Dissolution's Solution

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby jewagar » Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:17 pm

Last edited by jewagar on Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Debbie » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:16 am

Hey Dis!! Hope all is going well. Come say hi will ya? :cool:
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:41 am

Well, December didn't go well. The combination of some extremely stressful situations with work and the couple of hundred pounds of homemade truffles, fudge, cookies and Chex Mix, did not go well for me. It seemed like even when I was able to resist those goodies, I would binge eat on other things.

I think I got through the first week ok, but every time the dogs wanted in or out, I had to walk past the eleven foot table covered in this stuff. Then one Saturday I snapped and ate a bunch of it. I felt sick afterwards, but it tasted so good. Needless to say I'm very disappointed in myself.

Last year we had a very quiet Christmas, this year was anything but. We went to one party and hosted 3 others. I drank a fair amount of alcohol 4 times this past month. My weakness with the party food was always the tortilla chips the next day. Chips and salsa was always one of my favorite things, which is why I never bring them into the house.

The only good news out of the past month is I never touched meat or cheese. The bad news is my weight shot up to 221.

My BiL is 5'6" and I'm going to guess 280 Lbs. He's probably put on 30 of that in the past year. However anytime I tried to engage him in conversation about diet, the wife would start in about me "preaching" and pretty much try and shut the conversation down. After one such shutdown we had this exchange.

BiL: Let me tell you, all you've got to do to lose weight is exercise more calories off than you eat.
Me: True, and how is that working out for you?
BiL: Well.....I haven't started yet.
Wife: (To me) Stop picking on him.
Me: ....

I'll tell more about this past month later. Sick for the first time in a year and a half, think I;m going back to bed.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby peasouper » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:38 am

Well Good news Dis, the festive season is over. Just get back on track and forget it. You can do it!

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby JohnLarson » Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:20 am

I agree. We can't uneat yesterday.

Glad to see you post again. I know the holidays can be hectic.

From an outsider looking in, it looks like this year went better than last as far as home life went. I have given up on trying to talk one on one to anyone about this way of eating or life style changes.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby nicoles » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:19 pm

Dis, I definitely have a history of bingeing on on-plan foods when I am surrounded by holiday feasts and treats.

I find it most helpful to acknowledge that it is a trigger, then plan ahead for ways to handle it. This year, I allowed myself "planned" binges, but only on certain foods. It was partially successful - I never ate off-plan, but I did gain a good amount of weight over the holidays too.

I am already working on my game plan for next year, taking into consideration what worked and what did not work this year.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Lesliec1 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:03 pm

I think some things are just bigger than we are. There's a limit to anyone's willpower. I was very prepared for Xmas visiting and yet it didn't go well. Just like you ... I resisted and resisted but then after a while I just got worn down I guess. Too much time around too much food. Much harder for you because you couldn't escape the food in your own house. You are still amazing to succeed even sometimes under those circumstances.

But the fact that you posted again is meaningful I think. Once you get rolling it'll be back to normal.

Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:53 pm

Dis, I will agree to all the other comments already posted, you can do this. That much is already a fact. No doubt in my mind at all that those 21 lbs will fall off easily. I fully understand how hard it is to ignore all those off plan goodies. I have to do a lot of self-talking and at times it works. Others it does not.
Ahh tomorrow is another day and we can all start over any time we want to.
How much did your wife gain? Hope not a pound at all. Another friend of mine whose mother has diabetes, just lost her only remaining leg, and is in dialysis too. It is a grim picture for the future. I am praying for your family. You all can do this, you really can!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Melinda » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:22 pm

If it's any consolation, I couldn't continaully walk past a table of Christmas baking either - I doubt that many people could! I did slip over the holidays, ate baking with oily stuff, and felt not so great - I really noticed it in my running - just not as easy. Back on track and wiser for it. I wish the same for you Dis!
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Chile » Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:48 pm

The only way I would have been able to resist the goodies on that huge table would have been if they were covered up. I do that at MIL's house since she always has cookies and/or candy out for her to nibble on. She has no problem with me just draping a kitchen towel over them during our visits. Somehow, though, I think your wife would be highly offended if you tried to throw a sheet over her homemade holiday treats.

Like the others have said, you struggled a bit during the holidays. Just move on. Re-watch Doug Lisle's Continuum of Evil talk, perhaps, too for a little perspective on a few bad choices.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby didi » Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:12 am

I was not tempted like you over the holidays, ate absolutely nothing but on plan meals--and gained three pounds. Oops.

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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby LoriLynn » Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:52 am


I struggled too with this holiday season. We were on vacation for two weeks, one to Disneyland and one to Carmel By the Sea. We ate out all the time. I thought I was being pretty good, but I knew I wasn't going to lose any weight. The next to the last night, we went out for Mexican food and I at fried chips and salsa. It's a trigger for me too. I then attempted a Cadillac Margarita which had way too much alcohol in it. I couldn't get past a third of it. Earlier that day I ate two slices of whole wheat bread with Earth Balance on it. My dinner tasted like it must have had a lot of fat in it (bean and veggie burrito). That night I snacked on a piece of dark chocolate around 10 PM and immediately began to have stomach pains. It kept me up all night. I tried different medications and the pain didn't seem to subside until I had some Advil. That was at 4:30 in the morning. I was in so much pain I almost wanted to go to the ER. It took me another whole day to recover. The memory of that pain is still fresh in my mind, so I won't be straying much anytime soon. As horrible as it was, I am kind of glad my body rebelled so strongly. It reminded me of how good it feels to eat right.

Now I am past a couple of really clean, near perfect food days. I feel so much better again and I have regained my optimism. I am motivated to get back on track and start losing again. Lucky for me, I only came back up 6 pounds, one of which is already gone.

Dis, don't give up. You know it works. Try your best to avoid temptations. Remind yourself of why you eat this way. Relish the rewards and avoid the pains. As long as you just keep focusing on the correct path and continue taking steps in that direction, you will someday reach your goal. Then it will be time to make a new one. :D
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Dissolution » Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:18 pm

Thanks everybody for the words of encouragement. I've been clean and on-plan since Monday and feel SOOO much better. Helps so much to have most of the temptation out of the house.

We had a family friend die over the weekend. He is responsible for introducing my Sister to the man who became her husband. My Sister met him when she was in college, he was an amazingly talented actor and could get just about any lead role he wished in college productions despite being 6' and 350 Lbs. He also served as the lead singer in a couple of rock bands. He had a brilliant mind and eventually became a professor at that same college. As the years went on, his weight increased and his health declined. He quit working at some point and eventually just stopped leaving the house. I'm told that not many people had seen him in the past couple of years. They are guessing he weighed over 500 pounds at the time of his death, he was 46.

My Sister's husband has been having gall bladder problems for the past couple of years. He knows it only flares up when he eats high fat meals, yet he has opted for surgery to remove it over diet change. I will say that they probably eat healthier than most people, no fast food, very little processed food, lots of veggies, but still pretty rich in meat, cheese, butter, dairy and oils. His surgery is scheduled for Monday.

#1 Son informed us this morning that him and DiL are getting divorced...again. Yes they have been divorced before and gotten remarried.

Enough with the gloomy stuff...

The Saturday before Christmas, when we had out party, my wife, SIL, DIL and DIL friend (We'll call her Brit), all went shopping. They came back to the house well before the party was supposed to start. I was in the kitchen talking to DIL and Brit was with her. I walked over to Brit and shook her hand and asked how she was doing. I haven't seen her for a while, my wife and I actually catered her wedding three year ago, but I probably haven't seen her or her husband for 1 1/2 years. She seemed a little cold and distant.

A while later we are all sitting around and Brit looks and me and says, "Oh! you're Dis!" Everyone laughed. A Couple of hours later her husband (Fred) gets there I shake his hand and greet him. About 15 minutes later he says, "Oh! you're Dis!" It happened again later on with a third person. I guess I do look a lot different.

The other day we were shipping a box to my BiL (the one who visited for Christmas) the wife asked me to check to see if I had any more shirts that were too big (to send to him), I was pulling them out of the closet when I found a pair of my old Khaki's with a 54" waist. I remember buying them, I remember not being able to buy clothes at normal stores. Seems like a lifetime ago.

We did something different for New Years day. We had two families invite over and each individual person was required to make a dish. The food would then be tasted and judged by everybody. Kind of a cooking competition. We had three categories, Entree, Side and Dessert. All dishes were judged on a scale of 1 to 5 and a section for comments. At the end all score tabulated and winners announced. Some of the funnier comments were read aloud.

This turned out really well. Everybody had a lot of fun. We had 25 different dishes made by 25 different people. Although I suspect the 6 year old had some help. I made red beans and rice, I had a couple of people comment that they could have used more salt. The only other dishes I could eat were vegetarian baked habanero beans, fruit compote and sugar-free, gluten-free, non-fat, vegan cookies. I've got to be honest. I love my DiL, but those cookies were just wrong. I really appreciate the effort, and I let her know and I ate a few of the cookies, but they were horrible. Tasted like sour congealed oatmeal. Uuuugh. #4's GF was going to make something I could eat, but was too hungover from New Years eve to go to town to get ingredients.

Speaking of New Years Eve. A bunch of us were sitting around drinking, having a good time. The wife (who was not drinking) made chili and buffalo wings for everyone. I was hungry and asked the wife to chop up a small head of red cabbage, because I was too intoxicated to safely use a knife. Then I made a rough approximation of http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2009/01/red-cabbage-and-peas-with-cumin-and.html.So I'm sitting there eating with everybody else and #4 looks into my serving bowl of food and says, "It looks like you're eating death." I assured him it was good, and asked if anybody wanted to taste. #4'sGF wanted to try, she liked it so much I had to get her, her own bowl of it. I think my SiL tried it, but didn't like it. She only ever eats snack foods anyways.

Weather is supposed to be nice this weekend, so might get some golf in. I hope everybody has a good weekend.
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Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby Lesliec1 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:05 pm

People not recognizing you? How's that for a happy new year! What a feeling that must be.

I'm beyond impressed that you could care about your eating while intoxicated. Unfortunately, on the rare occasion that I drink a lot, it is all caution to the wind. Anyone who ever drove me home from a bar was forced to stop at 7-11 for garbage. Could you always be "in control" while drunk or is that a recent thing?

So sad about your family friend. That gives me so many different feelings, though all of them compassionate. One is feeling is: why is the human body so bizarre that it CAN get that big in the first place? (I know corn syrup, franken foods, etc, but still, it seems like some cruel cosmic joke.)

Re: Dissolution's Solution

Postby carollynne » Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:27 pm

So sorry about that friend. I real shame and I know it must be so hard on everyone. So glad that you are back in the saddle and going to be on track too.
Have a great weekend and let the regrets be all behind you and forget it now. People not recognizing you is so cool!!
I have lost about 60 lbs and never thought I'd be in the 150s ever again. cured my NAFLD!! Feel great!! Wt loss is so good for the knees and back, ankle, that I know I will never start back to the SAD way of eating again.
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