Oona's Ogham

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Re: Oona's path of health & vitality.

Postby VegSeekingFit » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:52 pm

Hi OOna!

Yeah!! You are back and a force to be reckoned with!! :)

I'm similar in "optimal size" to you -- small boned, etc. I started much larger than you did - at 152.8 and have gotten down to 112.4 this year... So, I could go on forever on how great this plan is... but really wanted to wish you the best on your journey...

I was also someone who "came back" after not McD'ing and think that there is no shame in that. It will work for you if you do it!! I've found Jeff Novick's Calorie Density resources to be invaluable - they are stickied on the MWL forum...

I ❤️ the McDougall program!! It has given me a new lease on life.

Thankful for amazing people - McDs, JeffN, Mark, Tiffany, Goose!

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Re: Oona's path of health & vitality.

Postby OOnaOwl » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:14 pm

VegSeekingFit wrote:Hi OOna!

Yeah!! You are back and a force to be reckoned with!! :)

I'm similar in "optimal size" to you -- small boned, etc. I started much larger than you did - at 152.8 and have gotten down to 112.4 this year... So, I could go on forever on how great this plan is... but really wanted to wish you the best on your journey...

I was also someone who "came back" after not McD'ing and think that there is no shame in that. It will work for you if you do it!! I've found Jeff Novick's Calorie Density resources to be invaluable - they are stickied on the MWL forum...


Thank you so much Stephanie! Wow, what great success you have had! So happy that you stopped by my little journal & wrote to me :). I am eating 2 cups of steamed green vegetables as my 1st course of lunch as I type this. Thank you so much for sharing with me, very inspirational! I am doing what I am calling the "mixed Mary's Mini" which is like a cross between the MWL program & a Mary's Mini. It's giving me such mental & physical peace already. Cheers & best health to you! :D

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Re: Oona's path of health & vitality.

Postby OOnaOwl » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:36 pm

Today's weigh in: 117lbs. (weigh in before bathroom visit)
So I am doing what I am calling the "Mixed Mary's Mini"-basically a cross between the MWL program & the Mary's Mini. It is bringing me such mental & physical peace so far! A simplified system that makes meals easy & within my personal food sensitivity boundaries. I am having better digestion from this style also. This is very motivating to continue, my plan is to eat this way through the end of calendar year & then reassess. I am really enjoying the food, I have always loved simple peasant style meals. I forgot to add the rest of yesterday's meals but I had same dinner as lunch & more of the pumpkin oat bites. I love the bites, will be making more today after the ones I have left are consumed. I have another migraine today, par for the menopause course. They are much less than I had a few years ago when I was in a different stage of this transformation, & I am getting closer to being done & hopefully will return to being migraine free as I was before I was of reproductive age. Today's meals as follows:
B: 3/4 cup dry rolled oats & 1 apple, cooked together & served with cinnamon & salt.
L: 2 cups steamed green beans & zucchini, 1 cup cooked jasmine rice & 1/2 cup black beans served with salt & spices (turmeric, ginger, garlic, cumin) This beans/rice spice combo is DELICIOUS! Will be repeating for dinner :)
D: 1 cup cooked jasmine rice, 1/2 cup black beans with spice used at lunch. Added ginger, garlic & salt to rice. Ate 3 raw carrots, a banana & 2 oat bites. Too full to eat any of the fresh pumpkin oat bites I made today!
Appetite is definitely less intense today-try as I might to keep eating-I am getting so full from this food! My new technique of front loading with 2 cups of vegetables at lunch & dinner for my first course, then 2nd course of starches is really working well. I am a volume eater, so to be able to eat to satisfaction at every meal is very good for keeping me on the plan! I have been letting myself have "as much as I want" even to being a bit overfull. Hopefully I won't feel the need for that after a few more days or weeks & can just relax into the routine, knowing I will never starve. :)

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Re: Oona's path of health & vitality.

Postby OOnaOwl » Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:30 pm

Weigh in today: 118lbs before bathroom visit. So far the weight loss is not seemingly happening. It has only been about a week, hope I see some shift southward soon!
B: 4 pumpkin oat bites
L: steamed vegetables(carrots, peas, onion & cabbage) 2 cups, 1 cup cooked basmati rice.
Back later to add more!

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Re: Oona's path of health & vitality.

Postby OOnaOwl » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:38 pm

Today's weight: 117.3 lbs. Scale still not really moving, but I think I might be able to see more of my ribcage? Also my upper arms look less puffy. Face is less puffy also. I feel much better eating this way! Trying to be patient for the weight loss....
B: leftover pumpkin oat bites & coffee (I am not giving up the beans damnit)
L: 2 cups steamed broccoli with nooch & garlic salt added at table, 1-2 cups of basmati rice with salt & spices added at table.
S: brown rice puff cereal banana & almond milk, small bowl coconut bliss cappuccino ice cream (so naughty!-it's almost gone & I won't buy more, it was a summer treat).
D: 2 cups steamed carrots & 1 1/2 cups basmati rice.
* I went to the bathroom twice today, hopefully this means digestion is adjusting to the all plant foods diet & improving from it. Also it hopefully means I will start losing weight!

I got a big bag of pears today & restocked gf oats supply, going to make fruit crisp tonight! I also have some ginger-turmeric tea to enjoy. This seasonal period from September to December is my favorite, for food as well as weather. I can hear the rain falling outside now as I type this! :)
Last edited by OOnaOwl on Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:39 pm

2 items of note:

1. My "front-loading" vegetable technique is really helping my satiety & vegetable/fruit to starch ratio for MWL.

2. My voracious appetite this week was caused by an unexpected (but perfectly on time for perimenopause) visit from T.O.M. Appetites have returned to normal, what a relief!

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:55 pm

Today's weight: 117.3 lbs. before bathroom visit.
My need to over-feed seems still reduced, what a relief!
B: about 5 1pumpkin spice oat bites-today I added fresh orange zest! YUM. Coffee & water
L: Leftover basmati rice (a cup?) 1 steamed zucchini & a couple bites
Back later to add more...

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:27 pm

Today's weight: 116.7 lbs (before bathroom visit). I hope this is the start of a southward moving weight scale trend of fat reduction!
Woke up to another migraine after some hot flashes, insomnia, joint pain & anxiety during the night. T.O.M. is still here.

B: Oats with savory spices & a banana, coffee.
L: homemade red lentil cabbage & carrot stew (SOS free) with a cup or so of cooked basmati rice (leftover).
I made a large-ish pot of the stew, will be eating it again at dinner with fresh made jasmine or basmati rice.
S: leftover pumpkin oat bites. & a 1/2 cup of coconut bliss ice cream (almost gone then not repurchasing until next summer).
D: same as lunch!

Digestion is in a state of rough adjustment it would seem. Taking acidophilous & enzymes to help the microbiome sort itself out. Hope I will soon have less disturbance!
Feeling better tonight, tired but all other symptoms are much improved. Headed to sleep soon, this weekend focused on my qigong teacher training.

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:45 am

Still on plan! Got busy & forgot to post.
Current weight: 116.4 Very slight downward trend in weight, I pray it continues!
B: Oats with warming spices, salt & honey (tsp), banana, coffee.
Today I am beginning a 3 day online qigong workshop, don't know how/when I will prepare meals. I will update when time allows....

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:48 am

OOnaOwl wrote:Today's weight: 116.7 lbs (before bathroom visit). I hope this is the start of a southward moving weight scale trend of fat reduction!
Woke up to another migraine after some hot flashes, insomnia, joint pain & anxiety during the night. T.O.M. is still here.

B: Oats with savory spices & a banana, coffee.
L: homemade red lentil cabbage & carrot stew (SOS free) with a cup or so of cooked basmati rice (leftover).
I made a large-ish pot of the stew, will be eating it again at dinner with fresh made jasmine or basmati rice.
S: leftover pumpkin oat bites. & a 1/2 cup of coconut bliss ice cream (almost gone then not repurchasing until next summer).
D: same as lunch!

Digestion is in a state of rough adjustment it would seem. Taking acidophilous & enzymes to help the microbiome sort itself out. Hope I will soon have less disturbance!
Feeling better tonight, tired but all other symptoms are much improved. Headed to sleep soon, this weekend focused on my qigong teacher training.

Hi Oona,

Curious to know how the digestion has adjusted? I had MAJOR gas when I first started, and it lasted quite a while. Has yours calmed down? Mine finally did and now it's hardly any at all, and non-smelly and I actually have IBS.

I'm going to adopt your "front load veggies" trick!

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:08 pm

bunsofaluminum wrote:
OOnaOwl wrote:Today's weight: 116.7 lbs (before bathroom visit). I hope this is the start of a southward moving weight scale trend of fat reduction!
Woke up to another migraine after some hot flashes, insomnia, joint pain & anxiety during the night. T.O.M. is still here.

B: Oats with savory spices & a banana, coffee.
L: homemade red lentil cabbage & carrot stew (SOS free) with a cup or so of cooked basmati rice (leftover).
I made a large-ish pot of the stew, will be eating it again at dinner with fresh made jasmine or basmati rice.
S: leftover pumpkin oat bites. & a 1/2 cup of coconut bliss ice cream (almost gone then not repurchasing until next summer).
D: same as lunch!

Digestion is in a state of rough adjustment it would seem. Taking acidophilous & enzymes to help the microbiome sort itself out. Hope I will soon have less disturbance!
Feeling better tonight, tired but all other symptoms are much improved. Headed to sleep soon, this weekend focused on my qigong teacher training.

Hi Oona,

Curious to know how the digestion has adjusted? I had MAJOR gas when I first started, and it lasted quite a while. Has yours calmed down? Mine finally did and now it's hardly any at all, and non-smelly and I actually have IBS.

I'm going to adopt your "front load veggies" trick!

Hello! :) Yes, after I started taking probiotics (PB8) and some enzymes (American Health) & digestion is very much improving! I also have mixed IBS (such fun) & this WOE +aforementioned supplements-seems to be moving me towards more digestive harmony. Glad yours has improved too! When I ate mostly this way (whole food plants & very little to no oil starch based) before I both felt & looked good. I seem to be slowly moving back in that direction again. This week I have been lazy, not doing the front loading just focused on simple meals that are on plan. Hope to get back to the front load trick starting tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:20 pm

Today's weight: 116.4 lbs before bathroom visit.
Weight hasn't shifted south much (about 2 to 4 pounds since I started over a month ago) but as long as it keeps moving south I will be patient. I swear I can see more of my ribs, and some other areas appear less pudgy also. My guess is that I am losing fat which doesn't weigh very much, which is why scale isn't dramatically dropping) was feeling very impatient for weight loss for first month, but am doing my best now to be patient & focus on eating to plan. Made dahl for the first time since last winter. Enjoying a bowl now for lunch! Had a couple meals off plan past week, I aim for over 90% compliance & I am within that range I think. Digestion is harmonizing, sleep is a bit more restful. Generally feeling & looking slightly better, hope that trend continues also :).
*** Edited to add I just looked at my first consistent entry since restarting plan-looks like it has only been 3 to 4 weeks. I guess that is decent weight loss for someone of my starting height/weight/age/etc. from what I have read. That is good to know!

B: Oats (3/4 cup dry) 1 banana, 1 TBSP tahini, salt & cinnamon. (tahini is rare treat, haven't had any since July until today).
L: Dahl stew (made of basmati rice, red lentils, carrots, cabbage, onion, green peas & spices cooked in water).
Will be back later to add rest of food.
I'm obsessed with my pear crisp recipe, will be making that again this week to enjoy for breakfast (it's basically fancy baked oatmeal after all).

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:07 pm

Still here, still on plan. Zero weight lost, this is getting so so so old....I just keep bouncing up/down same 2 pounds ad nauseum.
I am actually overweight, this is not entirely a vanity thing. I am not obese, but still-there are many pounds of pure fat on my
body that are not healthy or attractive & I keep trying to lose them in vain. I am NEVER giving up because I refuse to accept being chubby as a way of life from here on out. Exercise has NEVER worked for me to lose weight, not training for marathons or anything. I have only ever lost weight by what I eat or don't eat. :
Today's meals:
B: 2 cups steamed cauliflower, 1/3 cup oats 1 pear and a handful of blueberries. added salt & cinnamon.
L: 1/2 cup adzuki beans, 1 steamed zucchini
s: 1 banana 1/2 tsp. tahini
D: 2 cups cooked carrots, 1 cup cooked basmati rice.

I am so angry & frustrated.....
Weight today 117.5 :( which is HUGE for me. Not going to share pics but believe me it is at least 15 pounds of pure fat.

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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby WeeSpeck » Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:01 am

Hi Oona,

Your last post hit a note with me and I felt compelled to comment. I feel like I can relate on some level.

I am a short person and to be at a healthy weight, I need to weigh quite a bit less than my lanky tall sisters. My tallest sister is nearly 6 feet. She and I could weigh the same number and her BMI would be grossly underweight and my BMI would be in the unhealthy category. We obviously cannot eat the same amount of food to maintain healthy weight.

But, it doesn’t seem fair that she can eat huge amounts of food and seemingly not be impacted by weight issues. While I have to watch my calorie density very carefully to maintain a healthy weight range.

I think it is harder for shorter petite people to reach and maintain a healthy BMI as compared to people who are taller and can carry more weight and still maintain good numbers. There … I said it. Wah Wah Wah!! I always feel like I’m a whiner when I make that statement. But, my favorite response is to ball up my fists, stomp my feet and mutter, “It’s not fair!!!!!!” :crybaby: :crybaby: :lol:

I am committed to my exercise routine. But, I also cannot use exercise to lose weight. I exercise because I love to eat. All exercise seems to do for me is increase my appetite and give me permission to eat more when I do eat. If I did not exercise daily, and I didn’t change how much I eat, I would put on the pounds. So, I would rather exercise and get to eat more than not exercise and have to closely regulate my food intake.

It seems counter-intuitive. I need exercise in my life to regulate my weight. But, in the end it is all about the food. I continue to remind myself I am not a freak of nature. I am not an anomaly. If I follow the principles of this lifestyle, I will lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI. When I eat outside of those parameters, I will gain.

But, us petite sizes seem to have a much narrower margin of error and that is the part that sucks. The challenge is real.

Hang in there! You know what to do.

Thanks for letting me vent in your journal. :-D I have a journal somewhere in the deep recesses of this forum. I am just not feeling like digging it out.

Have a great day!
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Re: Oona's Ogham

Postby OOnaOwl » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:33 pm

WeeSpeck wrote:Hi Oona,

Your last post hit a note with me and I felt compelled to comment. I feel like I can relate on some level.

I am a short person and to be at a healthy weight, I need to weigh quite a bit less than my lanky tall sisters. My tallest sister is nearly 6 feet. She and I could weigh the same number and her BMI would be grossly underweight and my BMI would be in the unhealthy category. We obviously cannot eat the same amount of food to maintain healthy weight.

But, it doesn’t seem fair that she can eat huge amounts of food and seemingly not be impacted by weight issues. While I have to watch my calorie density very carefully to maintain a healthy weight range.

I think it is harder for shorter petite people to reach and maintain a healthy BMI as compared to people who are taller and can carry more weight and still maintain good numbers. There … I said it. Wah Wah Wah!! I always feel like I’m a whiner when I make that statement. But, my favorite response is to ball up my fists, stomp my feet and mutter, “It’s not fair!!!!!!” :crybaby: :crybaby: :lol:

I am committed to my exercise routine. But, I also cannot use exercise to lose weight. I exercise because I love to eat. All exercise seems to do for me is increase my appetite and give me permission to eat more when I do eat. If I did not exercise daily, and I didn’t change how much I eat, I would put on the pounds. So, I would rather exercise and get to eat more than not exercise and have to closely regulate my food intake.

It seems counter-intuitive. I need exercise in my life to regulate my weight. But, in the end it is all about the food. I continue to remind myself I am not a freak of nature. I am not an anomaly. If I follow the principles of this lifestyle, I will lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI. When I eat outside of those parameters, I will gain.

But, us petite sizes seem to have a much narrower margin of error and that is the part that sucks. The challenge is real.

Hang in there! You know what to do.

Thanks for letting me vent in your journal. :-D I have a journal somewhere in the deep recesses of this forum. I am just not feeling like digging it out.

Have a great day!

Hello! Thank you so much for your post. Thanks for sharing your similar plight with me :). I agree, petite people have a narrower margin etc. I know technically-especially by American standards-I am "normal" as I am right now-but for me I am quite overly fat. I will definitely continue this plan & I hope it leads me back to slim & healthy over time as before. I know it is not all CICO but I do believe it is somewhat a case of energy input/output imbalance which contributed to the fat gain. Wishing you the very best of health & beauty on this journey :)

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