Cara's journal

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Postby cecac » Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:03 pm

Thank you mom-of-4! I'll keep that in mind if I, lol, get courage to try tofu again.

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Weight check in

Postby cecac » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:54 am

I am unsure about dh, I think he is at a bit of a plateau this week. He is around 201 pounds, although he has seen 199 once or twice.

I am at 163.4 today, so I am losing again.

We just got a pressure cooker, and I am looking forward to making beans and potatoes faster, that will be very helpful. I would like to have cooked beans on hand at all times, for we like mashed beans/hummus on toast for lunch and we eat bean stews or beans and rice for dinner a whole lot.

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Postby sksamboots » Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:31 pm

Let us know how the pressure cooker works---maybe one day I'll invest in one. Sounds like your doing great :-D
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an update

Postby cecac » Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:21 pm

Well......we went pretty far off since my last post. Although, there have been many meals that we did not.

Enough so (in other words, eating starch based more) that dh and I have maintained the weight loss we got being more compliant. we go back to more compliance. We'd like to carve off another 5 pounds here before Thanksgiving when we'll not be compliant for about 1-2 days. Oh, and we have 1-2 meals per week where we are either out or at the Sunday pot luck that we haven't been successful going starch based.

I dunno what I'm going to do about that, but I am sitting here thinking I'd like to go back to taking foods to the pot luck that dh and I could eat safely. We'll see.

I have some great dinners that are regulars now:

Black bean salad, spanish rice, and salad greens layered together for a taco salad. The whole family loves this one, I can't make enough it seems. Yummy.

My pressure cooked/baked beans, baked sweet potatoes, greens, and cornbread.

My own pasta sauce that we either make pizza with or we put atop elbow macaroni. I mix whole wheat and white at this point. Whole wheat alone is very heavy.

Burritoes--that can be a quickie because I break down and buy the cans.

Just plain ole beans and rice with a salad and one cooked veggie

Two bean chili atop baked potatoes, a salad, and a cooked veggie

My pressure cooker is used most days. My rice maker is used 1-2 times per day. So....all in all even though we aren't as strict as we should be, I feel we are getting the hang of this.

Our difficult spots:

1. Salad dressing (allowed only once per day, and small amounts at that)

2. My breads--I still use eggs and reduced amount of olive oil. If I use milk in cornbread or pancakes, I use 1 cup milk to the rest water. I've actually gone to just water and I think that is one thing I am going to move forward with because it doesn't change the finished product.

3. I have a real weak spot for dairy food that must be nixed again. I am having more aches and pains I notice when I add dairy back in.

4. We put meat in things every now and then. Actually that won't likely be changing, and I do remember Dr. McDougall talking about if you were going to, lol, make compromises meat should be over dairy. My hubby really agrees with this and is fussing at me to drop dairy. Period. Oh boy. Well, but I'm thankful because dh and I do this together. Oh I'm thankful for that.

So, hopefully, I will try to knock out salad dressing and dairy more thoroughly now. That's my goal anyway, now that we have regular dinners down fairly well. After that, I will likely go for putting my energy into getting some more regular meals....trying new recipes.

It will be awhile before I change my breads. That just isn't happening yet.
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Postby sksamboots » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:02 pm

Cecac: Great to hear from you!!

Salad dressing: Have you tried the 3-2-1 dressing? They discuss it over in the MWL thread. It calls for 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup or honey....

My favorite is: 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of dijon mustard, 1 table spoon of balsamic vinegar

You can play around with it. I didn't think I would like it at first--but it's actually really good. it's making me hungry as I talk about it. lol. Looks like you have a plan. Congrats on maintaining, I think that's a feat in itself.
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Postby cecac » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:58 pm

Thanks sksamboots!!

Yes, I have heard of that dressing and was just thinking about using it again...I like the savory instead of sweet one. I agree with you.....I need to use it again at least some of the time and back out of the salad dressings. does feel good to have maintained and not lost ground even though we haven't been able to stay strictly on. But, I am glad we are trying to keep on.

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Postby LauraA » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:34 pm

Hi Cara- it is great that you and your husband have maintained your loss, and that you are doing so many great McDougall meals. Don't you feel really good? Glad that you are journaling here. Take care, LauraA
Take care, LauraA

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Postby cecac » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:46 pm

Thank you so much Laura, it is very nice to have some of you encourage me in this.

My tendency is to be embarrassed, kwim? But really, I think it makes me more willing to keep trying, somehow, when I'm not chiding myself about the things I have been eating wrong.

So I thank you both. :-D
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