Buns Again

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:49 pm

Happy that it's Friday, AND I have a three day weekend coming up :) now, Sat and Sun I'll have my shifts at my PT job, but Monday NOTHING! woot! And then we have months without any three day weekends. boooo!

Big snow storm this morning, started coming down heavy about an hour before I had to leave for work...which meant the plows hadn't gotten to my main route yet. Oy, it was scary! Eight inches fell and I don't know who scared me more, the drivers going five MPH under all the traffic, or the ones who whipped past with slush flying. But we ended up getting eight inches in three or so hours. A Utah winter storm :nod:

Still feeling stiff in the neck, but I've been breathing and stretching. Maybe it's helping. At least, things feel better for a little while after a set of stretches.

Ate lunch two hours ago, a big serving of barley mushroom soup and I'm already feeling hungry. Geez. Thank goodness for cold baked potatoes. Going to have to figure it out. I mean, I ate six cups of a really dense soup at 11:00 and before 1:30 I felt so hungry. :|
Kind of similar to when I first started. You eat a lot, and you feel hungry SHORTLY afterwards. Maybe my appetite is readjusting.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:04 pm

stupidly stepped on the scale this morning. Well, I guess the number IS down, but it's the same number I've been living with for absolute ages. BUT it has only been a couple of weeks, so...I think I'm going to ask Wylie to hide the damn thing. Or I dunno, put it somewhere that I don't go every day.

Food is going along just fine. Wanting bread...toast would be yum, but the only whole wheat we have in the house has oil in the ingredients. There's a brand, from a local bakery, that is just whole wheat flour, honey, water, yeast, and salt. No added oils. You can buy it two at a time at Costco here. Think I'll do that. For when my 100% unprocessed month is over. But if we'd had oil free whole wheat bread in the house today, I'd have had a piece of it toasted.

For brekkie today I had broccoli oats with berries and green onion. :nod: there was some riced broccoli in the freezer so I threw that in while the oats nuked, then added the berries and onions after cooking. Not bad, really. Like a G-BOMBS without the beans or seeds LOL and with oatmeal not rice. OH...no mushrooms either.

Lunch. I made another huge pot of my favorite lentil stew. I like it because it is SO easy, and I didn't feel like real cooking today, so I fast fooded. :D It still tastes as good, even though it's the (how many days) of eating the stuff.

Dinner will be sweet potatoes and raw vegs. Also having extra dark chocolate because it's Saturday. And herbal tea.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:49 pm

Three day weekend over. I had a little bit of chocolate on Sat, Sun, and Mon. Also, some noodle stir fry (noodles=processed) for lunch and dinner on Monday. Otherwise the weekend was really good.

Still taking only 2 ibuprofen as a regular proactive defense against inflammation, but tomorrow I'm going to skip it.

Speaking of skipping, I've not done yoga for a few days now, because both my ankle and my knee flared up. I even skipped the breathing part until this morning :| However, during lunch I took 20 minutes to breathe in a quiet alone corner. Found some chakra tuning Tibetan sound bowls on youtube, closed my eyes, and breathed. There is no other thing I do that dissipates the stress better than this. My eyelid twitch is even gone :D

Maybe tomorrow morning I will do a yoga practice. :nod:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:54 am

Let's see here. Went out for dinner to Costa Vida last night. Had a large vegetarian salad with both black beans and pinto. Rice. I don't think the beans have oil, but I'm sure the rice is prepared/seasoned with oil. And I had several bites of the tortilla which is not only a processed flour product, but has fat as an ingredient.

My first big flub of January. I asked for extra pico on mine and did not have any salad dressing :nod: and I ate three of Wylie's chips, which are deep fat fried :oops:

I also am finally tired of the lentil stew that I've been making in huge batches once a week for the past four or five weeks. Time for a change. I'll freeze what I have left of it, and tonight I'mma try a new recipe for Not Cheese Sauce, using oats as the base. Over baked potatoes and broccoli? Yesssss! Wait. Not tonight. Tonight I have a movie date with my kid. An American in Paris...my kid (my youngest, age 25) is a movie buff and works in a theater so she gets free tickets to these classics that they show throughout the year. Because this one didn't immediately max out, she was able to get tickets in seats "Not Looking Up The Actors' Nostrils" so I'm looking forward to that. We're going out for ramen beforehand, so popcorn won't be a temptation BUT I might make a little bag of air popped and carry it in my big shoulder bag ;) to avoid nibbling the Nuggets o' Fat that movie popcorn actually is.

So I'll cook big on Thursday. Buckets of Not Cheese Sauce and maybe some chili. Soup. Some oven baked corn tortilla chips. Yep. Maybe look at a few other types of recipe. Maybe explore Indian cuisine again.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:02 pm

Feeling on top of things today. Clear headed and good energy. Payday, so I went to the store during my lunch break and got everything on my list inside of 30 minutes :nod:

Tonight for dinner I plan on making a big batch of not-cheese sauce and some oven crisp corn tortilla chips, for a change from the lentil stew. :nod:

More tomorrow

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Thu Jan 23, 2020 5:06 pm

Hi Heidi,
What recipe do you use for the not cheese sauce?
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:58 pm

moonlight wrote:Hi Heidi,
What recipe do you use for the not cheese sauce?

I followed this recipe from youtube: Game Changer Cheese Sauce but my blender didn't get the oatmeal as fine as it should be, and also I don't own a Vitamix so I heated it to thicken on the stovetop. I also used tapioca flour instead of the cornstarch the recipe calls for, and that should be a smaller ratio. So I ended up with something a lot gloppier than what you see in this video. It tastes REALLY good though and I'm going to tweak the tapioca ratio to get it the right level of "stretchy melty cheese" texture.

Along with that video on YouTube I got half a dozen recommended vids centered on vegan cheeses of all kinds. Could be fun to play around with. :)

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Jan 26, 2020 7:38 pm

Loving my not cheese sauce on oven baked chips, potatoes, and fingertips :) It really is creamy, and that's with the oat flour not being as fine as possible. I can hardly wait to make it with ACTUAL oat flour (instead of trusting my Ninja to powderize the oats) … but I'm sticking with the tapioca for sure. It is a delicious change.

Meals are absolutely on plan. Other than the noodles I had last week, and the slivers of white flour tortilla at Costa Vida, I've had 100% non-processed meals, plus my weekend chocolate. Don't tell anyone, but I think I'm getting chocolated out. :shock: I had a little stockpile of Lindt 78% and 85% bars, and I'm currently on my last...maybe I won't buy more, eh? :unibrow:

Today I am wearing jeans that were too tight at the beginning of this month :D They weren't "Oh man can't get them past my thighs" tight, but "Dang these aren't quite right in the crotch" tight...and they are no longer like that :nod: nice, eh? Haven't got back on the scale since the last time I did it...what, two weeks ago? I may weigh again on Jan 31 or Feb 1 but I may not. Wearing these jeans that are NOT pinching me is already a good change. Right? I wonder if I can just go ahead without being dependent on a number on a scale.
Harder than I'd have thought.

Got my first full paycheck from the PT job and was able to pay over $100 extra on one bill (the smallest, that I'm tackling first) and was able to sock away some in each category in my budget....first time in ABSOLUTE months. And not feeling like my regular checking is emptied out! THAT'S a nice change as well.
Last edited by bunsofaluminum on Tue Jan 28, 2020 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby moonlight » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:20 am

Hi Buns,
Thanks for the cheeze-sauce recipe!! I'm going to try it this week. Congrats on your jeans fitting better!! I love it!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby Lyndzie » Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:31 am

I picked up ingredients for the cheese sauce as well. That’s on the cooking list today. Fingers crossed the family likes it!
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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:48 pm

Dinner last night was completely off plan. Possibly the mashed potatoes were okay, but since I smothered them with gravy...

well, here's the deal. I walked in the door and the house smelled so good. "Someone's been cooking" and sure enough, Wylie had gone all domestic and made a feast. Roasted turkey, with the BEST STUFFING I have EVER EATEN; mashed potatoes; green bean casserole; and very decent gravy (which he made with milk :\ which I never will understand. Drippings, boiling water, and a slurry of cornstarch and water, please. So I did have an off plan dinner. I had a small second serving of the stuffing.

Let me think about my meals yesterday.

Dinner: turkey feast (I had a slice of dark meat)
Lunch: lentil stew; clementines; sliced carrots
Brekkie: Progresso lentil soup

But if I think a bit further back, I did have a few pieces of crostini, which is made with olive oil. So yeah, I wasn't very careful over the weekend. Better not let that continue. In fact, Friday is the last day of January. The new month begins on Saturday, my usual "chocolate day"...let's set up a new challenge, on top of my current Zero Processed Foods. No chocolate on weekends through February.
I wonder if I can do it. That's the goal, anyway.

Yoga has fallen off, because even with my modifications, I always end up hurting my knee after only a few practices. I'm still doing stretches, and remembering to keep my shoulders down and doing neck turns and shoulder releases. As for fitness, I keep going back to some things I've seen recently, about it being the food, and two women at least who did no exercise until they had taken off substantial weight. When you are so heavy that you can't take a walk around the block without intense, almost unbearable foot pain, maybe shedding 50 lbs is best before trying. SMH However, I really do want to maintain some semblance of flexibility, so the stretches and stress releases will continue.

On Saturday I'll weigh. *crossing fingers*

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:13 am

K I woke up at 1:00 am in the morning...too hot. I didn't have the sweats but I was WAY too hot. And I turned back and forth the rest of the night. My brain was wide awake, thinking about Adult Stuff that Needs Closure, and when I did drift, there were the same issues in my twilight non-dreams. So yeah, from 1:00 to 5:20 a.m. I was either awake or in shallow sleep. And then I got to get up and come to work whence come the issues that my brain bounced around on all night.

Regretting the gravy the other night, since it was made with milk. I've had horrible gas all day yesterday and icky gut this morning. First of all, why did I have the gravy knowing that it had dairy in it and SECONDLY why did Wylie, my own husband who KNOWS what dairy does to me, make the gravy with milk? Well, he shares covers with me at night so he gets what he deserves hahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

But it also means a light brekkie today. Just an apple. Apples are good for the stomach.

Getting ready for a Chocolate-less February. :shock:

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:31 pm

Slept better last night, thankfully. I crashed before 9:00 and slept solid until about midnight. Then turned over and saw the time around 3:30 ish I guess. And awake for real by 4:45 which is okay. So it still feels like I slept a little bit light, but way better than waking in the 1:00 hour and not falling back asleep. Ugh.

Food today has been awesome.

B: Broccoli and a baked sweet potato
L: baked potatoes and broccoli w. not cheese sauce.
D: ??? maybe progresso Minestrone over baked potato

I'm also having chocolate today :oops: because I know I'll be going all of Feb without it and had the last of an opened chocolate bar to deal with. :nod: that's my story and I'm sticking to it. And making more not-cheese-sauce is on the top of my to do list...after two hours of OT and then a visit to my girl whose bday was the 28th and I have a little something for her so I'll take that to her after work today, then make not-cheese-sauce when I get home :nod: that'll be fun. I mean, it will be quite late, but I definitely want to keep the stuff in my house.

This is funny. I have been baking potatoes 5# at a time, and my mom has been eating them...she loves baked pots with butter, salt, and pepper. So, I'm baking potatoes to have easy access to my starches, and my mom's eating them before I can. :lol: So I bought a 10 pounder and plan on baking them all. Also going to crisp up tortillas for fat free chips.

On my shopping list: frozen broccoli, frozen cali blend. Canned tomatoes. Hmmmm, hominy :unibrow: doesn't that sound good? Make a Jeff Novick Fast Food soup and toss some hominy in there!

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:27 am

Okay I got on the scale this morning and the number is up 2 from the last weigh in about two weeks ago. Which isn't surprising, though deeply disappointing.

I want to think about what is different between my three forays into McDougalling.

In 1995 I first heard about The McDougall Plan and bought the book. This launched me into a "diet mentality" trial of this lifestyle starting in Jan 95. I was full bore, 100% in the game, no cheating. Didn't own a scale at the time but my youngest was five months old and I had weighed at the dr's office at her delivery/birth/what have you. That weight if I remember correctly was 230, and I gained weight really fast after she was born. Jeans I had been wearing were not able to get over my thighs; I had to choose 3x tops, and was wondering if I'd need to special order my underwear, as the largest sizes at Walmart were too tight. I estimate that I went over 300 lbs at that point. What really got me wanting to lose weight was the fact that I had to ride in the back seat of an old VW van along icy roads, to a women's thing for church...without a seat belt. Because I was so fat a seat belt couldn't reach around me.

Again, not owning a scale, I do not know how much weight I lost, but within a week or two of strict adherence, I was absolutely bursting with energy and going down in clothing sizes. Seriously. I was a homeschool mom, and when we'd get families together for things, I was always joining in with whatever the kids came up with. Snowball fights in the winter. Baseball games and hikes in the better weather. While all the other homeschool parents watched. So much energy I didn't know what to do with myself.

Because I was raising kids, and we had sit down meals for everything, I was able to fix the foods I wanted for about nine months. But they wanted meat, and I sometimes cooked a roast chicken or other such, and then I started having a taste of non McDougall stuff, and then I stopped McDougalling altogether. Stuck with my whole foods, high fat, omnivore ways for a couple of decades. Gained lots of weight back of course, all the way back up to 275 lbs. In 2005 I got on a keto style something "Idiot Proof Diet" off the internet and lost LITERALLY five lbs a week, steadily. Destroyed my gut and IBS has been an issue for me ever since. It was great losing the poundage, but I wouldn't do it again. I'd rather have a healthy digestive tract, tyvm.

Got off that diet and gained back to 235, then rediscovered McDougall :) in 2009. I was back with the full guns, 100% adherence, never cheating and lost 55 lbs between Labor Day 2009 and Easter 2010. Then I had a feast day and ate some Reese's miniatures, sent myself on a binge that lasted a few weeks, and gained 10 lbs in a month. Stopped myself and got back serious w. McDougalling and took those lbs off readily. From 2010 to about 2014 I either lost weight or maintained at about 175, and absolutely PACKED with energy. I worked two miles from home, so in moderate weather I walked there and back. On days that I did not walk to work, I would go for a brisk walk after getting home from work. At work, I would do push ups off the edge of my desk (I was aiming for 100 pushups a day, and did them 20 or 25 at a time) Yoga in the morning, a couple miles worth of walking a day. Even some jogging. I wasn't hanging out on this website much, but I was McDougalling and yoga-ing consistently and never felt better in my entire life.

Then I met Wylie and got "happy and fat" in a relationship. Gained 60 lbs and have kept right there for the past six years, with maybe a 5-8 lb fluctuation. I have never strayed back to an omnivore diet, though I do have a piece of turkey meat on Thanksgiving because I am not a vegan. So yes, my every day foods are still starch centered, but with Wylie I go out to eat more, and eat what he fixes when he cooks, even if there's oil in the ingredients. So I gained the weight, and I guess two years ago I decided to make a more regular appearance back here on the journal forum, to start monitoring myself and get back to serious with McDougalling.

And this past year I've gotten closer and closer to consistent compliance, until the beginning of 2020 when I decided zero processed and zero fats, added or otherwise. Thinking back, I guess I had two meals that were not within these guidelines, and six days that included chocolate as the ONLY non-McDougall item. And I just don't care. It isn't that I'm doubting this is the healthiest way to eat. I know how good I feel, regardless of the lame stupid asinine scale. But that gung-ho, 100% in-the-game mode has never come back to me. Is that because I have 10 years in it? I consider myself a strict vegetarian, and will not eat animal flesh as a regular part of my diet ever again. I love starches. Rice is my absolute favorite food, and garbanzos are second. So I don't have a problem not eating animal protein, but keeping the fats down, or staying strictly away from refined/processed is problematic.

(I have eaten whole foods my entire life, since early teens really. I've stuck with whole grain, always made my own meals at home from scratch ingredients that I bought in the peripherals of the store rather than meal kits or freezer entrees. So yeah, processed foods haven't ever been the majority of my calories even when I was eating high fat omnivore)

Anyway...this time around, getting in and staying in strict adherence mode is just not happening. I eat healthy for my meals and if I happen to find a feast waiting for me when I get home, I eat what was prepared in love. I don't avoid eating out. Hello? Eating out is a good bonding time among loved ones. Why would I avoid that? I don't do it very often, but I don't turn away from it, either.

Another difference. This time around, I am in menopause and my metabolism is lower than it used to be...heh. Didn't think THAT was possible. I'm also a decade older, and the most recent weight gain brought with it sore feet and a bum knee so the simple exercise of walking is literally not doable until I take some pounds off. Aging has also brought with it a lighter sleep cycle, and much more difficulty falling back asleep if I do wake at night. And getting enough sleep is a factor in weight loss...

But what I want to know is, where's the super energy? Again thinking "Well, I've been drifting along in McDougall Land for 10 years. Maybe I am at the energy level already." and then the thought "Holy cow, what would I feel like if I had eaten ominvore or even worse, SAD all this time?" BUT if I had eaten SAD all this time, and then picked up McDougalling again, would the change be drastic and the weight just fall off? As it is, because I've followed somewhat closely to the McDougall way, the change in energy isn't as noticeable as it was the first and second times I "started"...???

Another difference: I now work at a desk rather than running all over with disabled adults. My kids are all moved out, not busy teenagers keeping me on my toes. Sitting a lot simply saps your energy. Period.

So these are my random McDougalling thoughts after stepping on the scale and seeing the non-results after a 90% adherent month. :\ trying really hard to care even one little bit.

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Re: Buns Again

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:49 am

So, Feb 1 and 2 were off plan on purpose because the scale showed two lbs up after a month being really careful. So I ate whatever I wanted for two days. Yesterday was back to normal and I stepped on the scale and was down a pound. :\ What does this tell me? It tells me that the scale is utterly arbitrary and doesn't reflect what is really going on with my body. I'm going to shove it under Wylie's dresser.

Anyway, I knew better than going completely postal, but I was ticked off at the two lb gain so I ate eggs and buttered toast, and made a big batch of popcorn with butter. Etc. And yesterday was three on plan meals, and some baked potatoes for snacks. :nod:

We had a snow day yesterday, with 18+ inches coming down overnight. My employer is smart, and will close an office if the weather is bad enough to make driving or waiting for the bus dangerous. I would have made it, but I was really glad to get the notice. Stayed home, watched the snow fall, got out there about noon and shoveled the 16" that had fallen by then. Light fluffy snow. I'm sure skiers were in heaven. But it took a half hour or so to clear the driveway and sidewalk, and brush off the cars, etc. And my back is *sorta* telling me about it today and my ankle was in a lot of pain throughout the remainder of the day and it is still there a bit...but that activity felt SO GOOD.

Got some really good sleep last night and woke up feeling rosy and glowing.

For February I have decided two things: No chocolate and adding greens to every meal. Also, I may make breakfast fruit only. Sort of like Chef AJ's pound of veggies, except with fruit? Or maybe fruit or veggies or both for breakfast. AKA skip the starches in the mornings? Maybe. But for sure, adding greens to every meal. Well then, I guess it will be veggies and fruit-if-i-want-it for breakfast eh? Thankful for frozen cut spinach. :)

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