bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:14 pm

Hey, no nibbles? Great! :nod:

You're making a great pathway to doing it full time!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:57 pm

mmmm, I had banana ice cream today. The simplest, and yummiest treat! It is as smooth and creamy as dairy ice cream, sweet and cold... and made with one (1) ingredient...Bananas. SO good. I am totally making this and having it around. I figure, it's a serving of fruit, eh? :unibrow: I think Mrs D puts cocoa powder (is that in the McDougall version of it?)

anyway. :nod: good stuff. I'm glad I made it.

What else did I have today?

I had the six grain cereal w/cinnamon, honey, and chopped apple for Brekkie.

Lunch was the samosa filling and steamed broccoli.

Snack of rice w/fava beans and corn.

Dinner: miso soup w/noodles, chopped mixed vegs. I made enough for lunch tomorrow.

Oh! I had to tell about the bird. Have I mentioned here before about birds and me? I first noticed it when I was 14 years old, sitting out on the front lawn playing my guitar. I flopped back on my back and there overhead were four hawks just circling and soaring. Ever since then, I've noticed birds near me. Maybe I'm just alert to them. I don't know. I do know, I see birds a lot. Had a bald eagle rush my vehicle and almost get himself hit; watched two red tail hawk males duke it out over a female; a kestrel got himself trapped in an out building and got a close up look at him; etc. Even, this past winter, I had put some seed and suet out in a little frisbee-tacked-to-a-stump feeder I'd made. Said to myself "hm, wonder if any birds are visiting my feeder?" and peeked out. There was an oriole and his mate. :-o See? The timing is just perfect so many times. Driving to work in a SUBURB, I had a pheasant accompany me along the road for two blocks. He was trying to get to the golf course! :lol:

Well, today I was sitting out on my front porch and reading something online. Heard this clear, high chirping sound. When I glanced up, there was a medium small falcon gliding along. He made his high chirping call a few more times, then wheeled away as i watched. It was like he was in the sky over me, and needed me to notice him, so he made some noise to get my attention. As soon as I turned my eyes toward him, he moved along.

hm. When I get to heaven, I'm asking the Lord "what was with all the birds?" :lol: At any rate, they really have been a blessing all along and I'm thankful to have so many birds in my life. :)

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:10 pm

Hi Heidi, Woh, a falcon! How great!

It sounds like you had a delicious day. Banana ice cream is my treat too.

So good to see you here.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:28 pm

A good day today. :) Food-wise, I did 95% compliance (popcorn w/a movie after dinner)

Oh, but! I'm proud of myself, because at work, due to rainy snow conditions, we decided to make Breakfast for Lunch with pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs. I even cooked the bacon and didn't have any. In fact, it was not tempting. The eggs would have been tempting if they hadn't been scrambled with cheese and tomatoes. :?

I had one pancake with grape jelly...oops, 94% compliance. :lol:

What I Ate Today:

B: hashbrowns w/ketchup and spicy mustard
B2: quinoa and swiss chard w/garlic
L: quinoa and salad, 321 dressing
T*: chocolate mint truffle tea 8) yum
D: quinoa w/tomatoes

what else did I eat? well, popcorn ... hm, nothing else. No sweets. Wait...a Tostito, "touch of lime" ACCCK. NASTY. Why did I EVER like that? My kids had some in the house, and I tasted one. blch. It tastes SO synthetic. Not a good natural lime taste at all. I think it was the MSG I was sensing. blch.

Otherwise, everything is quiet and peaceful in my life. Can't think of much to say. The center was calm, even. There is one client, who just loves food. When he has a full tummy, he is calm...when he's hungry, he can be restless. Today, with that plateful of food, he was calm :nod:

*T stands for treat :D

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:10 pm

Hi Heidi, We're twins! i had chocolate mint truffle tea for supper too.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:16 am

You're doing so great!! No junk at the junk food house, Wow! And not being tempted while cooking! Great job! I's so fun to know that the change is real and the struggle doesn't last forever, isn't it? I love reading your journal. Glad life is calm and happy for you. :-D Hope you have another great day!

How do you make the banana ice cream? Sounds really yummy and refreshing!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby mtns » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:32 pm

Where did you get the tea from? That sounds wonderful.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Anna Green » Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:54 pm

Buns! You sound good. Your food sounds good too. I'll be over tomorrow for lunch. 8)
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:21 pm

raven You're the one who turned me on to the stuff. TOTAL yum! It's a real treat with just a dab of honey in it. *slurp*

kirstykay Here is how to make banana ice cream: Use very ripe but not black bananas. Cut into chunks about 2". Put on plate or baking tray so they're not touching. Put in freezer for 2-2.5 hours. DO NOT let them freeze super solid. After about 2.5 hours, blend them. Probably works with a food processor too. Just put them in the blender on a pretty high spin, and before long, it turns into a creamy delectable, just like soft serve ice cream. SO delicious.

mtns I first heard about the chocolate mint truffle tea from Raven. It is made by Mighty Leaf, and I bought it and a sampler pack at Whole Foods in SLC. Very good stuff!

Anna I always love it when you drop by. :) You come over and see my veggies that I planted this evening. And we'll have a delicious lunch. :thumbsup: any time.

Another good day today. No junk food; no off plan nibbles. In fact, I had spinach and rice for Brekkie and Lunch, and fasting for dinner, and tomorrow's breakfast and lunch at least. Possibly dinner too. I like to eat simple before a fast, and spinach and rice is the easiest simple meal to do. I also ate some sweet potato.

Part of my day was joyful, because I got to play with Mr M. He and I jogged around the center about five times. There are plum trees along the edge of the parking lot, covered with blossoms and droplets of water clinging to them...every time we came to them, Mr M and I stopped and grabbed a branch and shook water and blossom petals all over ourselves! :) And, his favorite thing EVER is making big trucks honk at him...which he achieved, from the parking lot, with a passing UPS truck! made me laugh!

Part of my day made me very sad, because the client who I help on M-W-F forgot how to swallow today. He had a bite of French toast in his mouth, kept on spacing out, staring at the TV, not chewing. i kept reminding him to chew, and his mom kept reminding him that he needed to swallow. Finally, he spit out the bite of food, and then his mom had to talk him through the steps of swallowing, so he could take his meds and drink his drink. It made me cry. He was so sad and so tired. His mom said the last time he ate really good was on Monday, and that was 3/4's of a frozen pasta entree. He may be getting 500 calories a day. She has been telling me that swallowing has been getting more difficult, but today was the first I'd ever seen of it. :( ...He slept for about an hour, and was feeling better before I left, thankfully.

And part of my day was peaceful and introspective, because I spent 90 minutes planting four tomato plants, two peppers, two poor little scraggly lemon cucumbers, and a dozen marigolds. Oh! and a columbine plant. My daddy's favorite flower was the columbine. :) I planted it in his name. It was very good, in the vesper light, getting my hands into wet soil, blessing God's earth with fruitful and lovely plants, seeing the abundance of life all through the soil, (:lol: I saw a black beetle on his back, so I turned him over and he buried his head in the dirt, JUST LIKE one of Rabbit's friends and relations from Winnie the Pooh! ha!) caking my knees and shoes and fingernails with dirt. I peeked, and the peas I planted are coming up. Beets, too! But the spinach patch is looking like weeds. hm.

I also bought squash seeds for crook neck and zucchini, but not sure where I'll put em.

Tomorrow, I will plant some rows of carrot and also nasturtiums! Yay! Did you ever eat a nasturtium leaf? Good in salads. :nod:

and that's about all. Busy day tomorrow.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:53 pm

Hi Heidi, I'm glad you found the tea.

I hope your busy day tomorrow is pleasant, or, if not, at least over quickly.

I hope to hear about it later.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:07 pm

ahhh, end of the day. I'm wiped out, having missed dinner last night and two meals today, preparatory to a prayer meeting/house blessing at a friend's house.

I wonder if eating this way has changed how my body metabolizes sugar because the past two times I've fasted, it's been VERY difficult physically. Makes my heart pound really hard. Anyway.

I will tell about the day probably tomorrow. Mostly it was just mental and spiritual preparation for a prayer meeting in a family's house, where the people have been dealing with illnesses and accidents. That's what a lot of the whole past week has been given to, and one of the reasons why I haven't spent as much time here. But that's over now. It was a blessing, and filled with a lot of joy.

What I ate today: 1/2 c of rice and an apple at noonday (I had to. I was getting ill from low blood sugar)

and a big plate of spinach and rice with Mary M's Thai noodle salad sauce over the top of it. Which was JUST delicious! slurp!

and eight cookies :oops:

The lesson i bring out of this? DON'T HAVE FOOD LIKE THAT IN THE HOUSE WHEN I'VE BEEN FASTING! Seriously, they were sitting there on the table while I ate. I thought "gotta toss those" and then reached for the first one and BAM trigger-ville. I ate em all. :(

and tomorrow's a new day. and I'm wiped out, so I gotta sign off.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:30 am

the scale was at 198 yesterday morning, but back up to 200 this morning. sheesh. I will post a change on my ticker when the scale reads the same number three days in a row (or, I could quit weighing every day, huh)

Yesterday was a good day, because I got to play with my grandkids. :) My boy, 7 years old, has been grounded from video games so when I got there yesterday, he had his dinosaur town out and ready to go. he said "Will you play dinosaurs with me?" and I did. We launched boulders and cavemen, we collapsed the king's throne and another building...many times. We made dinosaur piles, and we laughed our heads off. we named the dinosaurs. One, whose "useless forearms" were sort of up, he reminded me of someone praising the Lord, so we named him Preacher Saurus. Then, my guy named one who had spikes on its head "Sharp Rex" and of course there's a long neck, and it was called Long Neck. :) and we never did name the one with the sail thingy on its back, but we determined that it could go in water, becasue of the sail. :nod:

And of course I held my wee one, who is 7 months old. sweet angel baby sugar pie darlin. Fun afternoon! Oh, and my dil is feeding her family more veggies! She has cut their meat portions by half, and 50% of every plate is vegetables! ha! my son doesn't like it much. :evil: But I can see she has more energy. The house is clean, and she was in a really good mood. Seems eating your vegs is good for ya! yay!

Today's Plan
B: baked sweet potato
B2: rice w/rice milk and brown sugar/cinnamon; apple
L: baked potatoes and salad
S: baked sweet potato (at client's house)
D: quinoa and stir fried vegs

sounds good. Let's eat!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Love the Lorax » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:05 am

Nothing better than lovin' on little ones! And what an incentive to stay healthy!!! Your DIL is very fortunate - seriously!! My mom is getting worse - overweight with ALL of the complications that go with it. Now just getting up and walking is an effort, so no more taking walks with her grandkids, etc. I've given her McDougall books, but nothing changes. :crybaby:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:27 am

Hi there Lorax. Haven't seen you for awhile. :thumbsup:

It tickles me that my family are choosing veggies. I have not preached it AT ALL, just eating this way and if anyone asks, telling them. and they are changing their ways. even my mom is eating more vegs. I told my dil she could expect her energy levels to increase even more and the morning dragginess would go away. She told me she's playing with the kids more and feels like she doesn't need her afternoon coffee.

oooh that's how it was for me, too. :unibrow: mwah hahahahahaaaaa. We will make them McDougallers yet!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby sksamboots » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:03 am

Look at you, impacting the life of your family. Small changes are what got me where I am today, so your DIL is headed in the right direction :nod:

Yay on 198 :-) :D
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