Journal of my journey

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:33 am

April 9, 2019

Gotta make this a quick post, I need to get moving extra early this morning because I need to take my granddaughter to school. It is so good to see her.

My eating yesterday was not even close to what I planned, I had to make some major changes. I started with the breakfast plan. Then was busy for 3 hours and ended up having peanut butter and jelly toast (x2) For supper I just had the mashed potatoes and gravy, but no mushrooms. That filled me up so I did not have anything else. The best part of my meal planning is that other than some raw carrots, I did not snack.

I found the latest bookzine of Forks Over Knives (found it at Walmart) and there is always a page or two explaining the diet, It had a small section on calorie density and I happened to notice that whole wheat bread's density comes in at 1,000 - 1,500 calories per pound. For some reason, seeing it in print this time is giving me a reality check considering I always slather on the peanut butter when I have bread.

I should really start tracking what I am eating to give me more of a reality check of the calories I am eating and where I need to be more aware of what I should change. I need do some meal prep for today and made a batch of rice and beans with onion, carrot, corn and spinach.

My granddaughter and I had a good time at the running class. I stayed with the beginner group because the lady I was running with in the advanced did not show up and GD1 wanted to do the beginner class. Afterwards, we do a 7 minute routine and since it was so nice weather wise and the ground was dry, we did it outside. I positioned myself so I was facing the sun - since I was against a building, it was so warm and it felt so good. Good memory to have since there is a snow storm in the forecast, the prediction is 8 - 15 inches. I am so ready for spring. Oh, my point of posting that was that it was a mood booster.

What I plan on eating today:
rice and beans with veggies


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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Apr 09, 2019 7:40 pm

April 9, 2019 pm

I just have to post again today because I had such an uplifting day, busy as it was. First I had to drive GD1 to school - 25 minutes one way, then on the way home, I stopped at the State Park just to check to see how the trails were. Well, my just checking it out turned into a 2+ mile walk. It was a bit chilly but it was so quiet. I cannot wait til the ground dries up and the weather is warmer so I can go camping.

Then I came home and checked on my shelter on the sliding hill (we have snow in the forecast for tomorrow night). Oh, I ended up having shredded wheat and a banana for breakfast. Lunch was mashed potatoes and gravy, pinto beans and mixed vegetables.

Took a nap and got some paper work done.

Then we went to the storm watch class - very informative this time on cloud formations. This was the instructors last class because she will be retiring - she is such a good instructor.

A friend of hubby's stopped by to visit, he brought us some of his home made caramels - they are so good. Sugar rush though. Temptations never end.

For supper I had a heat of romaine lettuce, spinach, hummus; pinto beans and vegetables and rice. Cup of cocoa. Hubby and his friend went out to eat, so I was able to eat my dinner in silence.

Then I went and raked the yard for about an hour and watched the sun set. Somewhere in the yard a quail is nesting, this is the second time I was working outside and she come walking on by.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Apr 11, 2019 8:52 am

What a wonderful day you describe! I imagine you are pretty much snowed in again, with the current storm system over you. Stay warm!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:28 am

April 14, 2019

Man, was that a heavy wet snow! I measured about 6-1/2 inches in our area here. The melting of this snowfall is slow - bummer because I was wanting start running on the roads again - it is too muddy and there are still too many snow/ice patches on the road. Looking ahead, we ought to see 50° soon.

My weight is still up; I need to start focusing more on the lower density calories and eliminate the stuff I know I ought not be eating. I am getting a bit better on controlling the amount I am eating, working on eliminating it. One thing that is helping is hubby is not wanting to go out to eat every time we go to town. But, now he is wanting to stop at the candy store every time we go to town. They use the imported good chocolate for their candies - I am working on strengthening my resistance muscles, but the constant temptation makes it so hard.

On the positive, I gave in the other day and bought 1/4 pound of dark chocolate orange peel - and I still have some. I am practicing mindful eating them and savoring the after taste. Plus, If I only eat a couple at a time, I enjoy the taste more.

My 10k is in 2 weeks - I better get a handle on my eating and get with my training program. If I don't get my run in first thing in the morning, I have a tendency to skip it - good thing I have that running class, at least I will get a couple days of running in each week.

Today, my eating plan is:
mandarin orange

Split pea soup (onion, carrot, celery, potato added)

sweet potato
black beans

Let's see how I do today...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Apr 15, 2019 6:24 am

April 15, 2019

Well, I made it through breakfast and lunch on plan yesterday - but I ate way too much of that split pea soup. I use Chef AJ's recipe - I love the spice mix that she has. I cooked my potatoes separate because I was making some for another meal, but ended up eating some for a snack.

Boiled potatoes lightly salted taste so much better than greasy potato chips - I need to remember that when I get my next craving for chips. I won't have the crunch but then I won't have that greasy feeling either.

As I was making the split pea soup, I saw that I had some over-ripe bananas so I made a loaf of banana bread - unfortunately, I picked a Cookie and Kate recipe - it had oil, but the plus is that it called for whole wheat flour and used maple syrup. I added walnuts and ate too much

My eating plan for today:
mandarin orange

sweet potato
black beans
power greens

leftover split pea soup
salad - romaine, power greens, and sweet kale mix

I have running class today, which means I have to drive one way to get GD1 and then go the other way for class - that is 1-3/4 hour in the car. It is so good to see GD1 weekly. She is 17 now, we have been running together for the last 7 years. I cannot imagine have run with my grandmas as I was growing up.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Apr 15, 2019 7:12 am

I have to add this because it speaks to me, I saw this on another website:

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby sirdle » Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:39 am

Morris wrote:I have to add this because it speaks to me, I saw this on another website:


Very nice. :-P
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:25 am

April 16, 2019

I had a good day exercise-wise yesterday. I had purchased a new pair of insoles for my running shoes - The berry Superfeet - man, oh man, what a contrast to the sof sol brand. I put my foot into the shoe and told hubby I was going for a run - (not planned, but those insole felt so good). I felt like a kid with new running shoes - except I did not run around saying, "I can run fast now." haha. I ran a little over 2 miles on the road here in front of our house. I even ran up the hill that I hate because it is so challenging for me to make it to the top without stopping. All I can say here is --- SUPERFEET!! :lol:

GD1 and I went to running class in the evening, another 2.6 miles. Plus a bit of a walk cool down to give me just a bit over 5 miles total. This season, I seem to be able to run for longer periods of time before I feel like I am totally out of breath. So that is an improvement.

My eating did not go as planned yesterday - I added some riced cauliflower and oatmeal with cashew coconut milk for breakfast - that seemed to have kept me satisfied until right before running class - so I had a bowl of cold cereal, banana and cashew coconut milk. I did munch on some potato chips after class - but it was controlled eating and not a binge.

Perhaps the morning run kept my appetite in check?

My eating plan for today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal with blue berries, banana, and mandarin topped with cashew coconut milk

split pea soup

sweet potato
kidney beans

I am hoping to eat better today ( meaning more vegetables) . At least I am planning what I ought to be eating. I just need to stick with it - but at least I am not giving up.

Note to self: drink more water!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:09 am

April 17, 2019

I enjoyed some beautiful weather yesterday - mid 60s. I went for a walk and was able to listen to the frogs - Spring is here, the frogs are (what word am I wanting here?) singing, croaking, ?? I ventured along the wood-line and next to a corn field and walked a bit and I was able to watch a couple of swans begin their courting. I found a nice spot for some sunset or moon rise photo taking.

Yesterday, my eating was way off what I planned - I started my day with coffee, then has some split pea soup.

Then we went out to eat at Bonanza - I chose wisely ( romaine, spinach topped with veggies, baked potato, salsa, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots) and although I took some dessert, I spit it out because it was nasty tasting - I took a snickerdoodle but it just tasted like sugared shortening. Gross

I am hoping that I am finally leaning toward to getting with the program and start making better choices. We went to lunch with my parents and it is so hard seeing them getting weaker and weaker each time I see them. My dad is in so much pain now. He cannot hold his head up and my mom is so tired and has such difficulty walking.

This has been a rough year for them, with my mom's surgery and long recovery and my dad's fall and that diagnosis of Parkinson's, the aging process is hitting them hard and fast. They look like they aged 10 years in less than a year. They are in the mid 80's now.

My eating plan for today:
split pea soup

I am going to try to have that sweet potato
kidney beans

?? -- running class tonight - track workout so I'll need to eat light, unless I wimp out because of the weather - rain is in the forecast
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:10 am

April 18, 2018

I wimped out of running class, it was raining and I had worked outside for a couple of hours in the late morning and early afternoon and did not feel like going to town to run in the rain. Instead, I rode the recumbent bike for 90 minutes, at an easy pace.

I am cleaning up a wild raspberry patch. I am hoping to give it some TLC this year and see what kind of berries it will produce this year. In the past, it always produced lots of berries, small but plentiful. But they grew in a clump, I am clearing up all the dead branches and am going to add rows to it to make picking the berries easier.

I ended up eating mostly beans/legumes yesterday. I had some chili and split pea soup --Almost all starch.

I have no idea what my eating plan will be for today - D2 and I are going to my parents to clean the house for them. I am thinking I may grab a Subway sandwich for lunch just so we won't have to stop and make lunch.

I'll start my day with either split pea soup or chile - a bean dish to fill me up.

Oh, I woke up yesterday to notice my compost bin thrown across the yard and my compost pile mostly gone = the bears are now awake and hungry.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:38 am

Morris wrote:I have to add this because it speaks to me, I saw this on another website:


This is really good! Going to keep it in mind!

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:34 am

April 19, 2019

Arrrgh! I am frustrated, I wasn't going to weigh myself, but these last two morning I have been waking up hungry these last couple of mornings mainly due to cutting out that evening snacking. But I gained, but I found a weigh in # from 2 years ago and I am happy to report that at least I am under that #, but I am about 5 pounds heavier than when I started this last weight gain.

I have been reading some other journals and it is comforting, in an odd sort of way, that I am not alone in my struggle with getting with and staying with this plan. It is so hard for me to get with it. I know I mentioned it before that I want to read the China Study again, but every time I sit down, hubby joins me and talks endlessly - he is a talker and I am not. It is so frustrating to have that "down" time that I need when I take a break from my 'chores'.

It wouldn't be so bad if we actually had a conversation - you know, where 2 people talk about the same subject. Every conversation always turns one sided - his way, often he answers with a different topic, like I never said a word. And then he goes on and on and on. He always seems to dominate any conversation he has with anyone. When his friend came to visit, he told me how they stayed up talking and his friend fell asleep while he was talking. I am thinking, "Like you couldn't tell he was tired and yet you just kept talking and talking and talking." Even when he is on the phone, it is always him doing to talking (so annoying when he does this in the car)

Just as I was going to go for a walk last night,GS2, D2 and her SO stop by. D2 ended up coming with me for the walk - "walk slower, I cannot walk fast..." But we walked in silence because we were both taking pictures as we walked. It is so cool to do this with her because she sees the scene with different eyes and I like comparing our photos. Many times I try to duplicate her shots.

I have no idea what I am going to eat today - we are having a cook out with D2, SO, and GS2 - I think they want to grill - so I am going to make some carrot dogs for me. I will make some potato salad and coleslaw. I need to find some way to tweak these, but I am hesitate to so because sometimes when I try to make duplicate SAD recipes I am not happy with the end result. I prefer to make something different and not try to make it "taste" the same but with different ingredients. I often just make them with less sauce.

Well, time for me to get moving...
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:01 am

April 20, 2019

I made Brand New Vegans Carrot Dogs for our cookout. I do not use all the vinegar, but I need to work on how long to precook those carrots. I either over cook or do not boil them long enough and they end up still with the crunch. But I love having this options for a cookout - It has been years since I ate a regular hotdog. I stopped eating those things way before I went plant based - I ate too many rancid ones. I can only guess on how they are made.

FYI - we once had a friend that worked in a meat processing plant that processed meat for Arbys - you know that fast food place that is so hard to duplicate the flavor. Well, that is because Arby's uses scraps, even the rotten stuff. There how is that for an incentive to go plant based :shock: :\

I am concerned that these next couple of days are going to be so off-plan, I think I will need to focus on vegetables. My mom invited us to Easter dinner and asked me to bring the green salad (greens), she said that way I'll have something to eat. Bless her heart, if she only know how off plan I have been eating3. :o

Happy Holiday!
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby WeeSpeck » Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:00 pm

Hi Nancy,

That is sweet that your mother is thinking about your needs. It makes me chuckle though. I was so used to being designated to bring the “sacrificial salad” each gathering so that I could eat. (I’m not a rabbit, dagnabit! I eat more than salad.) I call it sacrificial because I would be the only one to eat it and take the rest home and throw away what could not be saved.

Now my mother-in-law plans food without including me. She knows that I will feed myself and husband weird scary food like bean-oat loafs and potato salad (without mayo or eggs! The humanity!) and millet-based lemon pies. I don’t sacrifice my appetite at gatherings any more. Ha!

I have tried making carrot dogs two different ways, I think both recipes were from this forum. I may have even copied one of them from you. The last one I tried took a little extra effort. You could do it the long way by marinating for 4-6 hours before grilling or the quick way using the Instant Pot. The seasonings were SO GOOD and the carrots were just right. Not too mushy and not too crunchy. The color was close enough to a real hot dog that no one in a SAD crowd would think it was anything else.

Here is the recipe if you are interested. I wish I could remember the source.

Smoky Vegan Carrot Dogs

6-8 Carrots peeled

¼ cup soy sauce low sodium
¼ cup apple cider vinegar
¼ cup vegetable broth
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon fresh garlic, minced
1 teaspoon pickled jalapeno juice
½ teaspoon onion powder

• Cut and peel carrots to make them "bun length'.
• Boil carrots in water until just fork tender, about 10-15 minutes.
• Drain carrots
• Rinse with cold water
• Drain again.
• Place carrots in a freezer bag.
• Whisk all marinade ingredients together and pour into bag with carrots.
• Marinate for 4-6 hrs.
• Grill carrots on open grill, basting occasionally.
• Grill to heat all the way through and to get some blackened grill marks on each side.

Instant Pot Instructions
• Add cut carrots and marinade to Instant Pot.
• Attach and seal lid
• Cook on manual for 3 minutes.
• Quick release
• Marinate the carrots after the pressure has been released for at least 1 hour.
• If not grilling soon - remove carrots and marinade and transfer to a container you can store in the fridge.
• Garnish with your favorite toppings.
--\--@ Nancy @--/--

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:49 pm

WeeSpeck -- Great minds think alike - that was the recipe I used.I have it listed as Brand New Vegan's recipe I have learned that the carrot size is key to getting it right.
Nancy (aka Morris)

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