Optimal Health Journey

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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby Chile » Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:55 pm

Yikes! It is astounding how our bodies can react so violently to some foods. Sadly, some people will not believe it, including your doctor possibly.

I remember trying "barley greens" years ago - that powdered green drink stuff that was supposed to be so healthy. Not for me. I was at the chiropractor's three times in one week due to that stuff. It messed me up good. Er, bad.

Cut out the cocoa and cut out the pain. Not worth messing around with.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:20 am

aaaghhh I just lost my days message. Java seems to mess with the computer. It wants me to update and Im not interested since it always messes things up.

I broke my fast last night with strawberries, blackberries and some watermelon. As a kid a bunch of friends, and myself, would eat a lot of watermelon during the summer and have a lot of fun. So watermelon has a "magnetization" that Niel Barnard talks about in a video I watched yesterday.

I worked in the garden today and transplanted about 7 green peppers to the open "pumpkin patch" which now has 13 pumpkins, 6 watermelons and the green peppers. I didn't know butternut squash grew like a vine, so the peppers didn't grow as fast and got lost under the squash. I hope the peppers didn't prefer the shaded life because they are now in the wide open sun. I hope they grow well now. I see a lot of blossoms on the various squash and the yellow squash have 3 veggies. The green squash did not have any female flowers the last I looked. I need to pick beans and examine the squash and cucumbers.
Thanks Chile about the concern! Feeling like you're going to die is absolutely no fun!! My stomach feels much better now, though its probably still healing. I will make the potatoes soon. And what an inspiration it is to read ETeSelle's inspirational story. I need some inspiration since I am doing this on my own with no other support or assistance. I used that as an excuse on why I didn't do anything in the last 20 years. I can't allow those around me who are lost to influence my own choices. I've come so far...60 pounds and counting so I'm going to continue to process how to move forward and get rid of this excess fat. I relate to the simplicity plan of MWL the best. One day I'll stop trying to dazzle everyone with how wonderful this plan is and just keep it simple for myself. Life will be easier and more manageable then.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:20 am

I lost another attempt at today's journal.

B: hash browns on arugula

Transplants of green peppers look ok now:
Image These are the peppers on closest row, with watermelon towards the right; then a full row of pumpkins in row closest to the brick wall. We'll see what comes of them.

First cucumber:

Total front garden:
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:44 pm

B: strawberries
L: potatoes, couple handfulls of garlic bread
D: potatoes, bowl of black berries and nectarine

Man can not live by bread alone, must have those potatoes.

We've had cool evenings and beautiful warm weather days. What a great week. I scrubbed the kitchen and I helped out my friend who's sending her daughter and mother back to Panama next week.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:40 am

Yesterday I was at 158.2 pounds.

My poor old dog has taken a turn for the worse. He's not interested much in his number one thing in life=eating (same as me). He doesn't like to use the steps, and that's how you get into the house. I love that guy so much. http://www.flickr.com/photos/28585497@N ... 951371203/

I want to make greens today. Iwant to roast some asparagus and peppers and make some other things.

I worked in the garden this morning early. I picked all the yellow leaves. I also cleaned out behind the pumpkin patch. Then I went to the school and picked-up the trash the construction workers left there. All of this was done in time for trash pick-up this morning.

I'm worried. I had another 2 hour stomach "event" two nights ago. I know from what I've read about panic attacks that they can happen during stressful periods. Perhaps that's mostly what's happening. My daughters meds didn't come from Canada because of a postal strike. That literally had me going nuts, not knowing what would happen due to her seizures. Then my dog takes a turn (being 13), and my car's catalytic converter needs replacing. So many things are just falling apart and I have little I can do about many of these things. I need to start some meditation and make sure I am up early enough to get in a brisk walk. On Monday I went to the woods and did a brisk walk. I jumped over a few trees that had fallen, I ran some, I breathed great fresh air and it was a beautiful day.

I am feeling good about how far I've come and will keep on doing what I can.
Last edited by StarchBeet on Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby sksamboots » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:00 pm

Sounds like a good day. Keep on keepin on :nod:
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:32 am

Yes, this season has mostly been wonderful sksamboots and getting out into the woods does me good.

Today I went to the local "Country Boy" market to pick-up the veggies they put out for quick-sale. I found a lot of fruits and so in my addictive, "loving-summer" ways I bought enough for a fruit salad. I also picked-up some things for a stir-fry (mung beans and snap peas to go with what I have already)for dinner or lunch.

My beans are doing well in the garden. I grew enough this year. I made three bean salad yesterday and I have enough for the stir fry today, too. I made misu/garlic/ginger/lemon dressing for the three bean salad.

We had a big rain and some of the squash got end rot. Evidently a big rain washes out calcium. I will need to add some lime asap. I lost 3 yellow squash (ho hum). I'm trying out a new timer for watering the plants. I will hopefully take the compost out of the quick composter and spread it over the corn, squash and tomatoes today. Then I'll collect the grass from mowing, and the leaves from the school and start another batch of "quick compost" with the veggie scraps piling up.

Today is one beautiful day. I took a walk even being tired yesterday, and I think I'm going to drink some water and take another walk right now.

I made a batch of Jeff's fruit 'n oat bars. I added mango and it made it a little too liquidy. Hopefully the frige will firm them up.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:13 am

How many days does it take for the brain to forget? Not many for this one. It was July 2 that I popped two vegan date/sesame/cacao treats (the size of a quarter) into my mouth; so, 13 or so days since my last stomach reaction. Just a couple small things. Next day I have a two hour stomach event. I am so sorry hurtin' body. Not having help with insurance is really a crime if you ask me.

I've had a cold since July 2. We went tubing on July 2. That's when my guard was down and I ate those two small treats from this vegan store where we were.

On a good note, I made some delicious BBQ pulled jack fruit with mango/spinach/arugula salad and three bean salad. This months newsletter has some great looking menu items.

The pumpkin patch continues to look stronger and healthy and I see one pumpkin. The corn and tomatoes are struggling. The soil I got wasn't as advertised. I should have gotten pure leafgro but I got a combo and it's low on the leafgro content. The beans box is putting out a lot of beans and I've been making steady three bean salad every other day with them. So my main success is beans. I have about three cucumbers and two yellow squash almost ready. There are a lot of green tomatoes.

I was down to 158 pounds and I'm back to 162 right now. I need to re-focus on MWL guidelines. However, I found the box of smaller summer clothes I'd last worn a handful of years ago. I am into size 12 clothes. That is soo much better than size 22!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I have to firm-up the fat and loose skin, if I can, and lose another 30 pounds. I can do it if I simplify and let it happen. I'm getting up tomorrow morning and walking. I'll take a walk tonight when it cools off, too.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:04 am

There was too much heat and running around getting my son, taking a friend to work and on errands and when I came home I made a stir-fry, brown rice and some mock cheese macaroni. I didn't have energy to walk. I woke up this morning, tended the garden then my head started pounding. I look on weather channel and here comes a storm. The pounding is FAR FAR less than I used to get. I am sure there is an appreciable change for the better. Having this cold compounds the pain too.

I'm breaking out the MWL and reading some to get back on track. My focus got off track when I made that fruit salad last week. Every fruit was so perfect I think I ate more than I needed and since then I've not lost any weight and gained a few pounds. This is the first time since starting the diet I've gone over-board like this. I'm trying to adjust my exercise but this cold and things aren't helping. I am also noticing the pressure from nonsupportive people more than ever before. I have to get back to simplicity of choice and remember this is for me and I cannot control whether anyone else appreciates the good food I'm making.

OH MY..is it the day that people are going to Costa Rica? I haven't heard from Cheryl so I don't know for sure but I can only imagine the heaven she must be having going there with her daughter. The butterflies in Costa Rica are like walking into some place very magical. I could use a few days of resting on the beach, snorkling, hiking, eating good food and meeting people. I need to save up for next year.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:20 am

I was up at 4 am with sinus problems. I took a sinus pill then an hour later I had to take a migraine pill. I've been working in the garden since 5:30. I got so much done and the stuff got out to the recycling pick-up. I should have taken a walk when I could but instead I cleaned and did gardening. Today is a hot one.

I am just eating stir-fried greens and chinese food for brunch. I don't have a big appetite or any energy. This cold is making me tired. I read some of MWL this morning. I have a pot of potatoes on. I'm trying to learn simplicity this week. The kids will be gone so I won't have to put extra energy into trying to please them with good things. Like yesterday I made the black rice coconut stuff. I'll heal up this cold and start a fresh new week. I'll try not to get ahead of myself and cook every other day instead of doing too many things.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:42 pm

This is my one year anniversary of being on the McDougall starch centered lifestyle. I posted my 100th journal post on this anniversary.

Time for recommitting for the next year.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby Chile » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:27 pm

Happy McDougalling Anniversary!

By the way, I could use some time sittin' on a Costa Rican beach, too.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby Rosey » Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:48 pm

Happy Anniversary. I bet you feel a lot better too.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby StarchBeet » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:59 am

Thanks so much Rosey and Chile. :D

I am feeling much healthier and lighter Rosey. And today I almost jumped for joy! The scale read 155.5 and a half!!! I'm not on the electronic scale but wow that is a surprise. I've gotten on and off 5 times to be sure.

This will probably even out some after this cold but i'll take it today.
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Re: Optimal Health Journey

Postby nomikins » Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:01 am

Congrats on the anniversary, and a big congrats on the weightloss. Well done. :D
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