Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby moonlight » Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:34 am

Congrats on your run! You were able to keep up with a 16 year old! You rock! :D
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue May 01, 2018 7:50 am

May 1, 2018

New Month, new goals - HA! I am such a terrible goal setter.I found a piece of paper in which I had written the outline for SMART Goal:

S - specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (who, what, when, where and why)
M - measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met
A - achievable: Stretch and challenge goals within ability to achieve the outcome. What is the action-oriented verb?
R - relevant: How does the goal tie into my key responsibilities? How is it aligned to my objectives?
T - time-bound: Set one or more target dates, the "by when" to guide my goal to successful and timely completion (include deadlines, dates, and frequency).

I need to think about what I really want to accomplish this month. To be updated...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue May 01, 2018 8:20 am

Morris wrote:May 1, 2018

New Month, new goals - HA! I am such a terrible goal setter.I found a piece of paper in which I had written the outline for SMART Goal:

S - specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (who, what, when, where and why)
M - measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met
A - achievable: Stretch and challenge goals within ability to achieve the outcome. What is the action-oriented verb?
R - relevant: How does the goal tie into my key responsibilities? How is it aligned to my objectives?
T - time-bound: Set one or more target dates, the "by when" to guide my goal to successful and timely completion (include deadlines, dates, and frequency).

I need to think about what I really want to accomplish this month. To be updated...

Everybody I've ever known who set goals, met them. Sometimes they went on and made new goals. For one, her PURPOSE was to meet that specific goal and then she was done with whatever project. Me...not a goal setter. HOWEVER when I got into the regular habit of envisioning myself as a thin person, 20 minutes a day of full immersion in my desired world of Slender Heidi, I saw myself buying size 14 jeans. (Because size 14 seemed so very fit and trim at the time)...and guess what jeans size I got to...a 14 :)

It was the daily practice of envisioning myself IN that place that got me there. I didn't write down anything about it, just imagined it in full detail.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu May 03, 2018 8:42 am

May 3, 2018

I am three days into the month of May and I don't really know what I hope to specifically accomplish. My weight is holding steady, I am still curious to see if I can get down to the "ideal" weight, but I am already 5 pounds less than what I was in my teenage and early adult years, which was in what they call the normal BMI range. So, is it realistic of me to set a goal to lose even more.

I think I'll focus on exercise as my goal for May. I run a lot, but really ought to add in strength training. So, I will work my way through the 30 Day Shred at Least 3 times a week in addition to my running. And practice tai chi each day for the mental aspect.

I did my first yesterday, and so far this morning my muscles are not protesting, but then I get a 48 hour onset muscle soreness. So I may feel it tomorrow.

Chapter 5 in the Fast Food Genocide refers to the social aspects on eating junk food. I can see a connection with my eating and what Dr. Fuhrman is saying. "Taste preferences and eating behavior can be manipulated and are an excellent barometers so self-esteem and connectivity to others." -- I eat more junk when I feel used by others and like I am alone in my struggles. This book is so interesting.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri May 04, 2018 4:30 am

May 4, 2018

I am awake and up before the sun. I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get up and get my computer time done early. Perhaps then I'll have more time to do things around the house. The weather is warm now and I am working on raking the leaves. We have a huge yard and it'll take me a couple weeks to get it done. The guy that tills our garden comes next week, so I have to get that prepped. I also need to get some of the seeds started to give them a head-start. Our butternut squash barely ripens before I have to bring it in. That is one of my favorite crops. I found some seeds for rainbow carrots this year. That will be so fun to feed the grandsons.

I was reviewing the guidelines for the E2 7-Day rescue and I thought, "Seriously, what is so hard about eating plants?" One thing I like to eat following the the E2 Rescue is greens at every meal. I really like starting my day with a big bowl of greens. And we bought some oranges from Costco - oooh, so good.

I made some vegetable curry that that I added a bit too much curry paste to and it is a bit spicy because I eliminated the coconut milk.

Tomato sandwiches are my go-to lunch. My problem is that I eat 2 full ones (that means 4 pieces of bread). I eat too much bread.

I am back to my s'mores habit.

2 weeks til my next 5k race
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 05, 2018 5:52 am

May 5, 2018

Well, my little froggie on my ticker is going backwards again. But I am really staying in range. It would really be nice to stay on plan just to see if I can actually drop another 5 pounds by eliminating junk food (bought prepared junk food). I am thinking I am reaping what I sowed with all my judgmental thoughts about my husband and karma is coming back to me saying, "See, you are no better, you do the same and use the same excuses and place the blame on others."

I really need to change my attitude about such things. I also need to "commit to commitment". I love that phrase. I first heard it on an episode of Frasier. That is my reason as to why I am not fully 100% with the plan, I have not fully committed to it. It is like I fear I am going to miss out on something or I am just greedy and want to eat it all before someone else eats it. Fear and greed - those are some emotions I don't really associate with eating, yet here they are.

I have not tracked my food for a couple of days now and my weight is up. Hmmm, is there a connection or a coincidence? Sometimes I read that if you track your food it will help you lose weight. As if there is some magical weight loss ability in keying in what you ate in an app. No, "It's the food." Or the food-like product. Actually, when my weight dropped a bit recently, it was a false weight loss because of how much exercise and water intake from the previous day. It just makes me feel good to actually see a lower number on occasion.

When I first started my weight loss journey (when I was at my heaviest), I experienced a plateau that lasted one year. It was at a setpoint that I stayed for while in the gaining process and then again in the losing. I broke it then by adding long distance running to my exercise routine, but I feel I am not up to doing that again, mainly because I just do not want to do it.

I know my problem is that I overeat the more calorie dense processed foods. Knowing the problem areas is half my battle. I just need to put my armor on and fight it out. I offer myself some consolation and try to make myself feel better by reminding myself that I am much more selective in the junk I still choose to eat and that I could be doing a lot worse than I am now.

Yesterday, I ate french fries and s'mores. The french fries were store-bought and they included oil in the ingredients. I know, I know,the fat you eat is the fat you wear. I also drank a lot of water yesterday.

I also ate:
spring mix
bread x 2
shredded wheat with dried fruit and cashew/hemp milk

It was really not a good eating day yesterday. My vegetables seemed to be french fries and ketchup.

Today is a new day...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 07, 2018 5:00 am

May 7, 2018

A couple months ago, I sort of wanted to see if I could get down to my "ideal" weight eating this way. But I keep veering off plan. I seriously cannot figure out what is going on inside my head. I just cannot seem to commit to committing to staying off junk food. Is it time for me to admit that I am addicted?

One of the candy bars I was not willing to give up was Pearson's Salted Nut Rolls, but after my latest purchase, I noticed that the label was carrying the "protein" on the label. How long it has been there, I do not know, but I read the ingredients and noticed that they are now adding soy protein to their formula. Hubby and 1 daughter react to soy, since I prefer to avoid foods that family members have issues with, there goes my candy bar that I pretended was better for me than other choices.

So, now whenever I am tempted to grab something I know is not good for me, I can tell myself that the food industry is out to kill me for profit and why should I help them carry out their deed? (I am making a new Beck Diet Solution Response card for when I face temptation) :lol:

Did I say I was going to add the 30 Day Shred three times a week to my exercise routine? Well, that lasted about 1 day. I am so busy with the yard work that I was too lazy (tired?) to fit it in. Hopefully, I'll do better this week.

With the weather getting nicer, I pulled out my tent to see if I could set it up all by my lonesome. I did without too much difficulty. Putting the rain flap on was a bit of a challenge, but not nearly as difficult as folding the tent small enough to stuff back in the carrying case. Now, that was a workout.

I am starting to get a bit nervous about my runs because I run in a wooded area. I was out one day and got a bit nervous because I think I saw a bear in the distance and heard something grunt. I turned around and saw tracks in the dirt that were not there before I turned around. They are out and about and with this late snow cover, there is not much food out there for them. I am concerned about getting in between mama and her cub.

However, the ATV people are more dangerous than bears. I had to step out of the way for two yesterday. One was because he was not paying attention to the road and the other was because he was too busy trying to do stunts and did care that he was on a public roadway. Plus some drive by so fast and the dust kicks up that I have to stop running to cover my face so I won't breathe in all that dust. But, I managed to get 3 miles in and a song on my playlist had the words, "I'm still breathing, I am alive." - I guess that was appropriate for that run.

My eating was better yesterday, if you don't count the salted nut rolls. I focused on vegetables. I feel better today. Hmmmm, could that be a coincidence?

On today's agenda, batch cooking: spaghetti sauce and beans. Maybe I'll also do a batch of that multigrain mix that is in the recipe section. I'll see how much time I have. I am still raking leaves and I have running class tonight. So, why am I still sitting in front of my computer? I have things to do. Happy starchin'
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu May 10, 2018 5:45 am

May 10, 2018

I am still having a love affair with s'mores. Fortunately, I seem to be controlling myself to the limit of only using 1 chocolate bar. I need to start reducing that because I break the bar into 4 pieces. But it is what I call "open bag syndrome" and my compulsion to feel like if I open it I have to eat it all. I have been struggling with this for years, especially with potato chips. My solution has been to buy the small bag.

So, between old childhood habits ( I grew up with he who grabs the fastest gets to eat) and the food industry making foods addicting sometimes it seems like a losing battle. However, I know it is not and a whole food plant based diet is the solution and adding enough starch is what will keep me satisfied. I will make note of the one thing about the 7 Day rescue is to add greens in at every meal is very helpful in controlling the cravings. I find that if I do not eat greens, I have those cravings I do not desire. But I have to eat enough starch to keep me full longer.

While I was tracking my food intake, I noticed that I seem to have the best success in sticking with the program as long as I am eating beans and/or lentils. So, I made a batch of Chuck Underwood's (Brand New Vegan) Best Dang BBQ Beans. I'll admit that since taste is subjective, the title is misleading as they were not the 'best' in this household. There is something missing in the recipe, to give you a clue as to what: hubby added more sugar to his and said that made it better. Seems our tastes are adjusted to Bush's baked beans.

Here is the link if you want to try:

I have a race in 9 days and I am working on my endurance to run longer before I need to take a walk break. I want to gradually start working on speed within that run time and less of a walk to recover. The race is a 5k. My time last year was 34:42 (pace 11:10). I'll focus on my minute per mile instead and I want to keep that under an 11 minute per mile as the good time and under 10:30 as the best time. My stress level is high and I am not sleeping as well as I ought. So I shall see...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 12, 2018 7:33 am

May 12, 2018

Sometimes I am glad that family members have issues with certain foods or add-ins. I am realizing how much processed foods I do not buy. but that is my personal preference, to not buy a food or food product that a family member has an issue. Yesterday, I needed to pack a bag lunch for my grandson, so I am searching my cupboards and found a box of cookies that hubby purchased. I read the ingredients and saw 'ethanol" in the list. Ethanol? Isn't that what we put in our car's gas tanks? I dunno, it is just one of those add-ins that I wonder why it was even included in the first place.

I finished the book Fast Food Genocide by Joel Fuhrman. Interesting read about the affects of fast food and our brain health as well as our physical health. I think the reality is people do not really care if what they eat is slowly killing us. Sometimes, when I keep eating the junk, I wonder if I really care. I think I do because I have the desire to eliminate it from my way of eating. But, the full extent of the harm is not sinking in yet, so I guess I'll keep educating myself.

Also, note to self: See, you completed the book. You can complete something.

The other day when I made Brand New Vegan's Baked bean recipe I pre soaked extra beans. Yesterday I made a soup: pinto beans, onion, carrot, celery, mushrooms,diced tomatoes, kale. I seasoned with just pepper.

Hubby bought some salt and vinegar potato chips. I tasted them and went on a binge. I used to not like that flavor, but there was something in them that I enjoyed. I really need to learn not to taste such things. Fortunately it was not a huge bag.

This morning I am eating oats and my spring mix. A new day with new successes. I'll be going to my parents' house today to help them with yard, garden and housework. My mom called and told me she was making a batch of vegetable beef soup, so I could bring something that I want to eat. My mom is supportive of my no meat and she keeps her mouth shut when my hands are in her cookie jar.

Deep down inside, I have a desire to post one week, 7 whole days, of eating on plan. Soon...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Principality » Sat May 12, 2018 8:17 pm

A week of eating plan would be lovely. I admit your love affair with smores gives me a giggle since I like to spread my love around with off plan eating. In fear that makes me a food whore. I’ll have to add it to the list of things I should get therapy for. My kids 12 and 14 are visiting me in Canada for three weeks in June (they live in the US with their father) and I have no idea what I am going to do food wise with them. I do believe that will be a very non compliant three weeks. Regardless, I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for all the honesty, I still have trouble really writing Everything I eat in my journal.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon May 14, 2018 9:57 am

May 14, 2018

2 days before our anniversary (38 years) and I am two days short of the goal to reach my "ideal" weight by eating a whole food plant based diet. I am disappointed, but motivated, I changed my goal date to my birthday, the big 60 this year. I did not commit to the goal 100% percent so I guess that eliminates my reason to whine about how it did not work.

I have a new motivation this morning. Yesterday, hubby was talking about how he wanted to add eggs in his plan and seemed to be seeking my approval and it appeared he was including me in his eating plan. I told him, I'd rather not eat eggs because they were not really good for us. Anyway, to make a long story short, he remarked, "Well, that's what I want to eat, so that is what I am going to eat."

All rightie, the battle is on. I want to eat whole food plant based and since I do the cooking, that is the way I am going to cook. Plus, I want to do the 7 Day Engine 2 Rescue. This morning I read a couple articles from that is really giving me food for thought about "dieting".

While I don't agree with everything written, there are a lot of takeaways from those articles that seem to be of the same principle as on here. For instance, in the second article, it was suggested that the order you eat your carbs will affect your blood sugar. It was suggested to eat the carbs last. I immediately thought of Jeff Novick's plate, to start with a salad, then soup, then vegetables and starch.

In the article, it is suggested to always have a plan and to start with a boring one, (insert here: Mary's Mini) And that is what the 7 Day Rescue Plan is - eat boring for 7 days to reset your tastes.

I can make my meals on plan, it is the snacking that gets me. So, I am going to use my hubby's attitude of "I don't care what you want to eat, I'm going to eat what I want" as my motivation. And, I truly hope that I make it past lunch in succeeding today.

I started my day with:
Spring mix
Muesli Cereal Mix

My plan is to make a three bean chili and serve it with sweet potato and spring mix/romaine.

Running class tonight so I hope to get at least 3 miles run.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Principality » Tue May 15, 2018 7:05 am

Good for you! Take no prisoners, err eggs! I always rolled when my ex husband or kids didn’t want good food. I wish I hadn’t in hindsight since it benefitted no one in the end and always threw me off track. Wish I had known how to advocate for myself back then. Way to be strong and stand your ground.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed May 16, 2018 8:38 am

May 16, 2018

UGH! I need time to plan and prepare for my 7 Day rescue. I get distracted from my plan too easy. However, when I stick with it, I am amazed at how good I feel and how my attitude is actually much more positive. Eating the right foods seems to make it easier to shake off the negativity. It is amazing what plants can do.

I am going to reread the 7-Day Rescue Book so I can enter into my plan with the knowledge I need to be successful. My first attempt was January 2017 - I have yet to make it 7 days, but I am still keeping it in my mind. One thing about that program is to get you to stop thinking you have to make recipes. The idea is be able to make bowls or flats of just plain food, so that you can reset your tastes.

I am so looking forward to be strong and able to say no to junk food.One thing that helps me resist the junk is to read the labels. I see so many ingredients listed on so many packages that it is easy for me to put it back on the shelf. Plus, if I eat the right foods, I do not really crave the junk.

I am starting my day with:
coffee (I am not liking the brand I bought, I think I will buy some decaf to mix with it so I can start reducing the amount of caffeine)
spring mix
Sweet Potato Chili with rice
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri May 18, 2018 6:46 am

May 18, 2018

I seem to be having difficulty tracking my food. It is such a pain because of having to key in the recipes. I know we don't need to track, but it is often said to keep a journal of what you eat. Even putting what I eat on here is difficult for me at times. Mainly because my computer time is when I get up in the morning and have my coffee. When my coffee drinking is done, I am usually off the computer for the day.

My weight seems to be holding steady and I am getting stronger in saying no to those items that seem to call my name in the store. However, I still have room for improvement

I joined flickr to be able to post photos of my meals but cannot seem to figure out how to get it on here. Any advice?
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat May 19, 2018 5:39 am

May 19, 2018

My weight is down a bit today. 3 more pounds to reach that "ideal" weight goal. I made it a point to watch what I ate yesterday and to pay attention to my hunger cues. I also attempted the eat only when hungry and that seemed to have eliminated quite a bit of in-between meal snacking.

What I ate yesterday:
shredded wheat with dried fruit and berries, banana, cashew/hemp milk

Mashed potato

subway veggie delight

I drank more water than usual throughout the day because I was working outside prepping the garden area. We have a patch of rhubarb that has been tended to, neglected, abused (the guy that plows our garden ran it over one year), overgrown (creeping charlie took over the area). But I saw that it was coming in this year (translate growing well), so I decided to get rid of the overgrowth that was surrounding it and I swear, I was able to watch it grow. It was thanking me for tending to it :-) I am hoping to make some sauces and/or jelly this year. Now, if we would get some rain...

Race Day today! I found my time from last year so now I have a time in my head that I want to beat. But, if not, that is okay.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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