Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:25 am

June 9, 2018

Thanks for the comment. I picked up the ingredients that I did not have for the Grandpa's eatloaf, but I ate all the beans. Now I have to make another batch of beans.

I give in to junk food too quickly - we went to Aldi's and I grabbed a package of the chocolate covered peanut butter cookies. UGH! I need to pull out my Beck Diet Solution book again. Those exercisers really helped keep me focused on my "why". I think that is really the key to success, keeping the reason why you are doing something in the forefront of your mind.

I am back to eating greens again. Spinach, romaine, Sweet Kale Mix. Every now and then, I just get tired of eating salads and stop for a few weeks. It is always so refreshing when I eating them again. I love eating mixed greens because of the mixture of sweet and bitter.

We talked to a food demonstrator person at Costco and she was telling my hubby how important it is to cut out added fats in what you eat. (Yeah! Finally he is hearing it from some one other than me.) She lost over 100 pounds so far. Hubby is standing there agreeing with her and giving his input, then on the way to the cashier he asks what I am making for supper and I said I wasn't sure, but I was going to at least make a salad, which for us is served in a mixing bowl. So, what does he say? I going to grab a piece of pizza to tide me over. Seriously? A snack of 700-1,000 calories?! So much for eliminating fat from your diet.

It is so hard when I hear him agree and lecture others but then see the choices he makes. A while back he was telling everyone the evils of GMO's, but he was eating them almost everyday. I finally told him that the animal products he was eating were full of GMO's because that was the feed they were being given. I get so tired of his "do as I say but not as I do". As for me, whenever the topic of diet comes up, I point out my inability to give up sugary snacks rather than telling every one what they need to give up or eat. I always point out how much better I feel when I eat whole food plant based.

Well, I need to get ready to leave: Race Day this morning - 6.55 trail miles. Hope it does not rain, but the sky stays cloudy. Afterward, there is an event at the state park, which after the lecture, there be 1.5 hour hike. I hope the rain stays away.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jun 10, 2018 7:25 am

June 10, 2018

I have to brag about my race time 6. 55 miles on a challenging course (different terrain and hills, lots of hills). When I left the house, I announced to hubby my goal times:
good - 1:22:00
better - 1:20:00
best - 1:18:00

I came around the corner, saw the clock, got a big grin on my face and shouted as I crossed the line, "I just beat my best goal time" when I saw 1:16:38. This is my 6th time running this course and that is my second best time. The race started 45 minutes earlier this year and the weather was awesome for running, cool and cloudy with a slight breeze.

My running instructor from the class I take gave me the idea of the good, better and best goal times. She told me she does that and that way when she isn't running as best as she feels she ought to during a race having the three different goal times keeps her from getting too discouraged during the run.

I am finding that to be so and having different goals with my eating also seems to help since I still have issues with junk food. If I don't aim to be 100% all the the time but just make sure I get more of the good, it helps me not get too discouraged about the noncompliant. Yet, it gives me goals to reach for to be better.

Speaking of eating, my appetite is back and I seem to be eating more now. In regard to what I just typed, I bought some spring rolls a while back, but there is something in them that hubby is allergic to, I made some yesterday, but since I turned on the air fryer, I filled up the tray - UGH, I was the only one eating. But I was hungry; after the race I stopped at the State Park for a presentation and then a walk. When that concluded, I continued walking the trails. That air fryer fit 10 spring rolls, I ate them all. I was on the last before I realized how quickly I gobbled them up. They weren't too bad tasting and that air fryer gave them a crunchy outer shell, but they were processed which means they had oil in them. I had to wipe the grease off my lips. YUM, so appetizing, NOT.

When I took a culinary course, the instructor said the "fat" added to the dishes was for the mouth feel. I now find that mouth feel gross. Oil added takes away from the flavor of the food so much. My point in typing this and adding it to my journal is I gained a pound, even with all that activity, I am wearing those spring rolls today. Time to clean up my eating, AGAIN.

I do find that when I eat oil added food, it seems to trigger cravings for junk food. Seriously, this ought to be enough knowledge for me to avoid it. But it is too easy to just grab something and rip open the package. I am also finding that when I want to snack, I want something I don't have to spend a lot of time chewing, like chewing is too much work. Some time ago, I watched one of those weight loss shows and the participant said she was too tired to chew a piece of fruit. I thought, "How ridiculous", but now, I think I know exactly what she means. The problem is with the easy to chew food is that is way too easy to consume too many calories in one sitting. I can eat 6-8 servings of packaged cookies in the time it'd take me to eat one apple.

A while back, I said I was going to reread the Engine 2 7-Day Rescue, it is still on the shelf. I need to reread that and get the reasoning as to why I want to eat this way established in my head again. It is like that Beck Diet Solution, write down the advantages as to why you want to lose weight (or in my case eat food to promote health), and read and reread that list until it becomes a part of you. I think I'll pull out The Starch Solution again when I am finished.

We have so much information available to us, yet it is so hard to make healthy choices because of what is on the store shelves. Sometimes when I looked at the packed date on the package of lettuce I buy, I see that it is already 2 weeks old. However the packed date is not the same as the picked date. So my "fresh" produce is already old by the time I buy it. How many nutrients has it lost by the time I eat it? And processed packaged food has so many ingredients in them that it no longer resembles a food item. I cannot wait for my garden stuff to come in.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:44 am

June 11, 2018

I woke up bloated this morning, probably from those spring rolls I ate the other day. I notice that when I splurge and eat too much of something I know I shouldn't, I will be bloated on the second day after. I feel blah this morning and am fighting a mood.

We visited a church yesterday, we are looking for a place to bring our grandsons so they can have some interaction with some other children. Our daughters don't seem to understand the importance of making sure the boys have friends to hang around with. It saddens me watching it day after day.

I have no friends either, I am so busy taking care of everyone else that I do not make time for me. I sign up for that running class, but seem to miss about half the classes, usually because hubby has me doing something for him. Sometimes I want to go to town without him, but he always tags along and then my outing becomes about him and what he wants to do. It is so frustrating. I have learned to say instead of saying I am going to town, to say I am going to the State Park to take a walk. At least that way, I can have some alone time.

I told him I wanted to go camping and what does he say? "Camp here, (the State Park the is close to home), that way I can be here during the day and then go home at night." No, I don't want to camp with him because I would have no relaxation. He'd have me do everything with the cooking and cleanup. Plus, I'd have no quiet time, he talks endlessly about things that just interest him. I cannot have a conversation with him, when I do attempt to start a conversation, I'll talk about something, then ask him his thoughts. He replies completely off topic and with something he is thinking about, like he did not hear a word I said.

I hate being trapped in the car with him, because he does not shut up. He does a monologue and is like the energizer bunny, he goes on and on and on and on and on and on. Sometimes, I'll turn up the radio and start singing along with whatever song is playing to hint at what I am thinking, WILL YOU SHUT UP! He just turns down the radio and continues talking about whatever I have absolutely no interest in. Are men that dense? Or is it just the one I picked?

That is why I like my coffee time. I have every one trained, don't talk to me until I am finished with my coffee. So, I am bloated and full of negative thoughts this morning. Is there a connection between the two? I think to combat this feeling I am going to up my greens today. I did not eat as much as I normally do yesterday.

What I ate yesterday:
oatmeal with flax seed, apple, and banana

went out to eat: 2 pancakes with syrup, and a side of broccoli

"Creamy" Wild Rice Soup: made with onion, carrot, celery, mushrooms, potatoes, wild rice, cashew "cream", thickened with corn starch

Thin mint cookies

As I am typing this, I realize I journal about my previous day's eats. I need to plan and prepare. I really ought to get in the habit of preplanning what I am going to eat so I will have a plan to stick with, you know, a goal to aim for. That is the part of the Beck Diet Solution where I drop out of the program. It is too hard for me to decide ahead of time what I am going to eat.

So, for breakfast: oats and barley with flax seed, apple and blueberries

Lunch: Leftover soup with a huge salad

Dinner: If not raining - Hobo dinner over a campfire (onion, potato, carrot)

I think I'll make a big pot of beans today. I still want to make that Grandpa's Eatloaf with mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy. (In case it rains)
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:37 am

June 12, 2018

OMG! that Grandpa's Eatloaf is so good. I topped it with the Bone Suckin' BBQ sauce.

I served it with a huge salad and mashed potatoes and Creamy Mushroom Gravy

It rained all day yesterday and that was just a good old-fashioned comfort meal.

I am going to attempt to do some 2-mile treadmill runs in the morning, mainly because I am starting to hear that poison plane flying in our area. I live by a lot of corn fields and it is amazing how much that plane has increased going over the fields these past years. I don't like to run outside when that stuff is floating in the air. Plus I saw a 5k race where they offered an alternative to do the Army Standard fitness test instead. That reminded me of when I first started going to the gym there was a poster with the standards and I wanted to do a sub 20 2-mile. Since I started running, I think I accomplished this once and I am not even sure if the mileage was accurate.

My treadmill is ifit compatible and I have a subscription to ifit, (run with google maps). There is a 31 days of 2 miles - my goal is to do the list. I won't say that I will do it daily, but I am going to try to make it through all the maps.

I am going to start going to the State Park and maybe do some in town running for my outdoor runs. I saw a post where some guy would run routes where the map would spell out words of encouragement, I want to try that. I'll see what my motivation will be for that. I think I'll have to map it ahead of time and load it to my garmin.

Since I ate my greens yesterday, I am noticing my modd being a bit more positive today. Connection between the two? I'd like to think so especially since I read Potatoes, not Prozac bt by Kathleen DesMaisons and she seemed to emphasize that idea.

My eating plan for today:
oats/barley with chia seed, apple and blueberry

Leftover eatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy (I am hoping hubby doesn't eat it all on me)

Dinner: salad and ?

Oh, yesterday for some odd reason, I had a craving for M&M's - weird because I try to avoid that candy because of the food dyes. Plus, I think they taste nasty so why the craving?
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:14 am

June 14, 2018

I had a bread eating day yesterday. I ate way too much bread. We had to go to town for tai chi class, plus hubby wanted to go to urgent care for an issue he was having. So, we went to an Indian restaurant for lunch, buffet style. My first plate was the salad. The restaurant is the only time I add dressing to my salad, I love the flavors of whatever they use. I use a bit of all three that they offer. But the Naan bread gets me every time, especially when it comes out fresh and soft.

After lunch, we went to the clinic, turned out to be a minor issue and nothing to worry about. Then hubby's back was sore, I suggested we go to my parent's so he could rest before class. I am so glad we went there. I walked in and my mom is bent over the counter hanging on, my dad was getting his oil/vinegar dressing made, but having difficulty doing so. My mom stated, "we are both trying to make supper". Usually my mom does the cooking and my dad does the clean up. The fact that dad was helping cook meant my mom was having a difficult time, she has COPD.

We had a half hour before class, so I washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and told them I'll be back next week to help them out on a weekly basis. I had been asking them if they wanted me to come in for the last six months. Finally, they agreed to it. They are in their mid-80's and still in their own home. They have been thinking of selling, but my dad built that place and raised his family there. I remember the house being built in stages. I am told that when I was 3, they were putting in the basement and I was walking on the roof and went through the chimney hole. Lots of memories there.

My helping them and offering to come in on a weekly basis made an impact on their attitude and they seemed to be more relaxed when I left. There is so much to the social aspect of lifestyle. We need to make that connection with other people. It really bothers me that I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers that live in town and only 1 brother will come and help them, but then we were a dysfunctional family and I think we still are.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:26 am

So glad you stopped by your folks' house! And Yes, it is one of the features of a long healthy life: Community, fellowship, friendships and family relationships. In the Blue Zones, besides healthy food choices, the presence of supportive, loving human beings is fundamental to people's longevity. It's good that you'll be stopping over weekly. :) I did that for my gramma for a little while, who lived alone in a big ole house, and getting ready to move in at my mom's in her basement.
Though she is super active and has lots of friends, and she's friendly with her neighbors, too. Lots of people looking out for her. But still...everyone will rest easier with someone on the premises with her every day.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby keithswife » Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:56 am

Morris wrote:June 14, 2018

suggested we go to my parent's so he could rest before class. I am so glad we went there. I walked in and my mom is bent over the counter hanging on, my dad was getting his oil/vinegar dressing made, but having difficulty doing so. My mom stated, "we are both trying to make supper". Usually my mom does the cooking and my dad does the clean up. The fact that dad was helping cook meant my mom was having a difficult time, she has COPD.

We had a half hour before class, so I washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and told them I'll be back next week to help them out on a weekly basis. I had been asking them if they wanted me to come in for the last six months. Finally, they agreed to it. They are in their mid-80's and still in their own home. They have been thinking of selling, but my dad built that place and raised his family there. I remember the house being built in stages. I am told that when I was 3, they were putting in the basement and I was walking on the roof and went through the chimney hole. Lots of memories there.

My helping them and offering to come in on a weekly basis made an impact on their attitude and they seemed to be more relaxed when I left. There is so much to the social aspect of lifestyle. We need to make that connection with other people. It really bothers me that I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers that live in town and only 1 brother will come and help them, but then we were a dysfunctional family and I think we still are.

Good on you for helping your folks out. My family is very dysfunctional, and small to boot. The "usual suspects" in the family only show up to attend the funerals, while four of us do the work of keeping up with the elders. Which reminds me, I need to check in on my 91 year old Grandpa. He's been on his own since Gram passed away last year. Still 100% independent but somewhat frail with bad eye sight. He needs his family. Most can't be bothered. It really breaks my heart.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:10 am

June 17, 2018

Well, race day was yesterday. But this race's time doesn't count. I ran with my granddaughter and was hoping to use her as my pacer. But I lost her almost right away because of the route. It starts out on a one way road around a curve. I had to slow down almost immediately because of others cutting in front of me. It was that or collide and trip. The start of races are always congested.

By the time I got around the curve my granddaughter was lost in the crowd of runners head of me. This route loops, we have to do three loops. It is shaped like a key. So, I lost sight of my granddaughter for the first 2 miles. I was on the third loop and looking and began to look for my granddaughter on the opposite side (those headed toward the finish line). I couldn't see her and wondered how she was doing. It was hot, humid and there was a thunderstorm on its way in. Then I looked at the runners ahead of me to pick a pacer for me and there she was. She was right in front of me, doing a lot of walking. I managed to catch up to her and asked her how she was doing and she said she felt weird, like someone was pushing on her chest.

At that moment, I forgot about my time and stayed with her. Someone heard us talking (a nurse) and stopped to take her pulse. Said she was fine but suggested she walk. So, we walked the last 3/4 of a mile. But she wanted to run when everyone started passing us. I told her to wait until that last curve, the last 1/10th of mile. Then, despite her issues, she took off running. I was hoping for a finisher picture of crossing the line together, but I don't think she had that in mind. She was trying to beat me. Well, I thought, you little bugger, so I kicked it up a notch. Our finishers' photo is me just about 1/2 second ahead of her. OMG! with the humidity, I thought I pushed too hard because I was on the verge of wheezing, but I had a quick recovery. I recovered quicker than my granddaughter. It took her a couple of hours to get to feeling back to normal. Next race is in 2 weeks.

So, my time was one of the slowest I have ever done in a race. Second slowest. My slowest was my granddaughter's first 5k, when she was 10 years old. We have been running races together for 6 years now. Every time I do one with her, I always think that I never did anything one on one with my grandparents. Memories are being created.

My eating had not been anything to brag about. I think it was a no veggie day yesterday. Fortunately, my weight is holding steady. I went to town to pick up prizes from the local Girl's Night Out. I won a $25 gift certificate. My daughter won a prize from the candy shop. Just what she needed - not. She is the one that is wanting to eat healthier but just cannot seem to do it, her partner is a CRAP SAD eater.

This daughter has a lot of physical issues and knows she feels better when she eats whole food, not necessarily plant based, just whole food. But it is time consuming. It is sort of a catch-22 for her. She knows she feels better if she eats this way, but it hurts her too much to do the prep.

She asked me to help her once again. She signed up for the forks over knives sample meal planner. But cannot really afford the service. I tried to help her in the past with make ahead freezer meals, but when thing go beyond 3 weeks her SO throws it out, then complains that their grocery bill is too high. UGH!

This just goes to show how important having a support system is to being successful in this WOE. But, reading some of the threads here, I am realizing that one's belief and desire to be successful overrides the support system. Determination, consistency and perseverance are all key elements. Plan and prepare. So many things that go against that motivational triad (The Pleasure Trap).

Often, when I am reflecting on my failure to be compliant, I hear Doug Lisle in my head saying that it won't be easy and it will require a lot of work. It is sort of like an ear worm (part of a song that gets stuck playing and replaying in your head). It's going to take a lot of work, it's going to take a lot of work, it's going to take a lot of work...

Yes, this WOE requires a lot of work because there is so much against it, this is evident by what's on the grocery store shelves, what is served in restaurants, etc...

I'd say here's to a successful day, but we are taking the grandchildren to church and that means a trip to town with a stop at Costco before heading home. Hubby always buys a slice of pizza to tide him over 'til he gets home.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Rosey » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:51 am

Maybe if she tries it with Mary's Mini's it makes it easier for me. I use lots of potatoes but they are cheap and then quite a bit of frozen veggies so not much prep. Peas and corn are my favorite and peas and carrots,and sometimes frozen greens
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jun 18, 2018 5:10 am

June 18, 2018
Rosey - thanks for the suggestion for my daughter, but she cannot do potatoes. I stopped giving her advice about what to eat because she is an on again/off again person. She usually will say something when she is having an episode with her pain, but then she'll go right back to her old ways. I am learning that, at least as it is with me, that unless one truly wants to change the motivation to make those changes won't be very strong.

Yesterday I made the PLT sandwich from Forks Over Knives

The jury is still out on this. I did not have fresh basil and I'd like to try it with that. My youngest grandson said it was good, but the other hated it wand wouldn't eat it. I prefer the No Tuna Sandwich. But I was in the mood for something different and that certainly fit the description as something different.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Rosey » Mon Jun 18, 2018 10:43 am

Morris wrote:June 18, 2018
Rosey - thanks for the suggestion for my daughter, but she cannot do potatoes. I stopped giving her advice about what to eat because she is an on again/off again person. She usually will say something when she is having an episode with her pain, but then she'll go right back to her old ways. I am learning that, at least as it is with me, that unless one truly wants to change the motivation to make those changes won't be very strong.

Yesterday I made the PLT sandwich from Forks Over Knives

The jury is still out on this. I did not have fresh basil and I'd like to try it with that. My youngest grandson said it was good, but the other hated it wand wouldn't eat it. I prefer the No Tuna Sandwich. But I was in the mood for something different and that certainly fit the description as something different.

Very true they have to want too. the starch doesn't have to be potatoes can be Rice I just chose Potatoes because I love them. I just got a contact grill/panini press for making my hash browns like Ann and Jane Esselstyn have in one of their new videos. I love watching them they are so funny and showing easy foods we can make to eat.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:24 am

Oh gosh, I feel for you with that chatterbox man of yours! I dated a fella...I was head over heels in LOVE with the guy. We were nuts about each other... but that's a different story...anyway, he loved to talk. I enjoyed conversations with him SO much, but dang, out walking in a lovely autumn hillside, with squirrels and birds and all this sweet quietness...except Tom, jabbering away bless his heart. :lol: I loved him to bits but he would eventually have driven me bonkers, I'm sure. Now Wylie, he's quieter, and thinks I babble too much...which I don't not at ALL...but I still crave alone time. One of the reasons I get up 90 minutes before him is so I can have some solitude.

And, looks like Eat Loaf is going to be dinner for me REAL soon. I have grocery run after dinner and will be grabbing the few ingredients that I don't already have. It looks and sounds SO delicious! I think of all the WFPB programs out there, I like E2 recipes the best. This looks like another yum-wah!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Rosey » Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:20 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:Oh gosh, I feel for you with that chatterbox man of yours! I dated a fella...I was head over heels in LOVE with the guy. We were nuts about each other... but that's a different story...anyway, he loved to talk. I enjoyed conversations with him SO much, but dang, out walking in a lovely autumn hillside, with squirrels and birds and all this sweet quietness...except Tom, jabbering away bless his heart. :lol: I loved him to bits but he would eventually have driven me bonkers, I'm sure. Now Wylie, he's quieter, and thinks I babble too much...which I don't not at ALL...but I still crave alone time. One of the reasons I get up 90 minutes before him is so I can have some solitude.

And, looks like Eat Loaf is going to be dinner for me REAL soon. I have grocery run after dinner and will be grabbing the few ingredients that I don't already have. It looks and sounds SO delicious! I think of all the WFPB programs out there, I like E2 recipes the best. This looks like another yum-wah!

Laugh. Sounds like my husband boy can he talk. I get a lot of quiet time well he's at work though. I kinda like he talks a lot because it makes it easy for me to not talk in groups.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:22 am

June 19, 2018

My weight is up a bit, I think my body is at a set point point where it wants to be for a bit. So, I will go with it for a bit and hopefully, I will be able to tighten up my eating a bit. This I am saying after a campfire with one daughter and all the grandkids making s'mores. It was an enjoyable evening.

This morning I'll be taking my oldest granddaughter running. She wants to run a 10k in July, but hasn't ran much lately and the heat gets to her. So we need to get some running in. I went to the State Park last night to check the trails. Much more enjoyable than the woods (mostly dying oaks) around my home, plus we have so many cornfields. The air was so different in the Park, I think I'll make that my new running route for the summer.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby keithswife » Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:00 am

It's so sweet that you share your love of running with your granddaughter. Good luck on that 10k training. :D
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