Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:25 am

Hi jewegar! I was surpised by the weight loss as I had lost so little in the previous 2 months and I'm not trying to lose any more weight at this point. But it does make sense that I am still losing. I have ramped up my exercise efforts and consequently am eating a little more. It is a difficult thing to both try to lose fat and gain muscle. They are almost mutially exclusive. It is easier though, much easier to lose fat than to gain muscle tissue and gaining muscle is a much slower process. So I should expect to still see my weight drop ever so slowly while I gain muscle.

At this point I'm about 18 lbs away from a BMI of 18.5, thats arguably the optimal BMI for some folks according to all the studies Jeff Novick has pointed too. But in my case, I think losing another 18 lbs would make me look like a walking skeleton. Thats based on how I look now in some parts of my body. At best I think I could lose another 10 lbs but even that may be too much. Now if I could lose 10 lbs of fat and gain 10 lbs of muscle that would be fantastic!

I have not bothered to take any actual measurements yet (I just use the simple mirror test). I plan to start that in my next year long journey, where I will focus primarily on my fitness as opposed to my nutritional health/weight loss that I'm focused on now. And hopefully I can find a way to get accurate body fat/lean weight measurements taken before I start my next journey so I can track my progress.

I know now the best way to eat for health, next I want to discover the best way to get fit and be able to back that up with some proof :-D

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:49 am

Day 154

B: steel cut oats with flax and cinnamon and strawberries
L: baked potato and sweet potato and mex veggies with marinara sauce
1/2 cantaloupe
S: crudites (baby carrots, tomatoes and broccoli) with homemade peanut butter
D: oat bran and multi-grain hot cereal with okara and home made soy milk and molasses
banana and orange

Cycling: 3 x 39 mins on exercycle
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Great day today. Did my 3 rounds of cycling, once after each meal as usual. Felt good and had lots of energy through out the day. According to the ergonometer on my exercycle, the calories burned I used to do in 38 mins I now do in 36 mins. A clear indicator that my level of effort and intensity continue to progress, even at this simple endurance exercise. Thats exactly what I want to see and makes me happy. I can see the progression in my fitness level so I know its not just a waste of time :)

Went to the store twice today. Once for some food and once to take my dau out to get her usual Subway fix, sigh. At least its a slightly better alternative to the usual SAD meal.

The rest of the day was spent doing some reading... right now I'm reading "High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way". Mike was a Mr Olympia winner in Bodybuilding back in the late 70's early 80's that was a protege of Arthur Jones and the first proffesional bodybuilder that believed in the HIT methods espouced by Jones. He was also a believer in philosphy and the scientific method being applied to bodybuilding, so he naturally appeals to me very much. I was very much a fan of his back in those days and followed him closely in my own training back in my 20's. The book is truly a gem, though a bit old (2004), but I don't think there's been a better bodybuilding work written since. Unfortunately, Mike passed away from heart problems a month before the book was printed so he never got to see it in print. At any rate, a highly recommended book for those interested in High Intensity Weight Training.

In the evening watched a little tv with the wife before going to bed at my usual time and quickly falling asleep...

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby nicoles » Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:34 am

Hi Geo,

That is amazing and wonderful how much better you sleep on this WOE! I am very glad for you - good sleep is so important.

I am quite interested in strength training, and in particular, efficient strength training, where you get the most muscle and strength growth relative to the amount of time spent. Based on what you said, I am even more excited about reading writings from and about Arthur Jones :-D

(I'll never be a bodybuilder in the traditional meaning, but I'd like to build this body up to whatever degree I can reasonably attain :lol: )


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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:08 am

Day 155

B: steel cut oats with flax and cinnamon and blueberries and okara
L: baked potato and mixed veggies and salsa
1/2 cantaloupe
S: banana and orange
tortilla chips and salsa
D: baked potato and sweet potato
apple and banana
S: oat bran cereal with okara and home made soy milk and molasses

Cycling: 3 x 39 mins on exercycle
HIT: 15 mins body weight exercises
HIIT: 20/10 x 16 Tabata's on exercycle
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Great day today. Got up well refreshed with lots of energy. Did my 3 rounds of cycling as usual. Also did my HIT and HIIT training in the early morning which continues to progress nicely.

Did a little shopping today for food to round out the week. Got hungry in the afternoon so made myself some tortilla chips that seemed to hit the spot. Also made another batch of my marinara sauce for the week. I'm getting better at getting the flavors just right by playing with the herbs/spices I add :)

Did a little reading in the afternoon and some web surfing. Also made sunday dinner for the family...babyback ribs and baked sweet potatoes, which they really enjoyed. Wife took dau to her additional dance class this weekend in preparation for their upcoming first competition of the season.

In the evening took dau to visit her friend and then watched some tv with the wife to relax the night away. Went to bed at my usual time and fell asleep quickly as usual.
Last edited by geo on Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:18 am

Hi Nicole! I think thats great that your interested in resistance training. Usually its only guys that are, but I think its just as important to women as well. While I too want to get stronger and fitter I don't harbor any illusions of looking like a body builder at my age, but I know I can look a lot better than I do now and so why not try :)

I might also suggest that you look into the books by Dr Ellington Darden. He was the primary exercise physiologist that worked with Arthur Jones during his "Nautilus" years and is one of the last remaining people that worked with Arthur. He has written extensibly about high intensity training and has put out something like 40+ books on the subject over the last 40 years. Some of them directed at women specifically. A search through Amazon will give you an idea of what is still available though admittedly most are long out of print but some are still available used.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:54 am

Day 156

B: oat meal with flax and okara and cinnamon and blue berries
L: spaghetti squash with marinara sauce
mixed veggies with salsa
banana and apple
D: baked potato and sweet potato
1/2 cantaloupe
S: oat bran cereal with okara and soy milk and banana

SC: 3 x 17 floors
Cycling: 1 x 45 mins on exercycle
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Great day today. Got up feeling well rested. Did 3 rounds of stair climbing as work permitted and followed that up in the evening with some cycling after dinner. No pain in ankle during the stair climbing though I was gentle with it.

Work was a typical stressful Monday. Long day as I had meetings till after 9 pm. Not a lot of fun thats for sure when your day starts at 6 AM.

After work basically just rested up. Dau has a bit of a fever and is feeling sick so she missed her dance classes today. Think its a cold. Lets see if I can avoid it :) Watched a bit of tv with the family and did a little reading and surfing as usual.

Went to bed at my usual time and fell asleep fast.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:22 pm


I did another spot check of my weight this morning @ 9AM and discovered I'm down another 0.4 lbs from last Saturday. Yet another very surprising result. Today I'm at 155.8 lbs, BMI 21.1.

Now I'm really beginning to wonder if instead of hitting my set point I've broken through a plateau? I can't imagine losing much more to be honest, especially since I'm eating more. But my waist and stomach don't lie. I'm definitely losing a bit more fat and excess skin is still tightening up :D I could just be underestimating the effects of my exercise routine.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:01 am

Day 157

B: 5 grain hot cereal with okara and cinnamon and strawberries and soy milk
L: baked potato and sweet potato with mixed veggies and salsa
1/2 cantaloupe
D: baked potato and sweet potato with mex veggies and marinara sauce
banana and orange
S: oat bran and okara with cinnamon and soy milk

Cycling: 2 x 39 mins on exercycle
HIT: 15 mins body weight exercises
HIIT: 20/10 x 16 Tabata's on exercycle
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Good day today. Could only get 2 rounds of cycling in today due to work constraints. But both went very well. Also did my HIT and HIIT routines which also went well with continued progression.

Very high stress day even though I was working from home. Was on calls till about 10 PM. Really one of the worst days I've had at work in a very long time :mad: Oh well, just need to refocus on whats important and do what I can to keep my sanity...

The rest of the day was spent just trying to relax with my wife. Went to bed a little later than usual and fell asleep quickly but did a lot of tossing and turning throughout the night due to my stress level. I hate it when the stress invades your dreams :(

Oh well here's hoping for a better day tomorrow...oh the only bright spot was getting my Income Tax refund today :D

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby sprout » Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:32 pm

Dear Geo,

More than anything I've read or seen, your journal has convinced me to give this way of life a go. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you putting everything out there day after day after day... Consistently, persistently and with such amazing results. I can't wait to see the photos!

One thing I have been curious about... what kind of responses have you gotten from your family/friends/coworkers? The change must have been shocking to everyone who knows you.

Thanks again!


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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:43 am

Hi Sprout! Thank you for the kind words.

Its pretty easy to follow the program when your life is at risk :-D Really I'm nothing special in that department. All anybody needs is to find the proper motivation to make them want to get healthier than they've ever been. If I've motivated anyone, that just makes my journey that much more special :D

Everyone continues to omment about my weight-loss, most saying I may be too skinny. They are even more shocked when I tell them how much I've actually lost. A few have questioned quietly whether I was ill since I lost so much! Hard to believe that people think your ill if your thin, but your ok if your obese. Whats surprised me the most is no one has really bothered to ask for any details on how I did it beyond me just saying that I eat real food and cut out all the C.R.A.P. as Jeff Novick would put it. They just shake their head as if they understand but they really don't have a clue or interest in fixing themselves :?

Oh well, I'm glad I could help to motivate you and hope to see you post more of journey!

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:55 am

Day 158

B: oatmeal with okara and cinnamon and flax and blue berries
L: spaghetti squash with maranara sauce
mex veggies with salsa
apple and banana
D: baked potato and sweet potato
1/2 cantaloupe
S: Grape Nuts and All-Bran Buds cereal with soy milk

SC: u/d 4 x 17 floors
Cycling: 1 x 42 mins
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Good day today. Did my stair climbing today and it went well. No pain in my ankle but I took it slow going down the stairs. Afterwork did one round of cycling after dinner.

Was in the office today and calmed down a bit, though stress levels are still higher than normal. Just trying to keep it all under control and figure out a better path forward...have lots to think about.

After work and dinner did a bit of surfing and reading on line and just basically relaxing as much as I could. Wife took dau to her gymnastics class though shes still not 100% better. When they got back I had already fallen asleep on the couch. Ended up going to bed at my usual time and fell asleep quickly.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby BarbD » Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:19 am

Hi Geo,

I so agree with your statement about McD's program being easy to follow when your life is at risk.... at 71 I'm looking at hopefully another 20 years if I'm lucky.... all of a sudden I'm not 16 & I'll live forever!! And if anything can keep me alive longer and healthier.. I'm all for it!

That IS very strange about people thinking you're ill when skinny but you were "healthy" when obese! And not asking for details of your success... do they think they don't need help? or perhaps they've just given up?

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby geo » Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:13 am

Day 159

B: steel cut oats with flax and strawberries and cinnamon
L: baked potato and sweet potato
1/2 cantaloupe
S: Valentines Day candy hearts from Dau
D: baked rutabaga "fries"
S: oat bran and All-bran buds with soy milk

Cycling: 1 x 40 mins on exercycle
HIT: 15 mins body weight exercises
HIIT: 20/10 x 16 Tabata's on exercycle
M: 10 mins

Daily Log
Good day today. Got up feeling well rested with plenty of energy. Did my HIT training first thing in the morning and it went well with progressions on most exercises. Did my HIIT trainin in the evening and it too went well and was pretty draining. Also did one round of endurance cycling in the evening that went well. Unfortunately despite working from home, I just didn't have the time to do more cycling today like I was hoping.

Stress levels came down a bit today as nothing too major to deal with at work. But it was a very busy day that cut into my exercise time.

Also I had my 6 month dental check-up/cleaning today. It went excellent. My teeth and gums are in excellent condition, well within normal ranges according to my Dentist and their was only a slight/minimal regression in my gum line. Given my oral gum and periodontal disease history this is great news and further evidense of the power of this woe. Feed your body what it wants/needs and it will respond accordingly :nod:

Later in the day, started ordering some weight training equipment so I can be ready for my next year long journey which I'll talk more about in the next couple weeks :)

For dinner I made myself a rutabaga. I saw them in the store the other day and never ate one before so I thought I'd give it a try. A quick search on google on how to cook the thing and I came upon a recipe for baked fries using rutabaga's instead of potatoes. Perfect!

Made them just like potatoes. First cut them into steak fries shape and nuked them to pre-cook the insides. Then bake @ 425 for about 1/2 hour turning them a couple times. They are sweet and turnippy in taste (kind of 1/2 way between a potato and sweet potato) and don't really get as crispy as potatoes but they are really good.
I ate the whole thing myself and wasn't hungry for any other veggies.

I also made a grilled steak dinner for the rest of the family for Valentines Day. And yes I bought them all chocolates as usual and I didn't have any today, but it's likely I'll try one or two tomorrow (I don't deprive myself completely on festive days as I have no issues with moderation or controlling my appetite now and it does add to life's pleasures :wink: ).

Dau is still a little sick. She came home from her gymnastics class and promptly threw up her dinner. Wife is taking good care of her and we'll decide in the morning if she needs to see a doctor.

Went to bed at my normal time and fell asleep quickly.
Last edited by geo on Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby jewagar » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:04 am

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Re: Geo - Eye's Wide Open 2012

Postby BarbD » Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:39 am

Dang! I looked at rutabaga in the store not 30 min. ago and walked right past it..... I'll have to try those rutabaga "fries"... sound yummmy!
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