Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:38 am

Me too, Chile, hope all is well, and you are enjoying good health both of you!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:34 pm

carollynne Glad to hear DH is doing well so far.

fulenn No worries.

Rosey Most people have been so brain washed into what they think is healthy.

VegSexy The problem with the cherry BBQ sauce recipe is, the base is what she calls her secret sauce. She originally created it for hot wings, and she now bottles it and sends it out as Christmas presents. Her recipe is so secret, she won't even let me be in the kitchen when she's making it. It's been this way for years, so it's not because of the vegan thing. The wing sauce is basically Texas Pete hot sauce (not their wing sauce) and molasses, maybe some brown sugar. The cherries were cooked in just enough water to cover them, add the wing sauce and then probably some tomato paste. I'm just guessing.

Debbie She talks sometimes like she would really like to try this way of eating, but just is just too finicky to even try. She keeps bringing up that she can't be who I want her to be and I explain to her that I just want her to be her and that she has more of a problem with what I put in my mouth, than I do with what she eats. Then of course she accuses me of looking down my nose at everybody that doesn't eat the way I do. I told her she was right, for the most part. While this way of eating is getting easier all the time, it sure would be more convenient if I could grab a sandwich at a drive-thu and not have to cook my own meals or select from dozens of items on a restaurant menu. So yes, I do have to feel superior in my choices in order to keep up this lifestyle.

Adrienne I need to get some of these books ordered.

didi Oh I know, if she would only use her powers for good...

Chile I thought it was a nice moment for us.


The bowling tournament was fun. I bowled pretty decent, but not awesome. Went might have placed in the money in the team event, I just missed the money in singles and my doubles partner was having an off day.

We were there with our Tuesday night team captain and a couple of other guys from our league. Eating was no problem, we did Mexican Friday night. Hotel breakfast has oatmeal and fruit. Subway for lunch on Saturday. We went to a place called O'Charley's Saturday night. I ordered completely off the menu and it was great. #2 Son later said what I was eating looked better than his ribs.

We played golf on Saturday afternoon. It was a lot of fun I'd like to go again.

I'll post more later as I have time. It's been and will continue to be a busy week.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Rosey » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:59 am

Dissolution wrote:Rosey Most people have been so brain washed into what they think is healthy.

That they have. It's sad.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby audretoburrito » Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:58 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed your bowling and golf and that you were able to stay on plan. I love bowling but the man not so much... When we met in lived in Berkley I always used to threaten him that I was going to get him really drunk and make him go bowling w/me lol. My fave bar had a diner and bowling alley all attached. Awww I miss Berkley.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:25 pm

Hi Dis, had to catch up since we have been away for a few days, and really, it was no big deal for my son and I to stay on plan, but dh has blown it sky high, and may not get back to the WOE ever again. But it is his choice, and really what can one about anyone else? The owner where we had the dog in a nice kneel, said she was astounded by how I looked, and we knew each other since our kids were in elem school, she made my day, of course! She asked me how I lost wt, since she never could lose an oz... and I said I couldn't either, til I went all plant based, and no processed foods, etc and she poohed poohed that idea, and I understand that attitude, until you are faced with a health crisis, and a way out of it, you will not be quite so motivated either... oh well, if it were not for my health, I wonder if I would stuck with this either, but it has helped me completely get my healthy everything back... cool beans that!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:39 am

Hope all is going well. Waiting for an update! :cool:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby dlee » Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:30 pm

Debbie wrote:Hope all is going well. Waiting for an update! :cool:

Me too!! :-) best Dlee
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:44 am

Sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've had a big project at work going on that has taken up much of my time. Also #3 son has been waking up early and his desk is right behind mine and he likes to read over my shoulder, so I just haven't had time or opportunity to post.

I've been eating out a lot, trying to do the best I can. It's also been really stressful around here, between my big project, a problem with our mortgage company and the wife, it's amazing I haven't put on any weight. The good news is, the project is pretty much over and was very successful. The problem with the mortgage company appears to be settled, so all I really have to do is deal with the wife.

I feel bad sometimes. For Mother's Day I explained to the kids that it was their Mom's first Mother's Day since losing her Mother, so they needed to try and make it special. They barely made it passable. I think the two youngest chipped in a bought a dying plant at the grocery store. #2 bought her a $30 hanging plant and #1 gave her a picture frame with his college graduation photo in it.

For Father's Day my step-sons took me to Dick's Sporting Goods and bought me $400 worth of golfing gear. Last Saturday #2, #3, #4, #4GF and my great nephew all went bowling. I asked #4GF if she wanted to learn to play golf, she asked, "Do I get to wear a cute outfit?", I said, "I guess so?". So after bowling we went to the driving range and then out to buy clubs, shoes and a cute outfit for #3, #4, and #4GF. Then on Sunday, #1, #3, #4, #4GF and I all went golfing.

A year ago, when we would go bowling on Saturdays, I would have to sit out every other game because of angina. Now I'm able to jog to my golf ball when I need to.

The wife however is not happy. She's jealous of the attention I get from our sons. I try to explain to her it's just "guy stuff". She's always invited and welcome to come along any time she wants to. She doesn't feel she is healthy enough to do these activities and therefore I shouldn't do them either. "We're in our 40's, this is when we should be slowing down." she says. I explain to her, "I didn't feel this good, 20 years ago, I'm sure as hell not slowing down now."

Our anniversary is coming up in August, I told her we could go on vacation ANYWHERE she wanted to. In the past our vacations have almost always centered around going to visit her Mother (which was fine), but now we can go anywhere we want, and not feel guilty about not visiting family. She can't think of anywhere to go, it's too hot in August to go anywhere.

She accused me of picking the diet I knew she would hate the most and following that just to annoy her. I told her that if she thought I would have given up bacon just to annoy her, she was crazy. The act of me giving up meat, involved science!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby VegSexy » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:27 am

Oh good, you're alive. Sometimes I think I'm going read "Vegan Killed by Crazed Family over Blogs" on my Yahoo news feed :eek:

I can understand your wife feeling jealous over how your kids are treating you. Maybe they feel they have more of connection with yourself. Encourage her to come along, smile and have a good time! My BF can be a "debbie downer" at times, telling him that sort of hits the resets button.

Can you guys hop in a car and head up to the east coast? Delaware? New Jersey? Connecticut? Rhode Island? The Cape is lovely and the beaches in New Hampshire are my favorite place to visit in the Northeast. Your wife may love it, there's a ton of great shops, eatery and scenery is just beautiful.

A guy has celery sticking out of one ear, lettuce out of the other, and a zucchini up his nose.
He goes to the doctor and asks him what's wrong.
The doctor tells him, "Well, for one thing, you're not eating right."
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:07 am

VegSexy, that first sentence was hilarious!

Dissolution, this journal post about Mother's and Father's Days, and the contrast between the two in your family makes me think of my own parents. They both started eating this way, more or less, after I was doing it for about 6-7 months (with great success, of course, we all know it works like a dream.)

They both had health issues that would respond well to the diet, but my Dad is the one who really took it seriously, and he is the one who has lost more weight and gained more health. I saw them in person (we live across the country from one another) for the first time since they started the diet this past weekend, and it was really hard not to dote on my father, and easy to accidentally ignore my mother; it was just so exciting to see the change in him! But she looked basically he same, which was far less exciting.

From the (grown) child's perspective, it seems almost instinctive to gravitate toward the more vital parent, or person. It is more life-affirming.

On the other hand, I have great sympathy for your wife, and my Mom, for how that feels. I made a real effort to "attend" to her once I realized what I was doing.

Glad you have kept weight off, despite your crazy time. How is the exercise going?
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:37 am

Dis, Hello to you and glad you are still on this path of good health. It is marvelous that you are golfing with the kids and that is what you should be doing, jeesh, the 40s is not time to slow down at all. You enjoy all the benefits of your renewed health all you can. You really do not know what is in store for any of us, so stay active. My mom said an old saying for everything, and some were in Polish, or Ukrainian, or whatever and this one sure fits your stubborn spouse. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
So glad to hear from you again. Stay the course, so you can take care of the family esp after the DW has more and more problems with her health.
This WOE is so life affirming and the body heals itself so nicely. It is just so darn cool. Love this way of life.
I went to a vegan pot luck along with 2 sons and one Gf and they all loved the food there. I went to a big luncheon in DC yesterday and as one of the very few women who had ordered the vegan meal and specially wrote done no diary please!!~ I was so glad that I brought some potatoes along in my bag just in case. It was a site to see all these overwt gals, with such multiple health issues that I was just beaming with health myself. I will not ever get off the track, it is wonderful to feel so good. The dessert came and it was of course cream puffs with more cream, and choc something, so I left it sit there, but passed it to my right, and said with my compliments, and the ladies were just about to pass out! what she is giving up the dessert too? My son told me too a great compliment when I got home too.
Now DH just came home and wants me to call the mechanic's wife he just went to see she wants to order the book I am following too. wow, that that is unexpected! DH is doing ok, no meat, no diary. Hope he can stay on it is all I can say, he is older and needs to clear up a few things too.
one day it maybe your spouse too, and you will be amazed too! hope so for your sake! Praying for you and hang in there, The best is yet to come your way!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby fulenn » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:56 pm

Glad to hear that, despite the challenges you have been up against, you stuck with a healthy diet! :)

Sorry things are not going well with your wife, but you can only take care of you. I continue to hope that she will join you with this and enjoy the same health benefits that you are enjoying.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:35 am

Busy busy busy....

Saw this and wanted to post it. It reminds me of that Wal-Mart photo I posted, it's very sad.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Potatohead » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:04 pm

:eek: that picture speaks 1000 words :roll: I have a friend who is younger than me, and she rides around in one of those scooters...she is morbidly obese, on oxygen..etc....but she won't give up the "junk".... :roll:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Chile » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:59 pm

Holy moley! That is a priceless picture.
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