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Postby MSNomad » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:30 pm

How exciting that you're going to an ASW! Good luck and enjoy the next race!
Last edited by MSNomad on Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby f1jim » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:03 pm

I look forward to seeing you at the September ASW. It's going to be good!
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Postby kkrichar » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:14 am

I have been doing great this week. Not sure if it's the upcoming race, booking my flight to the ASW or touching base with my peeps here but I feel good. I can already tell a difference in my body.

f1jim: I am SO excited I can hardly stand it!!!! Do you know the best way to get from the Oakland airport to the Flamingo hotel if I don't rent a car? Or should I rent a car?

I'm super excited about my race on Saturday. Normally the temperature is oppressively hot. The first year I ran it the temp was 105 degrees with the heat index. At one point I actually felt cold and had goose bumps. I'm told that is NOT a good sign. Anyhoo, this year it is supposed to be 58 degrees at the start of the race!!!!! Of course, I'm really wishing I was in better shape but I need to just be happy the weather will be so running friendly. I am. I really am. In fact, it's probably better to have nice weather when my weight is less than ideal since it takes some of the added stress off.

I'm back to my old favorites: oatmeal with blueberries and banana for brekkie, brown rice and pinto beans with homemade pico on corn tortillas for lunch, and bean burgers (or SWEET CORN!!!! WHOOP!!!) for dinner. My tomato plants (3 grape, 1 cherry, 1 Sweet 100, 1 Early Girl, and 1 Big Boy) are coming along quite nicely. I didn't get them planted until the middle of June so I was worried but they are HUGE and have tons of tomatoes on them. Now, if they'd just turn red!!!! I can't wait!!!!

I'm in a super great mood today and feel wonderful. Why do I ever stray? Cunning, baffling and powerful......(shakes head)

Have a great day everyone!!

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
CW: 162 lbs BMI=26.5
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Postby f1jim » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:02 pm

I think there are several North Bay firms that specialize in transportation to/from the airport to locations in the Santa Rosa Area. Renting a car is tough since you rent it then almost never use it while at the event. Try these:

Many times people at the event carpool up to go back to the airport. You might put a post up in the lounge asking about connecting with any attendees going/coming from the airport. Heck, I could get you back to SFO if you left when the event ends Sunday evening.

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Postby Anna Green » Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:41 am

Hi. How exciting that you are going to ASW! Wish I were going too. I could stand to be around some folks like us (well me on my good days).

Hope your race went well. Looking forward to hearing about it.
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Postby kkrichar » Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:54 am

Thanks Jim, that's a great idea to post in the lounge. I'm flying in and out of Oakland.

Anna!! My race was great!!! Thanks for asking. The weather was absolutely perfect. It was the coolest Bix on record. The temperature was 58 degrees at the start of the race. Absolute perfection! I felt strong the whole way and was only 48 seconds slower than my personal record back in 2011! I feel inspired. My friend visited and we ate McD all weekend. It was a really good weekend.

I'm starting a 12 week half-marathon training plan this week. I'm excited to go into it injury free and feeling strong. Normally, September is when my diet falters and I begin putting weight back on. The ASW will be the perfect inspiration to keep me going through the fall. Hopefully by winter I'll be so happy, fit, healthy and routinized in this WOE that I'll stick with it. 2014 is my year for racing! I can feel it!

My tomato plants have so many tomatoes on them. If they'd only turn red I'd be set! I got some sweet corn and cucumbers from the Farmer's Market yesterday. I have a tasty dinner planned.

I went to an AA meeting this morning that really helped get my head on straight. When I start to gain weight I avoid everything including meetings. It's not good for me. I need to immerse myself when I'm down not isolate but I never seem to learn that lesson. I'm glad to be back here on the boards. It really helps me.

I think I'll take a little napper and read a good book today.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby proverbs31woman » Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:45 am

You are really setting yourself up to be successful on this plan. Good job!
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Postby JT of PA » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:15 am

Just reading your race results makes my knee hurt. :-D

Great job with your latest race, and congratulations on using that experience to tackle another one in your future, (2014).

All the best.
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Postby kkrichar » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:49 am

Thanks John! I started my half-marathon training plan on Monday. I'm super excited. So far no injuries this year and I feel hopeful that I can make it through the rest of the year if I keep behaving properly.

My food has been good and my weight is coming down. My clothes are fitting better. It feels good.

I went to the Farmer's Market last night and bought sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and kale. I experimented with kale chips for dinner. I put some soy sauce, garlic powder and onion flakes in a bowl and then dipped the kale into the mixture and baked. They tasted crazy salty. I need to work on those. I got a HUGE bag of kale for $2 so I have plenty more to work with.

I have a 5K race (3.1 miles) next Saturday (Aug. 10th). Here's my race schedule leading up to the half-marathon in October:

August 3rd: no race
August 10th: 5K (3.1 miles)
August 17th: no race
August 24th: 7 miles
August 31st: no race
September 7th: ASW in Santa Rosa!!!!!! Boo-yah!!!!!!!!
September 14th: 10K (6.2 miles)
September 21st: no race
September 29th: 10 miles
October 6th: no race
October 13th: no race
October 20th: Half-Marathon!!!!! Go Kelly! Go Kelly!

I have one grape tomato turning red!!! I also have about 10,000 cherry and grape tomatoes that will probably all turn red at once. Can anyone tell me how to can salsa? I'm thinking about buying a canning kit. I have 2 tomato plants that will produce larger tomatoes but the majority of them are small tomatoes. They might be more appropriate for salsa than tomato juice. Any recommendations on what to do with a surplus of cherry/grape tomatoes? Assume total ignorance on my part.

OK, I should get to my day. Hope everyone is having a good one.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby JohnLarson » Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:37 am

I can relate to isolating when down. I am glad you are here. The running is awesome.

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The McDougall Program is not a "diet," and it was not designed primarily for weight loss – however, loss of excess body fat naturally results as people regain their health. - Dr. John McDougall
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Postby JT of PA » Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:30 pm

JohnLarson wrote:I can relate to isolating when down. I am glad you are here. The running is awesome.

I also isolate and unlike you all am too ashamed to share it.

Your bravery in the words you type helps a lot ... A LOT!!!

Encouraging to know I'm not alone. :)
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Postby kkrichar » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:26 pm

OK, I have a doosey of an update. First, you need a little history. As many of you know I am a recovering alcoholic. I started drinking in junior high and quit when I was 35. From the time I left for college until the first time I made a serious attempt to quit drinking (1 year prior to my final quit date) I had been a daily drinker. Over the years I had a lot of depression/anxiety issues. I hated myself. I felt a lot of shame and guilt. Getting out of bed most days was a struggle and often, when I thought about what I had to do that day, I would just roll over and go back to sleep. I slept all day too many times to count. I had been to counselors and on and off anti-depressants. I knew drinking was not helping my cause but I didn't think it was the problem either.

About a year or so prior to my last drink I tried quitting on my own. I would make a few days, sometimes a few weeks but I always ended up drinking again because I was SO miserable. I was angry and exhausted and anxious and sad all the time. Every day that I didn't drink was a serious effort for me. I knew I couldn't maintain the pain for long and would eventually give in for a day or two or 21. Then I'd try again and the cycle would repeat.

I went to see a doctor hoping to get some Xanax. A friend took it and said it was great. I wanted instant relief and Xanax was my answer. I told the doctor about all the emotions I was experiencing and blah blah. I don't remember if I mentioned the whole alcoholism thing or how much I had been drinking. I doubt it. Anyhoo, the doc concluded I suffered from depression and anxiety and prescribed Zoloft but no Xanax. I was very disappointed and had no interest in a drug that would take at least a month to do anything. The doc seemed surprised and he said, "I've known people who were depressed for 10 years before going on medication. Can you imagine being unhappy for 10 years?" When I got home that night I thought about what he said. I realized I had no memory of ever having been happy as an adult. I cried. The next day I called the doc and agreed to try the Zoloft.

That was late 2003 or early 2004. I noticed a difference within a month or so and felt really good. I still couldn't stay sober for longer than 3 months but I wasn't as anxious or depressed.

Finally, I failed my comprehensive exam and was one try away from being kicked out of my PhD program. So, out of sheer desperation I headed to an AA meeting. I had about 25 days of not drinking under my belt and I never picked up a drink again.

Over the next 9 years there were times when I wanted to go off the Zoloft just to see if I really needed it. I never did it under doctor's supervision and I always had the immediate return of my old symptoms, the rage, the overwhelming sadness and so on. I would quickly refill my prescription and go back on.

This year I decided to talk to my doc about tapering off the Zoloft now that I'm very serious about my diet. I wanted to see if the McDougall plan would provide some relief. I needed to make an appointment but kept putting it off. Finally, about 2 weeks ago I ran out of Zoloft. A friend came into town a couple days later for our big race and I forgot to refill the script. Monday comes and I call the pharmacy. No refills left. The pharmacy calls the doc. The doc says no more meds until I come in for an appointment. I call to make an appointment and I can't get in. At this point I think I'll just forget it and go off. I wanted to anyway.

As most of you still reading this ridiculous post can probably guess I began experiencing all those same emotions again. This time I Googled it and (duh!) I learned I was experiencing withdrawal from the meds. I read a ton of posts about it and I was having all the same symptoms everyone else reported. These included the ones already mentioned but also included nausea, dizziness, eye zaps, shakes, brain freezes, memory problems, inability to focus on tasks, fatigue, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some because it was AWFUL! Everything made me so mad I had to hideout at home when possible and everything made me sob uncontrollably.

This time I recognized what was going on and decided to just ride the symptoms out. I realized I have never (with the exception of a few weeks here and there the year before I joined AA) in my entire adult life been alcohol and/or drug free. I went from being drunk every day to being on an SSRI. Thinking about it now, I believe all those symptoms I described from my "dry drunk" year were probably caused by alcohol withdrawal.

Nutshell, I'm almost (I think) finishing up the worst of the Zoloft withdrawal and am very excited to see what life looks and feels like without drugs and/or alcohol.

A couple good things have come out of the past 2 weeks. One, I realized I never once wanted a drink or a cigarette. I haven't been this miserable and emotionally down in decades and yet it never occurred to me. Sunday I decided to head to my local food co-op in search of natural remedies for detox symptoms. On my I was feeling so sorry for myself I gave myself permission to buy some chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt. After purchasing the Skullcap, Valerian, and B-complex I head to the ice cream shop. I thought, pouring sugar on top of this is not going to help. It'll probably make it worse when I crash from the sugar in a couple hours. I decided to forego the frozen yogurt and headed home to make sweet corn from the Farmer's Market. I enjoyed it.

The lesson is that eventually if I stay on plan long enough thoughts of frozen yogurt might go away completely. I never thought I could ever experience the misery I felt last week and not want alcohol but it happened. Yes, I wanted the cookie dough but NOT the alcohol. I can carry that knowledge with me. It will get easier to say no. The desire will come less often and eventually it won't occur to me to drown pain or sadness in sugar, fat and dairy.

After eating the sweet corn I took a nap. I got up a couple hours later feeling much better and went for an 8.87 mile run. It was wonderful.

I'm so excited about ASW in a few weeks. I don't see any talks on diet and depression specifically but I can see how some could touch on it. Even if I do experience signs of depression or anxiety in the coming months (especially in winter) there are so many options I never tried. I went from alcohol to antidepressant. I have an opportunity to explore many different ways of dealing with stress and emotions and, yes, maybe even mental illness. The important thing is that I'll know whatever I choose it'll be an informed choice. No lying to my doctor. No quick fixes. No grabbing the first thing someone suggests. Real food. Exercise. Communication. Education. Experimentation. I'm sure it'll all work out and, who knows, maybe I might feel even BETTER!!!

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Postby lifeisgreat » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:42 pm

Thank you for such an amazing share.

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Postby kkrichar » Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:45 pm

Hey lifeisgreat! Welcome!! Glad you're here! :wink:

30 years is WOW! I hope I'll be there someday. I will have 9 on 9/25/2013.

HW: 220 lbs BMI=36.3
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Postby proverbs31woman » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:00 pm

What an awesome tesitimony!!!! Thanks for sharing!
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