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your post

Postby ncyg46 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:34 am

Kirk...well said.

I just read through that other thread as I stopped reading when it turned political. I stay out of those threads. Those threads have an US and THEM tone to them which I don't like.

People wind up in circumstances that do happen and they didn't cause and in my mind it's not their fault. It's not a matter of not being educated or working hard, it is mainly stuff happens that you can't control. Even the people with jobs and insurance are one paycheck away from being homeless themselves in many cases.

There are all kinds of circumstances of why the three years income is not there for backup. I know I would sleep better if it was but my deceased husband took care of that security blanket. So I went on and am still surviving. Won't go into details but if he wasn't dead I would have dug him up, done it over and put him back into that lovely cemetery in Las Vegas. Still trying to sell the darn plot next to him since there is NO way I want to be next to him and across from my motherinlaw!

Glad to hear from you, was worried when I didn't see posts from you...keep going.

I haven't ben posting much lately either after a remark in my journal. I had a bad day, could have used some support and felt bad about one of them. Not many people read it anyway so I just basically gave up posting and then thought why? I do get ideas and recipes from the forum and I would miss it. So I am still posting anyway... :D :D :D
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Postby sksamboots » Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:35 am

Hey you,

I have to say I agree with you. When I go out and visit the lounge, I get the general feeling that if you don't go along with the sheep that you are looked down upon and your opinions aren't respected. And they seem to bager that in until you get the point and decide to leave or give up on your argument. I also have noticed something going on towards those who are compliant 100% all of the time to those who aren't compliant 100% of the time. Almost like a war and like who are you to say anything on this forum since you are not 100% compliant. I myself, have thought about leaving many times. But I always come back to the Journals for support. I wish I had an idea or something but I dunno...I understand what you are saying about not staying away from the Lounge. I feel the same way. That I may just have some input too that might help someone. It's a tough situation. I wish I knew an answer..I really do..In the end, this just ended up making me sad because your right. We should all be here to support each other for health--no matter where we are in our journey or who we are or what we are doing in life. We should all be here to support each other. Thank you for sharing this.
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Postby merriweather » Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:11 pm

So glad to hear from you. So sorry you were so upset, though rightfully so. Ok, I just used the word so an awful lot of times.
It is always interesting to hear people who have walked a different road ,spout on about how easy it is to take care of oneself.
My husband and I have always worked, yet we live from paycheck to paycheck. Thankfully he now has insurance, which though we have to pay for me, does cover me. We could never get private insurance.
In fact we lost a home because of medical bills when we did not have insurance. This was several years ago. Not as many programs to turn to, but I am not sure we could have solved it any way.
My brother in law is so ready to make comments about our life. He was an IRS accountant. So was his wife. When my husband was in Viet Nam , my bil was going to college. He managed to get a diferment.
At any rate his latest was to go on and on about how my husband has not taken any trips and should travel more. Hello, we don't have the budget nor does he have paid vacation.
This is just a side trip of mine, point being , why do people decide they can tell every one else how to live.
Mainly , I think they just have not been there. Maybe they think they will keep saying it is our fault, if they say it often enough, it will keep it at bay. It will not happen to them??
Any way , glad you are back. Appreciate what you have to say.
I had never been on many forums before. Only one I have gone to, is a craft forum. Everyone there is so polite. No one is unkind. Some one will post some really odd thing, and people either find a way to say some thing nice, or they don't say any thing. Maybe there is a moderator there or something.
Well, now that we have all vented , how is the leg. Have you been able to get on the bike thingy??
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Postby Melinda » Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:16 pm

So glad to hear from you Kirk! The reasons you stated, plus what Sksamboots talks about, have driven me away (mostly) from posting on this forum. I do lurk, but much less than I used to do. Good luck to you Kirk - I am pulling for you.
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hard to separate

Postby AnnaS » Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:29 pm

I think it's hard to separate health care policy discussions from what we are doing here. Actually, it is very interesting and there is plenty to discuss, if it could be done productively. Perhaps it's the current tone in our national dialog (scream-alog?) that makes it hard to discuss things calmly. So I wouldn't automatically say these subjects should be off-topic, but I do think more respect could be shown to others in the discussion. A lot more.

As far as the attitude that people should just take care of themselves, that is a lack of compassion. Is compassion political? Unfortunately, right now it still is but I feel this shifting in the national consciousness. I am all for more compassion, and I know others have posted this as well, I have a couple of PM's from people about compassion as well.

Before you know it, compassion will be the new patriotism! We must be patient in the meantime.
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Postby toadfood » Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:39 pm

Kirk, I'm glad to see you back. I think there are many people here -- like me -- who agree with you on the health care issue, but are not interested in jeopardizing our own personal health by engaging in a flame war. I understand and admire your desire to stay involved in these discussions, but I know I can't do it. If I pay too much attention to that stuff, I will end up quitting the board entirely, and the support I get here is really important to my health. Similarly, I've been really bothered by some of the things Dr. McD has written in the newsletter. My solution: I continue to get the newsletter, but all I read now are the recipes. Have you tried that 3 Sisters Stew from October? Yum. The curried mixed lentil soup is pretty good, too. :)

Anyway -- I'm glad you're here. Don't let the bastards grind you down.


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Postby Caroveggie » Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:22 am

Hi Kirk, hope you are doing well. I'm returning to journaling again too after my own hiatus. I just want to use journaling to keep me on track and to support others. So here are my encouragement vibes for you. You are one of the best writers and it has been great to celebrate your progress with you. I look forward to your posts. And am ever grateful for your coconut oil tips. My little scar scratches on my belly are all gone now. I hope your leg is doing well also and you can start exercising on the bike. I'm sure in time things will continue to improve for you as you stick with healthy habits. That is also a good reminder to me to get back with it! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and wish you well.
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Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:19 am

hey Kirk! I'm glad you posted. as you know, we were all wondering where you'd got to.

That thread at the Lounge...I just skip it. I agree with you completely that political arguments are pretty fruitless, and I also agree that staying out of the Lounge isn't all that doable...so I just skip the threads that irritate or bore me.

That one started out pretty good, but the hijacking into political garbage ruined it...*sigh*

anyway...glad you're back :) happy you're okay. PLEASE keep coming here. Don't take us off your firefox tabs! :(


see ya!

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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:58 pm

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Postby merriweather » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:12 pm

You are BACK !!! Really. Sorry you were down, and had the off eating, but think how great it is that you tripped and picked yourself up !!
That is the story of success. Not how many times you slip, its how many times you pick yourself up. So proud of you.
I keep wishing for a marker for you. You know some sort of mile post. I am so lucky....NEVER thought I would feel lucky about this..... I test my blood with my little monitor and see positive feed back. Weight is a bit slower, but happening.
And yes I am one of the lucky ones who has insurance, thanks to my DH who keeps at a boring job just to get me insurance. My test strips cost like 7 cent apiece, so I feel they are a nice luxury. The years we had none really played with our life.
Well, lets NOT go there.
Just soooo glad to have you back.
By the way, I heard that drinking ginger tea helps warm you feet. Because it helps with circulation. I have tried this and it works. Just cut up an inch of ginger root and boil in water. Now I know some of your circulation has returned, :oops: wheather you are ready or not. However, the legs might appreciate some help.
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Postby talkingmountain » Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:31 pm

Hey Kirk, glad to see you posting again! Those funks can really drag you down, but the important thing is you are back.

As far as the health care stuff goes, you can't choose what other people say, but you CAN choose how to let yourself react, or whether to participate at all. There are certain discussions I just look at and think "huh" and have to move on -- they aren't gonna change my mind and I'm not gonna change theirs. Some things are not worth your time!

So keep coming back and trying to let those things that get under your skin slip right back out again.

Cured: severe reflux, chronic pain, pre-diabetes. More to come!
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Postby talkingmountain » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:25 am

Hey Kirk, hope you are doing okay.

Probably won't have much chance to read/post over the next week or so, so here's wishing you an early Thanksgiving!
Cured: severe reflux, chronic pain, pre-diabetes. More to come!
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Postby Ege Bamyasi » Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:16 pm

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Postby Stella » Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:37 pm

Hey Kirk,
I just wanted to say I admire your tenacity. We all have things that take us off course now and then but coming back to it is what will matter in the long run. I read some of your posts on why you took some time off and I agree with the others that we've got to choose what we're reading and posting to here to keep our focus. I glance through the lounge and definitely Jeff's forum for info that looks helpful but I stay out of the debates. I use the journal daily to help me be accountable and track my progress. I love when people come by to inspire me and give me hints, even when I don't want to agree with them. A few others reminded me that I shouldn't be obsessing about the numbers on my scale and it helped me step back and recommit to my health.
Anyway, I appreciate you stopping by my journal and cheering me on. I hope I can do the same for you. You've got your share of challenges and we're all here to help each other even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.
I hope you find some transportation soon. Until my husband finally finished school a few years ago our situation was touch and go. We never knew if the car would start in the morning and had to give ample time just in case it didn't. Sounds like you've got one peach of a wife!

Take care
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Postby Melinda » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:00 pm

So glad to see you posting, Kirk! I love following your journal. Finances can really drag a person down, as well of course, many other things. Take care. :-)
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