Caroveggie's Journal

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby ihartsacto » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:49 am

I have really enjoyed your conversation. I have the same problem because I lost all my weight with carb cravers, not McDougalling but I have been a McDougaller for two years now. Unfortunately after a hysterectomy I had in 2010 I have never returned to my previous level of exercise and BMI. Instead of being 135 and fitting into MY 20 pairs of size 4-6 pants I have four stretchy pairs that my 157 lb body can get into and it is HORRIBLE!!!! I have had to fight my weight down from 164 after maintaining my weight loss for 4 years without any problem and then slowly gaining the 30 lbs from 2010 until a year ago. It has taken me a year to get off 10 lbs, because I am a cheater, There is no other word for it. I figured it out and every third day, I overeat to the tune of 800 calories. I also felt guilty for being the only thin one of all my friends and was badly influenced to eat out by them and family members who felt I was too thin. That wasn't true because at 5'5, 135 was still heavy for me. Well I am trying hard now and will be following you all. Best wishes. I want to look good this spring and summer and not look at the roll around my waist anymore so I hope we are all successful.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:00 am

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome back. Just to clarify, it was a friend who wanted to McDougall and we were going to support each other but the next time I talked with her, she said the diet was too strict. She was sick that day and pretty set in her mind (she wanted chicken soup). I couldn't convince her to follow just the McDougall plan (she was following something like Mary's Mini + MWL minus any beans...or something...) When I go off diet, I'm always either oily vegan or vegetarian, but when she goes off McDougall, she goes back to SAD, which is sad. Anyway, there's no one biking with me to work, except the other bikers along the bike path. :) I just meant that the friend and I would be supporting each other on the McDougall diet program.

So it's just me.

And Andrea, I just wanted to say, thanks for stopping by and maybe allow yourself to follow McDougall regular plan and make sure you eat enough calories so you're less inclined to cheat? I don't know but maybe that will help? I certainly know what it's like to binge and go off plan though.... If you want we can support each other and get back to the health we once had, together! I would really like to fit into my old smaller clothes by summer too!

I had lost my fitbit but I found it last night. I looked everywhere for it for weeks but it wasn't in any of the usual places. I had gotten into the habit of wearing these comfy black pants which I wear a lot for work, but last night I decided to try my jeans again, in case they fit. I tried on a few and low and behold, one of them had my fitbit! YAY!! So I'm going to start wearing it all the time again. I think it'll help me get my exercise in.

Lately I've been on a Brussels sprouts kick. Brussels sprouts are so yummy. I have created another go-to meal for myself. It is this:

white rice with soy sauce
Brussels sprouts, steamed, chopped, with garlic salt
Eat in large bowl and mix it together
Very yummy

If anyone has a recipe for Brussels sprouts that's McDougall legal (of course), please share with me. I also created a new thread for Brussels sprouts recipes in the Food/Recipe section. I am from the Brussels Sprouts Brigade and spreading the wonder and deliciousness of Brussels sprouts far and near, wherever people may hear. :lol:
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:29 am

Hi again! I thought I'd post my old favorite meal choices so I can remind myself of them and see where I might want to add more variety. These are meals that I've enjoyed in the past, along with some new favorites. (This post might get a bit boring but just skip it unless you're interested in the recipes.)

My usual breakfast. I have it with green tea from my work.
Oatmeal, sliced banana, occasionally (when on the cheap) blueberries, cinnamon and cinnamon/sugar mix, water (of course)

Aloo Gobi
This is a constant in my life. I really like it.
Cauliflower, veggie broth, peas & carrots, chickpeas, sometimes potato (added later because if added before can make the whole thing a big potato mash), spoonful of minced garlic, and curry powder. Sometimes I add chopped cherry tomatoes and/or chopped fresh onion after the curry at the dinner plate. Oh, and I started adding collard greens because they're really yummy with it.

Vegan French Toast
Grace Baking bread, sliced, dipped in banana/rice milk/cinnamon/vanilla extract blend, cooked on dry non-stick skillet
Eaten with cranberries and real maple syrup

Sweet Potato
with black beans or pinto beans and salsa and cinnamon

White Sweet Potato and Red Bell Pepper Hummus
This is strange-sounding but very yummy, particularly when cherries are in season, I like to eat with the cherries too

drained/rinsed with a little garlic salt, chopped fresh white/yellow onion or sliced banana
A fast, filling meal

Chili and Potato
I add a can of black beans to the chili (a veg/low fat version I found in can form) and nuke a potato in Potato Express bag to eat with it. Very yummy.

Brussels Sprouts and Rice
white rice with soy sauce
steamed Brussels sprouts, chopped, with a little garlic salt
mix in bowl and eat

Baked Brussels Sprouts/Potato Wedges/Mushrooms
eat the potatoes with ketchup
everything else with a little balsamic vinegar
I prefer the brown mushrooms but white are good too.

Potato Wedges
Nuke potato and then broil with a mixture of rice vinegar, ketchup, and a little mustard, all mixed. Smells delicious.

Annie's Chreese Shells
cook with rice milk, add cinnamon

Brussels Sprouts with Gravy
Vegan gravy mix and also good with potato wedges

Baby Carrots and Hummus
+ zucchini
I make my own hummus so it's oil free with a red bell pepper and a little garlic salt, in the blender

Steamed Greens
as a side with other stuff like veg no oil "refried" beans and potato...

Rice and Broccoli
I like rice with soy sauce and steamed broccoli (and other veggies)

That's about all I can think of at the moment. But it's enough that I enjoy and a lot of variety.

I think I'll get more Brussels sprouts for next week.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:29 am

I just copied my colorful list of favorite meals, edited it a bit, and then printed it, and now I have a beautiful list of favorite meals posted in my cubicle at work. I think this will help me come up with ideas for meals and help keep me on track.

On the bike ride to work, I found 11 cents, on the ground, just there for the taking. So I took it. :)

Yes, another motive for me is saving money. I have a lot of food stored and need to start eating it up. Maybe this weekend I should do an inventory of my stored food and start thinking up recipes to get through it all.

Dang it. That reminds me. I can add Pasta with Marinara to my list.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby sksamboots » Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:20 pm

Your meals sound good. Right back on track!! :nod:
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby susie » Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:17 pm

Great to see you back too. Hang in there this plan works.

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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Mon May 18, 2015 9:59 am

Thanks for the visits and support!

I was just checking this website last night and I gotta say, I really appreciate the Success Stories section. I got caught up with a lot of new videos that I hadn't seen before. I also read some success stories at the Forks Over Knives website. It's very inspiring, and so I began reading The Starch Solution for the third or fourth time on my Bart ride to work this morning.

Reading and hearing all these success stories makes me believe I can do it. I don't mean that this plan should work -- because I know it will, I have complete faith that this is a healthy eating plan -- but that I can commit to this program and follow it strictly, without cheating.

I've also been thinking that I need to add a bit more exercise to my routine. While I bike to work and back, that's pretty much all the exercise I get. You might think that's a lot, but it's really not. I'm not a speed racer, just a leisurely bicyclist, and on the way home, I'm mostly rolling down hills. I'm thinking of adding in some walks at night and maybe a walk at lunch also. My job is pretty sedentary, unfortunately. And sadly, when I get home, I usually find myself plopped in an arm chair watching Jeopardy or reading.

I've also been thinking that eating junk food and unhealthy food feels convenient, but they're really not. I know if I make eating strict McDougall a priority, than I can make healthy food convenient for me by always having it around and preparing in advance so it's ready to go.

Anyway, I didn't make time to go grocery shopping yesterday when I should have, so I bought a banana at a vendor at the Bart station this morning and I'll add it to my oatmeal. For lunch, I have a can of chickpeas in my cabinet and an onion in the fridge, and garlic salt to season. I can also walk to the store and get something else healthy if I want. And for dinner, I've already decided I'm going to get simple white rice and steamed broccoli from the Korean place in the mall with soy sauce (I'll be watching a movie in the evening in the city before returning to the suburbs home). There is a vegan restaurant also in the mall food court, but it's definitely got oil in pretty much everything, and fake meats. Might as well do this right and avoid that place, right?

Guess I'll get my grocery shopping in tomorrow night. In the mean time, I'm going to keep absorbing more of the McDougall message so I can keep myself on track until then.

I'm going to check out the written Success Stories, in case there are any more new ones.

By the way, if you like biking and decide to start bicycle commuting (to save money and get some exercise) -- I really recommend getting panniers/saddlebags. I recently invested in Axiom ones that are wonderful! They're tapered at the bottom to avoid kick-back, and also rain-proof. Best of all, they take the load off my back. I've heard once bicyclists get panniers, they never go back, and I believe it! Mine also fit my laptop!
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby sksamboots » Fri May 22, 2015 7:01 pm

Keep on keepin on ! :nod:
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I'm back!

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Sep 25, 2018 11:50 am

First off, confession. It's 3 years later and I got into some bad habits. I mean, really bad. I've used outings with friends and family as excuses to go off plan, instead of making my life work the way I want it to. Junk food vegetarian. :oops: I just read over my whole journal and I miss my old enthusiasm and stick-to-it-ness. Well, somewhat stick-to-it-ness. Here's to starting again, with one goal: consistency. :)

Jeff Novick wrote some great articles about how consistency and time are all you need. Just work on those and forget the flashy new stuff that only serves to break the good habits you're trying to develop. Wise words and what I needed to hear. I need to change some of my bad habits into good ones. I want to put my focus and emphasis on that.

I'm now living in my own studio in SL and working in Jack London Square in Oakland. You'd think having my own kitchen back would have me eating healthier, but I've used the excuse of my long commute and tiredness to eat poorly. So I've decided to change things up in my life and get back to where I've been happiest. I've not been perfect in the past but I will aim for 100% compliance. Seems I do best with the same meals again and again, just like the doctors recommend. I'm getting back to that.

I purchased 2 expensive but very cute and high quality thermoses which I've started using for bringing hot lunches to work. Yes, I know we have a microwave, and a toaster. The problem is if I bring the raw potato here, I might not actually cook it and instead go off and get some restaurant food and we all know what happens then. I think it's a matter of making it really easy for myself to be successful eating this way. Besides, I like the thermoses. They're very cute and colorful and totally ready-to-go with yummy warm food inside. So that's one trick I've started doing.

The other thing is I quit my trafficky commute which only stressed me out and found me driving into a fast food lane for junk vegetarian food and started walking and taking Bart. This way I listen to audiobooks with NO STRESS of traffic (although it's crowded on Bart sometimes, it's not too bad) and I get some very needed steps in. I'm not going to stress about getting more exercise in than the 16,000+ steps I'll get walking because the steps is a good baseline threshold and any exercise I get above it, great, it's gravy. But I only want to do what's fun and enjoyable and right now I don't have a bike I like enough and I'm too out of shape to run enjoyably. So it'll be slow and steady until the consistency I've started starts showing good results but that's my plan. I think I'll still make good progress with the walking. I should time how much walking I'm doing because it's hard to tell. The commute walking and taking Bart is just a little longer than driving, or just about the same amount depending on traffic, but I don't have to sit in traffic! It's wonderful. I hate sitting in traffic, getting no exercise, and then of course all I want to do is look forward to yummy junk food instead of making something healthy. So I think switching things around will really help me.

Just want to thank all these people who've dropped by in the past to give me encouragement and support. I really appreciate it and wish you the best health with McDougalling also!

Now, for today's meals:

Breakfast - skipped, not hungry
Lunch - I have Brussels sprouts, broccoli, brown rice, and soy sauce
Snack - fruit, I have a peach, apple, and pear so one of those
Dinner - probably baked potato wedges

I'll try to get back to adding pics. It's fun to do and inspiring to me.

Happy McDougalling! :-D
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Also, oatmilk

Postby Caroveggie » Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:31 pm

I forgot to say I switched from soymilk to oatmilk. Oatmilk is much lower fat and soymilk and ricemilk they add oil to them. I have to go to Whole Foods for the oatmilk, so I just stock up when I get there. I was getting soymilk before because Costco sells them cheaper but alas. I'm trying to lose weight and keep my arteries clean.

And this past weekend I went through my kitchen and removed EVERYTHING with any oil in it. My home is now McDougall compliant. I am well stocked although I may pick up some more sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts. I do love my Brussels sprouts.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:57 am

Last night I ended up having pasta with fat-free marinara (Whole Foods has one) and mushrooms and broccoli for dinner. I also put nutritional yeast on top.

This morning I'll be making steel cut oats with Grapenuts, maple syrup, oat milk, and raspberries added. Maybe cinnamon on top.

For lunch I have leftovers - broccoli, brussels sprouts, brown rice and soy sauce. Also some white sweet potatoes baked wedges.

For dinner I'll have more of the pasta.

Snacks - I have apples, pears, and peaches although the last peach I had wasn't that great.

I'm doing good and just checking in to report my meals.

I'll also walk to work again. I like doing that.

I watched Forks Over Knives last night and this morning. I'm also listening to The China Study on my walk to work. I tried buying The Starch Solution on Audible but it didn't work.

Some things related to health I need to do:

sell my 2 bikes and buy a comfy one I like better that I'll actually use
buy skates...I think it'd be fun to skate
figure out the Audible situation with The Starch Solution
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby SilverDollar123 » Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:12 am

Welcome back. I think most of us fall sometimes. I owe you an apology,I think you recently had a birthday
which I missed wishing you Happy Birthday. So here is a belated "Happy Birthday"& glad you are back to celebrate with
us....If it is or was not your BD oh well>a senior moment. lol. RAS
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:27 pm

SilverDollar123 wrote:Welcome back. I think most of us fall sometimes. I owe you an apology,I think you recently had a birthday
which I missed wishing you Happy Birthday. So here is a belated "Happy Birthday"& glad you are back to celebrate with
us....If it is or was not your BD oh well>a senior moment. lol. RAS

Thanks for stopping by, and especially wishing me a happy birthday! :-D No need to apologize. My birthday is in November but it's been years since I stopped in here so some were missed. Thanks for the thought though, that's sweet of you.

I think most of us fall at times also, although I do think some people can do it. It might take reaching a certain point of determination that runs very deep. I think that's why revisiting the material - the books, movies, the forums - is so important. It gets you there and keeps rewiring your brain in good ways so you have a wealth of reasons to draw from to counter all the excuses that might come up to eat off plan when you're tired, lazy, and so forth. At least, that's how it is for me.

I did spectacular today. (Ok, I did good but I just like the sound of that word, SPECTACULAR!)

I made steel cut oats for breakfast, had broccoli/brussels sprouts/brown rice/soy sauce for lunch, and pasta again for dinner. Snacks I had a pear and some creamed corn. I also made a smoothie which had mango, blueberries, cherries, spinach, and a little Vega powder in it.

I also got almost 19,382 steps in. I joined the ADAPT study yesterday. I am thinking of joining the weigh-in threads on the MWL forum for October, but not sure if I'm MWL if I'm eating pasta.

I'm going to lounge now. Enjoy your day :)
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:01 pm

I am still doing well and have not cheated once. Tonight I made cheeseless pizza with an Engine 2 Diet whole wheat pizza dough. It was pretty good, especially the pineapple. I also ate it with my homemade hummus and something I picked up at the farmer's market that has green apples and cilantro in it (no oil). Very tasty.

I didn't walk yesterday and today and it's pathetic how many steps I got. Somewhere in the 6,500 range. So I'm going to try to make walking to work the norm. It's an easy 16,000 steps and I enjoy it because I listen to audiobooks and don't have to stress in traffic (which is very slow and bad in my area and for my commute). It's just a matter of being ready to go on time. I got up early all week and cooked before I left for work but this morning I ran out of time and had to drive because the rice wasn't ready yet. So I should try to plan things out a little better. I like baking brussels sprouts in the morning and then putting them in the thermos, because they turn out great. But maybe I can do the rice or quinoa the night before.

I'm trying to keep a long-term view of this since I won't see a dramatic change until enough time has gone by, but I am feeling better in general these days. I'm not having cravings, except for the brussels sprouts, which is a good thing. :lol: I have chocolate on my desk for the office and I'm not even tempted. (Chocolate was by request from my coworker who had been asking for weeks for it. Now I keep a cute jar of chocolate for everyone and it's a nice way to chat with people who come by for it. I must admit I did look at it longingly at least once this week, but not with any serious intent to cheat and ruin my healthy streak.)

This weekend should be fun...going kayaking, book club, birthday party, and Nanowrimo kick-off party. Actually that's a lot. I like calm weekends with not much going on so I can laze and take things by ear. Ah well, c'est la vie.
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Re: Caroveggie's Journal

Postby Caroveggie » Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:35 pm

I did OK my first week. I fell off the wagon after driving home in traffic on some days for dinner.* I also craved chocolate once. It was like a cycle - spiral.. I've already had the tacos kind of thinking. :cry: But I got myself together and had another great day. I need to take this day by day. Breakfast and lunch I do well, it's dinner I need to watch out for. I was depressed when I wasn't eating well and using food to feel better. But I was depressed about how I was eating and also enjoying the (off plan) food. A weird dynamic.

Anyways, I'm back on track and want to have more great days under my belt, then great weeks, then months, then years. I fully intend to eat this way for the rest of my life, and happily.

I ordered the Forks Over Knives fall magazine but haven't finished reading it yet. I've realized I need to cook more and learn a few more recipes. Just have some more go-to meals that I can put together in a SNAP. haha

Today I had:

B- grapenuts with raspberries and oat milk
L/D - sweet potato, brussels sprouts, some bites of quinoa
S - part of a seaweed brown rice cake

I also had some black coffee with sugar this morning. My friend and I wanted to kayak but it was too windy, so we went to cafe and chatted instead.

Plans for tomorrow:

B - same as today
L - quinoa and brussels sprouts or broccoli with soy sauce on the quinoa if it needs more flavor
D - a veggie soup of some sort sounds good

Even though it's early, I'm rather tired.

*what I learned: traffic stresses me out. If at all possible, I'll try to walk and take Bart. I did much better on the days I walked and took Bart, in general, and got a decent amount of steps in also.
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