Caroveggie's Journal

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:58 am

Thank you for stopping by! Sorry I have been MIA. I am getting back into strict McDougalling. Living with my parents and trying to McDougall is not the easiest at all! They love their butter and SAD diet. I also have a longer commute now so when I get home I want something fast, and unfortunately, have fallen into some bad habits (bread/toast/butter/processed snackies :oops: ). My parents' kitchen is also pretty disorganized, which drives me crazy. I remember one morning I got up early and organized and cleaned for one hour and only one side of the kitchen looked good. Then when I got home, it was a mess again! ARGH!!! So I've given up trying to organize the kitchen, but I'm still going to recommit to eating healthy again (better than I've been doing) and try to follow these principles:

1. Prepare ahead of time.. cook on Sundays and prepare meals (even if only schedule/planning what I'll eat) so that I won't be stuck with nothin' but quick bad options. If I have an idea for a healthy meal, it'll keep me on track.

2. Take pics of my meals because I still want to do the pic thing. I remember Sweetpea's journal was very inspiring to me, as well as the Potato Strong website, because of all the pics of the real meals real people were eating (and making good progress with). So I'm going to try and focus on simplifying my meals and remembering to take a pic with my camera for this journal.

3. Spend some time browsing healthy recipe books. I think the Campbells recently came out with a heart-healthy recipe book, and I want to try that.

I've also been thinking of doing the Starch Solution Certification course, but I do find it expensive. I also happen to already have a lot of the videos. Although I've lost some to loans to people. There are a lot in the garage where my stuff is currently in boxes. Maybe I should dig them out and start watching for my own motivation.

I have been getting decent exercise lately at least. On my commute to work I now bike or walk Monday - Friday. But obviously that is not enough -- diet matters also. If anything, the proof of how my body looks and feels is enough to convince me of the veracity of this WOE, let alone all I've read about health.
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Postby Caroveggie » Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:04 pm

Today I made brown rice, aloo gobi, and red bell pepper hummus.

This is my red bell pepper hummus. It turned out really yummy. Here's how to make it:

1 medium - large red bell pepper (de-seeded and roasted/baked)
1 can chickpeas (rinsed and drained)
tablespoon of minced garlic
garlic salt (season to taste)

Put ingredients in blender and blend. (Put water to about 1/2 - 3/4 way up of food in blender.) Very simple recipe but it turns out pretty yummy. I eat it with carrots, red bell pepper strips, and white sweet potato chunks. It's a strange and yummy combo, white sweet potato and red bell pepper hummus.

This time I made the aloo gobi with veggie broth and added raw chopped tomatoes, raw minced garlic, some greens, and nearly forgot the potato until the end. It turned out really, really yummy. I forgot to take a pic of the brown rice and the pretty bowl.

I have a lot of yummy ingredients in my fridge and pantry now for some good meals. Plan on making:

potato with re-"fried" (no fat) beans and tomatoes
potato with chili (I add an extra can of black beans to the veg chili, it's so good)
corn tortillas toasted (in toaster) with rice, beans, and corn
corn on the cob
brussels sprouts and mushrooms (baked)
potato wedges
oatmeal with banana and cinnamon (and cinnamon sugar)
apples with natural jam (made with real sugar, not corn syrup) and sweet potatoes
sweet potatoes with chili
sweet potatoes with black beans and greens
veggie stew
aloo gobi curry with salad

Yes, I have plenty of food. I'll try to remember to take pics!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:45 pm

My breakfast for this week:


I found blueberries and strawberries pretty cheap! I also bought cinnamon sugar mix which I like sprinkled on my oatmeal.

At dinner today I did pretty well. We were at Chili's and I ordered a side of steamed broccoli, rice, and black beans, and corn tortillas. I ate all that with salsa. Pretty good. Forgot to get a pic of it. Afterwards we went to my sister's house for cake and presents (for my twin nephew's bday party) and I declined cheesecake and instead had just coffee (black, with sweetener). I'm happy about that.

My sis also mentioned she's doing a zombie 5K run November 2nd. What happens is you're chased by zombies who try to grab these flags off you (like flag football) but if you get to the end with the flags, you get a free prize. It's a benefit run for a diabetic foundation. It sounds fun and I may do it. I think it'd be fun to run with my sis. I asked her when does she get her running in (because she's super busy with school, 4 boys, and full time work) and she said she runs on the weekend. So I sort of don't have an excuse for not training if my sis is only training on the weekends and still plans to do the zombie run. I have much more time than her to train. So I might sign up for it.

Tomorrow I plan on bringing a bunch of food to work in a pull-cart. Bananas, berries, the cinnamon sugar, chili cans, black beans, potatoes, and maybe the tomatoes and lettuce. I need to make more aloo gobi which I'll bring mid-week for lunches. For dinners I'll have the produce like corn on the cob, brussels sprouts, mushrooms, asparagus, and anything else I can scrounge up. Plenty of food. Maybe too much food!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:32 am

There is a new restaurant on Market that sells baked potatoes (wedges) (no oil fries) and vegan soups. It also has many sauces that are vegan (however may have oil). Last week I tried the potato wedges and they were very good. I walked by yesterday but forgot to take a pic. It's one of those tiny hole-in-the-wall, no seating restaurants. I hope it does well. I found the website: 3 Potato 4: Of course, if I eat there again I will ask about no oil too.

I'll post pics soon of some recent meals. I have to do it when I'm at my home computer.

I biked to work and yesterday I walked both to and from work. So I'm getting a decent amount of exercise in. I've also eaten completely on plan which is good.

Today I'll be having chili, potato, and veggies with hummus for lunch. Not sure what I'll have for dinner but probably baked potato with the left over curry on top of it. Maybe also a pad thai soup cup. Or I'll bake some brussels sprouts and mushrooms again. Breakfast is the usual oatmeal with berries and banana.

That's about it for now. Happy McDougalling!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:53 pm

I've been meaning to post but wanted to add pics, just haven't gotten it together to post them. They're still in my phone. I'll work on that tonight unless I get side-tracked.

I've found I tend to eat the same things again and again and again:

oatmeal and fruit for breakfast
chili and potato
no fat refried beans and potato
curry and rice
sweet potato and hummus
veggies and hummus
brussel sprouts and mushrooms

I have plenty of bulk items stocked so it's just a matter of getting through them. I have loads of oatmeal, rice, barley, quinoa, and beans. So I really only need to buy some produce and fruit each week and I'm set.

I'm really looking forward to dinner. For lunch I had a sweet potato and hummus but unfortunately not enough to tide me over. And I don't have any healthy snacks around. I need to come up with some snacks I can leave at work.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby darren » Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:19 pm

Hey Caroveggie,
Haven't seen a recent journal update so, just checking in on ya ..:)

be well,
Starting wt (Feb 2013): 182lbs (BMI 29.9)
Current wt (Nov 2014): 125lbs (BMI 19.6)

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:59 pm

Hi again and thanks for checking on me. I haven't been doing too well in the time I've been away. Living with my parents makes it difficult for me to eat how I should eat. For one, there's the long commute from work home in the evenings. Meaning, I get home and I'm hungry and my parents are eating their dinner and offer me the vegetarian sides. Which, unfortunately, I've usually eaten. Then the bread and butter. Goodness, the bread and the butter. My parents love bread, bread, bread, this kind of bread, that kind of bread, more bread, lotsa bread. ...and I guess so do I! Which is not good because it turns out I like my bread with butter and often cheese on top. Suffice it to say I've done not much but gain weight since moving back with my parents for a while. Well, financially I'm doing better, but health-wise, no.

So lately (once again) I've been trying to get back to McDougalling. Breakfast and lunch at work have not been a problem. I've got my oatmeal and bananas here and the aloo gobi staple I love. It's just that when I get home I've been having toast and cheese or something junky and fattening like that.

Oh, OK. Sometimes work has been a problem. There were the days and weeks of regular Cheetos nibbling. What I meant is since I've been trying to get back into healthy-mode, I've been doing good at work. It's just at home that I have problems.

Also, since it's December and rainy over here, I bought a bus pass, so I'm no longer biking for my commute to work. I take Bart and then the bus. I miss biking.

Anyway, enough bad news. The good news is I'm here and I want to get healthy again. I've been reading over inspirational journals and posts, the success stories, and those kinds of things. I find Sweetpea's journal especially helpful. I really like her simple, tasty looking meals. Thank goodness for her pics. I also like the Potato Strong website.

So once again I'm going to throw myself into McDougalling. I really need to. My largest pair of jeans (size 13) are tight. :oops:

No more just being "vegan". (But really being vegetarian or vegan with oil.) I really need to take a stand and change things in my life. Like Right NOW. Can't keep putting it off until tomorrow (a habit I find myself doing to allow some treat or -- usually -- cheesy snack). Nope. Tomorrow never comes. Gotta do it now.

Another thing I was thinking is to make getting healthy my new year's resolution, but I don't think that's a good idea. Why wait? I want to start now. Most of all, I want to be successful at this. (We all now how often new year's resoluations fail. Nearly always.)

So I'm not sure how often I'll be checking in. I'd still like to take pics of the food and post them a la Sweetpea's journal. But I'm not going to put myself on a schedule for that. It's not super easy with my phone since I don't have internet unless I'm in a wifi spot.

Anyway. I'm debating joining a gym. I'm trying to think up ways to get more exercise in during this period of no biking and rainy weather out there.

Happy to be back. :-D
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:07 am

Last night I managed to prepare and cook a healthy meal of baked potato wedges, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms. It was really good but I did have to wait a while to eat it. I bought broccoli yesterday at lunch (and forgot it in the work kitchen fridge) so I'll bring that home and try to come up with something with steamed broccoli for dinner tonight.

I am out of cinnamon at work and keep forgetting to refill my little bottle with the Costco bottle at home and take it back to work. So my oatmeal just has the cinnamon-sugar mix, but not quite as good.

I still haven't gotten a lot of exercise. Just a bit of walking to Bart and such.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:42 pm

Of course the second day after I start journal-ling my healthy eating and changing my habits, and have a full day of compliance behind me, my work offers us See's chocolates in the kitchen and a pizza lunch for Christmas. :? I was doing fine before this temptation started. I'd love to partake in the pizza. No kidding myself there. But I'm not gonna. I've wanted for too long to not be overweight and fatty any more. Since I finally really started up again, no point shooting myself in the foot. Not the best time of year for a diet change. Today I'll have the last of my curry and rice for lunch (with fresh cherry tomatoes) and for dinner, I'll have last night's dinner. I'll save the broccoli for tomorrow.

Maybe I should take a long walk in the rain at lunch so I'll miss the smell of the pizza. Yeah. I think I should do that.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby PeripateticDanielle » Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:13 pm

Hi Caroveggie!

I PM'ed you on the personal finance board we both are members of a few months ago, I am the one that recognized you from your avatar pic :)

Hey, I'm wishing you luck on your temptation today and the rest of the holiday season. Before I FI'd and RE'd, it was sometimes extremely difficult for me to maintain my healthy eating habits at work. I had to basically put blinders on and bring my food EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail. At that point I wasn't even following this diet (just a garden-variety vegetarian who aimed for healthy as much as possible), so I would still have eaten the pizza. Being at a workplace is like living on Temptation Island during the holidays, I swear.

Now, though, I wish I'd been on this diet during my last 3-4 years of work. At that point my diet had worsened. My health was not great due to stress and diet, I realize now. Back then I didn't know what was causing my fatigue and pain other than stress.

Anyhoo, not to hijack your journal. I suppose what I'm trying to accomplish is commiseration AND cheerful encouragement. These message boards are so awesome, it's like finding a secret society of sane people :evil:
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:10 am

Yes, I remember you. Thanks for visiting my journal! I have good news :)

I did manage to avoid the pizza, the See's candy, and the usual toast with butter and cheese at my parents' house. Instead for lunch I stuck to my mashed potato curry (it just turned out that way, it was supposed to be aloo gobi - but still good). For dinner I did have the baked Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and potato wedges. Yum.

Guess I'll have to get used to being the odd one out again. You are definitely right. Work is like the testing ground for resolve when it comes to eating healthy.

Now I'm at Starbucks and I had their oatmeal with blueberries and water to drink rather than my usual chocolate croissant and soy chai. So that's much better too. The blueberries were perfect quality.

Today I need to get some grocery shopping in. I used up the last of the ketchup last night. It will be a good opportunity to plan meals and stock up on healthy choices.

I'd also like to get exercise in. I'm not sure what I'll do though, because it's wet over here.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:48 am

Hi! I am doing good! So I'm happy to report back some of my progress. :D

First, I gotta say there were a few slip ups in the beginning. A few digressions into eating fatty foods. But I got things under control and re-motivated myself. I spend some time on here, or reddit, and read inspiring stories to keep motivated. Also, I created two cool spreadsheets for me to record my weight and track my progress. One spreadsheet has every day for a year (well, it started a few days ago, so it's a bit more than a year) up to January 1, 2016. Since my scale shows me weight, body fat percentage, BMI, and calories, I decided to record them all. Yes, I know body fat percentage is not always accurate with these kinds of scales. So what! I'm happy to be tracking my weight. I'm celebrating every single pound lost. I know some caution not to focus too much on the scale. Well, I find it to be pretty motivating. It gives me something to look forward to every day as I work toward losing weight. Sorta keeps me on track. I'm already expecting the progress, day-to-day, to be bumpy. I just want to see an overall slope downward trend over the long-term. That'll keep me happy. Plus, I made the spreadsheet nice and colorful.

The other spreadsheet tracks every two weeks, on the first of the month and the fifteenth, through the year. I copied it from a spreadsheet I found on reddit. It's neat because it shows you your percentage accomplished toward your goal, and also your BMI and what weight category that places you in (healthy range, overweight, obese, etc.) Right now I believe I'm in the overweight category, but the spreadsheet won't show me that until I enter in the January 15th weight (because it needs some input to work). I'm really excited about putting in my weight numbers into these spreadsheets and watching and tracking my progress.

The reddit subreddits I hang around are called progresspics, loseit, and fitness and bodyweightfitness. Progresspics is pretty inspiring because it's all these pics and stories of people who've lost weight. Loseit is an encouraging place where people share stories and weight-loss goal victories. Fitness has some fitness advice. I am thinking about trying body weight exercises, especially after I get settled in my new place, wherever that ends up being. One thing about reddit though. They do not know or understand the McDougall diet at all. There is a lot of advice about counting calories, getting lots of lean protein (they mean meat, of course), and keto is all the rage. So I'll be the odd one out because I definitely do not intend to give up this way of eating.

Right now it's pretty cold to be jogging but I am managing to bike to work and back. I've debated joining a gym but I'm still not ready to commit to the price. For right now, I'll just try to walk, jog, bike, etc. for my exercise.

I've also taken some starting progress pics of myself. Some in my undies and bra and some clothed. Some with my face hidden and some showing it. I'm just not sure what I'll be willing to share when the time comes, so I'm over-preparing. :) Although the clothed pics aren't the best because the clothes I do wear right now are generally a bit big, baggy, or hanging. Which tends to look lots better than tight stuff on me. Believe me. I'm really looking forward to wearing tighter clothing that looks nice! I'm actually very excited about that!

I did manage to jog for 1/2 an hour on Sunday. It was just too darn cold these past two days, not to mention my legs are still pretty sore. But at least I'm biking and I do intend to also get more walking in.

And the last little update is I came across an article by Lani Muelrath where she talks about eating starch to satisfy and cutting out the fat stuff like oil and nuts. She's maintained a healthy weight for years. I'm really glad I've come across Dr. McDougall's info in my life because I really like the idea of being able to eat until I'm full, eat healthy, keep my arteries clean, and maintain a healthy weight -- all easily and for the duration of my life. So it was a good article and too bad I don't remember the link to it. Heck. I just searched for it and found it, along with another one. So I'll leave you with some good reading:
[url] ... t-failure/[/url]

Happy McDougalling!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby PeripateticDanielle » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:33 pm

Yaay Caroveggie! Your post sounds so inspired and happy!

That's so great that you are finding multiple sites to visit every day. I agree it's a fabulous way to stay on track with your plans. In my case, I visit these boards almost EVERY DAY... it does keep me motivated. Even just to check in with the Lounge and Journal posts. It keeps me from suddenly believing that I've been hallucinating and no one else in the world eats this way except for me and DH :shock:

Sadly I got bamboozled into eating high-fat/lower-carb vegetarian !?!? for a few years and I felt terrible. Looking back now at the pictures and thinking about my health, it seems like a different person. Nowadays eating just some potatoes for a snack or, in a pinch, even for a lunch, keeps me feeling great. Who knew? In fact, we're going to be having a 'picnic' away from home tomorrow and it will be potatoes (sweet and Yukon gold) with some sort of dipping sauce and an apple.

Have a great New Year's Eve & New Year's Day, and here's to a fabulous 2015!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:17 am

PeripateticDanielle, yes, I am happy and feel I am going in a positive direction. All the website browsing and reading I find really helps me too! Keeps me motivated and sure of this way of eating. I know what you mean about the carb-phobia that's out there. It really helps to do a lot of good reading about the whole plant food no oil eating so you know what's what. And I think, best of all, is to experience the benefits oneself, in blood work and weight loss/maintenance. In the mean time it's great to have places like this forum which offer so much support.

Maggie, thanks for dropping by and I'm glad you enjoyed the articles. I found them motivating myself! :)

I biked to work in the freezing cold this morning. My toes were numb! I need to dig out my scarves from the garage. Maybe buy some long johns. But I made it. This would be the ideal time to have a gym membership but there are some things that are holding me back. Here's the debate.

Caroveggie's Gym Debate
Pros ~ To Join
~ Not freezing cold so I can exercise without my toes going numb
~ Equipment! So I can run on the treadmill or try squatting.
~ A place to meet a workout buddy
~ Showers!
~ On second thought, I have showers at home so that cancels that out.
~ Swimming! I love swimming!
~ There are tons of promotions this time of year.

Cons~ To Not Join But Instead Tough it Out in the Mean Streets of Glory
~ Expensive! All the ones with pools are pretty high.
~ Location ~ I am not in a settled location at the moment, not sure where I'll end up, so it's not the right time to commit to a gym.
~ Can be boring jogging on a treadmill for an hour, even with a screen to watch or an ipod (I prefer nature and the outdoors)
~ Really I can make do without the expense of a gym if I just put my mind to it and do it!

So I don't think I will join a gym at all until after I move, if at all. I am planning on moving this month. Where? Who knows. I'm looking and sending inquiries for ads that have cheap rent in SF. Ha, ha, ha. Not exactly easy to find. :\

This morning I brought blueberries along with my banana for my oatmeal. A treat! For lunch I have aloo gobi but I forgot to add the collard greens! I'm sure it will still be good. Just not as good. I am not sure what I'll have for dinner but probably Brussels sprouts will factor in as my parents have invited my uncle over and they're planning on having corned beef with Brussels sprouts. Mine, of course, will be made without oil/butter/etc. Probably steamed and with vegan gravy.

I will try to get more exercise today. Maybe walk at lunch. I need to replace the battery in my fitbit. Maybe I should also start recording my steps for the day on that spreadsheet I have.

Anyway, guess I'll browse round some more veg healthy websites now.

Happy New Year!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby DWu » Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:14 pm

Have you checked out prices at your local YMCA? They're usually cheaper than mainstream gyms. Or, how about a beginner's pilates or yoga dvd? Or some other program you can do at home?
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