Grit and Determination

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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby AnnetteW » Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:43 am

Shoot, Lyndzie caught us. She does need to know I read the maintenance group regularly and look forward to the day I can join them officially.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:50 am

Lyndzie wrote:Haha, I love this. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t need a support group! Trying to navigate a “toxic food environment” is not for the feeble, that’s for sure.

Thank you , Lyndsey, for all your support! This really is the hardest thing I've attempted in a while! I'm not going to give up, though.
Annette, I know! No sneaking around with a public journal. :o I still haven't decided to give in to the WW buns as a regular thing. Last night I went off my plan. :( I let myself get too hungry without any prepped veggies. I tried eating bulgur and brown rice and beans but I kept wanting something else. I ended up eating a WW bun with apple butter, I added a WW tortilla with my beans, AND I ate my husband's leftover white pasta with some crushed pecans!!! Geez,,, Depressing.... I also didn't get any exercise. Somehow I need to get my groove back.
September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Last edited by moonlight on Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby sirdle » Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:35 am

AnnetteW wrote:Shoot, Lyndzie caught us. She does need to know I read the maintenance group regularly and look forward to the day I can join them officially.

moonlight wrote:Annette, I know! No sneaking around with a public journal. :o

You never know where she's going to turn up!

:-P :-P :-P
"Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment chop wood, carry water." -- Zen proverb
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Fri Sep 20, 2019 3:03 pm

Today I've eaten brown rice and cooked veggies twice. It is really good food and it feels good to be eating healthier food. :D

For dinner I had a Thai meal with tofu... :(
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:24 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

I need to get my groove back!!!

B: savory steel cut oats
L: broccoli, corn, potatoes
S: banana
D: vegetarian baked beans, brown rice, broccoli and cabbage stir-fry
S: brown rice
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:46 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Yesterday I thought about food a lot! I managed to only eat MWL approved food.

B: potato kale soup
L: baked potato fries with ketchup
S: veggie soup and corn
D: Mexican restaurant - spinach enchiladas and chips

Even though I didn't stay within MWL guidelines for dinner, I made better choices than I usually do in this situation. No cheese and no beer. :)
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:07 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D :? 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

I'm not giving up. Today I am hoping to get in a little exercise. Tomorrow I plan to hike 8.5 miles.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:00 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D :? :D :mrgreen: 25 26 27 28 29 30

Yesterday I went on a great hike. I appreciate being able to hike 9 miles on trails that were not too easy. There was a lot of elevation change. We hike up 2000 ft in 2 miles then down, up and down, then back up another 2000 ft in a shorter distance. It was beautiful. I wasn't too tired but today I am sore. I'm hoping it will inspire me to exercise on a regular basis.

Meditation has been an important part of my life for several years but there are times when life gets busy and unpredictable and I drop my meditation practice. That happened to me this summer and I've never been able to get it back. I think it would help me keep my priorities straight. Lately I've been struggling with my diet and goals to exercise. I generally just feel quite lousy. I feel that my life is wrapped up in disappointment concerning my choices and lifestyle.

On the upbeat note, I have been sunbathing every 2-3 days at noon for 15 minutes. I'm fair-skinned so that is plenty of time. I have stopped taking the vitamin D supplement the doctor convinced me that I needed. My vitamin D level was very low a couple of years ago but I think the last time it was tested it was 12xx. I'm not sure of the unit of measurement... From the latest report on JeffN's forum I feel comfortable not taking the supplement. I'll have my level checked again at the end of October.

The last few days I have really enjoyed broccoli. It has been my vegetable of choice. Kroger's is selling these rather large bags of pre cut broccoli heads for a good price. It is so easy to plop them in the steamer and eat. So good for the lazy cook I've become. :)
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:54 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D :? :D :mrgreen: :( 26 27 28 29 30

Yesterday I ate some corn chips and a piece of homemade zucchini bread... This is so frustrating!! I've been thinking about giving this journal a break. I'm afraid I might really go off the diet if I stop checking in here, though. Somehow I have got to get motivated to exercise. I should rename my journal The Broken Record: Stuck on relapsing...

So, today I managed to only eat MWL plan food. I ate more vegetables with my starch. I also got in 30 minutes of exercise. Exercise is like having a rainbow appear inside my body. I just feel so much lighter after exercising.
Last edited by moonlight on Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby AnnetteW » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:06 am

moonlight wrote:Yesterday I ate some corn chips and a piece of homemade zucchini bread... This is so frustrating!! I've been thinking about giving this journal a break. I'm afraid I might really go off the diet if I stop checking in here, though. Somehow I have got to get motivated to exercise. I should rename my journal The Broken Record: Stuck on relapsing...

DON'T DO IT!!! Do not give your journal a break, you know exactly what will happen. I have been feeling the same lately, the scale doesn't move, the "cheats" keep popping into my mouth, but I know the moment I stop paying attention, I've given up. I can't do that. And I'm going to guess you are the same as I.

If a few chips and zucchini bread is the worst thing you ate yesterday, so be it. Put it into perspective... they aren't that horrible. You didn't eat a whole birthday cake with frosting, down a bottle or two of wine, drown your sorrows in a quart of icecream. Oh, just think the tummy aches you'd have.

So reframe, reframe every single day if necessary. Make your plan, whether or not you stick to it. I think for me personally, some of it is due to knowing Fall is in the air, and I'm looking forward to more comfort cooking, and yummy fall flavors.

Focus on the "absolutes" - no animal products, no added fats. Being a bit less restrictive (this is totally my own opinion) isn't the end of the world once in a while. I personally wouldn't survive any food plan if I had to be perfect. I've been eating nuts lately, and nut butter, I know it's not what I should be eating, but I'm not eating a bunch of eggs and drinking milk.

Okay, enough of me....I'm just telling myself what I need to be doing, because your comment obviously hit a sore spot with me.

Perhaps your little "face chart" is too judgmental right now. You might need more positive reinforcement instead. Just a thought.

Take care.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:15 am

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D :? :D :mrgreen: :( :mrgreen: 27 28 29 30

Thanks, Annette, for your comments. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I think we have similar approaches to this change of lifestyle. I have been so very frustrated and having my struggles in a public journal is difficult at times! I appreciate getting feedback from people, such as you, who are going through the same struggles. There's a level of accountability keeping this journal going. Like you said, I'm afraid if I stop reporting here I will stop trying so hard to stay on the MWL plan. I just feel like I'm trying to hold a gallon of water with only my hands; I just can't seem to keep it all together. If I exercise, I'm going to go off plan. If I stay on plan, I'm not going to exercise... I know the plan is simple. The food can be very simple. I like eating healthy. Exercise should not be difficult for me. My body is able. I have very nice exercise equipment in my house. I feel better mentally and physically when I exercise. I feel motivated... So what gives?!?

Yes, my smiley face calendar is lacking in reporting the degree of deviation from my goals. Often times my off plan eating is not very much but it is still off plan. I like the perspective of seeing at a glance how I've done over the last few days or weeks, but it is a big huge downer to not be able to get through a week, or even half a week, without going off the MWL plan. If it was once a week, I would feel better. Having positive energy is so important in doing this and looking at my progress through the lens of this calendar paints a very demoralizing picture. I've been aware of my 'internal audience' (Dr. Lisle's terminology). I've also been trying to give myself compassion. And, I think if I continue to follow the path, one step at a time, I'm convinced that eventually I'll end up where I want to be. So, today, my journal is appropriately titled. :) I started my day with a little sitting meditation. Then I rowed on my beautiful home rowing machine (made out of wood, it's nice). Then I ate spinach and rice (no salt added) for breakfast. I'm optimistic that I'm about to start a new chapter where I stay focused and achieve my goals.
Last edited by moonlight on Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby sirdle » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:39 am

AnnetteW wrote:
moonlight wrote:Yesterday I ate some corn chips and a piece of homemade zucchini bread... This is so frustrating!! I've been thinking about giving this journal a break. I'm afraid I might really go off the diet if I stop checking in here, though. Somehow I have got to get motivated to exercise. I should rename my journal The Broken Record: Stuck on relapsing...

DON'T DO IT!!! Do not give your journal a break, you know exactly what will happen. I have been feeling the same lately, the scale doesn't move, the "cheats" keep popping into my mouth, but I know the moment I stop paying attention, I've given up. I can't do that. And I'm going to guess you are the same as I.

I agree with Annette. Personally, I'm at a very good place right now, but when life messes with my mind, I know I'll start to slip. How far I'll slip will depend on how focussed I can stay. If I reach the point where I don't weigh myself, stop posting (or even reading) comments from others, and stop thinking of junk food as poison, then I'll free-fall... and who knows where I'll end up?

Obviously, if you need to take a break from journalling then that's what you need to do. But I hope you won't. We understand. We listen. We can help you find compassion and self-acceptance. Sometimes that's enough to help turn the tide.

moonlight wrote:I have been so very frustrated and having my struggles in a public journal is difficult at times!

Well... it's not that public. It's not like we're going to show up at your house and beat you with soft cushions or force you into the comfy chair... although, enticing you to watch old Monty Python skits might prove torture enough.

Cheers, :-P
"Before Enlightenment chop wood, carry water. After Enlightenment chop wood, carry water." -- Zen proverb
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby f00die » Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:18 am

you got 16 days on plan, 10 days off plan so far this month
its where you are at
itd be nice if it was 26, but it isnt
keep going maybe one day itll be 26
maybe it wont
but you wont know if you dont try
theres always the 100% chance to get the next meal right
or mostly right
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:43 pm

Hey, thank you so much for the kind words. Sirdle, I've been watching Monty Python skits for the last few minutes. That really puts it into perspective, a good silly laugh! f00die, I appreciate your thoughts, especially this:

"theres always the 100% chance to get the next meal right
or mostly right

I love it. I've gotta relax into this thing. Exercising yesterday and today has helped my mood tremendously. The thing is, I've stayed my current weight for the last year.... I know that's better than having to report that I've gained 30lbs. Still,,,

This little chat has been good. Thank you all for your input! :D
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Re: Grit and Determination

Postby moonlight » Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:41 am

This website is so amazing. Being able to get the support from fellow McDougallers is key to my success with this diet. There are so few people who eat this way. None of my friends and family choose this lifestyle, not even my husband. I'm encouraged that perhaps a younger generation will turn to a WFPB diet as they learn about the impact of animal production on our environment.

Today I plan to start a fall garden. I like to grow greens, garlic, and onions. I bought collard, kale, chard, and spinach plants. I have garlic from last year to plant. I let my summer garden fizzle out. It's been so dry here since the end of July. I felt like my garden was too big to keep watered. Hopefully, it will start raining again.

Yesterday I was able to exercise and only eat food for the MWL diet. I got a lot of work done that I had been putting off for a while. I'm starting to feel better. I'm able to meditate and exercise first thing in the morning. I feel more at peace. I think my internal audience is satisfied.

September :D :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :D :D :oops: :D :D :D :D :D :( :( :( :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :crybaby: :crybaby: :D :? :D :mrgreen: :( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 28 29 30

Exercise: 30 minutes on WaterRower
Food Plan
B: steel cut oats and greens
L: sweet potato and roasted vegetables (precut frozen veggies) and vegetable soup
D: salad, meatless bean loaf, red potatoes
Snacks: frozen blueberries and a banana
Last edited by moonlight on Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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