bunsofaluminum's journal

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Anna Green » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:05 pm

Buns, you sound good. I like your energy. Talking about the snacks, you reminded me of a trip I had to the movies. I wanted to be able to resist the popcorn which is very hard for me so I brought ripe strawberries, crunchy spicy garbanzos I baked in the oven, sour carrots soaked in lemon and sprinkled w/ cajun seasoning. It was goooood. You could smell the strawberries I am sure several rows away and I just bet some eating their popcorn wished for my strawberries.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:18 pm

i found canned jack fruit at the asian market! i am totally making that pulled jack fruit BBQ samwich for tomorrow's dinner. Prolly have to make one of those coleslaws, too :) yum.

if it is tasty, i am SOOOO making that recipe for my daughter. she has eaten jack fruit off the tree in her boyfriend's family's yard (when she was in India the last time ) and she says it tastes like caramelized phlegm. so, I gotta try, don't I?

Good day. Quick stop at the library to peek in. Wishing i had more time to peruse everyone. i'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER today than i have in two months or more. i know the illness is departing. ayayayayayaaay!

more another time, then. peace out!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:39 pm

okay, I found jack fruit at the Asian market, and going to make the pulled jack fruit bbq samwiches on Saturday. It is a somewhat "needy" recipe, for being in a crockpot That is, it requires me to stir it after three hours, and periodically look in on it, adding bbq sauce if needed. So, no putting everything in there and leaving it for 8 hours to find it done and ready when I get home from work. But that's okay. I have wanted to try it since it came out in the newsletter.

so, I'll make it on Saturday for sure. if it's yummy, I'll make it for potlucks, etc.

just ordered a power cord for my "new" laptop, and should be able to get online from my comfy recliner, before next week is over :nod:

Eating is good. I bought some whole grain cereal that has everything: oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, wheat, rye...like, 11 grains?...most of them milled, so it's sort of the consistency of cream o'wheat, only with much more texture and more "stick to your ribs"...i mixed an overripe banana with it, and some blueberries on top for brekkie this morning. Yum (note: New use for overripe bananas! it was DEELUSH)

making some cauliflower dip/spread this evening. That stuff is so good, and works so well as a salad dressing. Gonna be making a lot of it :)

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby Birdy » Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:33 pm

Hi Buns,
Can you post the cauliflower dip/spread recipe or tell me where to find it? Thanks :-)
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:52 pm

Hi birdy

I posted the recipe on the recipes and food forum. Thanks for asking and for visiting!

It's been a long time since I posted, or seems like a long time anyway.

Stepped on the scale today and up to 194 again :( it's because I've been extremely un-careful and mindless. The munchies attacked hard, so even though it's been low fat and vegan, I've been eating a lot. For instance, pretzels are absolutely NOT on the plan...and I've eaten a whole BUNCH of those.

Or, the cashews. Those are vegan, and McDougall allows them, but advises against if I want to lose weight...and I've been tossing those down my neck at Junk Food Client's ... etc. So not super happy with myself. My choices for regular meals have been awesome, but in between has been absolutely horrible.

gotta get to the bottom of this whole munchy thing.

and now I gotta go. Still no puter at home, doing this at work during a free nano-second!

Oh! I made the pulled BBQ jackfruit and it was a raving success at a potluck! yay! I'm making it again for sure, and when we have a big family reunion, where KFC is the centerpiece...I'm bringing a passel of that along, with some potato salad or coleslaw, MWL friendly. I WILL NOT eat KFC. I won't! :x <<<stubborn determination look.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:54 pm

Anna Green wrote:Buns, you sound good. I like your energy. Talking about the snacks, you reminded me of a trip I had to the movies. I wanted to be able to resist the popcorn which is very hard for me so I brought ripe strawberries, crunchy spicy garbanzos I baked in the oven, sour carrots soaked in lemon and sprinkled w/ cajun seasoning. It was goooood. You could smell the strawberries I am sure several rows away and I just bet some eating their popcorn wished for my strawberries.

Hey anna, can you tell me how to do the spicy baked garbanzo beans?
I like your ideas!

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby raven » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:26 pm

Hi Heidi, I'm glad to see you are finally feeling better. Now i hope your computer can be "healed!" :-D

Take care.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:28 am

Hi Raven thanks for the good word :) I have actually been enjoying having the internet gone from my home. Been reading and gardening a LOT more, without that time-gobbler on hand.

Eating is pretty good, though Junk Food Junky's house still gets me every time I'm there. It's down to a little bit of cashews, instead of repeated trips to the cashews, M&M's, chips, Whoppers, granola bars, etc. :roll: I went through a real "munchy" phase, though. Salty and crunchy...and fasted breakfast one morning to cure myself of having to constantly be putting food in my mouth. It worked pretty well.

Starting to enjoy the garden's bounty a bit, with collard greens, sugar snap peas, and beets. I'll be pulling the beets soon, but I've already been harvesting peas and a neighbor gave me a bunch of collard greens. there are teeny tiny green tomatoes on one plant, and I'm watering those tomatoes heavily so I get lots of good fat tomatoes. :nod: I wanted to have planted so much more, but the cough got me. that's okay. I'm just so happy to have some energy back for what i do have planted.

Mostly I've been eating the same thing for brekkie, which is a milled seven gran hot cereal, cooked with overripe bananas. Today i threw blueberries in, too. !!! very delicious! Didn't need any sweetener added at all.

Lunches: some samwiches here and there, sometimes a nuked sweet potato with salad on the side. Simple stuff as much as possible.

Dinners: what HAVE I been eating for dinner lately? Pretzels, one night. (see Munchies, above) ...the main objective being not to cook. Edamame which satisfied my craving to put little things in my mouth repeatedly. Better than a bag of chips, eh? I also ate a bag of baby carrots. Again, with the "Put-little-things-in-my-mouth-over-and-over-again" but...

Overall, following the plan well, with my "5%" being at the client's house where the bowls of sweets are sitting out. A gal at the Asian market talked me into buying some Not Chicken Fake Meat which was okay. i won't spend money on it again.

One thing I've been wondering this summer is, how DO we do this, when cooking is out? I mean, fast food is right out. there is nothing, except the Wendy's baked potato, that I can eat from any fast food place. Mostly dining out is not doable, because of expense and the scarcity of non-fat vegetarian dishes. The snack aisle isn't kosher. I don't want to heat up the kitchen with a casserole or soup, stir fried vegs are feeling like too much work. Hm.

Oh, i know...I had veggie strips with a black bean dip I made. That was good. Maybe just simplicity, and quit always thinking that every meal must be a production.

but snacks. That is something I must figure out.

work calls now. I hope to get back online very soon and check in on everyone. :)

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby mtns » Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:50 am

I do know what you mean. Wendy's is really the only place to be able to eat out. I do occasionally go to a Japanese place and get vegetable sushi and steamed rice. There is a great place in Roy if you ever get the chance. I spend maybe $5 total. The vegetable sushi is like $3 if you just want that. They have a lot of other great things to eat as well. As far as snacking goes the only thing I ususally eat is fruit, sweet potatoes and oatmeal. Although it is hard when you are out and about. I am leaving for camp today and found it hard to pack some snacky stuff. I did pack some almonds and made some homemade cookies to keep me from eating other junk at the camp. Although I do have a hard time keeping from pigging out on them. Latley I have been using a lot lot of prayer asking the Lord to give me victory over my food issues. I only had 3 cookies last night instead of 5 or 6 while I was making them. Good to hear from you again. Those veggies sound wonderful.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:49 am

whew! It's been a WHILE and look at all the posts, a whole page full. gulp. I'm still offline at home, and tight for time at work and other places. Just stopping by here really fast to let folks know I'm still going at it, and still struggling at Junk Food Client's house.

Weight loss has stopped, too. Hm. :| But I'm very strict most of the time, and aware of the weight, aware of my eliminations being...not as healthy as they have been.

Today is a 100% compliance day FOR SURE. :nod:

hopefully, please Lord, I will get a chance to peek in on people this afternoon. For now, gotta run!


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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:49 pm

Nice to hear from you! You've been missed.
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby sksamboots » Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:42 am

hey buns, missed your daily post. Hope your day is good :nod:
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kirstykay » Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:21 pm

How are you doing? Miss you! :) Hope to hear from you soon!
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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:52 am

aaah, I am back online at home! Actually, I've had online since Saturday, but various things have prevented me sitting down and rattling off a good post, or visiting anyone else. And this post isn't going to be that long, either.

Things are good, for the most part. I'd love my energy to soar like it was when I first started this, but that is sleep related, not dietary. My daughter's boyfriend earned his PhD and took us all out to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory, where I ate some veggie lasagna. DISAPPOINTMENT! WHOO! :| The menu talked about "loaded with carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, onion," blah, blah, blah. I saw ONE piece of yellow squash, about 1/4" in size. Maybe four slivers of carrot, and a piece of zucchini. The dish was frankly, doughy pasta and cheese...I picked through so I didn't get much cheese (why did I think lasagna would NOT have cheese?)...but all those veggies sounded so good. they were next to non-existent and I'll know better next time. This also highlights why I seldom eat out. There was nothing AT ALL about that meal that was worth $9.99.

Other things I've been doing: once a week, to the rescue mission to help serve dinner. Once a month, to SLC to help make breakfast for the homeless. Last Sunday was my second time. You start at 7:00 and end by about noon. I started out whipping eggs, and finished with scraping and washing dishes, with a good meal in between. (This group always serves greens, fruits, veggies and potatoes with the breakfast they make. Which is what I had, avoiding the eggs, sausage, gravy, etc)

Have committed to "no sugar" for the month of July and doing pretty well with it. I even ate my oatmeal yesterday without. Cooking oatmeal with a banana in it makes it so yummy. :nod:

Oh, I have to tell about my fat craving. A client got into the peanut butter yesterday. He just opened the jar and dug in with his hand. Had it all over himself, the door frame, the kitchen sink. Well, that got me thinking about peanut butter. I love Adam's, which has no transfats or sat fats. There is a little puddle of peanut oil on top and you stir it in...I was FANTASIZING about that peanut oil. Wanting to scoop it up in a spoon and eat it.

When I got home, I ate a spoonful of peanut butter. it was in the fridge so it wasn't oily, though. ... so I ate a spoonful of coconut oil :eek: it was SOOOO good. Forgive me? I hope fat isn't like sugar: eat one taste, and set yourself up for eternal cravings.

and now I gotta go. Thanks for dropping in on me, Kirsty, Boots, and all of you who have been. :) I'm back. You should see a post from me each day now.

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Re: bunsofaluminum's journal

Postby kittyadventures » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:47 am

HI Buns...
Just stopped by to wave and send encouraging vibrations and I hope your day is awesome!
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