bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby CathyB » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:21 am

Glad you get to go home later! Get some rest! Your breakfast sounded yummy! I love quinoa!
restart on 9/2/12

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:28 am

Well, I didn't end up resting very well yesterday. Did drift off to sleep, but the neighbors coming and going woke me up again very shortly after. Then a little later, when I was kicked back and starting to drift, their stinking dog or something was slamming things around on their hardwood floor next door, which was VERY noisy over here. And they aren't supposed to have a dog, but they hide it from the landlord.

Yeah, they're sneaky jerks.

so, I never got any real rest yesterday. Slept well, and woke up with an earache. How can I be GETTING SICK when I'm TAKING ANTI BI'S? :angry: :x :mad: :cry: :oops:

which only makes me think this is some stronger bug that is resistant to the drugs currently available. which introduces a touch of worry.

I ate to comfort myself last night: pretzels, chocolate, and grapes. too much salt, too much sweet, not enough nutrition. Well, today's a new day and I've started well with hashbrowns and steamed yellow squash.

what for lunch? hm. cucumber wraps? nah, too much work. I'll just nuke a sweet potato and heat up some mixed vegs.

dinner...can't think that far in advance. Something grain-based, maybe some dal over cauliflower and cucumber slices and tomatoes on the side.

Thankful that it is Friday. Thankful for the AWESOME video my daughter's boyfriend sent me about the Fibonacci series in nature. AWESOME, very beautifully done video which brought tears to my eyes. It was a wonderful way to begin the day.

Praying for energy for myself and for calm at the center. Mr M will be there, who is hyper and extremely noisy. HELP. I love Mr M, who wouldn't? He is friendly and hilarious, but he is over the top energetic and frequently out of control, emotionally. Needs one-on-one at all times...I'm too tired for Mr M. But we have lots of staff. someone can deal with him, or we can go outside and shoot some hoops. I can handle him outdoors.

Lord, make the day go by fast. Amen.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:09 am

I'm praying for you today. I'm praying for healing and for God to give you the strength to handle all He has set before you to do today. I hope you have some time to take care of yourself well today. Be kind to yourself, and treat yourself like you would treat one of your best friends...give yourself some grace. Maybe put on a big pot of veggie soup this weekend and give your body the nourishment it needs in an easy form.

Hope you're feeling better soon! (((((HUG))))))
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:33 pm

kirstykay wrote:Buns,
I'm praying for you today. I'm praying for healing and for God to give you the strength to handle all He has set before you to do today. I hope you have some time to take care of yourself well today. Be kind to yourself, and treat yourself like you would treat one of your best friends...give yourself some grace. Maybe put on a big pot of veggie soup this weekend and give your body the nourishment it needs in an easy form.

Hope you're feeling better soon! (((((HUG))))))

Oh, Kirsty, You ROCK! thanks for the prayers. I have a lot of people praying for me, and I was able to leave work early again today. I hope to sleep some. That veggie soup idea sounds like just the ticket. I already have some veggie broth made, some potatoes, mixed vegs, maybe a can of beans and a couple of cans of tomatoes :nod: some seasonings. :nod: Carrots in the fridge, and 1 1/2 yellow squash. Cauliflower. Hm. could be good, and will feed me for the weekend :o

I've been good today, though there has been temptation. I'd rather eat healthy and give myself a fighting chance at beating this illness. Right? *pout* I want junk food.

ah, well. It's a good thing i don't have ANY JUNK FOOD IN THE HOUSE...innit? :D

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby lfwfv » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:37 am

Hey Buns,

Just getting caught up on some of your journal. I'm sorry you're sick! I hope the soup helps. How about baking up tons of potatoes or rice and just having them on hand to fill yourself with if you get cravings for junk?

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby ncyg46 » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:16 am

feel better...that soup sounds good! :D
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:12 am

Well, I never did make that soup. But I've been eating right, even though I did make popcorn the other night when I was craving junk food. :( with butter :( Huh, then I got my period. dang. When will it END? I'm almost 50 years old...it's TIME to be DONE with this phase of my life. But that explains why I was jonesing for junk food. ;-)

With all the meds I've been taking, I know I'm going to eat for cleansing, when I'm well. Maybe a 21 Day Raw Regimen or something. I want the weather to be warmer for that, though. It's cold here now, and cold means soup or casseroles.

Yesterday was a lazy, relaxing day. I coughed up a lot of stuff, too. And couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning...seriously, my alarm went off at 5:00 and I didn't get up until 7:00. aaaaah. :) Hit the hay by 9:30 last night, and asleep by 10:00 easily...That's nine hours of SLEEP! yah! and some wacky dreams, to boot.

I'm looking forward to today being as restful. I'll still go to chapel service this afternoon, but this morning will be kick back time. Rest, rest, rest. Gonna use a neti pot here in a sec. Gargle. Eat something. And I'll get to hang with my best friend this afternoon. I want to spend some time in prayer with her, as she has had a draggy, lethargic week, just like me. There are a few restaurants in SLC where you can get vegan low fat dishes. church, prayer, and lunch. :nod: I can dig it.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby afreespirit » Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:21 pm

Hi Buns, I always enjoy reading your journal and have been sorry to read of your recent health problems. I esp. enjoy reading your inspiring descriptions of nature and about your interesting clients. :-o So sending good thoughts your way and hopes that you are much better soon. Take care---
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby lfwfv » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:52 pm

Instead of a 'cleanse', why not just eat strictly MWL for 21 days? That will definitely allow your body to get rid of toxins and replenish itself.

Hope today was good for you!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jun 14, 2010 9:32 pm

good day today, food-wise. I had a few M&M's at junk food client's house :( Otherwise, perfect. I ate baked potatoes w/saute'd yellow squash, onion, garlic, mushrooms and spinach for both brekkie and dinner. Sweet potatoes twice for snacks. Haven't had dinner yet. Ate some grapes, though.

The cough is not nearly as bad as it has been. The earache is hovering...grrrr....

but today was a stunningly beautiful day, with temps in the low 70's, a clear blue sky, breezes carrying the scent of the olive trees in bloom. (Ha! Am I in Italy? hee hee) But seriously, my absolute favorite tree in bloom is the olive, because it smells so wonderful. I consider it a love note from God whenever I catch it on a breeze...which I did today :)

At work we made wind socks for Flag Day/Independence Day, which was fun and at transport time we were elbow deep in glitter and stickers, ribbons, scissors, and glue. we were completely un-ready and had to make a mad dash, changing briefs, meds, etc. All that end of shift stuff. But it was WAY fun, doing the craft. I hope we do a craft every week this summer.

Tomorrow is a big outing day, which I'm not looking forward to. We have five clients in wheelchairs, and four staff. Hm. Unless the boss brings an extra two staff in, because Mr C is a one-on-one guy, when out in the community. One person for each wheelchair, and one for Mr C who is ambulatory.Hm. we have some logistics to figure out, I suppose.

well, anyway. Hitting the hay. I will post more tomorrow, with the whole afternoon off! yah!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:39 pm

Hi Heidi, Your last post sounds a little more upbeat, are you finally feeling better? This bronchitis/allergy thing can't last forever, right??

You sound wonderful with your clients. I would think for a lot of people they would be hard to like, but you seem to genuinely like them.

Take care.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:32 am

Hi Raven

I actually am feeling better. The cough is clearing up (huh, yesterday I was telling a co-worker how I haven't had a coughing spasm in days, and went into a five minute, gasping, choking coughing spasm... :\ )

There are several clients with colds, too. Something going around. My ear wasn't hurting when I got up, but it does now. ugh. I called the dr who initially saw me about the cough, for a follow up about having got this earache WHILE TAKING ANTIBI'S...and they wanted to charge me the same price ($85) to follow up, as it would for a regular visit. Hello? Your treatment DIDN'T WORK. Why do I have to pay you again? So I didn't make the appointment. I am taking essential oil of oregano, three drops in a glass of water, two times per day. Oregano is a potent anti-bacterial and I figure it's wiping germs out of my throat/eustachian tube/system...hope so. Also using a neti pot morning and night.

The outing was way fun. We went to the planetarium and had lunch, then walked around looking at things, sort of. There is a "moonscape" and a "Mars Scape" where you can pose and have your pic taken so we wheeled people in there and took their photos. Weighed ourselves on a scale that told us our earth weight, then we could pick a planet and find out what we would weigh there.

But the best thing, and the one that really did catch the attention even of the kids with very low cognition, was the kinetic sculpture. It was two stories tall, consisting of balls that ran on wire rails, through a sort of vertical maze. They were lifted on little platforms to various places in the sculpture, then rolled down through spirals, loop-de-loops, steps. There were cow bells, wooden blocks, chimes, and other noise/music makers, that when the balls hit them, they chimed or gonged or clocked. I love it! I could have stood there watching it forever, and Mr C who is deeply autistic, stood there with me, a big smile on his face.

Outings are a lot of work and mayhem to start with, as we check briefs, get lunches and waters packed, call venues to see about parking and entry fees...and I am hoping we don't have as many outings this summer as last year...but it was worth it yesterday. We had a lot of fun!

Food choices were spot on yesterday, though I did have a veggie delite from subway for lunch (bread...tsk...) and today should be good, too. I'm finding myself eating beans. Like, opening a can of garbanzos, rinsing, dumping into a bowl, a pinch of garlic powder, a dash of onion powder, some cumin, a diced tomato...YUM!

At the discount store, I found very decent, yellow/green-not-over-ripe bananas 10 for $1.00; chard; spinach; vine tomatoes; yellow peppers; baby carrots; blackberries; grapes! ...quite the treasure trove of very decent produce. So I'll be able to fix food that is MWL, and low cal density. :nod:

Plan For Today

B: hashbrowns, grapes, banana
L: open face tomato and cucumber samwich
S: nuked sweet potato
D: stir fry saute' over rice or quinoa (I will use my chard, tomatoes, onion, garlic, peppers, etc for the saute' :unibrow: )

activity...work in the yard. I gotta clear some major monster four o'clock plants out of the one corner so beans can be planted...those four o'clocks WILL take over the world.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:57 pm

Okay, my kids got playing the other night and dropped a loaded water balloon on my laptop...I have a replacement, but still need to get a power cord...and get it linked to my network...and a few other things.

which means I'm without computer at my fingertips. I'll be able to get on at work, or at the library...one time per day...

so...until then, I'll be eating sanely and finding things to do that are not internet.

like pulling weeds which I did this morning.

blessings to all!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:40 am

Sorry to hear about your computer. But I'm glad to know why you haven't posted lately. I've missed you. Hope you get back online soon!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:45 am

well, I have a free nano-second to post real quick.

Eating is fine, except I still succumb every time I am at Junk Food Client's House...a handful of cashews AT LEAST, and sometimes M&M's. Yesterday I did better than I usually do, and only had a few cashews, and one little piece of chocolate. I have to find something that will meet and beat the "salty, crunchy, chewy, sweet" attacks that come to me in that place.

the coolest thing is happening at the building where i work: we are having a lady bug hatch! Seriously, we had the larvae all over the place a week ago. I knew what they were, and began telling people to notice them. Then, one by one, they began attaching their butts to the walls, posts, fences, etc of the place, and curling up. The little spots of orange that had been on their abdomens expanded, and the black parts decreased, so instead of mostly black with spots of orange, they became mostly orange with spots of black! Some of them are actually lady bugs, and some of them are still in the pupa stage, and some are still larvae, and they are, ALL OF THEM, amazing, wonderful, and very cool testaments to God's story of resurrection and redemption...I LOVE this stuff. :)

I have a big green salad for lunch today, with baked potato. I ran out of oatmeal, so my brekkie was corn, garbanzos, minced red pepper and a few black olives sliced up. Oh, diced canned green chiles, too. :) Filled me up, tight!

Dinnner...something with green beans :nod:

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