Journal of my journey

Share your daily McDougall menus and/or keep a journal describing your personal progress.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jun 21, 2019 7:07 am

June 21, 2019

Well, I came pretty close to following my meal plan yesterday. I just need to focus more on staying on plan with ALL my choices and stop with the non-compliant foods.i think I am beginning to realize eating junk makes me tired. When I was camping and hiking for hours, I found that it was a different kind of tired; it was more physical. Now, that I am back home and seeing the junk and mindlessly eating it, I feel like I am dragging. I wake up tired and am in a mental funk.

I ate too many of the mashed potatoes and gravy on that buffet yesterday -- I am sure it was loaded with butter and milk. Definitely not the same way I make my mashed potatoes here at home. I stayed away from the dessert section - I learned from past experience, that even though I love sweets, the items on that dessert bar are NASTY, they taste terrible.

The fruit was a much better choice - cantaloupe, pineapple and watermelon. Man, that watermelon was the sweetest. I can never choose a watermelon that tastes that good.

Today, we are going to D2's house for GD2's birthday dinner. Our daughter tries so hard to make something that I can eat, but she does not know how to have each item done at the same time. I usually get served cold vegetables because she cooks them first and they are the thing that takes the least amount of time. But, at least she tries.

My garden is getting full of weeds, I went looking for some weed barrier to lie down in the aisles so I won't have to spend time weeding. For me not wanting to spend my summer tending to the garden, I sure am putting in a lot of plants that hubby started. We are planting mostly squash, so once it takes over and spreads it shouldn't be too much work. I think that once we tilled up those two areas and saw all that black dirt, he got over zealous about planting the garden and started too many seeds.

What I am planning to eat today:

riced cauliflower oatmeal with flax, apple and blueberries

I need to look in the fridge - hubby keeps taking meals out of the freezer to thaw and then forgets about it - I saw that he was thawing some beans and I don't know what else. I wish he's stop doing that, because he doesn't eat what he takes out and it what I prep for me for a quick meal when he is eating his meat. Plus it does not need to be taken out this far in advance, I package it for a quick thaw under running water.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:50 am

June 22, 2019

I was reading a facebook post in a Starch Solution Group yesterday and read how some one was 10 pounds away from her ideal weight. She listed her height and what her goal weight was and I thought that was a really low number. So, I went to Google and looked up the ideal weight calculator and keyed in my information. I realize that the goal I put in on my little ticker at the end of my posts had too low of a number. I was using the calculation that gave (for women) 95 pounds for the first 5 feet, then 4 pounds for every inch above that.

Comparing the numbers, I realize that the first calculation gives me a number that is really too low for me to attain and maintain. Plus, I need to keep in mind that the number on the scale ought to be just for reference and not a gotta reach it or else. Too be honest, for me to reach and maintain that number from the first calculation (95 + 4 pounds for every inch), would be waaaaaay too frustrating for me.

But, now if I take the numbers from that calculator, subtract the lowest from the highest and divide by 2 - I get an attainable weight if I eat right. I know that because that is where I was last year before my mom went into the hospital and had that long recovery, my dad fell and almost broke his neck, had the difficulties with D1 ande SIL, and my eating went haywire. Now, I really need to get back on track because I am noticing how crappy I am feeling when I eat C.R.A. P.

Yesterday, I started to reread my journal and I am thinking that it is time I start singing a different tune. These constant failures are just me making excuses for not giving up the candy and chips. FOK's facebook page had an interview with Chef Aj and she suggested to have a sterile environment when starting because as she stated, "If it's in the house, it is in your mouth." -- I find that to be so true.

Recently, I noticed that when I manage to get away by myself, I end up buying junk food and then hiding it so hubby cannot have any. If he happens to see it and asks for some, I get resentful and snap at him that he has his own junk and why does he need to eat mine also. Okay, My name is Nancy and I have a problem, I am addicted to junk food....

Hubby announced yesterday that today he is starting his diet -- probably not my way of eating, but maybe there will be less junk in the house now. It will be so good if both of us are on a mission to eat better. In the past, we did well when we both had the same goal of losing weight. My goal is more of eating better and losing a few extra pounds will be a bonus.

What I plan to eat today:
strawberries (fresh picked)
riced cauliflower oatmeal

rice and beans

?? Maybe leftover rice and beans
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:14 am

June 24, 2019

Lately, I am getting a later start in my day and my planned breakfast is often getting skipped and I end up eating more of a lunch-type meal mid morning.

What I am discovering is that it seems to keep me feeling more satisfied longer and it is easier for me to make better choices later on in the day. I am now wondering if it is all the fruit that I am eating in the morning that is giving me a sugar craving later on. I'll have to experiment a bit to test out this theory.

Of course, it seems to be that traditional breakfast meals are with sweet or fatty. I usually have 2 to 3 fruits with my oatmeal. But then oatmeal does not seem to have staying power with me and I usually feel hunger shortly after I eat it, no matter how much of it I eat.

Yesterday, hubby made a batch of rice, but he wanted to add a jarred Tikka Masala sauce to it. I prefer Vegan Richa's recipe for it, so I did not want that. Instead, I sauted an onion, added a bag of frozen vegetables (green bean, wax bean and carrot) and made a 1/2 recipe of peanut sauce (from Engine 2), added some black beans and served that over rice. That was a tasty meal and it was simple to make.

What I plan to eat today:
leftover green beans and rice


tomato soup
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:33 am

Oatmeal is the same for me. Even steel cut oats do not stick to my ribs. I'd rather not be hungry two hours after eating so...but I have a mid-morning snack of cucumber and saltines. Breakfast is really light for me...a granola bar and some fruit with a cup of coffee. The snack carries me to lunch just fine.

Keep up the good work! I love it that you finally got out camping.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:20 am

June 26,2019

I think I am slowly getting my mindset ready to get serious again. It could be because hubby is wanting to eat better himself so that helps a bit. I just wish we could both get on board and support one another to reach our goals. I still deal with telling him I want to stop eating junk food and then he will offer me some. Like the other day when we went to a touristy town where the chocolate store is, I did not even go in but he buys me some chocolate anyways. I need to learn to counter that and be strong in my commitment.

Ha! Did I say I need to be strong in my commitment? Don't I mean I need to have commitment to stick with my plan first? Speaking of commitment, I found an outline of Joel Fuhrman's The End Of Dieting. I cannot remember what site is was but it gave a summary of each chapter. He gives 12 tips for losing weight:
1. It Takes Commitment.
2. Perspective Determines Outcome.
3. Change a Mistaken Identity.
4. Ditch the Wagon.
5. Avoid the Moderation Myth.
6. There Are No Shortcuts.
7. Tomorrow Never Comes.
8. The Refrigerator is Never the Solution.
9. Abstinence is Important.
10. Have a Plan and Stick to It.
11. Be Prepared At All Times.
12. Never Give Up.

These seem to just be common sense things to keep in mind and seem to be much like what all the others say when it comes to choosing a plan to follow. I do not why I keep gravitating toward Joel Fuhrman's writings; I don't even like the guy. Yet, I have most of his books, go figure. I think it is because he says, "Eat your vegetables, make the salad the main dish of the meal" Basically, he is saying to eat the lower calorie density foods to first. But then I like Dr. McDougall because he says to eat starch to fill satisfied. It is these two doctors that got me started on my whole food plant based journey. (That is most likely why I keep reading Joel Fuhrman's writings).

But, back to that list, my interpretation since I did not read his book:
1. It takes commitment - well, duh! and that is what is my problem, I have not committed 100% this time around. I cannot figure out why not.

2. Perspective Determines Outcome - am I viewing this way of eating as a positive or negative? I can eat as much as I want of whole foods or I cannot have that candy bar? Feast or famine? If I focus on the negative, that may lead to failure because who wants to feel deprived all the time? If I focus on the benefits, I'll have a better chance of succeeding because I'll associate better eating with feeling better.

3. Change a Mistaken Identity - Ah, that old saying, "You are what you think you are". Stop with the negative self-talk and focus on the success. I can do this! I am stronger than the temptation!

4. Ditch the Wagon - How many times have I said, "I have fallen off the wagon" then go ahead and eat more of the junk because I already blew it, too many to count. Instead, think of it more as a little bump in the road and keep moving forward instead of that dreadful feeling that you'll never catch the wagon again because you have fallen off it.

5. Avoid the Moderation Myth - I also tried the 3 bite rule - ain't no such thing with me and junk food. Best to avoid the thought that just a little won't mater and avoid those foods altogether.

6. There are no shortcuts - darn! It would be so much easier if I could skip a few steps and be right where I want to be. It will take time and effort to be successful.

7. Tomorrow Never Comes - I am still waiting for that day to come. Right now, I am telling myself that I am going to start my plan on July 1st, why not today?

8. The refrigerator is Never the Solution - I am guessing he is saying that eating won't solve any issues you are having. Eating, especially if I eat because of some emotion, only adds to the problem because it usually does not make me feel better.

9. Abstinence is important - I am beginning to realize this since I recognize I have what I call "open bag syndrome" (where once I open that bag I am compelled to keep eating until I reach the bottom of the bag). It is best for me to not even open that bag in the first place.

10. Have a plan and stick with it - Now, I am in full circle and am back to "It takes commitment". But this is a bit more, it is about establishing boundaries - it is also remembering my why - why do I want to eat this way? It is being able to say "Not my food" when hubby hands me those chocolates.

11. Be prepared at all times - I need to plan ahead and prepare for those times when I need to eat and have a healthy choice available. It also helps to have meals prepared ahead of time so when I get hungry doing errands, I can tell myself that it is okay to wait til I get home because I can just heat up something that will be better for me.

12. Never Give Up - As long as I don't give up and go to eating anything and everything with no limitations, then I have not failed. Hence, I am still posting in my journal, I have not given up.I am not a quitter! I am learning things about myself from my mistakes, but still need to figure out how to make some changes in my thinking and focus on the positive and remember how far I have come. Right now, I am once again under that set-point of my teenage and early adult years - not by much, but I had gained back about 7 pounds and was able to stop the gain before it got to be too much. I also found that when I went above that set-point this time around, I did not feel as good, both physically and emotionally.

I like that list even though it seems to be repeating what others say about how to stay with a plan. It all goes back to change what you think and your actions will follow your mindset.

What I plan to eat today:
leftover green beans -(need to finish these)
oats (gonna try a savory oatmeal)

If I have enough of my black beans cooked - black bean patties

Un-fried vegetable rice
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:23 am

June 27, 2019

I did not have enough black beans cooked to make the burgers, so I just added some extra to my breakfast with the oats and green bean mix that I had. That was the first time I made a savory oatmeal dish - not too bad, I think I'll make something like that again in the future.

This was good staying power for me while I mowed the yard using a self-propelled mower -- took me three hours. I am still not done, we have a very large yard. Hubby was looking at the woods and started talking about mowing down some of the brush. I said, "No way, I have enough yard to mow." He always has the "brillant" ideas that involve lots of work - he thinks they are good ideas because he does not do any of the work. Plus he overthinks and usually makes suggestions on "how-to" that are three times the work if done a simpler way.

For dinner, instead of the unfried rice I made some Pad Thai using the Engine 2 recipe as a guide for the sauce; made it with rice noodles and broccoli and onion.

While mowing that section of the yard, I discovered that our asparagus patch has survived about 8 years of neglect. Ooh, lala! I am so happy - now I have to clean up the patch and get rid of the weeds that are competing with it. Unfortunately, the weeds include poison ivy - I just have to look at it and I break out in a rash.

What I plan to eat today:
black beans

unfried vegetable rice

dinner ??
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:10 am

June 28, 2019

Well, my knee hurt yesterday, so much that I immediately made a doctor appointment. Last month, when I was helping clean my parents house, I had a bad fall on it and I thought it was a delayed reaction with a stress fracture or something like that. Diagnosis is an infected bursa of the knee. The doctor ruled out that it had anything to do with the bone. ~Relief~

Now, I am going to be forced to take it easy for a few days so my knee and get better. Last night, I was sitting in the living room reading the book I have been reading for the last three months. Hubby comes out of his room and sits down across from me and says, "Oh, I like that you are sitting here reading, it makes me want to sit out here and chat with you", (as opposed to sitting in front of his computer). I am like, "But then I won't be able to read my book." -- no wonder I am still so stressed.I do all the work and I cannot sit and relax when I am done working for the day.

Today, is the day that my father will be assessed by the assisted living place they chose to go to. He has been in the nursing home for rehabilitation. He only spent one night in the apartment. They originally signed up for independent living, But, my dad is going to need additional care, hopefully this place will be able to provide the care he'll need. But, oh my, do these places nickle and dime the elderly and disabled. Not only do thee double the rent from independent to assisted living, but then the tack on extra for each and every additional service that is needed.

I found some fascinating lectures by Bruce Lipton. Here is a link to a full lecture:

I just found this full lecture, yesterday I only found bits and pieces, so maybe it will make some sense for me to understand what he is saying. He talks about the power of the mind, we are governed by our cells, we can have all the knowledge but unless we put it into action in our lives it will do us no good at all. However, my takeaway from the bits and pieces I listened to was on the vibrations (energy) and being in the present, that is to not focus on the past or the future. Focus on what's going on now, at this present moment.

That is what I need to do, focus on the now - not what happened in the past or what may or may not happen in the future. -- oh look! Here is my excuse not to do my meal planning :unibrow:

Last night was another night at Share a Meal - since I was at the doctor all afternoon, I did not have time to eat before I went and ended up eating dinner there. Off plan and not compliant, but at least I was not tempted by the dessert - making progress.

What I plan to eat today:
riced cauliflower oatmeal with berries Blueberries and fresh picked strawberries

bean burgers - hopefully, I'll be able to get a batch of beans cooked

"creamed" broccoli soup
Nancy (aka Morris)

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby bunsofaluminum » Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:31 am

:shock: :eek: :shock:

Woah, what a synchronicity! I am at work, which on a Friday is super slow, so I put my ear buds in and chose a random YouTube video to listen to while I do the mindless stuff. I clicked into your journal for a minute, see what's up with Morris/Nancy :D What was I listening to as I browsed your journal?

Bruce Lipton. :shock: Wow. Love when that happens.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:13 am

June 29, 2019

Bruce Lipton's videos are so interesting and it is fascinating that we were both listening to the same person; especially since he talked about how we are all connected.

Yesterday what I actually ate:
green smoothie

unfried vegetable rice (rice, onion and mixed vegetables)

mushroom and onion soup, from an Asian Cuisine restaurant (mostly a broth with a few mushrooms and onions floating in it)

bean burgers (topped with some power greens, mustard and ketchup, hamburger bun.

Well, I am not following my meal plan, but at least I am focusing on eating better. The hamburger buns most likely are non-compliant with the SS, but if I am aiming for 80 - 90%, then I am doing better than a few weeks ago. If I can get the snacking under control, then I'd be on my way to reaching my goal of the % I am aiming to reach.

My dad had his assessment from the assisted living place and it was determined that he will need some assistance. This is a tough transition for all of my family. The realtor has placed a "sold" sign in the yard of my parents' property even though they still have to go through some of the checklist stuff before they close on it. Hope it all goes through without any glitches to hold up the sale.

I made two types of bean burgers and had enough beans leftover to freeze so I will have some beans ready to make 2 more batches - no excuses. The only thing I hate about bean burgers is they always seem to be mushy in the middle. But they are edible to me.

I am following Second Chance Hiker's videos while he does the PCT on his journey to lose 200 pounds. He started out by only being able to walk 3-4 miles and then 10 miles a day. I laughed out loud in some of his early videos where the mountains looked like chocolate ice cream to him.

What I plan to eat today:
unfried vegetable rice

corn on cob
bean burgers with fixings

bean burger
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Ejeff » Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:42 am

You could try drying the beans out in the oven on a cookie sheet for about 15 minutes. This definitely helps the burgers hold together better, and it might make them seem less mushy.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:52 am

Thanks EJeff for the tip about drying the beans before mixing the "burger" mixture.

July 2, 2019

I need another "camping break" ~ I am getting stressed again. I have too much to do with the yard, garden, housework, meal preparation, driving hubby and/or parents to where they need to go, etc. I still have not been able to put mulch down on the garden, so that means I have to weed.

Yesterday, I spent all afternoon weeding the garden. The sky was cloudy so it did not seem too hot, but it was humid. Just as I was finishing up, hubby comes and tell me that I have to move a bunch of "stuff" we had in front of an outbuilding because the guy doing the driveway was going to add some dirt to raise it up a bit and level it off. I had to move about 5 - 50 pound bricks (Hubby has a 10 pound limit for lifting because of his back). So, I guess I got a weight lifting workout in also.

Did I mention that at the end of May, I fell and landed on my knee - hard? I did not have any problem with it except that it was sore to the touch, but it did not bother me other than that. Then last week, I got up from sitting and my knee hurt and I could not walk without pain. My knee was swollen. I went to the doctor ~ the doctor welcomed me back and said, "I have not seen you since 2012 for your wrist problem" ~ I thought, "Wow" a doctor that actually reads the chart before he walks in the room." I was given a diagnosis of an infection in the bursa of the knee. So, even though he has not given me any restrictions other than no kneeling, I am taking it easy because if I stand/walk too long the swelling and tenderness comes back. Yesterday, it was no longer warm to the touch, but the swelling is still there.

Well, I am out of time - my dad is being discharged this morning and I am the driver.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Wed Jul 03, 2019 7:31 am

July 3, 2019

Man, I am so stressed. My dad was discharged from the nursing home to assisted living ~ what a racket those places are!!!! I cannot believe how much they nickle and dime the elderly and/or disabled that need services. My dad was released to needing to 1 person assist him walk, the facility said they will only do it 3 times a day or else it will be an extra service that they will charge xx amount of $$. Never mind the rent is about double from independent living to assisted living for the same apartment. My mom said the "services" they charge for come to an additional $1,500.00 a month.

My dad had his medications all messed up and fortunately, the nurse came up and helped up get this week's medication organized for him (at no charge) otherwise there would be a charge for that. Boy, did I have a misconception as to what the term "assisted" living meant! Now, my mom expects me to do this on a weekly basis because they do not have the finances to pay for the extra "services" that they will charge for. Somebody up the chain is lining their pockets.

Rant over...

Good news about that infection in my knee - that antibiotic is finally kicking it. I hope it knocks it out completely because I really do not want another course of antibiotic. The doctor said it was a bad infection but was confident that it was caught early enough.

I am going to be struggling with my eating with all this stuff going on ~ I gave into it yesterday and had 4 chocolate brownie cookies on the drive home. The positive of yesterday is I bypassed the ice cream shop even though I really wanted a chocolate ice cream cone. I need to remember that junk food will only have a few second reward and is not worth it in the long run. Plus, the stress was still there even after I ate those cookies. Work vs Reward

What I plan to eat today:
bean soup

restaurant ~ hoping hubby is going to choose the Thai place because they have lots of vegetables.

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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:21 am

July 5, 2019

Well, I am starting the 100 day running streak once again, this is my third time. The longest I made it was 42 days - Second time I made it 32 days. I am trying not to get frustrated about this. Running is "me" time and I have been too busy to make time for it.

I am on day 2 this time around. Maybe I can do a holiday to holiday streak (July 4th to Labor Day). I am using the criteria of at least 1 mile running or 20 minutes of an activity that gets my heart rate up to equal 1 mile. That means I can get some mileage in mowing the lawn behind the pushmower _ I am counting anything my fitbit registers as an activity; I have it set to automatically track after 10 minutes.

I have to cut this short ~ Thought I had more time than I actually do....
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:33 am

July 6, 2019

Well, yesterday I had to drive hubby to town because he was meeting a friend who is going to buy a house and he wanted hubby to help him review the paperwork. Not my idea of a good time, plus I wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to see if the new issue of the magazine I buy was in. It was.

I shopped at Dick's Sporting and bought another tent (4 person). It was on sale and it was a bit smaller and lighter than the 4-person one I already have, but it said it was good for backpacking. I am not sure about that since it weighs just under 10 pounds. But it will be a good tent to take if GD1 decides to hike and camp with me.

For my lunch, I went to Fresh Thyme and bought a cup of creamy tomato soup (non-compliant I am positive because of the cream) and I was going to get a sandwich (tomato basil), but the cheese was so thick compared to the tomato that I skipped it. Instead, I went to the salad bar and loaded my box with greens, topped with corn and black beans, a quinoa dish and some beets.

Yesterday, on the drive home, I was in mid-sentence telling hubby what I chose to eat. I was proud that I made a fairly good choice, but while I was in mid sentence, he makes a phone call, like I was not even talking to him. Well, since I don't seem to be important to him, I am no longer going to cater to him when it comes time to making meals ~ meals are going to start being simple and what I want to eat. I still have my goal of making through that 7-Day Rescue Plan.

Today is day one of Spark People's 5% challenge and I hope I don't freak out and totally rebel this time around. The last couple of challenges I got so overwhelmed with my life's stress and then to be in the challenge that I usually ended up way over-eating junk. I have been making too many excuses lately and it has to stop. Theme for this challenge is: No Excuses! I Can Do It!

My Nike Running Club app has started to give me notifications on my phone and since I am restarting the 100 day streak; I opened the app and noticed that since the last time I used it I have lost 5 pounds. And my daughter, on facebook, posted one of those "What is the first word you see and that is what you are" type posting. The first word I saw was progressing. Now, isn't that appropriate? :)

What I plan to eat today:
greens and fruit

black beans and corn

black beans and corn

Let's see how close I can stick with this plan ~ I am going to go for a run using the Nike app and then weed the garden and possible mow the grass if it is not too wet from all the rain we had lately. It is so long, it will need to dry a bit or it will clog the mower.
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Re: Journal of my journey

Postby Morris » Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:14 am

July 7, 2019

OMG! I compared that tent with the one I am currently using with GD1 and I cannot believe how much smaller it is than that one. yeah! even though it weighs considerably more than my 2 person tent, this one would be doable should she decide to backpack with me. I really want to go camping again, but so far time does not allow it. Lately, my "camping" has been driving through a State Park campground on the way home and look at everyone enjoying themselves. But, I noticed last night that just driving through the wooded area had a calming effect on me. I am hoping to get away for one night in about 2 weeks. I'll see what happens.

It is so hard because of this business with my parents is taking so much more of my time than in the past. My dad had 3 doctor appointments next week and each is on a different day. I live about 1 hour away from them so the drive time is going to take a big chunk of my day. Fortunately, they are with a good medical group that the doctors are able to see them in a timely manner.It is actually kind of impressive that they barely sit down in the waiting room before they are called back.

And, yesterday, I finally realized why it is so hard for me to stick with my eating plan. I am too busy and the chores I do take me longer than I anticipate. So, when I come in for a meal, I am hungry and do not want to take time to prepare a meal and compromise and grab something quick to fix. I am trying to catch up with the yard and garden work and once I get that done, it should be time to harvest. At least that what it seems like to me.

Fortunately for me, hubby is on his own quest to lose weight and is making salads, so at least the lettuce is washed and cut up. We top our lettuce with the Sweet Kale mixture of Kale, cabbage and Brussels Sprouts.

Yesterday, I went for a 2 mile run outdoors - it has been about 2 weeks since I went for a run. I managed to go the whole way without stopping to walk - even up the hill. I am such a wimp on the hills and usually talk myself into walking. But yesterday, as I was going up, I kept my focus on the ground a few feet in from of me instead of gazing up at how far it was to the top and before I knew it, I was on top and cruising down the other side. My pace was slow, but I focused more on being able to finish the distance rather than the speed. But now If I can stick with this Nike plan on my app, I am hoping to be able to do this again at a faster pace. I just need to focus on my goal and my plan.

That is what I am going to do with my eating - focus on my goal and my plan. I am spending way to much time going off plan, too many excuses, saying some one or something stressed me out and so I ate crap. Currently, for my weight, I could say I reached my goal because I am under that setpoint I had as a teenager and young adult. I am within the Healthy BMI range, but when I did the calculations for the ideal weight, the one that gave 5 different calculations, I took the average of the four (one was the BMI range) and that is going to be the goal I am going to aim for. It is the weight I was at before this last round of stress (life) hit me so hard. I actually felt the best at that weight. So, I am only going to aim for losing about 5 more pounds, unless I drop the fat and gain muscle instead.

Instead of constantly being frustrated because I cannot follow an eating plan, I am just going to focus on not eating junk food whenever I am out and about, frustrated, bored, etc. The junk food is my problem ~ way too much of the bad stuff: fat, sugar, salt and processed grains. Sometimes, when I track what I eat, I am amazes at how many calories that stuff is and how much of it I eat at one sitting.

My new game plan:
    * No more buying chips
    * Stay away from the ice cream shop
    * If I want a sweet treat, make it at home following a whole food plant based recipe
    * For my meals, focus on the Starch solution guidelines, but pay attention to the calorie density of what goes on my plate.
    * Follow the Nike run plan for the time being, on rest days, walk or do some other activity and include strength training and stretching.

This is so much more generic and I am thinking this may be more doable for me to be able to stick with the plan. Less rules for me to rebel against. :-)

Well, let's see how it goes with this new plan...
Nancy (aka Morris)

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