kept misplacing the exact same things every day but never found a system to avoid it. Then she would get so frustrated and say, "just great!! I can't find my eye drops. I thought I put them in here!!!" every single day!

Anyhoo, my response to this kind of anxiety is to stuff it down with food and that's exactly what I did. Sigh.

On a positive note, we saw the Grand Canyon and it was beautiful. I've always wanted to see it and am so happy we did. We also visited my brother and his family in Colorado. That was fun. My mom met her great grandson and he is totally adorbs. He's so affectionate and sweet. No melt downs. He was better behaved than I had been up to that point.

Anyhoo, all total I gained 4.2 pounds in the 8 days of my trip. I'm on day 4 back on plan. I've lost 2.8 pounds. 1.6 to go. I ran last night for the first time in 11 days. It felt good but I could feel the lost fitness. I was supposed to go back to work today but I just couldn't do it. I feel drained of all my energy and I had a really bad headache when I got up this morning.

I'm buying Neal Barnard's, "Power Foods for the Brain." My mom already avoids deodorant with aluminum, doesn't use non-stick pans or cast iron, she doesn't drink out of aluminum cans and she follows McDougall most of the time. I'm not sure how much more she can do for this memory problem of hers. I want to help her if I can but mainly I hope to avoid the same fate for myself. My mom treated her body a lot better than I did. She never drank or smoke. She was never obese. She always exercised. I worry about all the damage I've already done. Maybe this brain thing will be the thing that makes this WOE non-negotiable for me.

Oh, I forgot to mention, my brother was super over-weight when we saw him. I guess he's about 300 pounds now and is 6'1" or 6'2". He had a bad health check-up and decided to make some changes. He wouldn't say what the doctor said but I do know he is on blood pressure medication. He and his wife are quitting sugar, alcohol and caffeine. They appear to be on a low-carb diet. I felt so ashamed that I hadn't stuck with my food plan. I could have been a great example for them and I blew it. I hope to see them at Thanksgiving so maybe this will be an opportunity to do the right thing and get my own act together.

We went to Olive Garden for dinner and my niece ordered mashed potatoes, spaghetti with marinara sauce and fried chicken strips for her son. He wouldn't eat the chicken strips. My brother and his wife both said it was a problem because he needed his protein and all he ever wanted to eat was carbs. They said he hated meat. Then they wouldn't let him eat anymore potatoes until he ate his chicken strips. My mom tried to tell them he was getting enough protein and not to make him eat the chicken but they just rolled their eyes at her. I felt so not credible I decided to stay out of it. Then I felt ashamed about that. My brother's wife is a nurse and my mom is such a flake they just discredited her outright. If I had been farther along in my health I would have said something but what kind of example am I?

Sigh, today is a new day. It's never too late to be the example you want to be. Day 4 and I'm feeling better. When will I ever stop this cycle?????? I know I can do it.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
CW: 162 lbs BMI=26.5
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Postby ~Beth~ » Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:42 pm

Hi Kelly
Sounds like a stressful trip. No wonder you are exhausted now that you are home
I just went through ten years with my mom's steadily worsening Alzheimer's so I can totally relate.
You didn't say if your Mom had a diagnosis or not
One thing that helped me was going to an alzheimer's support group and hearing other people's stories and getting a feel for what is normal progression of the disease
Hope you can find some time for yourself to just relax and destress after your long road trip

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Postby lifeisgreat » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:56 pm

Could it be that your Mom be having a reaction to a medicine? I took a class on aging . The Dr said even Tylenol AM can cause memory problems. He is a Geriatrician and he said the often familys come in with the patient thinking it is dementia and it turns out to be medications.

You are powerless over her problems and your life is unmanageable.

Just love her and ask God to direct your thoughts and actions.

I know it is hard.
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Postby Anna Green » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:34 pm

kk, the feeling guilty about the example I am not setting when I eat crap also is a biggie for me. I've decided for right now though to just focus on me. I have to remind myself that I need to take care of myself and when I do I feel wonderful. I live better. I do more of what I want to do. Others will see and if they are so inclined will be inspired. Today, it's all I can do. As I'm writing this I think of how sick some of the closest to me are and have that sinking feeling again. And then I push the thought aside because all I can do right now is to eat well and enjoy it.
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