Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby fostermom4 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:19 pm

What a great read! Thanks for sharing. If I might ask, how tall are you?
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:20 am

fulenn Sometimes I think the only thing that has really saved me from the slippery slope, is becoming an ethical vegan. Because even when "The Beast" comes out and I decide to binge, it's mostly vegan, and probably low fat.

I'm still not sure why, this way of eating is considered extreme. Most of the time, people's reactions are just that, reactions. They don't even really stop and think about life without meat and dairy. Between seeing FoK and reading The China Study and Dr. E's book, I would get the veggie sub for lunch, and actually enjoyed it more, because the quality of meats sometimes left something to be desired. Oh dear, think I've gone off on a tangent now.

Adrienne Her getting behind the wheel of the car while drunk was really an exceptional event. We've both always been very strict about that. Even when we used to go to bars, we would take turns being the DD, we never drank at the same time. I assume she kinda, came to and realized what she was doing, which is why I don't think she really went anywhere other than down to the next block.

lifeisgreat I try to be a good guy. I really do. I know I was a good step-father. We used to have a running joke;

Me: Where do you want to go eat?
Her: You pick.
Me: Ok, Pizza Hut!
Her: You know I hate Pizza Hut.
Me: Ok, then you pick.
Her: No, you pick, just don't pick anywhere I don't want to go.
Me: ...

You know, now that I think about it, that might have been more funny to me than to her. I think she was being serious.

carollynne She was very mellow all weekend, I think she may have sensed things were on thin ice.

I'll have to pickup some bulgur, next time I'm at the common market in Frederick.

I made these this weekend, in preperation for #1 son's collage graduation party. http://vegandad.blogspot.com/2008/03/homemade-sausages.html They are very good.

VegSexy I think we last painted 5 or 6 years ago, so it shouldn't be too bad. I haven't really looked at the wall in the living room much yet, where I would expect it to be the worst. Thanks though, I'll keep the cover stain idea in mind if I run into problems.

fostermom4 Welcome, thanks and I'm 5'10".


Years ago I used to own a gift store. On of my ideas was to use locally made oak furniture, for displays, that I could also sell. When I closed that store, I brought a few pieces home. The wife is not a fan of oak, and wound up painting the pieces. See what a nice guy I am, I let her paint (not stain, paint), expensive solid oak furniture. Now she wants to strip the paint off.

Saturday morning I'm moving the stuff out of the china hutch and the dry sink. I get those pieces emptied and I start cleaning and dusting the walls, and start masking off the trim. She decides that I'm having too much fun, so she comes it and starts putting paint stripper on the furniture, that is still in the way. That pretty much killed progress on Saturday. Then she decides that she can't strip it in the dining room and that we need to move it outside. It's coated with chemicals and slimy, so we'll have to wait until Sunday to move it. #4 son is at drill and #3 son is asleep until 4pm. Finally get the stuff moved once he wakes up. I continue my masking, she asks me to go get more paint stripper. I might get this room finished by June if I'm lucky.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:31 am

Dissolution, your wife is very adept at being a supreme saboteur. And chaos. I think I will call her Entropy, in my head.

Those vegan dogs look good! Wish I could eat wheat :-(

Good luck painting - once you finish the house will look great!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nomikins » Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:57 am

Those veggie dogs are good, I made that very recipe in the past.

You can also just make carrot hot dogs! Yes, whole carrots. Google it. Surprisingly delicious on a hot dog bun with the fixins.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Vola » Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:31 am

nicoles wrote:Dissolution, your wife is very adept at being a supreme saboteur. And chaos. I think I will call her Entropy, in my head.

This is spot on; her breakdowns come when her efforts fail. Yet from what you say, you're a pretty mellow and conflict-averse guy. Could it be that after all these years she still doesn't know who you are? Or have these tactics worked in the past and you're the one that's changed (and I don't just mean diet)?
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby ♥ Amy ♥ » Tue May 01, 2012 12:13 pm

Sorry to hear about your crappy feeling from crappy eating. I've been doing that to myself for awhile yet I never seem to learn.

Have to comment about 'the popcorn indecent' I've SO been wanting to try that, read about it on some thread here - excited to know it worked. The funniest part was 'winning'!

Also, I'm curious - what did you eat at Ihop? My family eats out a ton (extended family) as a way to get together and I'm using this as a mental road block I think to not fully embrace the McD lifetstyle.

Thanks! Hope this week is going great!!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Tue May 01, 2012 5:32 pm

Dis, I think it is so cool, that you are about to paint a room, that has been painted only 5 or 6 yrs ago. Can you come over and help us paint a few of our rooms, when you are done? Jeesh, your wife has absolutely no room to complain! I know my husband gets around to stuff, but really, she is so lucky that you want to paint!
I will look up that recipe, my sons loves to make up vegan recipes, as complicated as possible. He has made some sausages with white beans in them.
have a good night to all!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Wed May 02, 2012 8:41 am

nicoles Entropy..haha. That makes me this of one of my favorite SiFi short stories. It's short, but an excellent read, if you like SiFi that is.

nomikins Hmmmm....You know I could see the texture on a cooked carrot being about right. With the right seasoning...

Since I quit eating meat, I have decided that a lot of what people consider to be the taste of meat, is actually more of a texture thing.

Vola She comes from a loud boisterous family. They speak to each other in louder voices than my family uses to argue. When we first got married, she would get mad that I wouldn't argue with her. I hit a peak a couple of years ago where I would argue with her, and I don't think either of us enjoyed it.

♥ Amy ♥ While IHOP is not my favorite place to eat, it is my favorite place to order. Make sure you have a clear view of the servers face, and say,"I would like the Simple and Fit, spinach , mushroom and tomato omelette , with lots of extra spinach and mushrooms and tomato, hold the cheese....and the egg." One time if confused the waitress so badly, she brought the cook out to talk to me.

carollynne In the past, even before my heart attack, my health was not great. I didn't know it, but I felt awful all the time. So when there was work to do around the house, we often had the boys help us out. Their painting skills leave a LOT to be desired. Even #2, who purchased his own home a couple of years ago, and repainted it. Did a horrible job, just really bad. So this time around I have refused any help. I'm physically able to do it, and I want it done right.


This coming Saturday is my #1son's graduation from college. His Father is flying into town on Friday. He didn't come to #1son's wedding, and was informed that this was the last event he would ever be invited to if he didn't show up, so I guess he got the message. I don't have a problem with the guy, personally. The wife get's a little more unstable when he's around, so that can always be interesting.

There's a party afterwards at #2 son's house. My Mom and Sister and BIL are coming, they are bringing home made black bean burgers.

I got half the room painted on Monday. The other half will have to wait until my wife does the invoicing for the beginning of the month, her "office" is at one end of the dining room.

Happy Wednesday all...
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Wed May 02, 2012 2:38 pm

Dissolution wrote:nicoles Entropy..haha. That makes me this of one of my favorite SiFi short stories. It's short, but an excellent read, if you like SiFi that is.

Why, yes indeedy, I DO like SiFi! Thanks for the link. :)
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Wed May 02, 2012 6:42 pm

Dis, how grand, a college graduation!! So wonderful! Have a great time!!
I just watched the wife swap show on TLC where a neat/clean freak swapped places with a free spirit vegetarian type who cleaned for only 15 min. a day and it was unreal! I was inspired to clean up the kitchen once more today, and that makes it 4 x today.
Have a great time with the family !!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby VegSexy » Thu May 03, 2012 10:05 am

Dis, congratulations on son #1 graduating from college. I wish him well with his future endevours.

Sorry to hear about the father and your poor wife having to endure a visit together. Or maybe you having to endure it :D I can only imagine. It would be like me having to be at a graduation with my ex-husband there. Oy vay. I think that's the reason we stay completely clear of each other. Wow, pour me a cocktail (or eight).

Nice to hear the family making veggie burgers. I'm off to buy stuff for my dad and cat. Darn carnivores! I wish I could feed them sticks and twigs, but they would revolt and dis-own me. Gotta keep us all happy :D

A guy has celery sticking out of one ear, lettuce out of the other, and a zucchini up his nose.
He goes to the doctor and asks him what's wrong.
The doctor tells him, "Well, for one thing, you're not eating right."
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Thu May 03, 2012 9:05 pm

nicoles Hope you had a chance to read the story. It's a little dry, but the ending is worth it.

carollynne I can remember one of those wife-swap shows from years ago, where they swapped a vegan family with a bayou family. Think they made the vegan family look silly.

VegSexy I don't have any ex-wives, so it's hard for me to empathize on that issue.

I think I finally have the blood pressure/heart rate thing stabilized. When I first started having problems, the doctor suggested I go off the diuretic. I did, put on a few pounds, but it didn't seem to help the BP situation. I resumed taking it, because it it helped me keep water weight down. I'm off the diuretic again and for good hopefully. So now, I'm on a half dose of lisinopril (not the diuretic) and a baby aspirin.

I've also been doing a lot of emotional eating the past couple of weeks, most of it on plan, except for some cookies and chocolate. My weight loss has been pretty spotty the past couple of months. I guess I've hit a plateau, and the losing weight without really trying is not currently working. I've updated my weight loss tracker, with the bad news. If I'm not down a couple of pounds by this time next week, I'll probably start logging my meals.

I forgot to mention, on Tuesday my wife started a new tactic. She says I'm losing my hair, and it's the diet's fault. I told her I hoped she was wrong, because I probably wouldn't look good bald, cause I'll shave it. I'll fire my hair before it has a chance to quit. In reality though, I don't think I'm losing my hair.

She bought stuff today for the graduation party on Saturday. She had a 10Lbs box of bacon and a 15Lbs bag of ground beef. She asked me to divide the bacon up into 1 pound bags for freezing and bag up 5 of the pounds of ground beef into freezer bags. I just kind of looked at her, she said, "Let me guess, you don't want to do it, because you're vegan?". I said, "Well, it is pretty nasty". That went over like a lead balloon. She yelled, and cried the whole time she bagged up the bacon. She ended with, " If this is such a perfect diet for you, why can't you bag up bacon?! It's because you're jealous! You're just mad that you can't eat bacon!". Maybe I should have just bagged up the bacon....

This was the upside of the day. We have a water cooler at home, and we get the 5 gallon water bottles from a place near some of my clients. I was having #3son help me bring them in, there are 6 of them. I grabbed the first two, 1 on my left shoulder and then I carried the other one by the neck with my right hand. I set mine down in the house and turned around to see #3 son walking in with 1 water bottle, I stepped outside and saw his second water bottle sitting on the sidewalk, several feet from the car. He couldn't do it. He couldn't carry two at one time. He's 24, 6'1", 3% body fat, works in a warehouse, stacking pallets of boxes for a freight company, so he's very physically fit be almost any definition. I'm probably reading too much into it, but still, it made me smile.

I hope everyone has a good weekend....
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby serenity » Fri May 04, 2012 7:15 am

Two 5 gallon jugs is about 80 pounds. Impressive!!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby VegSexy » Fri May 04, 2012 10:05 am

Ha! I would have looked at your son and said "they're not that heavy!" Sounds as if your super vegan powers are kicking in!!

A guy has celery sticking out of one ear, lettuce out of the other, and a zucchini up his nose.
He goes to the doctor and asks him what's wrong.
The doctor tells him, "Well, for one thing, you're not eating right."
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby AlwaysAgnes » Fri May 04, 2012 11:21 am

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger, D. I have a hard time touching raw meat too. All I see in my mind's eye is images from Earthlings. Bacon? Equals pigs being scalded and skinned alive. Why would I want to touch that...for anybody? And why would anyone ask me to? I figure they're either ignorant or sadists.

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